Student Tutors Below are the student tutors for this semester. If you'd like some extra help with a certain subject, contact one of the student tutors for that class via student email. The times are completely up to you and your tutor to set up. You can also choose to set up sessions on a regular basis or contact a tutor before a test. Feel free to email comments, questions, and concerns about the student tutor system to or Good luck! Eighth Grade History: Ilana Engel Algebra I: Cori Mazer Ninth Grade History: Ilana Engel Geometry: Ramsay Rossmann Mack Krell Tenth Grade Chemistry: Lora Driggers Mallory Matthews Algebra II/Trigonometry: Laura Ward Art History: Alex Jamroz AP Sciences AP Chemistry: Mallory Matthews Joseph Fisher David Busby Jock Thacker Ryan McMullan AP Biology: Jeff Liu AP Physics B: Gi Yun Lee AP Physics C: Gi Yun Lee AP Maths Calculus: Jeff Liu Larry Liu Languages French: Laura Ward Nicole Luo Spanish: Emily Cutler Alice Marson Patrick Scalise Jordan Bruno Mallory Matthews Rachel Chun Latin: Elizabeth Perry English Writing Center Tutors: Robert Ascherman Emily Cutler Sydney Dean Ilana Engel Jeff Liu Larry Liu Nina Lopez Elizabeth Perry Rachel Peters Eleanor Roberts Gracie Willingham