MFL and Numeracy

MFL and Numeracy
"When evaluating the achievement of pupils, inspectors well pupils develop a
range of skills, including reading, writing, communication and mathematical skills, and how
well they apply these across the curriculum"
Ofsted, The Framework for School Inspection from January 2012, updated December 2013
Teachers of MFL in KS2 and KS3 reinforce:
Number recognition
Number sequencing
Addition and subtraction
Multiplication and Division
Number recognition
Random Number Generator (French) (1 and 2 numbers)
(MS Excel 35 KB)
Random Number Generator (Spanish) (1 and 2 numbers)
(MS Excel 35 KB)
Press F9 to change the numbers each time. You can change the range of numbers used by
changing the numbers in the small boxes at the top.
100 squares:
Tablero de cien
(PDF 41 KB)
Tableau de cent
(PDF 19 KB)
Give students a 100 square and a counter, which they slide from square to square as you all
count out loud. Students can help each other to learn with a laminated 100 square and a
whiteboard marker. One student says a number and their partner has to circle the same
number on their 100 square.
Knights game (French) - numbers 1 to 100
(PDF 148 KB)
Knights game (Spanish) - numbers 1 to 100
(PDF 148 KB)
A pair game to practise the numbers to 100. Full instructions are included in the document.
Numbers grid game
(MS Word 48 KB)
This works like Blockbusters, where one team (or student) is red and the other green. The aim
of the game is to get a line of squares across or down the board as appropriate. The team
"wins" the square by giving its co-ordinates and then saying the number correctly. This
resource is completed for the numbers 20-69, but also has a blank grid so that you can create
your own games.
Spanish numbers 1-100 Vocabulary Matrix
(PDF 28 KB)
Number and word cards - 1-15 (French)
(PDF 98 KB)
Number and word cards - 1-15 (Spanish)
(PDF 95 KB)
Small cards for students to practise their numbers in pairs or groups.
Numbers 1-10 flashcards (French)
(PDF 33 KB)
Numbers to 100 dominoes (French)
(PDF 13 KB)
Spanish number cards:
0-12 - A4 size - numbers and words
(PDF 45 KB)
0-12 - A4 size - just numbers
(PDF 46 KB)
0-12 - A5 size - just numbers
(PDF 36 KB)
0-12 - A5 size - numbers and words
(PDF 36 KB)
0-12 - mini cards
(PDF 27 KB)
13-20 - A4 size - numbers and words
(PDF 42 KB)
13-20 - A4 size - just numbers
(PDF 36 KB)
13-20 - A5 size - numbers and words
(PDF 31 KB)
13-20 - A5 size - just numbers
(PDF 31 KB)
1-10 - tiny cards
(PDF 23 KB)
11-15 - tiny cards
(PDF 17 KB)
1-6 as pictures - mini cards
(PDF 3.2 MB)
21-31 - A5 size - just numbers
(PDF 26 KB)
21-31 - tiny cards
(PDF 28 KB)
Counting in Spanish
(PDF 6.7 MB)
Number sequencing
• count forwards and backwards in tens or hundreds from any two- or three-digit number
• recognise and continue number sequences
• read, write and order whole numbers
• use correctly the symbols <, >, =
• round whole numbers to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000
Random Number Generator (French) (3, 4 and 5 numbers)
(MS Excel 36 KB)
Random Number Generator (Spanish) (3, 4 and 5 numbers)
(MS Excel 36 KB)
Press F9 to change the numbers each time. You can change the range of numbers used by
changing the numbers in the small boxes at the top. Generate a row of numbers and the
students have to put them into the right order in the target language.
Number sort to practise < and > (French)
(PDF 75 KB)
Number sort to practise < and > (Spanish)
(PDF 74 KB)
Number sort to practise < and > (French)
(PDF 75 KB)
Number sort to practise < and > (Spanish)
(PDF 74 KB)
French number-word cards:
0, 100 and 1000
(PDF 11 KB)
(PDF 18 KB)
(PDF 15 KB)
(PDF 15 KB)
(PDF 15 KB)
(PDF 15 KB)
(PDF 15 KB)
(PDF 17 KB)
(PDF 17 KB)
(PDF 17 KB)
Spanish number-word cards:
0, 100 and 1000
(PDF 11 KB)
(PDF 18 KB)
(PDF 14 KB)
(PDF 15 KB)
(PDF 16 KB)
(PDF 16 KB)
(PDF 16 KB)
(PDF 16 KB)
(PDF 16 KB)
(PDF 16 KB)
Give a selection of number words to groups to students. They work together to put the
numbers in the right sequence, signalling that they have finished by singing a numbers song
in the target language. To up the challenge you could give them a few red herrings that they
should not include in the completed sequence.
Ladder Game
(PDF 220 KB)
Give each student or pair of students one of the ladders. Call out seven numbers. They have
to write them down and then arrange them in ascending order on the ladder. Use the bigger
ladder for writing the numbers as words and the smaller one for writing digits. You could also
do this activity with times, time words and months.
do this activity with times, time words and months.
Number words for sequencing (French)
(MS PowerPoint 26 KB)
Number words for sequencing (Spanish)
(MS PowerPoint 19 KB)
Numbers for sequencing (Spanish)
(MS PowerPoint 447 KB)
Each slide has six number words on it. Ask students to identify the highest number / lowest
number / highest odd number etc. This can be played as a team game, where the first player
to write the correct number on their mini-whiteboard wins a point. They can also be used for
plain and simple sequencing.
Number Sequences (French)
(PDF 60 KB)
Greater than, less than or equal to? (French)
(MS PowerPoint 152 KB)
Greater than, less than, equal to (Spanish)
(MS PowerPoint 461 KB)
Addition and Subtraction
• recall all number bonds, addition and subtraction, for each number to 20
• work out what they need to add to any two-digit number to make 100, then add or subtract
any pair of two-digit whole numbers
• handle three-digit and four-digit additions and subtractions [for example, 3000 - 1997,
4560 + 998]
• use written methods to add and subtract numbers less than 1000, then up to 10000,
• use written methods to add and subtract numbers involving decimals
Random sum generator (French)
(MS Excel 36 KB)
Random sum generator (Spanish)
(MS Excel 36 KB)
Press F9 to generate a different sum. You can change the range of the numbers by changing
the small numbers at the top.
Calculation cards (French)
(PDF 23 KB)
Calculation cards (Spanish)
(PDF 22 KB)
These cards comprise numbers as words as well as +, - and = signs. Students have to
arrange the cards into as many correct calculations as possible.
Odd ones out 1-20 (French)
(PDF 32 KB)
Odd ones out 1-20 (Spanish)
(PDF 31 KB)
Odd ones out 1-100 (French)
(MS PowerPoint 150 KB)
Students work out the answers to the three calculations on each line. Two answers will be
the same, one will be different. The different one is the odd one out. The numbers are
written as words.
Number puzzles (French)
(PDF 399 KB)
Number puzzles (Spanish)
(PDF 312 KB)
10x10 Adding square (French)
(PDF 13 KB)
10x10 Adding square (Spanish)
10x10 Adding square (French)
(PDF 13 KB)
10x10 Adding square (Spanish)
(PDF 12 KB)
5x5 Adding
(PDF 12 KB)
5x5 Adding
(PDF 12 KB)
5x5 Adding
(PDF 12 KB)
5x5 Adding
(PDF 12 KB)
5x5 Adding
(PDF 12 KB)
5x5 Adding
(PDF 12 KB)
square (French)
square (French 2)
square (Spanish)
square (Spanish 2)
square (German)
square (German 2)
Multiplication and Division
• multiply and divide any whole number by 10, 100 or 1000
• find remainders after division
• multiply and divide decimals by 10 or 100
• recall times tables to 10 x 10 and use them to derive quickly the corresponding divisions
• double and halve any two-digit number
• multiply and divide, at first in the range 1 to 100 [for example, 27 x 3, 65 ÷ 5], then for
particular cases of larger numbers
• use written methods for short multiplication and division, then long multiplication,
(multiplication by 2-digit numbers) and long division (division by 2-digit numbers).
Working out the prices of sweets (French)
(MS PowerPoint 2.28 MB)
(PDF 13 KB)
(PDF 13 KB)
(PDF 12 KB)
(PDF 12 KB)
(PDF 13 KB)
(PDF 13 KB)
square (French)
square (French 2)
square (Spanish)
square (Spanish 2)
square (German)
square (German 2)
Post-it grid (French)
(PDF 20 KB)
How to use a post-it grid
Small Post-it grid (French)
(PDF 16 KB)
• understand that 'percentage' means the 'number of parts per 100' and that it can be used
for comparisons
• find percentages of whole number quantities, using a calculator where appropriate
• understand unit fractions [e.g. 1/3 or 1/8] then fractions that are several parts of one
whole [e.g. 2/3 or 5/8], locate them on a number line and use them to find fractions of
shapes and quantities.
• recognise the equivalence between the decimal and fraction forms of one half, quarters,
tenths and hundredths
Fractions Post-it grids (French)
(PDF 17 KB)
• recognise right angles, perpendicular lines and parallel lines
• know that angles are measured in degrees and that one whole turn is 360 degrees and
angles at a point total 360 degrees
• recognise that angles at a point on a straight line total 180 degrees and know that the
sum of the angles of a triangle is 180 degrees
• recognise angles as greater or less than a right angle or half-turn, estimate their size and
order them; measure and draw acute, obtuse and right angles to the nearest degree
• visualise and describe 2D and 3D shapes, especially triangles, quadrilaterals and prisms
and pyramids of various kinds; recognise when shapes are identical
• make and draw 2D and 3D shapes and patterns
• recognise symmetry in regular polygons
• recognise the geometrical features and properties of regular polygons including angles,
faces, pairs of parallel lines and symmetry, and use these to classify shapes and solve
• visualise 3D shapes from 2D drawings.
• find perimeters of simple shapes
• find areas of rectangles
Numbers, colours and shapes
(MS PowerPoint 156 KB)
• convert one metric unit to another [e.g. convert 3.17kg to 3170g]
• know the rough metric equivalents of imperial units still in daily use
• interpret numbers and read scales
• record measurements using decimal notation
• read the time from analogue and digital 12- and 24-hour clocks
• use units of time - seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks - and know the relationship
between them
(MS PowerPoint 210 KB)
Telling the time Tarsia puzzle
(PDF 52 KB)
Tarsia puzzle solution
(PDF 51 KB)
Tarsia puzzle grid - useful as a matching activity
(PDF 46 KB)
• interpret tables, lists and charts used in everyday life
• construct and interpret frequency tables,
• represent and interpret data using graphs and diagrams, including pictograms, bar
charts and line graphs, then interpret a wider range of graphs and diagrams, using ICT
where appropriate
• know that mode is a measure of average
• know that range is a measure of spread
• draw conclusions from statistics and graphs
Numbers 1-30 Carroll Diagram (French)
(PDF 223 KB)
Numbers 1-30 Carroll Diagram (Spanish)
(PDF 198 KB)
Carroll diagrams provide a way of sorting information, in this case numbers. Students cut
out the number words and stick them into the right place on the diagram.
Nouns - gender and number - Carroll Diagram (French)
(PDF 187 KB)
Nouns - gender and number - Carroll Diagram (Spanish)
(PDF 188 KB)
Students work out if the nouns are masculine or feminine, singular or plural, using a
glossary or dictionary if necessary, cut them out and stick them into the right box on the
diagram. Carroll Diagrams lend themselves very well to data sorts of this kind.
Reading information from a table - a Spanish lesson
Spanish regions table
(MS Word 64 KB)
Prediction exercise
(PDF 447 KB)
Finding information from the table
(PDF 190 KB)
Reading distances from a table, and practising large numbers in Spanish:
Distances between cities - data handling table
(PDF 56 KB)
Distances questions
(PDF 219 KB)
Accompanying PowerPoint for practice
(MS PowerPoint 1 MB)
Planets data table (French)
(PDF 32 KB)
Planets data table with numbers as words (French)
(PDF 34 KB)
During the key stage, pupils should be taught the knowledge, skills and
understanding through:
• activities that extend their understanding of the number system, including whole
numbers, fractions and decimals
• applying their measuring skills in a range of contexts
• drawing inferences from data in practical activities
• exploring and using a variety of resources and materials, including ICT
• using mathematics in their work in other subjects.