Tango Down Player Pack

Tango Down Player
August 22/23
Please ensure that you read this Player Pack before
arriving at the Tango Down event. The Pack contains all
the rules, information and everything you need to know
relating to the event.
Shoreline Events Ltd
01970 617 340
Quick Guide to Tango Down
Site opens at 9am Saturday. Safety Briefing is at 11am. First game on at 12 noon.
Chrono limit is 280fps
Hopper fed guns must be limited to a 50 round hopper or tac cap
Electronic guns must be semi only and capped at 6bps
Barrel socks must be applied before entering the staging area. Barrel socks must be
of ‘sock’ design and not a cuddly animal.
Mask must be worn in the field – paintball masks only!
No Overshooting
No Wiping
No aggressive language towards staff or fellow players
Six whistle blasts indicate a medical emergency. Stop. Do not move.
Event Paint and Pyro only
You can sleep onsite, bring a roll mat and sleeping bag
Onsite catering
On Saturday evening, the gates will close at 6pm and no re-open until Sunday
morning at 7.30am
You can park onsite
Game design will be a multi-mission format where each faction will face a variety of
short sharp missions over the course of the weekend.
South Coast CQB
Browndown Camp
Browndown Road
PO13 9UG
Please direct all event enquiries to Shoreline Events Ltd
What is Tango Down?
Tango Down is a limited paint game that will take place at a venue on the South Coast. It
will last for two days and will use a new Multi-Mission format.
Where as most paintball game designs are modelled on military confrontations (i.e. large
sides with long set piece battles) Tango Down will be modelled much more closely on Law
Enforcement type engagements. This will mean shorter sharper missions, often just with a
single person, building or object as the objective.
What can I expect?
If you are a new player, you can expect a warm and friendly welcome. If you are quite new
and are attending on your own, let us know when you register and we will place you
alongside some of the friendly and experienced teams who will show you the ropes – you’ll
feel welcome and comfortable within 10 minutes of your arrival.
This will be a nice laid back, small and interesting event with some innovative quirks.
9am – Site open. Registration open, chrono’s open, HPA on
11am – Safety Briefing.
12noon – Game on
6.30pm – Gates close. BBQ. Shooting competitions.
7.30am – Gates Open
9.30am – Briefing
10am – Game on
2pm – End
Tango Down
When you arrive, you will be provided with a coloured ribbon as your Team ID. This is to be
tied to the rear elastic strap of your mask. This does not mean your ribbon should be tied to
your vest, your camo, your gun or anywhere else – to the rear elastic strap of your
Your faction will be given a variety of missions to conclude over the course of the weekend.
Some will be against the clock. Some will be against a large opposition. Some will be against
a single person opposition. You will be given your Mission Briefing by Game Command, you
will have a short period to devise a plan and then you will be expected to execute.
There will be onsite catering:
Hot Dogs
Burgers/Cheese burgers
Pot Noodles
BBQ. Help yourself to French loaf, salad, coleslaw, potato salad and comes with a steak,
chicken breast and sausage. A good healthy feed!
Hot and cold drinks and of course bacon sandwiches for breakfast.
Bring your own beer for Saturday night.
Paint & Pyro
All paint and pyro must be purchased from Shoreline. If you purchase paint on the Saturday
and wish to return with that paint on the Sunday then you must leave it with us to store for
you over night on Saturday. No FSR as this is a largely CQB game.
Flash bangs will kill in some missions or act as effects in others. Pyro via pre-order.
Firing Modes
The only mode permitted is semi automatic – one trigger pull must release one ball.
All electronic markers must have their rate of fire capped at 6 balls per second as a
maximum and be fitted with a 50 round hopper or magazine feeder.
As per Standard Shoreline Operating Standards, there will be a zero tolerance approach to
incidents of Overshooting. Anyone determined by event staff as being guilty of Overshooting
will be ejected from the event. No exceptions.
Wiping / General Cheating
We are fortunate that at Shoreline events we do not suffer from the same problems
regarding wiping and cheating that other events sometimes suffer from. The simple reason
for this is because the vast majority of our customers know that we mean it when we say
we will eject anyone from the event who cheats. We’ve ejected players before and we’ll
continue to do so where necessary – don’t let it be you.
All our marshalls have clear instructions and all are authorised to make the decision to eject
a player if they deem it necessary.
We do not operate a ‘three strikes rule’ or a series of second chances – if you cheat, wipe,
overshoot, shoot hot or abuse other players or staff – you will be leaving early. The rules
are clear and unambiguous and our policy crystal clear. That clarity makes for better events
for all involved as has been proven over the years at Shoreline events.
Aggressive Language
Aggressive language directed towards staff or other customers will not be accepted. Any
player screaming abuse, losing their temper or unable to maintain their self control will be
ejected from the event – not matter what the circumstances.
Marshalls are present to ensure player safety.
Marshalls are not present to provide game related information (i.e. scoring periods,
objectives etc) so please do not ask them as it distracts from their main role of ensuring
your safety. All the information you require to play this game is contained within this Player
Pack or the event website or issued during the safety briefing.
Marshalls are not present to ‘get stuck in’ and it is not the job of a marshall to call players
out of the game when hit. Players are responsible for calling themselves out and the
responsibility ends there.
General Game Rules
Goggles must be designed specifically for paintball use
All markers must have a Barrel Blocking Device (BBD) fitted before leaving the game
All markers must be turned off and/or de-gassed before entering the safe area
Absolutely no dry firing in the safe area or trader area
Only pyrotechnics designed for paintball use are permitted
Event paint and pyro only – no BYO
Semi only capped at 6 bps
50 round hoppers or magazine feeds only
Headshots count
Dead men don’t talk
Aggressive language will not be tolerated
No wiping
Barrel Tag where possible using the side of the barrel
No blind firing
Marshalls decisions are final
Emergency procedures
Six loud whistle blasts will indicate a medical emergency.
If you hear this emergency alarm, you MUST STOP playing immediately. Make your marker
safe and apply your BBD. Do not move position until instructed to do so by an event
The First Aid station for this event is located within the main safe area at the registration
desk and clearly indicated with signs containing a green cross. Please come to the First Aid
station should you require any minor medical attention.