URBAN PLANNING: CHANGING CITIES AND ICT (16 ECTS) Urban regions are the main drivers of innovation and economic growth and are the arenas for social and environmental challenges of contemporary society. The Urban Planning Master (MA) module examines topics of urbanization, sustainable development, and information and communication technology (ICT) in cities with a particular focus on centrally planned countries in transition. FINLAND Tallinn ESTONIA SWEDEN Tartu RUSSIA LATVIA LITHUANIA 16 ECTS Master’s Studies Module is scheduled from 16th of March till 13th of May 2016 at the University of Tartu, Estonia. Module co-ordinators: Prof. Rein Ahas Prof. Tiit Tammaru Contact: Kristi Sõmer kristi.somer@ut.ee Department of Geography University of Tartu Vanemuise 46-245 51014 Tartu, ESTONIA Ph +372 737 5077 http://www.geograafia.ut.ee/en/ international-courses WHY TARTU: • Tartu is a student town – 20% of the population are students. • Modern residence halls, affordable accommodation. • Free wireless internet almost everywhere. • Home to UT, ranked in the top 3% in the world (THE 2013-2014 World University Rankings). Information about applying as an exchange or visiting student: www.ut.ee/semester • International students rate Estonia as the #1 place to stay (Erasmus Student Network Survey 2010). http://www.geograafia.ut.ee/en/ international-courses Course name Course description Lecturer Introduction to Urban Planning, 2 ECTS Traditional and contemporary theories and their usage in planning process for urban planners, introduction to the profession. Prof. D.Hess (University at Buffalo) Geography, communication and spatial mobility, 4 ECTS Societal and planning issues and their management by means of new and innovative information and communication technologies (ICT), theories and principles of functioning of the contemporary ICT-based society, implementation of ICT in planning decisions. Prof. R.Ahas (UT) Prof. M.Zook (University of Kentucky) Demography and Social Geography in the Cities, 4 ECTS Demographic processes in the city with a focus on the processes of spatial population mobility, immigration, urbanization, suburbanization, counter-urbanization and residential mobility within the urban regions, theories that are dealing with the socio-spatial processes and related planning challenges in the city. Prof. T.Tammaru (UT) Dr. A.Kährik (UT) Socio-spatial Changes in Cities in Transition, 2 ECTS Key urban theories in the context of urban change in the formerly socialist countries of Europe in transition. Economic Geography of Urban Systems, 2 ECTS Contemporary urban networks, including their role in economic processes, creativity and the logistical challenges of contemporary cities and urban systems. Prof. F.Witlox (Ghent University) GIS, Maps and Spatial Analyses for Urban Planning, 2 ECTS GIS methods, mapping and spatial analysis, including the use of georeferenced spatial datasets, analytical tools for handling BIG data. Dr. A.Aasa (UT) Dr. K.Leetmaa (UT) Prof. T.Tammaru (UT) Total: 16 ECTS Tutors Prof. Rein Ahas, PhD - the inventor of mobile positioning based methods in urban studies, among the 1% most cited researchers in his field, a member of the European Innovation Partnership in Smart Cities and Communities Sherpa Group, Professor of Human Geography at the University of Tartu and Research-Professor of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. His research focuses on population spatial mobility, information and communication technologies, and ICT based urban monitoring technologies. He is the guest editor of special issues of the Journal of Urban technology (2010) and the Journal of Location Based Services (2010). Prof. Tiit Tammaru, PhD - Professor of urban and population geography at the University of Tartu, one of the most widely publishing and most cited researches in the field of urban change in Eastern Europe, a member of the Cities After Transition research network. His research focuses on migration, segregation and neighbourhood effects, and is mainly based on large scale microdata (population census, population register). He has published extensively on Estonian, Kazakh and Swedish cities. He is the guest editor of the Cities: The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning special issue Heteropolitanization: Social and Spatial Change in Central and East European Cities (2012). Prof. Frank Witlox, PhD - Professor of Economic Geography at Ghent University (Belgium). His research focuses on travel behaviour analyses and modelling, land use, sustainable mobility issues, globalization and world city-formation. / tartuuniversity / / tartuuniversity / Prof. Matthew Zook, PhD - Associate Professor at the University of Kentucky (USA) and Fulbright scholar at the University of Tartu (2013-2014). His research focuses on technological change and shifting geographies of globalization, geography and e-commerce, software created spaces (code-space) and global air travel geographies. Prof. Daniel Hess, PhD - associate professor of urban and regional planning in the University at Buffalo School of Architecture and Planning. His research focuses on how urban policies affect travel choices and how urban spatial dynamics can best be analyzed methodologically. Anto Aasa, PhD - researcher at the University of Tartu. He is among the top 1% most cited researchers in his field. His research focuses on space-time mobility, information and communication technology, seasonality and bioclimatology. Kadri Leetmaa, PhD - researcher at the University of Tartu. Her research focuses on urban population geography, suburban change, emerging new lifestyles in suburbia, ethnic integration and segregation. Anneli Kährik, PhD - researcher at the University of Tartu and a Marie Curie researcher at Uppsala University. her research focuses on urban social geography, housing and housing policy, neighbourhood change and social segregation. / tartuuniversity / post us your question: www.ut.ee/ask