Cooling Tower Applications - Hampton Roads Chapter ASHRAE

 Stephen Lowe
 ASHRAE Hampton Roads Chapter Past President
 AECOM Design – Mechanical Engineering Discipline Manager, Virginia Beach Division
 Professional Engineer –
Professional Engineer Commonwealth of Virginia, Commonwealth of Virginia NCEES
 BSME – University of Virginia, 2002
 Sheet metal fabricator, equipment installer, refrigeration service technician during high school and college
 Consulting Engineer from 2003 –
l i E i
 Introduction
 Cooling Tower Basics
 Principles of Operation
 Types of Cooling Towers
 Common Applications
 Design Considerations
 Selection Criteria
 Open Piping and Pumping Systems
 Water Quality
 Tower Location
 Ancillary Systems
 Construction Issues
 Constructability, Quality Control and Startup
 Rating and Certification
 Lessons Learned
 Conclusion
 Resources
 Questions and Discussion
Cooling Tower Basics
 Principles of Operation
 Cooling Via Evaporation – depends on Wet Bulb Temperature
 Design Dry Bulb Temperatures commonly exceed 95 deg F: poor delta T for cooling processes
 Design Wet bulb much less: ~80 deg F
D i W b lb h l
d F
 Use a process that depends on WB to take advantage of g
greater delta T
 Evaporative effect is a change of state and thus a large transfer of energy occurs relative to the required mass flow
Open Cooling Tower
d Ci
i Closed Circuit Cooling Tower
Cross Flow Arrangement
Counter Flow Arrangement
Cooling Tower Basics
 Common Applications
 Power Plant Steam Condensation
 Process Cooling
 HVAC Heat Rejection
Chiller Condenser Heat
WSHP Loop Heat
*We will be focusing on open, cross flow cooling towers for j
chiller condenser heat rejection for the remainder of the presentation.
Basic HVAC Cooling To er Application
Basic HVAC Cooling Tower Application
Design Considerations
 Design Considerations
 Selection Criteria
 Open Piping and Pumping Systems
 Water Quality
 Tower Location
 Ancillary Systems
Design Considerations
 Selection Criteria
 Process (Chiller Condenser) Temperature Requirements
Hot Water Temperature (HWT): Temperature of water entering the p
Cold Water Temperature (CWT): Temperature of water leaving the tower
Tower Range: HWT – CWT
Lower CWT generally results in higher Chiller Efficiency
 Flow Rate or Capacity
 Ambient Conditions
 Evaporation (or Entering) Design Wet Bulb (EWB)
 Approach: CWT ‐ EWB
 Lower approach generally results in a larger tower
Design Conditions
Design Conditions
Design Conditions
Design Conditions
Design Conditions
 Use Evaporation Design WB for selection of evaporative equipment
 Use of 0.4%, 1%, or 2% condition is up to the designer U f % % % di i i h d i
based on specific application and design firm practice
 A 2 degree F margin of safety is recommended to account for recirculation (rule of thumb – further analysis is required for the specific application)
 Condenser water delta T depends on many factors such as the process that is cooled and optimization of the pumping system
h i Design Considerations
 Open Piping and Pumping Systems
 Cooling tower pumping application troubles are generally related to one of the following issues:
ll l d f h f ll i i
 Incorrect Pump Head Estimation
 Pump Cavitation
 Air Introduction to Pump Suction
 Improper Bypass Configuration/Control
Design Considerations
 Open Piping and Pumping Systems
 Pump Head Estimation
Determine actual static lift height
lf h h
Determine impact of siphon draw: either break the siphon or design to maintain it.
Determine friction head
 Pipe
 Equipment (condenser, tower spray nozzle, etc.)
Equipment (condenser tower spray nozzle etc )
 Components (valves, strainers, etc.)
Design Considerations
 Open Piping and Pumping Systems
 Pump head estimation errors can cause:
Unstable pump operation
Unstable condenser flow at the chiller
Admission of air into the pump inlet
p p
Energy waste due to need for extensive throttling
Many wasted hours and headaches finding the problem!
Design Considerations
 Open Piping and Pumping Systems
 Pump cavitation is the flashing (boiling) of the working fluid (water) into a vapor due to excessively low suction pressure and is often confused with air introduction into the d i ft f d ith i i t d ti i t th pump suction.
 Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) is the measure of suction pressure pressure.  The required suction pressure for a particular pump is indicated NPSHR and is published as a curve on the pump selection chart.
 The suction pressure available to the pump in a particular system is indicated NPSHA and must be calculated by the engineer.
 If NPSHA < NPSHR, cavitation
If NPSHA NPSHR it ti will
ill occur.
NPSHA Example Calculation
Design Considerations
 Open Piping and Pumping Systems
 B & G Cooling Tower Pumping and Piping Manual has 4 rules concerning the pump suction piping:
l i th ti i i
Leave the suction Line Alone!
Place the pump below tower pan water level
p p
Avoid “above the pump” air traps in the suction line
Avoid fine mesh, high pressure drop strainers in the suction line
Design Considerations
 Open Piping and Pumping Systems
 Air admittance to the pump inlet is typically caused by:
Tower pan vortexing
Tower pan drain down
Incorrect bypass arrangement
Design Considerations
 Open Piping and Pumping Systems
 Tower pan vortexing is caused by excessive velocity in th t
the tower exit piping and can be controlled by:
it i i d b t ll d b
Do not excessively oversize the pump
Maintaining tower exit pipe size for a minimum of 10 pipe g
Increase pan depth
Provide a vortex breaker in the tower pan
Install tower on the equator
Design Considerations
 Open Piping and Pumping Systems
 Tower pan drain down is caused by insufficient water d th t fl d th t
depth to flood the tower exit piping and can be avoided it i i d b id d by:
Correctly sizing the makeup water line
 Evaporation Rate
 Blowdown Rate
Providing a check valve to keep the piping system flooded on pump shut down
Properly isolating tower cells in multiple cell installations
Condenser and a significant portion of the piping system will drain pack to pan on pump shutdown. Pan may flood and chiller could start with a dry condenser.
Condenser will remain flooded on pump shutdown. Minimal system volume will drain to pan on shutdown, therefore pan p
should not flood.
Bypass connected to pump suction piping can cause air i i i i introduction to pump inlet and unstable pump operation.
Bypass discharging to basin with B
di h i t b i ith balancing valve set equal to discharge nozzle pressure drop will result in constant pump head and flooded pump suction.
p p
Separate operators allow valves to maintain a constant total flow as both valves modulate.
Linked valves will result in unstable flow.
Bypass Configuration Example
Design Considerations
 Water Quality
 Removal of Solids
 Chemical Treatment
Consult a chemical treatment professional for your specific application
 Biological Contamination
Minimize drift
Site towers away from air intakes
Avoid piping designs that result in stagnant water
Chemically treat
Design Considerations
 Water Quality
 Removal of Solids
 What’s that floating in the basin????
 Whatever it is, it has a good shot at ending up inside your chiller!!!!
Design Considerations
 Water Quality
 Removal of Solids
Guy with shovel and bucket
h h l db k
In‐line strainers
Side stream filters
Basin sweeping system
Design Considerations
 Tower Location
 Visibility
 Sound
 Drift
Getting the proper Real Estate
 Location, location, location…
 Cooling Towers are highly visible due to physical size and plume
d l
 Need ample clearance to minimize recirculation and ensure proper performance
 Low frequency sound emitted from large fans travels great distance
 Drift can mark windows and paint jobs
Design Considerations
 Ancillary Systems
 Freeze Protection
Tower Sump Basin
 Electric
 Steam Injection
 Recirculation
 Water Treatment Systems
 Chemical Systems
 Solids Filtration
 Control Systems
 Pneumatic operators – will require freeze protection in some climates
 Large valves require lots of torque – electric operators may need to be industrial grade
Construction Issues
 Constructability, Startup, Quality Control
 There is lots of large piping underneath the tower, make sure you get plenty of space for it
 Consider laying out all of the piping based on a manufacturer’s particular tower
 Use the manufacturer’s startup checklist on your site U h f
’ h kli i visit
 Read the installation and operation manual during p
design; there are lots of options that affect the cost of the tower. You need to specify them if your application needs them.
Construction Issues
 Ratings and Certification
 Manufacturer’s Rated Performance
 CTI Certification
 Performance Based Commissioning
Construction Issues
 Lessons Learned
 Tower Basin Freeze Protection
Direct steam injection is popular in industrial and large scale l
l dl
HVAC applications.
Chemical used for boiler feedwater may react with condenser water chemical treatment resulting in the release of noxious gases.
A hot water circulator pump coupled to a heat source can be p p
used instead.
Construction Issues
 Lessons Learned
 Vertical Loop in Suction Piping
Tower mounted on grade adjacent to mechanical room
d d
Cold water pipe exits bottom of basin and passes through mechanical room wall
Pipe is the run up the wall to the roof structure to get the pipe across the room to the pump
Upon shutdown, the system equalizes and the piping at the roof level becomes air locked
The pump will require manual priming in order to start
Construction Issues
 Lessons Learned
 Flooding Tower on Pump Shutdown
Tower is mounted on grade adjacent to mechanical room.
Tower is mounted on grade adjacent to mechanical room
There is a significant volume of water located above the tower basin due to a long horizontal run of hot condenser water pipe in the mechanical room.
in the mechanical room
The diverting valve is installed in the horizontal with the bypass connection facing down.
Whenever the pump shuts down all of the water in the Whenever the pump shuts down, all of the water in the horizontal pipe runs through the diverting valve and back to the basin.
The basin overflows in the parking lot resulting in an p
unsightly puddle and wasted chemical treatment
Construction Issues
 Lessons Learned
 Air introduced to pump suction via bypass
Construction Issues
 Lessons Learned
 Air introduced to pump suction via bypass
Construction Issues
 Lessons Learned
 Air introduced to pump suction via tower discharge manifold
if ld
Construction Issues
 Lessons Learned
 Air introduced to pump suction via tower discharge manifold
if ld
Construction Issues
 Lessons Learned
 Flooding hot water pans on manifolded towers
Construction Issues
 Lessons Learned
 Flooding hot water pans on manifolded towers
Construction Issues
 Lessons Learned
 Multiple connected towers should have an equalization line.
 When adding or replacing towers connected through an equalization line, design the tower and framing to q
ensure that the existing operating water level is matched with the new tower.
 If it is necessary to provide vibration isolation for the i i id ib i i l i f h tower, the piping system must be isolated from the tower.
 B & G Cooling Tower Pumping and Piping Manual
 Marley Cooling Tower Company – Cooling Tower 
Baltimore Air Coil Product and Application Handbook
E i
Equipment Layout Manual
ASHRAE H db k 2008 HVAC Systems and ASHRAE Handbook –
8 HVAC S t
d Equipment, Chapter 39