Commonwealth Seniors Health Card Fact Sheet

Commonwealth Seniors Health Card Fact Sheet:
What benefits does it provide?
Discounts on Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) prescription medicines.
Discount or concession on bulk billed doctor appointments, at doctor’s
- Cheaper out of hospital medical expenses through the Medicare Safety Net.
- Concessional rail travel on Great Southern Rail services, such as The Indian Pacific, The Ghan,
and The Overland.
- In some instances, extra health, household, transport, education and recreation concessions
that are offered by state or territory and local governments and private businesses.
- Seniors supplement to help pay regular bills such as energy, rates, phone and motor vehicle
Am I eligible?
Australians aged 65 or older who do not qualify for the Age Pension or a Department of
Veterans’ Affairs pension.
- Must have an annual adjusted taxable income of less than $51,500 for singles and $82,400
for couples combined.
- If a couple is separated due to illness, respite care or prison, then the combined income
threshold rises to $103,000.
- The adjusted taxable income limit is increased by $639.60 for each dependent child you care
- Must be living in Australia and must be an Australian resident or the holder of a special
category visa.
- Must be physically present in Australia on the day you lodge a claim and continue to meet
the residence requirements for as long as the card is held.
What’s the hurry before 1 January 2015?
Superannuation pensions will be reflected in the income test used to determine eligibility for
the card.
- This amount will be determined using a set of deeming rules and will not be the actual
amount received in pension payments.
What are the ‘Grandfathering’ provisions?
Existing account based pensions will be ‘grandfathered’ and therefore excluded from the
income test provided that:
o That particular pension was in place prior to 1 January 2015;
o The person held a Commonwealth Seniors Card on 31 December 2014; and
o The person has continued to hold the Commonwealth Seniors Card ever since.
Several events can cause the ‘grandfathering’ to be lost, including:
o Rolling over from one super fund to another;
o Consolidating old account based pensions;
o Carrying out a recontribution strategy;
o Losing eligibility to the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card for a short while.
Suite 126, 117 Old Pittwater Road, Brookvale, NSW 2100 PO Box 6340 Frenchs Forest DF NSW 2086
P 02 9981 2300 F 02 9971 2651 E
Allan Hall Business Advisors Pty Ltd ABN 35 003 211 907 Member of the Alliot Group Liability limited by a scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation
How do I apply?
Application for the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card can be made by following this link