Commonwealth Seniors Health Card Fact Sheet: What benefits does it provide? - Discounts on Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) prescription medicines. Discount or concession on bulk billed doctor appointments, at doctor’s discretion. - Cheaper out of hospital medical expenses through the Medicare Safety Net. - Concessional rail travel on Great Southern Rail services, such as The Indian Pacific, The Ghan, and The Overland. - In some instances, extra health, household, transport, education and recreation concessions that are offered by state or territory and local governments and private businesses. - Seniors supplement to help pay regular bills such as energy, rates, phone and motor vehicle registration. Am I eligible? - Australians aged 65 or older who do not qualify for the Age Pension or a Department of Veterans’ Affairs pension. - Must have an annual adjusted taxable income of less than $51,500 for singles and $82,400 for couples combined. - If a couple is separated due to illness, respite care or prison, then the combined income threshold rises to $103,000. - The adjusted taxable income limit is increased by $639.60 for each dependent child you care for. - Must be living in Australia and must be an Australian resident or the holder of a special category visa. - Must be physically present in Australia on the day you lodge a claim and continue to meet the residence requirements for as long as the card is held. What’s the hurry before 1 January 2015? - Superannuation pensions will be reflected in the income test used to determine eligibility for the card. - This amount will be determined using a set of deeming rules and will not be the actual amount received in pension payments. What are the ‘Grandfathering’ provisions? - - Existing account based pensions will be ‘grandfathered’ and therefore excluded from the income test provided that: o That particular pension was in place prior to 1 January 2015; o The person held a Commonwealth Seniors Card on 31 December 2014; and o The person has continued to hold the Commonwealth Seniors Card ever since. Several events can cause the ‘grandfathering’ to be lost, including: o Rolling over from one super fund to another; o Consolidating old account based pensions; o Carrying out a recontribution strategy; o Losing eligibility to the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card for a short while. Suite 126, 117 Old Pittwater Road, Brookvale, NSW 2100 PO Box 6340 Frenchs Forest DF NSW 2086 P 02 9981 2300 F 02 9971 2651 E Allan Hall Business Advisors Pty Ltd ABN 35 003 211 907 Member of the Alliot Group Liability limited by a scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation How do I apply? - Application for the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card can be made by following this link