Changes in Family Income and Income Inequality Among Seniors in Canada Tammy Schirle Department of Economics, Wilfrid Laurier University Preliminary Draft - please do not cite without permission ABSTRACT The distribution of family income among seniors in Canada has changed substantially over the past decade, reflecting an overall increase in family income and an increase in income inequality. In this study, I use semi-parametric decomposition methods (developed by DInardo, Fortin and Lemieux, 1996) to determine the extent to which various factors have contributed to this shift in the income distribution. I focus on disentangling the efects of recent increases in elderly labour market activity and the effect of changes in women’s experiences in the labour force over the past four decades as this now translates into greater access to pensions and other retirement income independent of their marital status. Using Canadian data from the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics, I find that increases in employment among elderly men and women can account for a large portion of the change in equivalent after-tax family income inequality among senior families. Most notable, the results suggest inequality among senior families would be substantially lower in 2004 if women’s access to pensions had remained at its lower rates in 1996. Other important factors that help explain the changes in income inequality include changes in women’s education and past experience in the labour force, men’s education levels, and access to public pensions. 1. Introduction It has long been recognized that Canada’s retirement income programs have improved the well being of many Canadian seniors. The Old Age Security pension, introduced in 1952 and expanded to those age 65 in 1965, coupled with the Guaranteed Income Supplement (established in 1967) has brought up the incomes of the poorest seniors and reduced the incidence of elderly poverty Milligan (Forthcoming). Over the past decade, we’ve seen a substantial shift in the distribution of elderly incomes, representing an overall increase in incomes. However, the increase in income has not been experienced by all seniors resulting in higher income inequality among senior families. The –2– increases in income also appears to coincide with increases in the likelihood of employment among seniors. As such, this shift may or may not reflect an improvement in senior families’ well-being. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the extent to which various factors have caused the recent shift in the income distribution. The focus is on how seniors’ incomes - the amount and sources - have changed over the past decade and the relationship between those changes and changes in the labour market activity of women, observed over the past 50 years. I use Canadian data from the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (1996 & 2004 public use files) to examine changes in the equivalent after tax family income of census families whose oldest member is age 65-79. I use the decomposition methods developed in DiNardo et al. (1996) to examine how changes in the likelihood of older men and women to be employed, men and women’s access to employer-provided pension income, access to CPP/QPP benefits, and the structure of these income sources has affected the income distribution. I also investigate how changes in family composition (in part influenced by increases in longevity), men’s and women’s education levels and labour market experience, have driven changes in the income distribution. I begin in the following section by briefly describing the data used in this study, the measurement of incomes and key variable definitions. In section 3 I provide some background for this study, describing the shift in the distribution of income and changes in various factors that might influence the distribution of incomes. In section 4 I describe the methodology used in the decompositions. Details of the implementation of this procedure are provided in an appendix. Results are presented in section 5 followed by some concluding remarks and discussion of next steps for this project. 2. Data Sources The primary data source for this project is the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics, focussing on the years 1996 and 2004.1 In this paper, I am only discussing after-tax income (using Statistics Canada’s definition) as this best represents the income available for consumption among the available measures. This includes all market income (wages, pensions and investment income) and government transfers (such as Old Age Security and Canada Pension Plan benefits), but excludes items such as RRSP withdrawals.2 1 I am using the public use files and will start using the 2005 files as soon as possible. I have not yet received RDC access for this project. 2 As a definition of after-tax income: Market income includes earnings plus other market income, which comprises investment income, pension income, alimony income, and other taxable income. Total income is the sum of –3– I am interested in the incomes of census families in which the oldest member is between the ages of 65 and 79. When sampling, I exclude any families in which key demographic information is missing (age, education, and marital status). In this paper, I have chosen to focus on the census family unit rather than the economic family unit, as I would like to relate the results to the well-being of seniors. The census family will include single individuals or married couples (including common-law couples) and their never-married children. In the sample of interest here, a census family will typically be a married couple, a widow, or a divorced individual. There are rarely never-married children still living with parents who are over 65. An economic family, on the other hand, would include the older individuals of interest and any relatives that are living in the same household. If it were the case, for example, that individual seniors incomes declined dramatically such that they were forced to live with their children, and we used the economic family unit to measure incomes, we could see an increase in senior families’ incomes simply because they have moved into their children’s homes. I have also decided to sample according to the age of the oldest family member rather than the more traditionally defined ‘head’ of the family based on the major income earner because many income sources for seniors are based on the age of the oldest member. Further, the major income earner in the family when they were younger may not necessarily be the major income earner when elderly. When discussing the income distribution of senior families, it is most appropriate to use a measure of equivalent family income that accounts for the economies of scale that can be achieved by a family and allows us to compare the incomes of single individuals to married couples or larger families. In this paper, I rely on a commonly used measure of equivalent family income, which divides the total family income by the square root of the number of people in the family: Y Af ter − tax f amily income = √ N umber of f amily members (1) As the vast majority of senior families considered here have either one or 2 members, this will represent a single individual’s income or a married couple’s income divided by approximately 1.4.3 market income and government transfer income. Government transfer income includes income from the Child Tax Benefit, Old Age Security and Guaranteed Income Supplement/Spousal Allowance, Social Assistance and Provincial Income Supplements, Employment Insurance Benefits, Worker’s Compensation Benefits, Canada/Quebec Pension Plan Benefits, and the Goods and Services Tax Credit. After-tax income is total income minus federal and provincial income taxes paid. – Skuterud et al. (2004) 3 In earlier research, Fortin and Schirle (2006) have found that other commonly used measures of equivalent –4– A key problem with using SLID in this study is that any individuals over the age 69 are asked for only limited labour market information. As such, I will be using the presence of earnings to indicate employment and the presence of pension income to indicate receipt of employer-provided pension income. These are not perfect measures since, for example, the pension income reported in SLID includes any income from a registered pension plan or RRIF (registered retirement income fund). In some cases this will reflect RRSPs that have been converted to RRIFs (now required by age 71) and survivor benefits from a spouse’s pension. While this is may be appropriate for interpreting income as a measure of well-being, the interpretation of such income as indicating labour market experience is limited. 3. Background The distribution of income among seniors tends to be much more narrow than the income distribution among younger families. This is exemplified in Figure 1 where kernel density estimates of the equivalent family after tax income distribution for three age groups in 2004 is plotted. The distribution of income among families whose oldest member is between age 55 and 59 is much wider than the distribution of incomes among families whose oldest member is age 60 to 64. Comparing the 55 to 59 and 60 to 64 age groups, the inward shift from the right tail of this distribution to the middle reflects the fact that as individuals enter retirement, most pensions only replace a portion of income and retirement will typically result in reduced or no earnings.4 The difference between the income distribution among families whose oldest member is age 65-79 and those age 60-64 is substantial. Similar to the early retirees, some of the shift inward at the right tail reflects a shift away from employment income to pension income. The inward shift at the left tail is more dramatic and reflects the importance of Old Age Security (OAS) pensions and Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) benefits which become available to a family once the oldest member is over age 65. The provision of these benefits is credited with reducing the incidence of poverty among seniors ? To note, the mode of this distribution (age 65-79) occurs at an income of $18,214. As of June 2008, maximum benefit entitlement from OAS and GIS for a single individual over age 65 was $13,636. For a married couple (who are both over age 65), the maximum benefit entitlement in June 2008 is $22,104 (or $15,630 as equivalent family income). Families with income (other than OAS) less than $20,112 in 2008 are eligible for at least some GIS assistance.5 This mode suggests, family income that place different weights, for example, on children than adults, will result in different levels of income but the same general trends in average incomes or distribution measures. 4 To note, Milligan and Schirle (Forthcoming) have shown that a very small portion of older individuals (roughly 4% of 55-64 year olds) simultaneously receive wage and pension income. 5 Assuming both are over age 65. –5– Fig. 1.— Equivalent Family Incomes, by Age Group Kernel density estimates shown here are based on a sample of census families whose oldest member is in each age group. then, that many elderly families rely quite heavily on these public pensions for income. In fact, the vast majority of seniors report government transfers as their major source of income. Reported in Table 1, more than 63% of individuals in senior families reported government transfers as their major source of income in 2004. Private retirement pensions were the other leading source of income, with 28% of seniors reporting this as their major source of income. Other market income, from wages, self-employment and investments, were rarely reported as the major source of income. Myles (2000) has shown that over the 1980s, there was a general downward trend in inequality among seniors, which can also be attributed in part to the availability. Over the past decade, however, there has been a general increase in income inequality. The kernel density estimates of log equivalent after tax family income among senior families in 1996 and 2004 is provided in Figure 2 with relevant descriptive statistics provided in Table 2. Overall we see an improvement in incomes among senior families. However, we can see that the 90th and 50th percentiles of income have increased much faster than the 10th percentile. Overall, the changes between 1996 and 2004 represent a movement of seniors from low incomes, being heavily reliant on OAS and GIS benefits toward higher and middle incomes. With many seniors left behind, however, there has been on increase inequality. –6– Table 1. Major Income Sources - Individuals in Senior Families Source 1996 No income 0.24 Wages and salaries 2.82 Self-employment incom 1.21 Government transfers 69.72 Investment income 6.17 Retirement pensions 18.87 Other income 0.97 2004 0.07 3.48 2.03 62.8 3.22 27.76 0.65 Note. — Source: SLID, based on a sample of individuals in census families whose oldest member is between the ages of 65 and 79. Table 2. Equivalent After Tax Family Income Among Seniors (2004 prices) Year 1996 2004 % Change Mean 24930 27846 Median 20778 24100 Mode 14913 16815 Log differences: 90-10 1.077 1.14 90-50 .678 .644 50-10 .399 .496 Gini .269 .269 10.5 13.8 11.3 5.6 -5.2 19.6 -0.1 Note. — See text for description of sample. –7– Fig. 2.— Log Equivalent Family Incomes Among Seniors, 1996 and 2004. Kernel density estimates are shown here based on a sample of census families whose oldest member is age 65-79. Measured using the log difference between the 90th and 10th percentiles, inequality increased slightly. However, the 50-10 differential increased quite substantially - by almost 20% over this period. This study provides an interesting examples of how the choice of inequality measure is important. Despite the obvious shift and widening of the income distribution in Figure 2, the Gini coefficient (presented in Table 2) does not change. This is related to the Gini’s sensitivity to the middle of the income distribution. Despite a widening of the bottom end of the income distribution, there was some compression in the high end of the distribution reflected in the decrease in the 90-50 differential. In what follows, I will focus on changes in the 50-10 differential as this best represents the changes in the distribution of interest here. What might explain the change in the income distribution? Several family characteristics considered in this paper are described in Table 3. Both men and women have become more likely to be employed by 2004. Their annual earnings, however, are not as high. This will in part reflect delayed retirement past ge 65 (part year work) and likely an increase in part time work.6 Despite declines in defined benefit plan coverage among Canadians age 15-69 (Milligan and Schirle Forthcoming), RPP benefit receipt increased for senior families over this period. Pension receipt increased most for women, from 36 to 48%. Women also saw larger gains in the level of pension benefits. From public pensions, women also saw large 6 Unfortunately we can’t check this in SLID as individuals over age 65 are not asked hours worked. –8– Table 3. Characteristics of Senior Families Women Employed Earnings Pension Recipient Pension CPP/QPP Recipient CPP/QPP Benefits Age Education: 8 yrs or less Some HS HS grad Post-sec (any below BA) University (B.A +) Marital Status: Married Divorced Widowed Never married Men 1996 2004 % Change 1996 2004 .12 .19 37.4 .19 .3 15929 12196 -30.6 16813 12019 .36 .48 25.2 .63 .7 9514 11644 18.3 16569 18459 .67 .79 15 .92 .94 4924 4965 .8 7128 6735 68.8 69 .4 70.3 70.9 0.36 0.20 0.16 0.24 0.04 .51 .08 .34 .08 0.27 0.19 0.19 0.29 0.06 All Families .54 .11 .29 .06 -23.3 -5.8 15.5 20.9 47.0 0.38 0.19 0.12 0.21 0.09 0.29 0.17 0.15 0.28 0.11 % Change 35.8 -39.9 9.6 10.2 2.2 -5.8 .9 -22.8 -12.1 24.6 29.9 15.6 6 27 -17 -33 Note. — See text for sample description, which includes families whose oldest member is age 65-79. Income levels are conditional on receipt. –9– gains in access to CPP/QPP. Benefit levels (conditional on receiving some benefits) did not change substantially over time. Education should also play an important role in explaining the changes in the income distribution. Men and women have become more likely to have graduated high school and obtain at least some post-secondary education. finally, we might expect that changes in family structure will matter for the income distribution. Increases in life expectance have resulted in fewer widows and more married couples. Interestingly, there are fewer nevermarried and more divorced individuals over the same period. 4. 4.1. Methodology Some Notation The notation in this section is incredibly cumbersome. In later versions of this paper, most of this section will be transferred to an appendix. In general, I have used capital letters to refer to actual incomes and small caps to refer to the natural logarithm. To begin, I would like introduce the notation for the definition of equivalent after tax family income: Yt = (EtF + RP PtF + CP PtF + uFt + EtM + RP PtM + CP PtM + uM t + υt ) √ Nt (2) where EtF RP PtF CP PtF uFt EtM RP PtM CP PtM uM t υt Nt Earnings of the female member at time t Registered pension plan income of the female member at time t Canada/Quebec pension plan income of the female member at time t Other income (and taxes) of the female member at time t Earnings of the male member at time t Registered pension plan income of the male member at time t Canada/Quebec pension plan income of the male member at time t Other income (and taxes) of the male member at time t Income of other census family members Number of census family members All incomes are measured annually, due to data limitations. The logarithm of equivalent after tax family income is then yt = ln(EtF + ... + υt ) − 0.5 ln(Nt ) (3) The decomposition will make use of the structure of individuals’ income. For example, the earnings observed at time t among women is described by the equation EtF = exp(eFXtβt ) ∗ HtF = exp(XtF βtF E + Ft E ) ∗ HtF (4) – 10 – where eFXtβt HtF XtF βtF E Ft E Natural logarithm of hourly earnings Annual hours worked Female member’s characteristics at time t Population parameters describing the structure of female earnings at time t Residual female earnings at time t not explained by their characteristics. The characteristics accounted for here include the individual’s highest level of education, their experience in the paid employment, province of residence, age, and marital status (also referred to as family composition, Ct ) Of course, not all individuals will have positive incomes from each source. The decomposition will explicitly account for this. Denote the presence of positive earnings for the female member at time t as P EtF = 1 and zero earnings by P EtF = 0. 4.2. Decomposing the distribution of income The methodology used in this paper follows the work of DiNardo et al. (1996) and Fortin and Schirle (2006). I outline the densities and counterfactual densities below, showing the derivation of some equations in the appendix. The density of log equivalent after tax family income at one point in time, ft (y), can be written as the integral of the density of income conditional on a set of family characteristics and given the structure of male and female income at date t: Z Z ft (y) = ... f (y|P E F , P RF , P CP P F , P E M , P RM , P CP P M , C, X F , X M ; βtF E , βtF R , βtF C , βtM E , βtM R , βtM C ) dF (P E F |P RF , P CP P F , P E M , P RM , P CP P M , C, X F , X M , tP E F |(·) = t) dF (P RF |P CP P F , P E M , P RM , P CP P M , C, X F , X M , tP RF |(·) = t) dF (P CP P F |P E M , P RM , P CP P M , C, X F , X M , tP CP P F |(·) = t) dF (P E M |P RM , P CP P M , C, X F , X M , tP E M |(·) = t) dF (P RM |P CP P M , C, X F , X M , tP P M |(·) = t) dF (P CP P M |C, X F , X M , tP CP P M |(·) = t) dF (C|X F , X M , tC|(·) = t) dF (X F |X M , tX F |(·) = t) dF (X M |tX M = t) (5) The decomposition involves the creation of counterfactual densities. Intuitively, each stage of the decomposition takes the density of income in t=2004 and creates a new density – 11 – that would have prevailed had the family characteristic had not changed after s=1996, but the other attributes not yet accounted for had changed. In the first stage of the decomposition, I create a counterfactual density representing the density of log equivalent after tax family income that would have prevailed had women’s likelihood of being employed in the year (P E F ) not changed after 1996. This counterfactual density would be represented by: Z Z fc1 (y) = f (y|(·); βt ) dF (P E F |(·), tP E F |(·) = s) dF (P RF , P CP P F , P E M , P RM , P CP P M , C, X F , X M |t(·) = t) (6) with obvious simplifications made to the notation here. This counterfactual can be obtained from the original density by making use of a reweighting function: Z Z fc1 (y) = f (y|(·); βt ) ψP E F |(·) dF (P E F |(·), tP E F |(·) = t) where ψP E F |(·) dF (P RF , P CP P F , P E M , P RM , P CP P M , C, X F , X M |t(·) = t) (7) dF (P E F |(·), tP E F |(·) = s) = (8) dF (P E F |(·), tP E F |(·) = t) The presence of earnings (representing being employed) takes on values of 0 or 1. Hence, the reweighting function (8) can be stated as ψP E F |(·) = P E F P r(P E F = 1|(·), tP E F |(·) = s) P r(P E F = 1|(·), tP E F |(·) = t) +(1 − P E F ) P r(P E F = 0|(·), tP E F |(·) = s) P r(P E F = 0|(·), tP E F |(·) = t) (9) To obtain estimates of the above probabilities, I use a probit model in which the latent variable describing a woman’s employment decision is a function of her age, education, province of residence, marital status, previous full time full year experience in employment, and whether the woman also has pension and CPP/QPP income. The predicted reweighting function is then multiplied by the weights of each observation in the sample for which a female head is present. In the second stage of the decomposition, I adjust the density of income for changes in the structure of women’s employment income (βtF E ). That is, I want to create the counterfactual density Z Z fc2 (y) = f (y|(·); βsF E , βtnotF E ) ψP E F |(·) dF (P E F |(·), tP E F |(·) = t) dF (P P F , P CP P F , P E M , P P M , P CP P M , C, X F , X M |t(·) = t) (10) To do this, I first estimate women’s log hourly earnings in each year 1996 and 2004 and eFXsβs ) using a simple econometric model: (eFXtβt eFXtβt = XtF βtF E + Ft E (11) – 12 – where XtF is a vector of characteristics specific to the female head of the census family. This includes age, education, province of residence, marital status, and previous full time full year experience in employment. Women’s earnings are then adjusted for changes in the structure of earnings by applying the time s = 1996 parameter estimates βsF E to the time t characteristics and adding the residuals of the time t = 2004 earnings regression. That is: eFXtβs = XtF βsF E + Ft E . (12) These estimates are then used to adjust the equivalent family incomes of all families with a female head (who had positive earnings) present. The next few stages are similar in nature. In the third and fifth stages of the decomposition, I adjust the density of income for changes in the likelihood of women to have private pension income (P RF ) and CPP/QPP benefits (P CP P F ) respectively using reweighting functions similar to (8). In the fourth and sixth stages, I adjust the density of income for changes in the structure of women’s private pensions and CPP/QPP benefits respectively. At the sixth stage of the decomposition we have the counterfactual density: Z Z fc6 (y) = M (·) f (y|(·); βsF E , βsF R , βsF C βt ) ψP E F |(·) dF (P E F |(·), tP E F |(·) = t) ψP RF |(·) dF (P RF |P CP P F , P E M , P P M , P CP P M , C, X F , X M , tP RF |(·) = t) ψP C F |(·) dF (P CP P F |P E M , P P M , P CP P M , C, X F , X M , tP C F |(·) = t) dF (P E M , P P M , P CP P M , C, X F , X M , t(·) = t) (13) where ψP RF |(·) P r(P RF = 1|(·), tP RF |(·) = s) = PR P r(P RF = 1|(·), tP RF |(·) = t) F P r(P RF = 0|(·), tP RF |(·) = s) +(1 − P R ) P r(P RF = 0|(·), tP RF |(·) = t) F (14) and ψP C F |(·) = P C F P r(P C F = 1|(·), tP C F |(·) = s) P r(P C F = 1|(·), tP C F |(·) = t) +(1 − P C F ) P r(P C F = 0|(·), tP C F |(·) = s) . P r(P C F = 0|(·), tP C F |(·) = t) (15) The likelihood of receiving a pension is estimated using a probit in which the receipt of income from a registered pension plan is a function of age, education, province, marital status, previous full time full year experience and receipt of CPP/QPP benefits. The structure of – 13 – pension and CPP income uses the same model as in (11), where the dependent variable is measured annually. The likelihood of receiving CPP/QPP benefits is estimated using non-parametric techniques.7 These steps are then repeated to account for changes in men’s income and income sources. In the seventh through twelfth stages, I adjust the density of income for changes in the likelihood of men to have positive earnings, the structure of earnings, the likelihood of having private pension income, the structure of pension income, the likelihood of having CPP/QPP benefits, and the structure of those benefits. At the twelfth stage of the decomposition, we have the counterfactual density: Z fc12 (y) = Z ... f (y|(·); βsF E , βsF R , βsF C , βsM E , βsM R , βsM C ) ψP E F |(·) dF (P E F |(·), tP E F |(·) = t) ψP RF |(·) dF (P RF |(·), tP RF |(·) = t) ψP C F |(·) dF (P CP P F |(·), tP CP P F |(·) = t) ψP E M |(·) dF (P E M |(·), tP E M |(·) = t) ψP RM |(·) dF (P RM |(·), tP P M |(·) = t) ψP C M |(·) dF (P CP P M |(·), tP CP P M |(·) = t) dF (C, X F , X M , tC,X F ,X M = t) (16) The last three stages of the decomposition account for changes in family and individual characteristics. In the thirteenth stage, I adjust the density of income for changes in family structure. Families fall into four categories - (i) married or common-law, (ii) divorced or separated, (iii) widowed, and (iv) never married. The following reweighting function is used in the creation of the counterfactual density of income: ψC|X dF (C|X F , X M , tC|X = s) = dF (C|X F , X M , tC|X = t) 4 X P r(C = j|X F , X M , tC|X = s) = Ij P r(C = j|X F , X M , tC|X = t) j=1 (17) (18) The probabilities used to estimate (18) are found using a multinomial logit model that includes the age of the oldest family member (as a set of indicator variables) and province of residence as covariates. 7 I find the cell-specific probabilities of having positive CPP/QPP income. For those with positive FTFY experience, I create 3 age groups (under 64, 65-70 and 71+), married or single, in 2 education groups (High school or less and more than high school). For those with zero FTFY experience, I use 3 age groups. Finally, there are some with unknown experience that I break into the 3 age groups. In each cell, I find a simple weighted mean to use as the probability. – 14 – In the fourteenth stage, the density of income is adjusted for changes in women’s characteristics (X F ). In families represented by a married or common law couples (such that a male head is present), the reweighting function ψX F |X M dF (X F |X M , tX F |X M = s) = dF (X F |X M , tX F |X M = t) (19) P r(tX F |X M = s|X M , X F ) P r(tX F |X M = t|X M ) = P r(tX F |X M = t|X M , X F ) P r(tX F |X M = s|X M ) (20) is used to create the counterfactual density of income (see the appendix for its derivation). To obtain estimates of the conditional probabilities, the samples from each year s and t are pooled to estimate probit model with the year as the binary dependent variable. The characteristics (X F , X M ) include education, age, years of full time full year experience and province of residence. For unmarried women (divorced, widowed, or never married), the reweighting function simplifies to: ψX F |X M = P r(tX F = s|X F ) P r(tX F = t) . P r(tX F = t|X F ) P r(tX F = s) (21) Estimates of the conditional probabilities are again found using a probit model. The unconditional probabilities (P r(tX F = t)) are simply the weighted shares of each year’s sample in the pooled sample. The last stage of the decomposition accounts for the changes in men’s characteristics. Here, the reweighting function ψX M = P r(tX M = s|X M ) P r(tX M = t) . P r(tX M = t|X M ) P r(tX M = s) (22) is applied to weights of all families with a male present. The conditional probabilities are also again found using a simple probit model. At this final stage of the decomposition, we have the counterfactual density Z Z fc15 (y) = ... f (y|(·); βsF E , βsF R , βsF C , βsM E , βsM R , βsM C ) ψP E F |(·) dF (P E F |(·), tP E F |(·) = t) ψP RF |(·) dF (P RF |(·), tP RF |(·) = t) ψP C F |(·) dF (P CP P F |(·), tP CP P F |(·) = t) ψP E M |(·) dF (P E M |(·), tP E M |(·) = t) ψP RM |(·) dF (P RM |(·), tP P M |(·) = t) ψP C M |(·) dF (P CP P M |(·), tP CP P M |(·) = t) ψC|X dF (C|X F , X M , tC|X F ,X M = t) ψX F |X M dF (X F |X M , tX F |X M = t) ψX M dF (X M |tX M = t) (23) – 15 – This density represents what the time t density of log equivalent family after-tax income would look like had each of the characteristics discussed here not changed since time s. 5. Results The decomposition begins with the role of changes in women’s employment. Presented in Figure 3, we can see that if women had not increased their tendency to be employed over time, more families would have remained at lower income levels (around the mode of the distribution). The resulting shift toward lower incomes results in a large decrease in the 50-10 differential (see Table B).8 Changes in the structure of earnings had little effect. Note that the estimates used in the creation of these counterfactuals are available in the appendix. Income inequality may have been substantially lower had women’s access to pensions remained as it was in 1996. Similar to their tendency to be employed, this lack of access would have resulted in many of the families observed in 2004 (that had high incomes) to be left in the lower income groups. The increased benefits for women are also an important factor here. Again, Incomes would be lower if private pension benefits looked like they did in 1996. Women’s access to public pension (see Figure 5) also plays an important role in explaining the changes in the income distribution. If it were the case that women’s access to CPP/QPP remained as it was in 1996, we would have observed higher income inequality as the lower income women would not be receiving these benefits. Interestingly, changes to the structure of CPP benefits have a visible effect on the income distribution but result in few changes in inequality measures. While changes in CPP structure move the mode of the distribution slightly, there are no other real changes in the distribution associated with changes in CPP benefit structure. Turning to men’s income sources (Figure 6), income inequality among seniors would have been lower had men’s employment rates looked like they did in 1996. However, the impact is not nearly as large as the impact of changes in women’s employment. Further, there were no major changes in the income distribution that could be attributed to changes in the structure of earnings. Men’s access to pension (figure 7) does not appear to have had a substantial effect on the income distribution. Similar to women’s access to pensions, if access had not increased many families would have been left in lower income groups. The impact is visibly less than women’s access to pensions, and there is little if any impact on measured inequality. Changes 8 The result appears exaggerated but I have not found a problem in the program. I continue to investigate this. – 16 – Fig. 3.— Counterfactual Densities of Log Equivalent After Tax Family Income (Primary Decomposition Results) – 17 – Fig. 4.— Counterfactual Densities of Log Equivalent After Tax Family Income (Primary Decomposition Results) – 18 – Fig. 5.— Counterfactual Densities of Log Equivalent After Tax Family Income (Primary Decomposition Results) – 19 – Fig. 6.— Counterfactual Densities of Log Equivalent After Tax Family Income (Primary Decomposition Results) – 20 – to the structure of men’s pensions also has little effect. Changes in men’s CPP, which are very small over this period, have had very little effect on the distribution of income (see Figure 8). In the top of Figure 9, the counterfactual density that would have prevailed had family composition not changed since 1996 is presented. I found it surprising that despite large reductions in the likelihood of being a widow over time, that such changes have not had a substantial effect on the income distribution. Changes in women’s and men’s characteristics, on the other hand, have had a significant impact. If women had not become more educated and more experienced in the labour market, we would have seen a much higher level of income inequality as many families would be taken out of the middle of the income distribution and redistributed to the lowest income levels (see Figure 9). Changes to men’s characteristics had the opposite large effect. If they had remained less educated (as experience had not changed substantially over time for them), many of these families would be redistributed from the higher income groups to middle income groups, resulting in lower inequality. – 21 – Fig. 7.— Counterfactual Densities of Log Equivalent After Tax Family Income (Primary Decomposition Results) – 22 – Fig. 8.— Counterfactual Densities of Log Equivalent After Tax Family Income (Primary Decomposition Results) – 23 – Fig. 9.— Counterfactual Densities of Log Equivalent After Tax Family Income (Primary Decomposition Results) – 24 – Fig. 10.— Counterfactual Densities of Log Equivalent After Tax Family Income (Primary Decomposition Results) – 25 – Table 4. Inequality Statistics - Primary Order Decomposition Density 90-10 90-50 50-10 Gini 1996 2004 Total Change Counterfactual 2004 Densities C.1 Women’s employment 1.077 1.14 0.063 0.678 0.644 -0.034 0.398 0.496 0.098 0.269 0.269 0 1.069 -(0.071) 1.074 (0.005) 1.07 -(0.004) 1.031 -(0.039) 1.044 (0.013) 1.05 (0.006) 1.029 -(0.021) 1.041 (0.012) 1.044 (0.003) 1.037 -(0.007) 1.052 (0.015) 1.049 -(0.003) 1.056 (0.007) 1.085 (0.029) 0.999 -(0.086) 0.641 -(0.003) 0.645 (0.004) 0.663 (0.018) 0.64 -(0.023) 0.648 (0.008) 0.656 (0.008) 0.647 -(0.009) 0.658 (0.011) 0.67 (0.012) 0.661 -(0.009) 0.662 (0.001) 0.657 -(0.005) 0.662 (0.005) 0.663 (0.001) 0.652 -(0.011) 0.428 -(0.068) 0.428 (0.000) 0.408 -(0.020) 0.391 -(0.017) 0.396 (0.005) 0.394 -(0.002) 0.382 -(0.012) 0.383 (0.001) 0.374 -(0.009) 0.377 (0.003) 0.39 (0.013) 0.392 (0.002) 0.394 (0.002) 0.422 (0.028) 0.347 -(0.075) 0.258 -(0.011) 0.26 (0.002) 0.262 (0.002) 0.252 -(0.010) 0.257 (0.005) 0.259 (0.002) 0.255 -(0.004) 0.269 (0.014) 0.275 (0.006) 0.272 -(0.003) 0.273 (0.001) 0.272 -(0.001) 0.275 (0.003) 0.282 (0.007) 0.261 -(0.021) C.2 Structure of earnings C.3 Women’s Pension access C.4 Structure of pensions C.5 Women’s CPP access C.6 Structure of benefits C.7 Men’s employment C.8 Structure of earnings C.9 Men’s Pension access C.10 Structure of pensions C.11 Men’s CPP access C.12 Structure of benefits C.13 Family Structure C.14 Women’s characteristics C.15 Men’s characteristics Note. — In parentheses is the difference in inequality statistics between each stage of the decomposition. – 26 – 6. Next Steps The results of this study clearly show that changes in women’s income - the sources and the amounts - are an important factor in explaining recent changes in the income distribution of senior families. Women’s access to employer-provided pensions and their gains in pension benefit levels are key factors for improving the well-being of senior families. These results are preliminary and require further scrutiny. The next steps for this study include • changing the order of the decomposition, • repeating the decomposition for before-tax incomes, • truncating the sample to exclude the oldest individuals, • and investigating the value of jointly estimating the receipt of income sources when creating the counterfactual densities. REFERENCES DiNardo, John, Nicole M. Fortin, and Thomas Lemieux (1996) ‘Labor market institutions and the distribution of wages, 1973-1992: A semiparametric approach.’ Econometrica 64(5), 1001–44 Fortin, Nicole M., and Tammy D. Schirle (2006) ‘Gender dimensions of changes in earnings inequality in canada.’ In Dimensions of Inequality in Canada, ed. David A. Green and Jonathan R. Kesselman (UBC Press: Vancouver) pp. 307–346 Milligan, Kevin (Forthcoming) ‘The evolution of elderly poverty in canada.’ Canadian Public Policy Milligan, Kevin, and Tammy Schirle (Forthcoming) ‘Working while receiving a pension: Will double dipping change the elderly labour market?’ In Retirement policy issues in Canada, Conference Proceedings, ed. Charles Beach (John Deutsch Institute) Myles, John (2000) ‘The maturation of Canada’s retirement income system: Income levels, income inequality and low-income among the elderly.’ Statistics Canada, Catalogue no. 11F0019MPE No. 147 Skuterud, Mikal, Marc Frenette, and Preston Poon (2004) ‘Describing the distribution of income: Guidelines for effective analysis.’ Statistic Canada, Income Statistics Division, Income Research Paper Series – 27 – A. Derivation of reweighting functions Equation 20: ψX F |X M = dF (X F |X M , tX F |X M = s) dF (X F |X M , tX F |X M = t) (A1) (A2) Using Bayes’ Rule for the numerator: P r(X F |X M , tX F |X M = s) = P r(X M , tX F |X M = s|X F ) · P r(X F ) P r(X M , tX F |X M = s) (A3) = P r(tX F |X M = s|X M , X F )P r(X M |X F )P r(X F ) P r(tX F |X M = s|X M )P r(X M ) (A4) Placing this into the reweighting function and canceling terms : M F P r(tX F |X M =s|X ψX F |X M = ,X ) P r(tX F |X M =s|X M ) P r(t X F |X M =t|X M ,X F ) P r(tX F |X M =t|X M ) B. Estimates used in the decomposition This preprint was prepared with the AAS LATEX macros v5.2. (A5) – 28 – Table 5. Women’s Income Sources: Probit coefficients hfpen hfcpp rfeduc1 rfeduc2 rfeduc4 rfeduc5 hfagelt60 hfage6064 dhfage2 dhfage3 dhfage4 dhfage5 dhfage6 dhfage7 dhfage8 dhfage9 dhfage10 dhfage11 dhfage12 dhfage13 dhfage14 dhfage15 hfyrx0 hfyrx97 hfyrx1020 hfyrx2030 hfyrx3040 hfyrx4050 marstat2 marstat3 marstat4 prov1 prov2 prov3 prov4 prov6 prov7 prov8 prov9 prov10 cons Employed 1996 Employed 2004 Pension 1996 Pension 2004 -0.257* 0.031 -0.555*** -0.285* -0.078 0.361* 1.000*** 0.496*** 0.02 0.108 -0.174 -0.279 -0.346 -0.339 -0.608** -1.163*** -0.614* -0.722** -1.402*** -0.938*** -0.893*** -0.969*** -0.039 0.552*** 0.319* 0.607*** 0.605*** 0.687*** 0.181 -0.094 -0.122 -0.301 0.334 -0.253 -0.172 0.135 0.315* 0.543*** 0.23 0.195 -1.383*** 0.053 -0.204* -0.088 0.007 0.181 0.479*** 0.556** 0.063 -0.204 -0.596*** -0.428** -0.661*** -0.656*** -0.553** -0.569** -0.536** -1.010*** -0.570** -0.975*** -0.693** -1.034*** -1.020*** -0.144 0.724*** 0.284* 0.544*** 0.629*** 0.859*** 0.269* 0.008 -0.128 -0.641** -0.177 -0.439*** -0.148 -0.07 0.2 0.2 0.119 0.071 -0.908*** 0.711*** -0.450*** -0.253* 0.146 0.504** -1.155*** -0.616*** -0.129 0.021 -0.351* -0.094 -0.047 0.202 0.197 0.184 0.370* 0.131 0.172 0.033 -0.012 -0.164 -0.256* 0.17 0.145 0.361** 0.300** 0.174 0.166 0.295*** 0.666*** -0.437** -0.158 -0.274* 0.036 0.17 0.231 0.045 0.026 0.183 -1.010*** 0.802*** -0.506*** -0.285** 0.082 0.315* -0.650** -0.576*** -0.254 0.172 0.198 -0.061 0.601*** 0.545*** 0.445** 0.524*** 0.714*** 0.769*** 0.535** 0.583*** 0.498** 0.192 0.033 0.089 0.184 0.516*** 0.737*** 0.286* -0.034 0.192** 0.212 -0.381** -0.216 -0.104 -0.175 0.052 0.125 0.306** -0.093 -0.043 -1.052*** Note. — egend: * p¡0.05; ** p¡0.01; *** p¡0.001 – 29 – Table 6. Women’s Income Structure: OLS coefficients rfeduc1 rfeduc2 rfeduc4 rfeduc5 hfagelt60 hfage6064 dhfage2 dhfage3 dhfage4 dhfage5 hfyrx0 hfyrx97 hfyrx1020 hfyrx2030 hfyrx3040 hfyrx4050 marstat2 marstat3 marstat4 prov1 prov2 prov3 prov4 prov6 prov7 prov8 prov9 prov10 dhfage6 dhfage7 dhfage8 dhfage9 dhfage10 dhfage11 dhfage12 dhfage13 dhfage14 dhfage15 cons Earnings 1996 Earnings 2004 Pension 1996 Pension 2004 CPP 2004 -0.334 -0.293 -0.095 0.007 -0.213 -0.165 -0.408 -0.312 0.235 -0.173 0.122 -0.343 0.033 -0.11 -0.062 0.02 -0.233 -0.048 0.333 1.121 -0.878 0.681 0.297 0.552** 0.14 0.354 0.627* 0.431 0.098 -0.184 0.09 0.224 -0.054 0.202 -0.085 -0.034 -0.016 -0.019 0.201 0.005 -0.08 0.092 -0.395 -0.073 0.186 0.446 0.459 -0.18 0.174 -0.134 -0.104 0.01 0.14 -0.172 0.078 0.262 2.613*** 2.477*** -0.373*** -0.149 0.179* 0.882*** 0.61 0.623*** -0.193 0.377** 0.08 0.143 0.366** 0.027 -0.076 0.318** 0.230* 0.211* 0.22 0.500*** 0.675*** 0.095 0.476 0.154 0.142 0.224** 0.087 0.073 0.216 0.365*** 0.204 0.067 0.142 -0.16 -0.216 0.131 0.097 0.013 -0.101 0.007 7.933*** -0.616*** -0.431*** -0.019 0.883*** 0.698* 0.453*** 0.04 0.044 0.194 -0.053 0.187 0.139 0.114 0.308*** 0.556*** 0.216* 0.358*** 0.670*** 1.123*** 0.234 0.38 0.256 0.303 0.386*** 0.111 0.118 0.081 0.479*** -0.17 0.143 0.079 0.018 0.067 0.097 -0.433*** 0.064 -0.125 0.268 8.012*** -0.305*** -0.218*** -0.004 0.281*** 0.818*** 0.159 0.022 0.02 0.09 0.155 -0.044 0.401*** 0.383*** 0.654*** 0.575*** 0.731*** 0.205*** 0.789*** 0.396*** -0.429** -0.076 0.043 0.027 0.057 0.023 0.004 -0.077 0.07 -0.193* 0.099 -0.047 -0.003 0.098 -0.041 -0.001 0.093 0.086 0.11 7.492*** Note. — egend: * p¡0.05; ** p¡0.01; *** p¡0.001 – 30 – Table 7. Men’s Income Sources: Probit coefficients hmpen hmcpp rmeduc1 rmeduc2 rmeduc4 rmeduc5 hmagelt60 hmage6064 dhmage2 dhmage3 dhmage4 dhmage5 dhmage6 dhmage7 dhmage8 dhmage9 dhmage10 dhmage11 dhmage12 dhmage13 dhmage14 dhmage15 hmyrx0 hmyrx97 hmyrx1020 hmyrx2030 hmyrx3040 hmyrx4050 marstat2 marstat3 marstat4 prov1 prov2 prov3 prov4 prov6 prov7 prov8 prov9 prov10 cons Employed 1996 Employed 2004 Pension 1996 Pension 2004 -0.276*** -0.085 -0.107 -0.09 0.079 0.580*** 0.918* 0.565* -0.068 -0.164 -0.410* -0.665*** -0.581*** -0.621*** -0.730*** -0.594** -0.794*** -0.783*** -0.975*** -0.833*** -0.992*** -1.497*** -0.148 0.718* 0.241 0.039 0.267 0.840** -0.382* -0.188 0.044 -0.31 0.486** -0.136 -0.046 0.206 0.356* 0.828*** 0.347* 0.052 -1.027** 0.081 -0.174 -0.299** -0.158 -0.007 -0.035 0.989* 0.493* 0.063 -0.215 -0.223 -0.490** -0.531*** -0.675*** -0.446** -0.503** -0.774*** -0.681*** -0.566*** -0.893*** -0.752*** -1.158*** -0.952** 0.154 -0.395 -0.454 -0.143 0.124 -0.189 -0.254* -0.152 -0.606*** 0.018 -0.407** -0.237 0.037 0.126 0.225 0.113 -0.141 0.14 1.466*** -0.457*** -0.066 0.203 0.418* 0.501 -0.678** 0.134 -0.002 -0.147 -0.048 0.076 -0.017 0.246 0.074 0.261 0.368* 0.187 0.416* 0.131 -0.114 -0.437 0.228 -0.004 -0.126 0.287 0.406 -0.343* 0.044 -0.545*** -0.410** -0.615*** -0.387** -0.158 -0.055 -0.172 -0.236 -0.304* -0.127 -1.103*** 1.564*** -0.328** -0.099 0.097 0.435** 0.107 -0.441* -0.161 -0.055 -0.104 0.023 0.298 0.447** 0.197 0.417* 0.272 0.448** 0.195 0.491** 0.368* 0.518* 0.469 0.427 0.209 0.718** 1.043*** 0.757** -0.376** 0.002 -0.313 -0.600*** -0.269 -0.084 -0.059 0.171 -0.051 -0.001 -0.003 0.023 -1.770*** Note. — egend: * p¡0.05; ** p¡0.01; *** p¡0.001 – 31 – Table 8. Men’s Income Structure: OLS coefficients rmeduc1 rmeduc2 rmeduc4 rmeduc5 hmagelt60 hmage6064 dhmage2 dhmage3 dhmage4 dhmage5 hmyrx0 hmyrx97 hmyrx1020 hmyrx2030 hmyrx3040 hmyrx4050 marstat2 marstat3 marstat4 prov1 prov2 prov3 prov4 prov6 prov7 prov8 prov9 prov10 dhmage6 dhmage7 dhmage8 dhmage9 dhmage10 dhmage11 dhmage12 dhmage13 dhmage14 dhmage15 cons Earnings 1996 Earnings 2004 Pension 1996 Pension 2004 CPP 2004 -0.623 -1.278*** -0.926** -0.557 -0.154 -0.759* 0.443 0.039 -0.492 -0.057 0 -0.374 -0.404 0.898 0.091 -0.012 0.254 -1.245 0.195 -0.429 0.031 0.254 0.147 0.424 -0.552 0.558 -1.095** 0.615 -0.299 -0.284 -0.339 0.239 0.391 0.385 0.268 0.457 -0.263 0.128 2.55 0.306 1.328 -0.068 -0.391 0.181 0.253 -0.271 -1.299** -0.658 -0.511 0 -0.413 -0.069 -0.57 -0.054 -0.159 -0.365 3.385*** 2.503* -0.688*** -0.059 0.062 0.616*** 0.209 0.279 -0.147 -0.230* -0.282* -0.016 0.562 0.176 0.153 -0.107 0.296 0.086 -0.252* 0.007 -0.202 -0.123 -0.138 0.072 0.049 0.167** -0.073 -0.095 0.006 -0.009 -0.167 -0.352** -0.077 -0.1 -0.1 -0.181 0.036 -0.075 -0.278 -0.136 9.280*** -0.759*** -0.439*** 0.011 0.760*** -0.262 -0.29 -0.357** -0.169 -0.444*** -0.537*** -0.33 -0.336 -0.649* -0.371 0.146 -0.161 -0.1 0.108 0.033 0.069 0.154 0.146 0.272 0.303*** 0.378** 0.06 0.095 0.194* -0.473*** -0.447*** 0.069 -0.294* -0.340** -0.165 -0.231 -0.261* -0.465*** -0.253 9.613*** -0.012 0.049 0.157*** 0.268*** -0.487 -0.264** 0.061 -0.014 -0.065 0.049 0.159 0.116 0.093 0.092 0.230** 0.337*** -0.025 0.063 -0.351*** -0.052 -0.062 0.014 -0.098 0.032 0.097 -0.032 -0.224*** -0.072 -0.089 0.02 0.05 -0.064 -0.021 -0.075 0.041 0.063 0.002 -0.001 8.369*** Note. — egend: * p¡0.05; ** p¡0.01; *** p¡0.001