MA in Guidance Counselling and Lifespan Development (2016-2017) UNIVERSITY of LIMERICK OLLSCOIL LUIMNIGH Master of Arts (MA) in Guidance Counselling and Lifespan Development (Level 9, 90 ECTS credits) Introduction The focus of the professional MA in Guidance Counselling and Lifespan Development is to qualify practicing teachers and other professionals to become qualified guidance counsellors. The professional Guidance Counsellor employs specific skills with individuals in the areas of personal, social, educational and career counselling. In order to fulfil their roles as Guidance Counsellors effectively, students on the programme will be educated in a broad range of knowledge, skills and competencies within the context of a lifelong learning framework. There is a strong focus on personal development on the programme which aims to promote self-understanding and insight for a deeper appreciation of the guidance counselling process. Consequently, it is a requirement of the programme that students avail of external counselling provided by an accredited counsellor, psychologist or psychotherapist in each academic year. Details of which are explained to students on the programme. This programme is recognised by the Institute of Guidance Counsellors (IGC). It is approved by the Department of Education and Skills (DES) for the purpose of appointment as a qualified Guidance Counsellor in the education sector. This qualification does not provide graduates with a recognised teaching qualification as required by the Teaching Council. Programme Delivery The programme is offered over two academic years on a part-time basis depending on location of delivery (i.e. mid-week evenings, Saturdays or Friday evening and Saturday). It consists of a combination of taught modules across the two years, a professional practice placement of 96 hours in Year 2 with a qualified guidance counsellor in an off-campus location and a research dissertation in Year 2. The curriculum includes an off-campus residential weekend in Spring Semester of Year 1 and two Summer School modules in Year 1 (one module per full week). The average tuition contact time per week for each of the first four semesters is six hours, with a reduction to three hours in Semester 2, Year 2 to take account of the demands of undertaking a research dissertation. However, the programme requires a significant level of personal commitment from participants in terms of attendance, contribution, self-directed learning, assignment work and their own time management. Entry Requirements Candidates for this initial qualification in guidance counselling shall be required to possess either of the following: • A Degree in Education at 2.2 or above from a concurrent undergraduate programme, or a Higher Diploma/Masters in Education, or an approved equivalent professional teaching qualification or • An Honours Degree at 2.2 or above in a cognate discipline such as psychology, social and community work, human resources and health sciences. Consideration will also be given to candidates in line with UL's Policy for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Where candidates are non-native English language speakers, they must also satisfy the English Language Requirements of UL. The number of places on the programme is limited. Selection is a competitive process and will include short listing prior to an interview. MA in Guidance Counselling and Lifespan Development (2016-2017) It is a UL requirement that students taking this postgraduate programme will need to undergo a Garda Vetting process. Programme Outline and Modules Semester 1 EN5311 Counselling Theory & Practice 1 Semester 2 EN5331 Psychology of Human Development EN6141 Professional Practice in Guidance Counselling Semester 3 EN5313 Counselling Theory and Practice 2 EN6142 Theory & Skills of Experiential Group Learning Semester 4 EN5321 Guidance in Adult & Continuing Education EN6093 Contemporary Perspectives on Vocational Development & Progression across the Lifespan EN6034 Practicum 2: Educational Practice Placement Summer Semester EN5320 Theory & Practice of Psychological Assessment EN6091 Advanced Research Methods in Guidance Counselling Summer Semester EN6143 Dissertation 2 EN6044 Dissertation 1 EN6133 Practicum 1: Educational Practice Placement EN5311 Counselling Theory & Practice 1 (6 ECTS) The module addresses main theoretical frameworks of counselling and their application to Guidance Counselling practice. In particular, humanistic and person-centred approaches serve as the main school of counselling. Also includes introduction to psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioural approaches. Theoretical models and experiential teaching will be experienced and the micro skills of counselling will be will practiced. EN6141 Professional Practice in Guidance Counselling (6 ECTS) Overview of professional issues and key theoretical frameworks, political perspectives and practice based models in lifelong guidance counselling. Perspectives from vocational guidance counselling, education, psychology and sociology develop critical reflection on the delivery of a professional guidance service. Other issues issues pertinent to the role of the guidance counsellor, such as ethics, child protection and multiculturalism addressed. EN5331 Psychology of Human Development (6 ECTS) Theories of lifespan development from a range of perspectives cover life stages and developmental tasks during adolescence, early adulthood, middle adulthood and later adulthood. Theoretical approaches to the development of cognition, learning styles and metacognitive processes included. Developmental psychopathology in adolescence and adulthood examine specific issues related to clients’ well-being. Also includes themes related to school based programmes, such as mental health and wellbeing initiatives and SPHE. EN6142 Theory & Skills of Experiential Group Learning (6 ECTS) Focus on theories and skills related to experiential group dynamics and its relevance to classroom and group work in the delivery of guidance counselling and developmental education-based programmes to medium seized groups of learners. Content will cover pastoral care system and health-promoting schools. Based on such knowledge and skills students are empowered to create a safe group or classroom environment in which to explore a broad range of issues specific to guidance counselling. The off-campus residential takes place as part of this module. EN5320 Theory & Practice of Psychological Testing (6 ECTS) Content focuses on the selection, administration and feedback of psychological tests appropriate in the practice of guidance counselling. Formal and informal assessment; assessment for instructional decision-making, educational guidance, certification and accountability; high-stakes testing; norm-referenced and criterion referenced testing; principal categories and types of tests; group and individual tests of mental ability; achievement testing; personality; tests for choosing careers; test administration; interpreting test scores; reliability, validity and standardisation of tests; testing and ethics. EN6091 Advanced Research Methods in Guidance Counselling (6 ECTS) In-depth knowledge of contemporary research methods in guidance counselling and related disciplines as preparatory work for Dissertation Modules 1 & 2 and submission of a 20,000 word dissertation at end of the programme (Year 2). Focus on the current ontological and epistemological issues related to practitioner research in guidance counselling. Overview of contemporary theoretical perspectives, paradigm debates, and methodological strategies relevant to evidence-based research in guidance counselling. Strong emphasis placed on ethical reflexivity in practice based research. MA in Guidance Counselling and Lifespan Development (2016-2017) EN5313 Counselling Theory & Practice 2 (6 ECTS) Follow-on module from EN5311 in Year 1, with a focus on expanding the micro skills of counselling and developing students’ confidence in a range of counselling models appropriate to students’ and clients’ needs. Development of counselling skills based on structured approaches such as Egan and Nelson-Jones. The personal development component looks specifically, and in a holistic way, at the guidance counsellor as a person. Specific reference made to issues relevant to secondary and adult education under personal, social, educational and vocational guidance counselling. EN6093 Contemporary Perspectives on Vocational Development & Progression across the Lifespan (6 ECTS) Theoretical and political perspectives on lifespan vocational development grounded in psychology, sociology, education and labour economics. Comprises theories of career development and decision-making, educational development, Labour Market Information (LMI) and topics such as equality, gender and multicultural issues pertinent to individuals’ lifelong career management. Includes practical skills in vocational interviewing. EN6133 and EN6034 Practicum 1 & 2: Educational Practice Placement (3 ECTS each) These modules are linked to the 96 hour practical placement in Year 2 and provide students with first-hand experience of guidance counselling over a period of one academic year under the supervision of a qualified guidance counsellor in an external setting. Settings can include post-primary, further education, higher education, adult guidance service or nonformal education sector. Modules concentrate on the holistic approach to guidance delivery, i.e. personal and social, education and vocational guidance. Requires students to be critically reflective of current practice, be familiar with the application of theoretical concepts and approaches in the placement and evaluate their learning and development through a practicum portfolio. EN5321 Guidance in Adult & Continuing Education (6 ECTS) Current theoretical, political and practical perspectives on guidance counselling in the adult education and continuing education, and employment support sectors. Includes psychological and sociological theories on adult education and learning, career development and transitions, and the role of guidance from a lifelong, life-wide perspective in adulthood. Ethical issues related to working with adults and evaluation of provision addressed. EN6044 and EN6143 Dissertation 1 & 2 (30 ECTS in total) Purpose of these modules is to support students to carry out a substantial piece of practice based enquiry in the form of a final dissertation under a faculty supervision process. Students are required to conduct an in-depth literature review, apply appropriate research methodologies related to their research topic, collect and analyse data, critically evaluate findings and present a final dissertation of 20,000 words in Autumn of Year 2. Graduate Profile Graduates of the guidance counselling programme have availed of opportunities to work as qualified guidance counsellors in the post-primary, further, higher and adult education sector, public employment sector and private practice. They have also progressed into further professional studies and research. For Further Information contact: Dr. Lucy Hearne, Programme Director, Department of Education and Professional Studies, University of Limerick. Telephone: ++353-61-202931 Email: Additional Information Further information on the profession of guidance counselling in Ireland is available at: and