JV Advanced Speech, Mrs. Mishne, 2015

Advanced Junior Varsity Speech Class 2015
Instructor- Mrs. Penelope Mishne
Please bring 2 copies of each speech:
one for yourself and one for Mrs. Mishne
Homework for Week 1: Find a children’s story (1-5 minutes) to present to the class.
You may read from the book and pause to show the audience the pictures.
Sept. 8th - Week 1:
Introduction to class and classmates
Students share children’s stories
Explanation of syllabus, including the Family Discussion
Explanation of the Biographical Informative Speech
Discuss Assignment Sheet for the Dream Vacation Speech
Homework for Week 2:
1. Write and practice a 2-5 minute speech about your dream vacation. Memorization
and visuals are optional. But visuals help to keep you on track and gives nice
emphasis to your speech. DO NOT overdo visuals.
2. Email your topic and 3 main points for the biographical informative speech to Mrs.
Mishne by Sept 15.
3. Family Discussion and worksheet.
4. Watch the speech presentations on YouTube. Find the link at aosda.info.
Sept. 22th - Week 2:
Treasure Hunt
Student delivery of Dream Vacation speeches
Discussion of types of speeches (genres)
How to research for the Biographical Informative Speech
Discussion of the Family Discussion
Discuss Assignment Sheet for the Commercial
Homework for Week 3:
1. Create an invention and write and practice a 1 minute commercial. Memorization and
visuals are optional.
2. Research for the biographical informative speech.
3. Family Discussion and worksheet.
Oct. 6th – Week 3
Student delivery of the commercials
Students share three facts from research
How to construct a bibliography
How to write the body of the biographical informative speech
How to find a Bible Interpretation Speech
Discussion of the Family Discussion
Discuss Assignment Sheet for the BODY of the informative speech
Homework for Week 4:
1. Select three possible Bible Interpretation selections and email to Mrs. Mishne by
October 13.
2. Write and practice the body of the informative speech.
3. Family Discussion and worksheet.
Oct. 20th - Week 4:
Student delivery of the BODY of the biographical informative speeches
How to write an introduction and conclusion
How to interpret a Great Speech
Discussion of the Family Discussion
Discuss Assignment Sheet for the biographical informative speech
Homework for Week 5:
1. Write the introduction and conclusion of the biographical informative speech.
2. Polish the biographical informative speech. It may not exceed 10 minutes.
Memorization is optional.
3. Narrow the Bible Interpretation Speech down from 3 to 1.
Nov. 3rd- Week 5
Tournament Attire
Student delivery of biographical informative speeches
How to edit the Bible Interpretation speech
How to write an introduction for the Bible Interpretation speech
Discuss Assignment Sheet for the Bible Interpretation speech
Homework for Week 6:
1. Write an introduction (30 seconds minimum) for the Bible Interpretation Speech.
Edit the piece. The entire piece may not exceed 10 minutes.
2. Practice the Bible Interpretation Speech.
Nov. 17th – Week 6:
Student delivery of Bible Interpretation Speeches
Forensic notebook preparation and technique
Discuss evaluation
Homework for Week 7:
1. Polish the Bible Interpretation Speech.
Dec. 1st - Week 7:
Student delivery of Bible Interpretation Speeches
Round Robin Game
Discuss Round Robin Checklist
Homework for Round Robin:
1. Practice the Bible Interpretation Speeches for the Round Robin.
Dec. 8th - Round Robin
Three presentations
Tournament attire required
Materials required for class: Pen or pencil, 3-ring binder with lined paper, forensic