Calvin-Benson Cycle Model Activity

The Calvin-­‐Benson Cycle Model/Skit (Aka, the light-­‐independent reac3ons) • Look at the Calvin-­‐Benson cycle in your textbook. spend a few minutes examining the process as it is depicted. It is not necessary for you to memorize the reac3ons of the cycle, however you should understand the main concepts. a. What are the star3ng molecules and the ending molecules? (the process begins with carbon dioxide binding to ribulose bisphosphate aNer three turns of the Calvin-­‐Benson cycle, half a glucose molecule, called G3P, is produced) b. How much energy is used to fuel this anabolic process? (sunlight, 9ATP molecules and 6 NADPH molecules are used to make one molecule of G3P) c. A reactant-­‐specific enzyme catalyzes each reac3on in this mul3-­‐
step process. The first enzyme performs a cri3cal step of capturing carbon dioxide and “fixing” it so that it is commiKed to entering the Calvin-­‐Benson cycle. Can you recall the name of this first enzyme? (rubisco—aka RuBP carboxylase—is the enzyme that binds carbon to ribulose bisphosphate) d. How does the Calvin-­‐Benson cycle regenerate the star3ng molecule ribulose bisphosphate (aka RuBP)? (the cycle uses a series of reac3ons and 3 molecules of ATP to regenerate RuBP) Any volunteers to go to the board and write the key points to remember about the Calvin-­‐Benson cycle? YOUR MISSION is…… •  Break into a group of 4 and create a model, poster, or skit of the Calvin-­‐Benson cycle. • You will need to include the most important informa3on but not every detail. • Your model, poster or skit must also include the use of props and narra3on. • Narra3on should u3lize all scien3fic terms related to this topic as appropriate. Take 20 minutes to plan and prepare to present your poster, skit or model. • Each group presents while the audience prepares a ques3on to ask following their presenta3on • Make a chart showing all the reactants and products used in the two phases of photosynthesis. 