E-International Scientific Research Journal ISSN: 2094-1749 Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 2010 DIGITAL LIBRARY FOR THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF DMMMSU-SLUC, AGOO, LA UNION Darwin C. Llavore Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University Abstract The library is considered as the depot of general knowledge. It had been established as an imperative support system to provide incessantly for the reading needs of students, faculty and the community. Effective utilization of the library facilities and services will help the students succeed in their academic life. Key words: digital library, wiki journal, e-journal, e-library, content management systems, theses compendium, virtual library Introduction With the growth and the popularity of the Internet, World Wide Web, adoption of these technologies in libraries has led to the development of “digital library”. Digital libraries aim at a continuous and speedy access to contents over computer and communication networks, thus justify the need for shifting into a digital library setup for useful information resources. This project study entitled Digital Library for Graduate School of DMMMSU-SLUC, Agoo, La Union was intended to design and develop a digital library and fully utilize the potentials of available technology. It attempted to answer the following questions: 1. What are the problems encountered by a user in accessing the Graduate School Library holdings of DMMMSU-SLUC? 2. What are the attributes of the thesis manuscript to be included in the proposed Digital Library for Graduate School of DMMMSU-SLUC, Agoo, La Union? 3. What are the advantages of the proposed Digital Library? 4. What are the security measures to be implemented in the proposed Digital Library? Materials and Methods The study focused primarily on the design and development of a digital library for the Graduate School of DMMMSU Agoo Campus that provides an alternative means for student researchers in their conduct of literature review for their studies. The RAD (Rapid Application Development) model was adopted to develop the system. Frequency and percentage was used to determine respondents’ perception on the problems encountered and the advantages of a digital library. The study included 133 students of the graduate school of DMMMSU Agoo campus as respondents in the study. 230 E-International Scientific Research Journal ISSN: 2094-1749 Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 2010 Data are gathered primarily from the Graduate School Library of DMMMSU-SLUC. People of particular importance in providing information needed are the faculty members, Graduate School Librarian, library assistants and students who are conducting researches. They are the people who provided necessary information about the existing setup of the Graduate School Library. Interviews and observation with actual gathering of available CDs containing softcopies of the theses manuscripts are also important sources of facts and served as the primary tool in gathering needed data. Results Based on the research problems, the following are the findings of the researcher: 1. Users are encountering problems in accessing the Graduate School Library holdings of DMMMSU-SLUC. Eighty percent (80%) of the respondents considered documents are for inside researching only, 81% on time constraints in browsing collections, 80% on the seating capacity of the library is not enough, 76% on the duplication of manuscripts is limited, 74% on working space is limited, 75% on time constraints in locating theses manuscripts, 63% on information of theses manuscript is not always updated, 69% on documents are not allowed to be photocopied, 63% on not every time, the library is opened, 62% on library is always crowded. 2. With regard to the attributes of the manuscripts to be included, the following are adopted: a) The theses manuscripts are organized with the following attributes considered: title, author, abstract and date/year. The abstract contents are converted to Post Script (PS) and Microsoft Word (MS-Word) document files and the full text contents are converted to Portable Document Format (PDF). b) The contents of the digital library are stored in the database with the following attributes of the manuscript: title, author, abstract, date and year. MYSQL was used as database engine. The converted PDF, PS and MS-Word format files are uploaded to the digital library which serves as the main collection of the digital library. c) The contents of the digital library can be accessed using different search categories such as the title, author, subject and date and the abstract attribute of the manuscripts. Abstract can be downloaded in PS or MS-Word document format. Full text content can be downloaded in PDF file. 3. There are advantages of the proposed digital library as perceived by the respondents. Ninetyfour percent (94%) perceived that it brings information to the user at work or home and user never needs to go and visit a library building, 95% on support full text searching, 97% on information can be shared more easily, 92% on easier to keep information current and updated, 89% on materials are never checked out or mis-shelved, 89% on materials will never be stolen, 92% on efficient locating and searching of manuscript, 94% on more users can simultaneously access a collection, 95% on researcher can do research anytime, 92% on user can easily copy and print the abstract of a research without an error. 231 E-International Scientific Research Journal ISSN: 2094-1749 Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 2010 4. In terms of the system’s access levels, there are two primary account types namely, the administrator and the member account. Administrator account has a full privilege to access all modules of the system as well as in the management of the system’s database. The member of the site is authorized to search and view the full contents of the abstract collections in the digital library. He or she can upload a PDF or MS-Word document file containing the abstract of his or her study as part of the digital library. The registered member of the site has also the option to download the PDF or MS-Word document file containing the full abstract of the study. Discussion 1. The problems encountered by the users in accessing the Graduate School Library holdings of DMMMSU-SLUC are attributed to traditional setup where manual processes are used. 2. Copying of the information in a manuscript is limited to some attributes or parts of the manuscripts only. 3. Digital library addresses the problems that are identified. The library will be brought to the user and users never need to go and visit the physical library building. Information can easily be accessed and shared by users. Digital library is expensive but with the declining costs of technology, digital library may eventually prove to be less expensive. 4. The security measures adopted is indeed prohibiting unauthorized access to the system and allow only the registered member of the site. 232 E-International Scientific Research Journal ISSN: 2094-1749 Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 2010 References: Published Materials Eden, B.L.(2008). Content management systems in libraries, A case study. Retrieved April 8, 2009, from https://www.scarecrowpress.com/Catalog/SingleBook.shtml?command=Search&db=^DB/CA TALOG.db&eqSKUdata=0810856921. Greenstein, D., & Thorin, S.E.(2002). The Digital library: A biography. Washington,DC: Digital Library Federation Council on Library and Information Resources. Web Resources (Definition and Purposes of a Digital Library, 2009). Retrieved April 8, 2009, from http://d.scribd.com/docs/wrkyukydiibazo4n9bg.pdf. Eden, B.L.(2008). Content Management Systems in Libraries, A Case Study. 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