wellimported as the study of theand Quran in his He scholars books to kingdom. introduce his He imported scholars and books to introduce his subjects to the message of Allah. He brought archisubjects to the message Allah. He brought architects back with him to buildofmosques like the ones he back build mosques like the ones he hadtects seen in with Cairohim andtoArabia. The famous Sankore mosque in Timbuktu was Arabia. one of the had seen in Cairo and Theresults. famousSankore Sankore also becameinan important learning. mosque Timbuktu wascenter one ofofthe results. Sankore Mansa Musa proved to be the last powerful also became an important center of learning. ruler of Mali. By Musa 1359, proved civil war Within Mansa to bedivided the last Mali. powerful ruler another hundred years a new kingdom—that of of Mali. By 1359, civil war divided Mali. Within Songhai—was beginning to surpass Mali. another hundred years a new kingdom—that of Reading Check Songhai—was beginning to surpass Summarizing WhatMali. were Mansa Musa’s accomplishments? Reading Check Summarizing What were Mansa Musa’s accomplishments? The Kingdom of Songhai Like the Nile, the Niger River floods and thus provides a rich soil for raising crops and taking care of cattle.Like East Timbuktu, river makes a wide theofNile, the Nigerthe River floods and thus probend. Along south of thatand bend, a people vides a richthe soilriver, for raising crops taking care of known the Songhai established themselves. cattle.asEast of Timbuktu, the river makes a wide In 1009, a ruler named Kossi converted bend. Along the river, south of that bend,toa Islam people and established the Dia dynasty. This first Songhai known as the Songhai established themselves. state benefited from the Muslim trade routes linking In 1009, a ruler named Kossi converted to Islam Arabia, North Africa, and West Africa. An era of and established the Dia dynasty. This first Songhai prosperity ensued with Gao as the chief trade center. state benefited from the tradewho routes linking Under the leadership ofMuslim Sunni Ali, created a Arabia, North Africa, and West Africa. An era new dynasty—the Sunni—in 1464, Songhai began toof prosperity withmuch Gao as center. expand. Sunniensued Ali spent ofthe hischief reigntrade on horseUnder of led Sunni created back and on the the leadership march as he his Ali, armywho in one mil- a itary afterSunni—in another. 1464, Two Songhai of Sunni Ali’sto newcampaign dynasty—the began The Kingdom of Songhai expand. Sunni Ali spent much of his reign on horseback and on the march as he led his army in one military campaign after another. Two of Sunni Ali’s conquests, Timbuktu and Jenne, were especially conquests,They Timbuktu and Jenne, were especially important. gave Songhai control of the trading important. They gave Songhai of the trading empire—especially trade in saltcontrol and gold—that had empire—especially trade in salt and gold—that had made Ghana and Mali so prosperous. made andEmpire Mali so reached prosperous. The Ghana Songhai the height of its power theEmpire reign ofreached Muhammad Ture. AofmiliTheduring Songhai the height its tary commander and devout Muslim, Muhammad power during the reign of Muhammad Ture. A miliTure of Sunni Ali Muhammad and seized tary overthrew commanderthe andson devout Muslim, power in 1493, thus creating a new the Ture overthrew the son of Sunni Ali dynasty, and seized Askia. (Askia means “usurper.”) power in 1493, thus creating a new dynasty, the Muhammad Ture continued Sunni Ali’s policy of Askia. (Askia means “usurper.”) expansion, creating an empire that stretched a thouMuhammad Ture continued Sunni Ali’s policy of sand miles along the Niger River. He was an able expansion, creating an empire that stretched a thouadministrator who divided Songhai into provinces. sand miles along the Niger River. He was an able Muhammad Ture maintained the peace and security into provinces. ofadministrator his kingdomwho withdivided a navySonghai and soldiers on horseMuhammad Turecities maintained peaceprospered and security back. The chief of the the empire as never fromwith the salt andand goldsoldiers trade. on horseof hisbefore kingdom a navy AfterThe Muhammad reign, Songhai enteredasa back. chief citiesTure’s of the empire prospered period of slowfrom decline. Near endtrade. of the sixteenth never before the salt andthe gold century, decline quickened the entered forces of After that Muhammad Ture’s reign,when Songhai a the sultan of Morocco occupied much of Songhai. period of slow decline. Near the end of the sixteenth One observer wrote, “From that moment on, everycentury, that decline quickened when the forces of thing changed. Danger took the place of security, the sultan of Morocco occupied much of Songhai. poverty [took the place] of wealth. Peace gave way to One observer wrote, that moment distress, disasters, and“From violence.” By 1600,on, theeverySongthing changed. Danger took the place of security, hai Empire was little more than a remnant of its forpoverty [tookself. the place] of wealth. Peace gave way to mer glorious distress, disasters, and violence.” By 1600, the SongReading Check What wereoftheitskeyforhai Empire was little Summarizing more than a remnant factors in Songhai’s rise to power? mer glorious self. CHAPTER 7 Early African Civilizations Reading Check Summarizing What were the key factors in Songhai’s rise to power? 231