2015-2016 Bob Mayberry Foundation Scholarship Application

Did you know: more people- men and women- die each year from lung cancer than any other type of cancer? Currently,
lung cancer accounted for more deaths than breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer combined. Only 50% of
people treated for stage IV lung cancer live for 1 year. Approximately 20% of all lung cancer diagnoses are with patients
whom have never smoked in their lives. Yet, because of the stigma associated with the disease, lung cancer research
remains extremely under-funded.
For example, for every person who dies of breast cancer, approximately $27,000 is spent on research compared to less
than $1,200 for each person who dies of lung cancer. Breast cancer survival rates are 89% after 5 years, while lung cancer
rates are less than 15%.
The Bob Mayberry Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation established in 2008 by Diane Judah-Mayberry to
honor the life of Bob Mayberry, a non-smoker, and his 5 year battle with lung cancer. The purpose of the foundation is to
raise money and awareness for the cause of lung cancer research. Since our inception, we have partnered with Dr. William
N. William, Bob’s Oncologist at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. We have had 8 successful events and are
now preparing for our 9th event to be held on Saturday, October 24th, 2015, at Lakeway Resort and Spa in Lakeway, Texas.
100% of all proceeds are sent to M.D. Anderson for continued research. To date, we have raised over $260,000.
We are dedicated to working with MD Anderson and Dr. William N. William to help raise money and awareness about a
Lung Cancer Research. MD Anderson’s research project B.A.T.T.L.E. focuses on biopsying each individual’s tumor and
studying the specific cancer markers within the tumor which are unique in every case. By using these methodologies, the
days of pre-prescribed treatment for all patients can be revolutionized so that each person is given a specific treatment
plan which matches their individual needs. To date, the B.A.T.T.L.E. Program has successfully completed its first round
and results have allowed for second and third round trials to start.
The Bob Mayberry Scholarship was first awarded in 2011 and continues to be an integral part of the Bob Mayberry
Foundation legacy. We look forward to receiving applications and essays from eligible high school students.
Thank you for supporting the fight against lung cancer. Together, we can make a difference.
Diane Judah-Mayberry
Bob Mayberry Foundation Scholarship Application
Requirements and Directions for 2016
Amount: $2,500 one-time award
Eligibility Criteria: Graduating high school senior that has had a friend, family member, or other important individual
within their immediate circle stricken with lung cancer either in the past or present. The student needs to be graduating in
the 2015-2016 school year and must be from Lake Travis High School, Dripping Springs High School, and Vandergrift
High School. Applicants are required to have a minimum GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale and must already be accepted by an
accredited college or university.
Interested students should complete the following:
a 500 word essay describing the impact of lung cancer on their life
email as an attachment to Kate Steece: kate.steece@yahoo.com.au
an OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT with grades and cumulative GPA posted through Fall of 2015
two letters of recommendation, non-family members, examples: employers, teachers, principals, etc.
*Please mail transcripts and letters of recommendation to:
To the attention of:
Kate Steece
4407 Lakeway Blvd.
Austin, TX 78734
Application Deadline: March 15, 2016
The winner will be notified via phone and email by April 1, 2016. The scholarship will be presented by members of the Bob
Mayberry Foundation to the recipient in the spring of 2016 at an award venue which is to be determined. The recipient
will be asked to give a two to three minute acceptance speech regarding lung cancer, its effects on their life, and how
receiving the Bob Mayberry Foundation Scholarship will impact their future.
Family and friends of the recipient are welcome to attend.
Bob Mayberry Foundation Scholarship Application
Student Name: First______________ Middle_____________ Last ______________
Student email address: _________________________________________________
Student mailing address: _______________________________________________
Primary Number: (____)_____-________
Type (Home, Mobile, Other)___________
Secondary Phone Number: (____)_____-_______
Type (Home, Mobile, Other)___________
Name of Parent or Legal Guardian: _______________________________________
Parent of Legal Guardian’s contact information: Phone (_____)______-__________
Applicant’s High School: _______________________________________________
High School’s Address: ________________________________________________
Applicant’s High School Guidance Counselor: ______________________________
Guidance Counselor’s contact information: Phone (_____)______-______________
Accepted College or University that you will be attending Fall of 2016:
Signature of Applicant: _________________________ Date___________________
Bob Mayberry Foundation Scholarship
Essay Template
Below, please describe the impact of lung cancer on your life and what makes you the best candidate for
this scholarship (minimum 500 words).