1 Speech by Mr Guah Eng Hock, Chairman of the Waste

Speech by Mr Guah Eng Hock, Chairman of the Waste Management and
Recycling Association of Singapore (WMRAS) at WMRAS Chinese New Year
cum 10th Anniversary Dinner 2012, 31 January 2012.
Ms Grace Fu, Senior Minister of State for the Environment and Water Resources,
fellow members of the association, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen.
A very good evening and a warm welcome to all. I would like to extend an
especially warm welcome to Ms Grace Fu, Senior Minister of State for the Ministry of
the Environment and Water Resources and Ministry of Information, Communications
& the Arts, and WMRAS’ new advisor. We are very glad to welcome you to the
Association and thank you for gracing this evening’s dinner as our Guest of Honour.
The Waste Management and Recycling Association of Singapore, or WMRAS
as it’s usually called, was formed on 8 August 2001. 2011 marked our 10th
anniversary and we decided to combine it with our annual Chinese New Year Dinner
for a bigger celebration. I am very glad that we made the choice to wait till today, as
there are so many you with us today, at least 100 more people than we usually have
at our annual Chinese New Year Dinners!
Key Changes
When WMRAS was first formed in 2001, the intention was to create a
community with common interests and concerns to come together, and build a
bridge between industry and the Government. We started off with just 30 members,
and I’m glad to announce that we have since crossed the 100 mark at the end of
For WMRAS to reach the 10-year mark, the journey was not easy. It took the
efforts of many dedicated individuals to put in their time, ideas, connections and
financial support to help us get to where we are today. The contributions of a few
stand out, for their vision and direction, and long service of unwavering dedication.
Tonight, I’m pleased to announce that we will be honouring some of these individuals
by presenting them with lifetime membership. As those of you who were there at our
recent Extraordinary General Meeting will know, a change in our Constitution was
recently passed. We now have new membership categories to acknowledge
Honorary Individual members, as well as newly –created categories to make it easier
for newly-registered and young companies to join us as Startup Members, and for
Students to join us as members.
The honorary members that we will be awarding later tonight have either
served as Chairpersons in the Executive Committee or have served a full ten years
in the Executive Committee. That’s right, you heard me correctly. We have members
in our Executive Committee who have been with us since Day 1 and who have been
offering their time and expertise unrelentingly. I thank them for their commitment and
belief in the Association. They represent the confidence in our industry, and are an
invaluable source of information and witness to the continuous development of the
I would also like to make special mention of and acknowledge our past
Advisor, Dr Amy Khor, whom we are now recognising as Honorary Advisor. Dr Khor
has served as our Advisor since our early days when she was Minister of State for
the Environment, and has personally been involved in the planning and execution of
many key events and plans for the Association, including the setting up of our new
full-time Secretariat Office. It is unfortunate that she is unable to join us tonight but I
would nevertheless, like to record our note of thanks to her.
Earlier in August this year, we elected in a new team to the Executive
Committee. My team and I look forward to working closely with you, our members,
and meeting your expectations. I am pleased to inform that 3 sub-committees have
been formed in this regard: Industry Development, to address technical and business
issues, and promote best practices; Membership and Outreach, to foster closer ties
and enhance the image of the industry; and Environmental Health and Safety, to
work together with stakeholders to improve the safety of the industry. Please
approach us if you are interested to be part of these sub-committees.
The Year Ahead
With the new Secretariat Office, as well as support from our long-term
secretariat services partner, Enterprise Promotion Centres, members can expect
more activities and opportunities for networking in the coming year. Last year,
WMRAS organised the Waste Management Symposium and 3 seminars on the
concept of zero waste and sustainable construction. Many of you were at the
Symposium to hear about the prospects for the industry from NEA and regional
representatives, and latest technological updates from industry experts from the
International Solid Waste Association, ISWA. This year, we are taking a slightly
different approach to the Prospects Symposium. We are working with NEA to brief
the industry on some key changes to the regulatory landscape for General Waste
Collectors, and have also invited other agencies to share on financial and assistance
schemes that will help boost the competitiveness of companies and improve
companies’ prospects.
Inaugural WasteMET Asia
I am sure by now you would also have heard of, or signed up for, our most
major event since WMRAS was first formed, an event that will be taking place this
year from 1-4 July. WMRAS will be co-organising with NEA a new exhibition cum
conference on waste management and environmental technologies, WasteMET
Asia. The event has received strong support from both the local and the international
industry. I will leave it to our Guest of Honour and Advisor to tell you more about the
event but would just like to give a word of advice to those of you who are still
considering whether or not to be part of the exhibition - more than 60% of the
exhibition floor space has already been booked so do make your reservations
quickly! The technical Conference will be co-organised with the International Solid
Waste Association, and will be focusing on the challenges and opportunities
presented by globalisation, examining cities at different stages of development, and
exploring innovative emerging waste management technologies that will be part of
cities of the future.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank ISWA, strategic partner to
WasteMET Asia and co-organiser of the WasteMET Asia Technical conference. I
would also like to show my appreciation for WasteMET Asia’s founding sponsors:
Keppel Integrated Engineering, Dowa Eco-Systems, Veolia Environmental Services;
and other Gold and Silver Sponsors. Thank you for your support of WasteMET Asia.
Mission Trip
A few mission trips have also been planned for this year to enable members
to explore opportunities beyond Singapore and to keep abreast latest technologies
and practices. In early March, we are working with NEA to organise a mission trip to
Kitakyushu Japan to learn more about the recycling industry there and for companies
to explore potential entry into the Japanese market, or for technology collaboration
opportunities. Kitakyushu is known for its advanced pollution control and recycling
technology, and presents much learning and business opportunity.
We will also be exploring other trips: to Munich, Germany to attend the IFAT
ENTSORGA trade fair in May this year, which is one of the most major international
trade shows for the environmental sector. We will keep members updated on these
mission trips.
Capability Building
In the coming months, WMRAS will be rolling out training courses to build up
the capability of our industry. First and foremost are the training courses leading to
Workforce Skills Qualification for the drivers and crew of our waste collectors. From
the first batch of workers that have undergone the training programme, the feedback
has been positive and very encouraging. We are working very closely with the
Workforce Development Agency to develop the key competencies necessary for the
waste management industry, starting from the operations level, to the supervisory
level, and finally the management. By systematically developing the capabilities of all
levels of our industry, we are confident that this will lead to a more progressive and
technically competent industry that will stand out for our advanced practices and
competitiveness in the region.
On the cards are also training courses in safety, such as bizSAFE and
Business Continuity Management BCM), which are the backbone of every business.
I urge you to look out for these training opportunities and sign up yourselves and
your staff for them, to keep abreast with regulatory requirements and best industry
In conclusion, the year ahead promises to be an exciting and busy one for the
Association. Much can be done when we come together as one, and I look forward
to knowing more of you and meeting you at our events. Thank you for your support
and I trust that you will enjoy tonight’s dinner and the entertainment that has been
lined up for you. On behalf of my Executive Committee member, I wish you a Happy
and Prosperous Dragon Year, Gong Xi Fa Cai!