APWH Ch 19: Internal Troubles, External Threats Big Picture and Margin Questions 1. In what ways did the Industrial Revolution shape the character of nineteenth century European imperialism? • Need for raw materials found in other parts of the world • Markets to sell goods • Investment and profit opportunities would decrease class conflict • Better technology and weapons 2. What contributed to changing European views of Asians and Africans in the nineteenth century? Jeannette Olivercarr Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 8:03:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time 00:25:00:aa:ce:5c • Secular arrogance (“We’re better than you because…”) religion=older approach, race, money, ideologies, government, education, health care, clothing • Social Darwinism-the strong will survive = the new more modern approach 3. What accounts for the massive peasant rebellions of nineteenth century China? • Increase in population, agriculture could not keep up which led to a huge peasant population – unemployment-famine • Local officials were corrupt • Peasants did not like Qing dynasty b/c they were Manchurian Jeannette Olivercarr Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 8:03:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time 00:25:00:aa:ce:5c • Bad times lead to follow the leader that makes promises to suit your needs. 4. How did Western pressures stimulate change in China during the nineteenth century? • China was forced to import opium • Had to cede Hong Kong to Britain and open ports • Import tariffs were set at a low rate of 5% • Extraterritoriality-foreigners live they way they want. • Foreigners were given the right to buy land in China • Doors opened to Christian missionaries • Western powers could patrol interior waterways Jeannette Olivercarr Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 8:03:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time 00:25:00:aa:ce:5c • Lost control of Vietnam, Korea and Taiwan • Western Powers + Japan + Russia had spheres of influence over China-they could set up military bases, take raw materials and build railroads • Unequal treaties inhibited China’s ability to industrialize 5. What strategies did China adopt to confront various problems? In what ways did these strategies reflect China’s own history and culture as well as the new global order? • “Self-Strengthening” program 1860s-1870s tired to borrow ideas from West • New examination system Jeannette Olivercarr Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 8:03:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time 00:25:00:aa:ce:5c • Industrial factories were built and older industries were expanded • Telegraph system • Did not work because they were dependent on foreign machinery, materials and manpower. Plus the traditional local officials controlled industrial enterprises and used them to suit their own needs rather than the Nation’s. 6. What lay behind the decline of the Ottoman Empire in the nineteenth century? • Empire Shrank • Empire weakened • Janissaries became reactionaryweakened military • Lack of technology • Center for trade diminished Jeannette Olivercarr Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 8:03:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time 00:25:00:aa:ce:5c • Riots over the importation of cheap European goods • Capitulations-(unequal laws) gave foreigners an advantage that exempted them from laws, taxes and duties • Indebted and reliant on foreign lands and could not pay back loans 7. In what different ways did the Ottoman state respond to its various problems? • “Defensive Modernization” new military and administrative structures • Ambassadors sent to Europe to learn new methods of business • Schools established to train future officials Jeannette Olivercarr Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 8:03:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time 00:25:00:aa:ce:5c • Tanzimat or reorganizationModernize and Westernize • Equality was being accepted 8. In what different ways did various groups define the Ottoman Empire during the nineteenth century? • Young ottomans-loyal to the dynasty • Pan-Islamic • Young Turks-militant secular public life (Turkish national State) 9. How did Japan’s historical development differ from that of China and the Ottoman Empire during the nineteenth century? • Internal peace between 1600-1850 • Agreed to unequal treaties Jeannette Olivercarr Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 8:03:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time 00:25:00:aa:ce:5c • Meiji Restoration-less destructive • Less of an interest to the West • Industrialized • Did not become dependent on foreign capital 10. In what ways was Japan changing during the Tokugawa era? • Samurai evolved into salaried administrators • Economic growth, urban development and commercialization • Education promoted • Social tension cause by merchant class and warrior class • Corruption undermined the Tokugawa regime • Some uprising by the poor Jeannette Olivercarr Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 8:03:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time 00:25:00:aa:ce:5c 11. In what respects was Japan’s nineteenth century transformation revolutionary? • Attacked the privileged • Dismantled old Confucian based social order through abolition of class restrictions on occupation, residence, marriage and clothing, and dismantled limitations on travel and trade • Modernized and Westernized quickly • Used selective borrowing from the West • State-guided industrialization 12. How did Japan’s relationship to the larger world change during its modernization process? Jeannette Olivercarr Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 8:03:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time 00:25:00:aa:ce:5c • Unequal treaties were rewritten • Japan began to build an empire, taking Taiwan, Korea and parts of Manchuria (China) • Won battles against Russia and China • Became a competitor with the West Big Picture Questions: 1. How did European Expansion in the Nineteenth century differ from that of the early modern era? • Drew on immense new resources created by the Industrial revolution • Nations were more powerful • More military • More technology Jeannette Olivercarr Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 8:03:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time 00:25:00:aa:ce:5c • More money • New ideas sprung from rationalism, nationalism, feminism, socialism and individualism 2. What differences can you identify in how China, the Ottoman Empire, and Japan experienced Western imperialism and confronted it? How might you account for those differences? • China and ottoman-More reliant on Western Finance, territory occupied • All were forced to sign unequal treaties-Japan renegotiated • All launched modernization programs, Japan’s was most radical and successful Jeannette Olivercarr Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 8:03:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time 00:25:00:aa:ce:5c 3. “The response of each society to European imperialism grew out of its larger historical development and its internal problems.” What evidence might support this statement? • Technology • Internal problems China-Taiping Rebellion, Ottoman –lost territory, Japan-Corruption 4. What kinds of debates, controversies, and conflicts were generated by European intrusion within each of the societies examined in this chapter? • Reaction to Western Powers was to modernize Jeannette Olivercarr Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 8:03:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time 00:25:00:aa:ce:5c • All societies dealt with issues of identity and tried to redefine themselves • All societies dealt with conflicts between modernizers and conservatives. Questions to consider: • In what ways did growing European influence in the nineteenth century have an impact on societies of Asia? These societies faced the immense military might and political ambitions of rival European states. The became enmeshed in networks of trade, investment, and sometimes migration that radiated out from an industrializing and capitalist Europe to generate a new world economy. Jeannette Olivercarr Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 8:03:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time 00:25:00:aa:ce:5c They were touched by various aspects of traditional European culture, as some among them learned the French, English or German languages, converted to Christianity, or studied European literature and philosophy. They engaged with the new culture of modernity its scientific rationalism, its technological achievements, its belief in a better future, and its ideas of nationalism, socialism, feminism, and individualism. • In what ways was the Industrial Revolution instrumental in Western Europe’s growing importance during the nineteenth century? Before the Industrial Revolution, trade networks were based in the Jeannette Olivercarr Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 8:03:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time 00:25:00:aa:ce:5c Eastern hemisphere of the world. Europe’s influence was not as great, nor had as much to offer. As Europe began to Industrialize their influence expanded due to new technology and a need for more resources. This led to an expansion of nations and enabling them to become empires. The center of trade shifted towards the west which promoted different political, social and economic ideologies. Jeannette Olivercarr Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 8:03:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time 00:25:00:aa:ce:5c