Report Oxford, UK International IJD Blackwell 1365-4632 45 Publishing, Publishing Journal Ltd, of Ltd. Dermatology 2004 Transmission potential of the human head louse, Pediculus capitis (Anoplura: Pediculidae) Head louse transmission Takano-Lee et al. Miwa Takano-Lee, PhD, John D. Edman, PhD, Bradley A. Mullens, PhD, and John M. Clark, PhD From the Center for Vector-borne Diseases, University of California, Davis, CA, Department of Entomology, University of California, Riverside, CA, and Department of Veterinary and Animal Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA Correspondence John Edman Center for Vector-borne Diseases University of California Davis CA 95616 E-mail: Abstract Background Millions of people are infested by head lice every year. However, louse transfer between hosts is not well-understood. Our goals were to determine: (1) which stages were most likely to disperse and why, (2) the likelihood of fomites transmission, and (3) if host blood gender affects louse development. Methods Various life stages of lice at differing densities were permitted to cross over a 15-cm hair bridge placed between two artificial blood-feeding arenas. Louse transfer caused by hot air movements, combing, toweling, and passive transfer to fabric was investigated. The ability of lice to oviposit on different foreign substrates and the hatching potential of eggs intermittently incubated for 8 h /night on a host were likewise investigated. Louse in vitro development following feeding on human female or male donor blood was compared. Results Adult lice were the most likely to disperse. Neither population density nor hunger significantly affected dispersal tendencies. Lice were dislodged by air movement, combs and towels, and passively transferred to fabric within 5 min. Females oviposited on a variety of substrates and 59% of eggs incubated for 8 h /night hatched after 14 –16 days. There was no survivorship difference between lice artificially fed on female vs. male blood. Conclusions Adult lice are the most mobile, indicating that they are most likely to initiate new infestations. Although head-to-head contact may be the primary route of transmission, less direct routes involving fomites may play a role and need further evaluation. Blood-borne factors do not appear to cause any gender-biased host preference. Introduction Pediculosis, the infestation by head lice (Pediculus capitis De Geer), affects 6–12 million people each year in the United States; most cases occur among elementary school children.1 Louse infestation is annoying and leads to pruritis, sleeplessness, and in extreme cases, anemia.2 Social stigma still surrounds those with head lice even though lice do not discriminate by socioeconomic status. It remains unknown how lice are transferred from one host to another. There are two major mechanisms by which louse transmission is assumed to occur: direct host-to-host contact or via inanimate objects, also known as fomites.3 Burkhart and Burkhart4 proposed that transmission also might occur via (1) fallen hairs containing lice or nits; (2) wind movement; (3) static movement; or (4) contact with dislodged lice crawling on the floor. Greater control of louse transmission could be achieved if it were known which stages dispersed and why, and how long various stages can survive away from a host. Epidemiological studies of louse outbreaks have been documented around the world,3,5–15 but the conclusions made © 2004 The International Society of Dermatology as to why this happens vary widely. These differences may be attributable to the skill of the louse screener, ages of the children involved, intensity of infestations, cultural differences, etc. Most people intuitively conclude that lice most likely transfer when direct contact between hosts occurs.2,3,16,17 More controversial is whether transmission by fomites occurs to a significant extent.2,3,5,11,13,16–19 The role of transmission by fomites has not been experimentally quantified, although the likelihood of transfer from hair to hair was recently investigated in the laboratory.17 We maintained several in vivo colonies to provide sufficient numbers of lice. Use of an in vitro bioassay system, which consists of a human hair tuft maintained on an artificial membrane-covered blood-feeding arena, permitted us to study louse mobility, behavior, and development in a more realistic and reproducible setting20,21. The goals of the present research were to determine which stages are most likely to disperse and why, to investigate whether transmission via fomites presents a legitimate risk to uninfested individuals, and to perform a preliminary evaluation of the impact of host gender on louse development. International Journal of Dermatology 2005, 44, 811– 816 811 812 Report Head louse transmission Takano-Lee et al. infested tuft). Hair tufts were washed with shampoo, rinsed with water, and air-dried between experiments. Hair bridges and feeding arenas were discarded after use. Data were analyzed by comparing arcsine (square-root)transformed proportions of lice dispersing over the hair bridge by one-way ANOVA. A separation of means test also was performed. Significance was determined at P < 0.05. Figure 1 Photograph of two in vitro louse-rearing feeders, connected by a 15-cm hair bridge Materials and Methods Louse maintenance Four separate head louse colonies from California (CA), Ecuador (EC), Florida (FL), and Panama (PA) were maintained as previously reported.20 Head lice were gently grasped by tweezers and placed on human hair tufts in modified 15-mL centrifuge tubes and secured to the legs of the investigator (M. T.-L.). “Head-to-Head” transmission Two in vitro feeding arenas that mimic human “mini-heads”,20 located 6.25 cm apart, were connected by a 15-cm hair bridge (∼15 human hairs) (Fig. 1). Each artificial membrane-covered feeding arena was suspended within a reservoir containing warmed human blood (31 °C). The blood meal was composed of a 1 : 1 mixture of red blood cells (RBCs) : plasma (matching A + blood from the same individual) and was amended with 200 µL of penicillin/streptomycin (Sigma, St. Louis, MO) antibiotic/mL blood. Blood components were purchased from a local blood bank and contained citrate dextrose-phosphate, a common anticoagulant that dilutes the blood by 10-fold. Our artificial feeding apparatus effectively eliminated the need for a live host, but permitted normal louse life functions to occur.20 The following experimental factors were evaluated: (1) density (n = 5, 15, or 30 lice/arena); (2) hunger (freshly blood fed or starved for 10–12 h); (3) life stage (1st, 2nd, and 3rd instars, males and females); and (4) time (dispersal after 5 min or 1 h). Groups of lice were introduced onto hair tufts (1.5 cm) and permitted to rest within the in vitro feeding arena (infested “mini-head”) for 5 min before a second uninfested hair tuft was placed into a separate in vitro feeder (uninfested “mini-head”) 10 cm away, and the 15-cm hair bridge added to connect the two feeders for a defined period of time. The distribution of lice was observed by counting individuals and documenting their position at 5 min and 1 h after the hair bridge was placed into direct contact with the hair tufts in the two feeding arenas. Lice were considered to have dispersed if they were on the distal half of the hair bridge (i.e. furthest from the International Journal of Dermatology 2005, 44, 811– 816 Vertical walking speed Lice (EC) of varying life stages and nutritional levels were placed on the bottom end of a single strand of human hair (25 cm). Each hair strand was attached to a Plexiglas frame (25 × 25 cm) and maintained at room temperature (22 – 23 °C). The upward (vertical) walking speed of each louse was recorded with a stopwatch. Different life stages were compared by one-way ANOVA, followed by a separation of means test, where significance was determined at P < 0.05. Data for blood fed vs. starved lice were compared by life stage using two-sample t-tests and significance determined at P < 0.05. Fomites transmission Four possible methods of louse transmission were examined to investigate the potential of lice to be transferred by hot air movements, combs, towels, or contiguous fabric. The ability of lice to be removed by five passes of a hand-held vacuum (Dustbuster 200, Black and Decker, Hampstead, MD) or one pass of a convertible vacuum cleaner (RS, The Hoover Company, North Canton, OH) was evaluated. A small number of hair strands (∼15 strands, 25 cm in length) were glued at one end and loose at the other end. Groups of five lice (PA), composed of either all females or a random mixture of 2nd and 3rd instars (six replications of each group),were placed onto the group of hair strands and exposed to one of the following treatments: (1) 1-min exposure to low (4 m/s at 31 °C) and high (8.9 m/s at 38 °C) cycles of a typical hair dryer (Model SBPC30, Sunbeam, El Paso, TX) at a distance of 15 cm; (2) combing (five strokes) with the wide-toothed portion of a comb, followed by the narrow-toothed portion; (3) agitation in water for 30 s before toweldrying (gently patting the strands between two towel layers in a downward fashion) for 5 s; or (4) placement of a wristlet of human hairs securely around the investigator’s wrist and then loosely covered by a piece of dark blue corduroy (3 × 24 cm) for 5 min. The number of lice remaining on the hair strands was recorded. Data were analyzed by comparing arcsine (square-root)-transformed proportions of lice removed by treatment using one-way ANOVA. A comparison of means test (Tukey) was performed to determine significance at the P < 0.05 level. Oviposition substrates A variety of different oviposition substrates (human hair, denim, charmeuse, felt, or faux fur) were offered to female lice (EC). Females were starved for 15 h before receiving an in vivo blood meal. Lice were placed in a 3.5-cm diameter Petri dish on an oviposition substrate (2.5 × 2.5 cm) (n = 3 females/dish; five replicates), transferred to an incubator (31 °C), and maintained © 2004 The International Society of Dermatology Takano-Lee et al. Head louse transmission Report until hatching had ended. The number of eggs laid per female was compared between substrates using a one-way ANOVA, with significance determined at P < 0.05. A separation of means test (Tukey) also was performed to determine significance. The proportion of viable eggs was arcsine (square-root) transformed, analyzed by one-way ANOVA, and significance determined at P < 0.05. Night-time exposure of eggs to a human Fresh eggs (CA), laid within a 4-h period on a human hair tuft (1.5 cm), were attached to a human host for 8 h per night until hatching occured or egg inviability was confirmed (egg shriveled, no eyespot formation, or no embryo movement). Eggs on the hair tuft were retained within an in vivo rearing chamber20 at all times. The chamber was secured to the host (M. T.-L.) for the 8-h period. When not exposed to the host, the rearing chamber was maintained at room temperature (∼20 °C) and ambient relative humidity. Tufts were examined daily to record egg hatch. This experiment was designed to mimic the incubation condition of eggs on unattached hairs shed in the bed or that may have been laid on fomites (i.e. stuffed animals) in close contact with hosts during the night-time hours. Blood-borne factors influencing development The development time of our four louse colonies was documented over a 5-month period on our automated in vitro louse feeder.21 The blood of each donor (three females, two males) was used exclusively for approximately 4–6 weeks and survivorship and development recorded daily. These blood meals consisted of RBCs reconstituted with plasma at a ratio of 1.25 : 1.0 (RBC : plasma) with 200 µL of penicillin/streptomycin antibiotic/ mL blood. Blood products were purchased from a local blood bank and contained citrate phosphate dextrose as an anticoagulant. In a separate study, the mean ratio of RBC : plasma was calculated for RBCs and plasma units of 14 donors (eight female, six male) purchased from a blood bank over a period of 17 months. The proportions of RBC : plasma were arcsine (square-root)transformed and compared between male and female donors by a two-sample t-test. Significance was determined at P < 0.05. Figure 2 Mean proportion (± SEM) of lice found closer to the uninfested arena (destination feeder) within (a) 1 h and (b) 5 min. Means containing the same letter are not significantly different (P > 0.05) Results “Head-to-Head” transmission Louse dispersal increased with age (Fig. 2a). There were no significant differences between dispersal tendencies of adult males and females, so they were pooled; likewise, 2nd and 3rd instars were pooled. Males and females were much more likely than immatures to disperse within just 5 min (Fig. 2b). Adults were more likely to cross the hair bridge after 1 h than 2nd instars and 3rd instars, which were more likely to disperse than 1st instars (Fig. 2b). Vertical walking speed of lice Both males and females consistently moved the most rapidly, followed by 3rd instars, 2nd instars, and 1st instars, which was the slowest stage (Table 1). Climbing speed of unfed Table 1 Mean traveling speed (cm /min) for various in vivo-reared lice (EC) to vertically climb upwards Speed (cm/min) ± SEM Teneral 1st instars* Starved 1st instars Starved 2nd instars Starved 3rd instars Starved males Starved females 2.3 ± 0.1a 5.3 ± 0.2b 6.1 ± 0.3bc 8.0 ± 0.4cd 9.3 ± 0.5d 9.5 ± 1.0d Speed (cm/min) ± SEM n 26 30 28 30 25 30 – Fed 1st instars Fed 2nd instars Fed 3rd instars Fed males Fed females – 5.9 ± 0.2a 6.5 ± 0.4a 10.3 ± 0.7b 11.1 ± 0.7b 13.2 ± 0.6b n – 25 25 25 27 25 Column means containing the same letter are not significantly different (P > 0.05). *Unfed lice hatching within 24 h. © 2004 The International Society of Dermatology International Journal of Dermatology 2005, 44, 811– 816 813 814 Report Head louse transmission Takano-Lee et al. Night-time exposure to a host The majority of eggs exposed to a human host for just 8 h each day hatched (59%), with a mean time to hatch of 15.2 ± 0.3 d. A minority (12%) lacked an eyespot and were assumed to be unfertilized. An additional 29% of eggs were fertile (eyespot present) but still failed to hatch. Eggs exposed to a host for only 8 h each day required almost twice as long to hatch compared with in vivo-reared lice (CA) (8.4 ± 0.0 d) (15.2 vs. 8.4 d, d.f. = 442; t = −22.24; P < 0.0000) (data not shown) and fewer eggs hatched (59% vs. 76%).20 Blood-borne factors influencing development Figure 3 Mean proportion (± SEM) of lice (adults, 2nd and 3rd instars) separated from the original substrate (10 –15 hair strands) after exposure to a hair dryer, combing, toweling, or contact with fabric. Means containing the same letter are not significantly different (P > 0.05) lice declined as follows: adult females (9.5 cm /min), adult males (9.3 cm/min), 3rd instars (8.0 cm /min), 2nd instars (6.1 cm/min) and 1st instars (5.3 cm /min). Blood-fed lice of all stages except 2nd instars moved significantly faster (~10–20%) than starved lice ( Table 1). Teneral 1st instars (< 24 h from hatch and unfed) represented the least mobile stage (2.5 cm/min). Fomites transmission There was no significant difference between females or older nymphs, so the transmission data were pooled. Head lice were consistently dislodged by using a hair dryer set at either low or high settings or by using a normal comb (Fig. 3) (Note: lice either fell to the ground or remained on the comb.) Lice also were easily transferred from wet hair to a towel (63%). Approximately 27% of lice passively transferred from hair wristlets to adjacent fabric within 5 min (Fig. 3). Hot air currents and combing were more likely to dislodge lice than toweling. To evaluate the benefit of vacuuming, we attempted to remove lice with five passes of a hand-held vacuum, but failed. All lice remained firmly attached to the fabric. However, a single pass with a carpet vacuum removed all lice from the carpet material. Oviposition substrates There was no significant difference between the proportions of viable eggs laid on any of the five substrates (range = 0.27 – 0.67; d.f. = 4, 16; F = 0.57; P > 0.05); overall hatching averaged 58%. Significantly more eggs/female were laid on charmeuse (1.1 ± 0.1 eggs/female) than on felt (0.4 ± 0.1 eggs/ female) or denim (0.3 ± 0.2 eggs/female) (d.f. = 4, 20; F = 4.59; P < 0.01). All eggs laid on the charmeuse were laid on the frayed ends of the fabric. International Journal of Dermatology 2005, 44, 811– 816 There were no consistent developmental trends among lice from the four colonies when fed exclusively on genderspecific blood. The data could not be pooled because some colonies displayed slight differences with female blood resulting in slightly longer development time (data not shown). The RBC : plasma ratio varied significantly between human males and females, a fact well-documented in medical texts.22 The mean ratio for female blood was 1.16 ± 0.07 (range = 0.92–1.25) whereas the mean for males was 1.72 ± 0.23 (range = 1.25–2.8) (d.f. = 12, t = −3.04, P = 0.01). There was no significant difference between 24-h survivorship of lice feeding on exclusively male or female blood (d.f. = 146, t = 1.48, P = 0.14) (data not shown). Discussion Dispersal was not evaluated continuously but still yielded a relative estimate of louse movement, as it may vary by stage or feeding status. All stages of lice are quite mobile, but 1st instars demonstrated a greatly reduced tendency to wander from a host. The increased mobility of older stages has been observed in the literature, but never quantified or directly compared by other researchers.17,23 Our data indicate that adults are most likely responsible for initiating new infestations and suggests that louse control measures should focus on this stage. The fact that females require multiple mating to remain fecund20 means there are benefits if males disperse along with females. Adults, nymphs, and eggs could all transmit themselves to a new host.25 Louse transmission could be further facilitated under conditions of duress, such as that caused during host grooming. In these stressful situations, lice have been observed to exhibit a “flee response”24,25 or a rapid burst of movement away from the disturbance area. Potentially, lice could remove themselves from a host, or move directly onto a new host. The ability of adults to move rapidly (based on either walking speed or dispersal from a feeding arena) suggests that fomites transmission may be more significant than has been assumed. We demonstrated that lice can readily be dislodged by air movements, combing, toweling, or passive transfer to © 2004 The International Society of Dermatology Takano-Lee et al. adjoining fabric. Likewise, head lice are capable of laying viable eggs on a variety of substrates other than hair, although the more hair-like substrates (charmeuse, hair, faux fur) were preferred to smoother materials (felt and denim). It also appears that dislodged gravid females may oviposit on any available substrate. If that substrate happens to be bedding, it is possible that the eggs will hatch in approximately 2 weeks (if not properly laundered). Our data also suggest that louse transmission by fomites may occur more frequently than is commonly believed and at close proximity may suffice to increase the likelihood of a new infestation. Although passive transfer to adjacent fabric was the least likely route of transfer, its occurence was sufficient to provide a mechanism for significant louse movement. Passive transfer suggested the possibility that lice could transfer to hats, upholstery, headphones, etc. These results support epidemiological data that infested persons are likely to have infested family members.7–9,13,18 Thus, all family members should be examined for head lice when a family member has been diagnosed and treated for lice in order to avoid home-based reinfestation. Human blood differs between individuals based on gender and age, although there is a wide normal range.22 Because the composition of blood varies between people, it remains possible that immunological factors, Rh group, specific proteins, or blood group type could affect the ability of lice to thrive on some hosts more than others,2 or that fecundity may be adversely affected, as Maunder27 suggests. We did not observe significant or consistent developmental differences based on the gender of the host blood fed to head lice. However, relatively minor differences were noted in some louse strains. Such differences may be related to packed cell volume and nutritional quality of the blood, but further work is needed to explain such variability. Lice seem to not prefer one gender of host to another. If preferences exist, as certain epidemiological studies have found, they are probably owing to gender-biased grooming or social behavior. Our study is among the first to quantify the transmission potential by fomites, and to demonstrate that adults may be naturally more likely to initiate new infestations regardless of population density or hunger. By observing the rearing of lice in vivo, we have witnessed head lice walking across linens, clothing, upholstery, carpet, and even attaching to our hands and arms without difficulty. Louse transmission via fomites likely occurs more frequently than is typically assumed. This finding suggests that louse control measures should include: (1) use of a louse comb, instead of visual inspection, to screen for louse presence; (2) screening of all individuals within an infested person’s immediate circle of contact (e.g. family members, classmates, and best friends); (3) laundering of everything within the infested individual’s bed or temporary quarantining of such materials for ≥ 18 d; and (4) thorough vacuuming of floors, carpets, and upholstery © 2004 The International Society of Dermatology Head louse transmission Report with a standard vacuum cleaner, or otherwise cleaning (without pediculicides). Acknowledgments Funding for this project was provided by NIH R01AI45062. Head louse specimens were generously contributed by various sources: FL lice were obtained from Lidia Serrano (Lice Sources, Inc., Plantation, FL); CA lice were obtained from school nurses within the San Bernardino City Unified School District; EC lice were collected by Dr David Taplin, Field Epidemiology Survey Team (FEST), University of Miami, School of Medicine, Miami, FL; and PA head lice were collected by Terri Meinking, FEST, University of Miami, School of Medicine, Miami, FL. References 1 Gratz NG. Human Lice: Their Prevalence, Control, and Resistance to Insecticides. A Review 1985–1997. World Health Organization, WHO/Division of Tropical Diseases/ WHO Pesticide Evaluation Scheme/97.8, 1997:1–7. 2 Meinking TL. Infestations. Curr Prob Dermatol 1999; 11: 73–120. 3 Juranek DD. Pediculus capitis in schoolchildren. Epidemiologic trends, risk factors, and recommendations for control. In: Orkin M, Maibach HI, eds. Cutaneous Infestations and Insect Bites. 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