Org Chart - UC Davis

Linda P.B. Katehi
Vice Ch ancellor
& CFO Finan ce Oper ations
& Administration
Dave Lawlor
Vice Ch ancellor Development and
Alumn i Relations
Shaun B. Keister
Pro vo st & Executive
Vice Ch ancellor Office of the Pr ovost
Ral ph J. Hexter
Dean - College of Agr icultu ral
an d
Environ men tal Sciences
Helene Dillard
Int. Dean - College of
Biolog ical Sciences
Peter C. Wainwright
Dean - College of Engineering
Jennifer S. Cur tis
College of Letters and Science
Dean - Scho ol of Education
Harol d G. Levine
Int. Dean - Div of Hum anities,
Ar ts, an d Cultural Stu dies
Susan B. Kaiser
Int. Dean - Div of Mathematical
an d Phy sical Sciences
Alexandra Navrotsky
Int. Dean - Division of
Social Scien ces
Li Zhang
Dean - Scho ol of Law
Kevin R. Johnson
Dean - Scho ol of Medicine*
Julie Ann Freischlag
Dean & Assoc. Vice Ch ancellor
- Scho ol of Nursing
Heather M. Young
Dean – UC Davis Exten sion
Paul M. McNeil
Dean - Scho ol of Veterinary
Medicin e
Michael D. Lairm ore
Vice Pr ovost - Graduate
Edu cation
Dean – Graduate Studies
Jeffery C. Gibeling
Vice Pr ovost Academic Affairs
Maureen L. Stanton
CIO & Vice Pr ovost Information
an d Educational Technolog y
Viji Murali
Dean & Vice Pr ovost Under graduate Educatio n
Carol yn Tho mas
Vice Pr ovost &
Associate Chancellor Global Affair s
Joanna Regulska
University Librarian
MacKenzie Smith
Director - Mon davi Center
for the Perfo rming Arts
Do n F. Roth
Int. Dean - Graduate School o f
Ann Huff Stevens
Associate Chancellor
& Chief of Staff
Karl M. Engelbach
Vice Ch ancellor Hu man Health
Julie Ann Freischlag
Vice Ch ancellor Research
Harris A. Lewin
Vice Ch ancellor Student Affairs &
Campus Diversity
Adela de la Torr e
Assoc. Exec. Vice Ch ancellor Campus Co mmunity Relation s
Rahim Reed
Chief Campus Coun sel Campus Co unsel
Jacob A. Appelsmith
Int. Director Intercolleg iate A thletics
Teresa Gould
Director Intern al Audit Services
Jeremiah J. Maher
Director Wo rld Foo d Center
Roger Beachy
Chancellor’s Faculty Advisor
Suad Joseph
Associate Chancellor Administrative Reo rgan iz ation
& Transfor matio n
Prasant M ohapatra
* The positions of Vice Chancellor – Human Health Sciences and
Dean – School of Medicine are held by one individual.
Updated January 7, 2016