Community Forum Minutes 19 Nov 2014

of the
Devon+ Community Forum
held at 11.30 am Wednesday 19th November 2014
at Churston Golf Club, Churston, Brixham
Community Forum Members present:
Steve Braddon (SBr) Community Forum – Vice Chair - (Chairing meeting)
Richard Evans, Resident (RE)
Margaret Danks – Independent Community Forum Member (MD)
Pat Hanwell – Community Forum Chair (PH)
Marie Cousins, Resident (MC)
Patrick Tilbury, Resident (PT)
Others in attendance:
Howard Rose, Board Member (HR)
J French, Resident (JF)
Albert Watson, Resident (AW)
Officers in attendance:
Helen Oram – Resident Involvement Officer (HO)
Paul Mobbs – Resident Involvement Officer (PM)
Cath Parker– Neighbourhood Housing Officer (CP)
Sarah Watson – Asset Surveyor (SW)
Julie-Ann Foster – Neighbourhood Services Manager (J-AF)
Alex Wright – Independent Community Forum Member (AW)
Pauline Watts – Neighbourhood Team Manager (PW)
Sue Bewes - Independent Community Forum Member (SBe)
Julie Melhuish (JM)
134 Residents from the local area invited.
Note: CF = Community Forum
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Quorum Check & Welcome & Introductions
Steve Braddon (Vice-Chair) welcomed all to the quorate meeting. SBr
explained that some of the items on the agenda had been looked at the
week before in a closed quorate meeting and questions/updates had been
raised. Steve asked all present to do a quick introduction.
Apologies for Absence were noted.
Declarations of Interest - No declarations were made.
Minutes of the meetings held on 24th September 2014 were agreed as a
true and accurate record and signed.
Actions/matters arising from the Minutes of the meeting held on 23rd
July 2014
With Regards to complaints could residents be provided with a letter
template, D+ CF to ask Helen Hann if this is possible.
HH replied to SBr that she could put a template together and provided a
draft copy. HH offered to attend the next Devon+ meeting and give
presentation she gave recently to Board. The CF agreed they would like HH
to attend.
Does the Current complaints process identify items that are out of SHG
remit but dissatisfaction still occurs. D+ CF to ask J-AF.
Spectrum complaints process records Spectrum services failures, therefore
complaints outside this remit would not be registered. However if a
compliant is received that is out of Spectrums control advise can be given
where appropriate.
PT raised the difficulty residents have trying to explain a repair over the
phone and asked whether it would be possible for residents to send photos
to the website or an email address to make this process easier.
J-AF responded that this was a great idea and that HH was actually working
on improving accessibility through the website so could update the Devon+
CF when she attends their meeting in February.
AW advised that he recently attended a meeting that involved looking at
ways to improve the computer system.
Funding risks for Supported Housing, D+ CF to receive a full report on work
being done in this area at their November meeting. Agenda item.
D+ CF would like to see the new satisfaction forms for ASB.
LE emailed the D+CF a copy of the new form, this will also be part of the
ASB update.
Query why gas servicing is not at 100%
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At the end of the September the Devon area performance for gas was 100%
and currently as of Friday Devon have only one outstanding gas visit.
5.6 Complaints Project. Scrutiny exercise being conducted and an in-depth
analysis of customer complaints being produced.
The report has not yet been published.
5.7 D+CF requested that board have Community Forums as an Agenda item.
PH has requested as an item for the CF Chairs meeting in December.
HR suggested that a good idea to raise the profile of the Community Forums
would be for each CF to highlight a particular point they have investigated
further in the Key Performance Indicators or to identify if something is
working particularly well in their area.
5.8 Update mystery Shopping project paper with recommendations to Forum for
review and monitoring.
On Agenda
5.9 Community Forum presentations at Residents Seminars to be discussed by
Chairs about how they might be improved for future seminars.
To be discussed at Decembers meeting.
5.10 Review potential minor scheme improvement project to provide bin stores in
front of homes at Chancel Park / Thursby Walk.
Consultation currently taking place.
5.11 Forums to potentially hold training budget.
Positive outcome, D+CF to move forward with planning training for 2015.
5.12 Resident Led Scheme Improvement application for Stanley House, Chancel
park, not approved as not quorate at point of meeting.
Works now ordered as LE asked CF members to vote by email. Scheduled
to be completed by end of December 2014.
Local Offers Report – Julie-Ann Foster
Julie-Ann explained that a Local Offer is when a group of residents or a
Neighbourhood Housing Officer identifies something that if done differently
could improve service. All Local Offers need to be approved by the
Community Forums who then monitor their progress.
J-AF then ran through the Local offers report and the following points were
Penrose House, Plymouth – Spectrum to have more of a presence at the
scheme by way of monthly estate inspections along with monthly newsletter.
No residents actually attended the monthly inspections, but there has been a
reduction in issues raised.
CF would like Neighbourhood Housing Officer to confirm with residents that
they feel things have been addressed.
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Astor Court, Plymouth Roof repair – CF concerned at the amount of time this
has been going on. SBr asked whether residents were being compensated.
SW confirmed that they were. SBr asked that the CF are kept informed on
what is happening.
Bowdens Park, Ivybridge – Pilot project for residents to have a notice they
can place in windows to identify they require a visit on an estate inspection.
No response from residents but Cath Parker explained that they had not
written off the idea as feel it has potential.
Suggestion by Patrick Tilbury that this is also an area where the website
could be used with residents being able to tick a box requesting a visit.
Agreed this was a good idea.
Julie-Ann asked for approval for a new local offer for Bishops Court, Newton
Ferrers. Residents to research options of local management of Grounds
Maintenance of the scheme. LE provided information and resources through
TPAS for securing funding to support the project. Residents to be the driving
force behind the project with Spectrum support and approval.
The Local offer was unanimously approved.
Key Performance Indicators – Julie-Ann Foster
Julie-Ann explained that the Community Forum had received the
performance report for their closed meeting and there were no questions.
J-AF went on to explain that she would be providing a training session on
KPI’s in Exeter. J-AF and LE to arrange.
Board Report – Howard Rose
HR ran through the Board Report, highlighting the ‘Beyond Bricks and
Mortar ‘ initiative. The aim of which is to link the conversion of new homes
with other benefits such as employment and community activities to support
our residents and neighbourhoods. Spectrum Property Care has also
pledged to employ apprentices over the next four years.
Also raised was the changes to the Rent Setting Policy in response to the
Homes and Communities Agency’s (HCA) revised Rent Standard which
comes into effect in April 2015. The Retail Price Index (RPI) plus 0.5% will
be replaced the Consumer Price Index (CPI) plus 1%. CPI is lower than RPI
so this should mean going forward rent increases should be lower.
8Q1 PA had a question regarding the September – October Board report. What is
the cost saving expected from the Board going paperless?
J-AF /
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HR to feedback at next meeting.
MD complimented the Board on their support of apprentices.
8Q2 How do you get residents involved in the Beyond Bricks and Mortar initiative. HR
HR to make enquiries.
ASB Update – Sue Bewes
To be moved to the next meetings Agenda
10 Mystery Shopping Project Recommendations
RE explained that during the project a number of issues were raised. One
that was of particular interest was that there is no standard definition of a
‘vulnerable resident’.
RE advised that full recommendations from the mystery shopping would be
provided in February. Update: LE sent out an email to highlight the required
action by D+CF contained in the report and RE to bring developments to the
next meeting.
Brixham Presentation – Catherine Parker, Housing Officer
Cath gave her presentation about the area of Brixham. Slides available on
Supported Homes/Voids Loss Progress Report – Pauline Watts
This document was viewed at a closed meeting any matters of concern to
the Devon+ Community Forum to be raised at the next closed meeting with
any specific questions raised direct with PW due to confidential nature of the
Funding Applications
Application from the Horticultural Therapy Trust has been approved in the
quorate closed meeting. Julie Melhuish had at that time declared and
interest and didn’t vote. The balance of £2,196 was awarded to this project.
Any Other Business – Open Floor
PH nominated RE to be the portfolio holder for voids and lettings.
Seconded by MD. RE agreed to become portfolio holder.
Steve Braddon thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting.
Date and time of the next meetings: Closed meeting 18/02/2015 @
10.30am at Hennock Road Central, Exeter. Scheme visit Kings Heath,
Exeter @ 10:30am followed by Open meeting 25/02/2015 at venue to be
organised @ 11:30am
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The meeting closed at 13.50pm.
Accepted by the Forum as a true record of the meeting
This information is available in other formats on request.