CO2 + H2O + H2S + O2 -

Photosynthesis (Plant Cell)
-process where plants take water, suns’s energy and carbon dioxide to make food for the plant
-chlorophyll, a green pigment in the chloroplast, captures the sun’s energy
-roots in a plant take up water which enters through the cell membrane
-carbon dioxide from the air also goes through the cell membrane
-produces sugar (glucose) and oxygen
-the sugar is stored and the oxygen is released
6 CO2 + 6 H2O + Sun’s Energy produces 6O2 + C6H12O6
six carbon dioxide plus six water plus the sun’s energy produce six oxygen and one sugar
Cellular Respiration (Animal Cell)
-process where cells break down food into energy and carbon dioxide
-food gets broken down into smaller molecules in the cytoplasm
-oxygen enters cell through the cell membrane
-in the mitochondria the oxygen and dood molecules are turned into energy, water and carbon
- the energy runs the cell
- the water and carbon dioxide are released
6O2 + C6H12O6 produces 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + Energy
six oxygen plus one sugar (glucose) produce 6 carbon dioxide plus six water plus energy
Chemosynthesis (Bacterial Cell)
-process where bacteria change carbon diooxide into sugar and other molecules using chemical
-happens in bacteria that are found at the bottom of the deep ocean
- no sunlight so there is no photosynthesis
-use chemicals that come out of the sea floor in a hot fluid called “hydrothermal fluid”
-scientists are still learning about the process of chemosynthesis
CO2 + H2O + H2S + O2 -->[CH2O] + H2SO4
carbon dioxide plus water plus hydrogen sulfide plus oxygen produces simple sugar plus
sulfuric acid