AIAA 2010-3750 16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference Aerodynamic/Aeroacoustic testing in Anechoic Closed Test Sections of Low-speed Wind Tunnels Takeshi ITO 1 , Hiroki URA 2 , Kazuyuki NAKAKITA 3 , Yuzuru YOKOKAWA 4 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), 7-44-1, Jindaiji-higashi, Chofu, Tokyo, 182-8522, JAPAN Wing F. NG 5 , Ricardo A. BURDISSO 6 Virginia Tech (VT), Blacksburg VA 24061, USA and Akihito IWASAKI 7 , Toshimi FUJITA7 Norihisa ANDO 8 , Naoki Shimada8, Kazuomi YAMAMOTO 9 JAXA, 7-44-1, Jindaiji-higashi, Chofu, Tokyo, 182-8522, JAPAN This paper describes new anechoic closed test sections in Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and Virginia Tech (VT) not only for an aeroacoustic but also for an aerodynamic testing ability in Low-speed wind tunnels. The anechoic closed test section with Kevlar wall is an innovative concept and had been originally developed at VT. It was later applied to JAXA’s 2m x 2m wind tunnel. By using a high-lift device model, the JAXA's new test section was evaluated and validated acoustically by comparing to VT anechoic test results. Moreover, the aerodynamic characteristics in the new test section were also evaluated by comparing to results of the same model in JAXA's closed hard-wall test section. New wall interference correction procedure is proposed for the Kevlar wall test section, and it showed very good agreement with well-known corrected hard-wall results. This anechoic test section is useful and a promising tool for both aerodynamic and aeroacoustic testing. D I. Introduction URING approach and landing phase of aircraft flying near airports, its airframe noises generated by flaps, slats and landing gears are recognized as the significant contributor to the acoustic emissions of a civil aircraft, in particular due to recent effort in the reduction of engine noise.[1,2] To evaluate the aeroacoustic noise, measurement techniques by using anechoic low-noise wind tunnels have been developed Recently, great attention has been paid to microphone phased array measurement in closed test section of aerodynamic wind tunnels, which can measure aeroacoustic data in the same condition as aerodynamic force measurement.[3-6] In JAXA, a microphone phasedarray system has been developed and used in the closed test sections of the JAXA’s 2m x 2m Low-speed Wind Tunnel (LWT2) as well as in the 6.5m x 5.5m Low-speed Wind Tunnel (LWT1).[7,8] Using these wind tunnels, research and development for next generation of civil transport aircraft has been started in Japan. In this project, aerodynamic investigations were the main objectives,[9-10] but aeroacoustic performance in high-lift system and landing gear is also one of the most important items. Its investigation for half-span high-lift device model (OTOMO) has been carried out by using microphone phased array measurements from the sidewall of the JAXA’s LWT2 1 Manager for Low-Speed Wind Tunnel, Wind Tunnel Technology Center, Senior Member AIAA Researcher, Wind Tunnel Technology Center, Aerospace Research Directorate, Member AIAA 3 Associate Senior Researcher, Wind Tunnel Technology Center, Member AIAA 4 Associate Senior Researcher, Civil Transportation Team, Member AIAA 5 Endowed Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Associate Fellow AIAA 6 Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, member AIAA 7 Associate Senior Researcher, Wind Tunnel Technology Center 8 Engineer, Wind Tunnel Technology Center 9 Manager for Aerodynamic Design, Civil Transportation Team, Senior Member AIAA 1 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 2 Copyright © 2010 by T.Ito and W.Ng. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., with permission. tunnel. Sound pressure measurements of same model were also made in the open-jet test section of the Large-scale Low-noise Wind Tunnel of the Railway Technical Research Institute in Japan, and successfully completed.[11-14] Moreover, aeroacoustic research in aerodynamic wind tunnel has to be conducted through improvement to obtain more accurate noise measurement. To reduce background noise of hard wall aerodynamic wind tunnel, a new design concept of an anechoic test section was recently proposed and demonstrated.[15] This innovative and useful approach was originally applied to the Stability wind tunnel at Virginia Tech. The anechoic test section concept consists of acoustically treating the ceiling and floor of the test section while the hard side walls are replaced by stretched Kevlar cloth that is acoustically transparent while containing the flow in the test section. In addition, anechoic chambers are attached behind the Kevlar walls allowing aerodynamic noise measurements through the Kevlar cloth. This test section concept was also applied to the 2m x 2m Low-speed wind tunnel at JAXA (LWT2), and shakedown tests and initial operation have been successfully completed. The high-lift device model (OTOMO) was tested in this new anechoic tunnel configuration (LWT2-AC). In this series of testing, aerodynamic noise data from this high-lift device were clearly observed by noise visualization technique using microphone phased arrays. In this paper, its advantages are shown by comparison to hard-wall closed test section data. Moreover, the Kevlar anechoic test section concept has remarkable advantages in minimizing wall interference effects. Correction was not needed for drag coefficient (CD), and adequate correction of lift coefficient (CL) by using static pressure in anechoic chamber was proposed. The anechoic closed test section is very useful and a promising facility for aerodynamic and aeroacoustic evaluation of airframe aerodynamics and noise. II. Experimental Setup A. JAXA 2m x 2m Low-speed Wind Tunnel and Hard-Wall closed test section (LWT2-HW) The JAXA 2m x 2m Low-speed Wind Tunnel (LWT2: Fig.1) is a closed circuit type and conventional wind tunnel built in 1971. Its circuit length is 96 m, and the LWT2 originally has HardWall test section (LWT2-HW) of 2m x 2m crosssection and length of 4 m. In addition, this wind tunnel has characteristics of maximum wind speed of 67 m/s and relatively low turbulent level of 0.06 %. A testing model is supported by strut from a lower wall. 6-component forces can be measured with pyramid type balance changing the angle of attack and side slip angle. Models can be also supported by sting with robot, and aerodynamic Fig. 1: JAXA 2m x 2m Low-speed Wind Tunnel (LWT2) forces are able to be measured using internal force balance. Half-span model on the lower wall are sometimes used on the external-type 4-component force balance. Due to its characteristics of low turbulence and Microphone array relatively low noise and also appropriate test section size, this tunnel has been used for a variety of tests from basic aerodynamic research, flutter, boundary-layer control, 1m powered-lift STOL aircraft tests, and so on. This tunnel has also a gust-wind test cart in which added load and flight 1.35m movement in a gust-wind force can be measured. Recently, high-lift device (HLD) research is one of the most important purposes in those wind tunnels to develop high-performance HLD for civil aircraft development. B. High-lift device model: OTOMO 1.65m In JAXA, research for airframe noise from high-lift device (HLD) has been started to obtain their design approach to achieve both low noise and aerodynamic high Fig. 2: High Lift Device Model OTOMO in performance. To reduce airframe noise from high hard wall test section of LWT2-HW performance HLD, basic characteristics of aerodynamics and 2 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics aeroacousitcs have to be understood in detail. For this research, aeroacoustic noise and aerodynamic characteristics have to be measured simultaneously. A simplified three-element wing model OTOMO was able to be investigated in wind tunnels using aeroacousitc and aerodynamic measurements in order to better understand relationship between airframe noise and the phenomena of flow field around HLD.[11-13] Figure 2 shows the model for aeroacoustic research of high-lift device (OTOMO) in LWT2. This model was tested to clarify basic phenomena of noise generation at wing tip, flap tip, and slat including its cove, and to reduce those sources by applying modification of the configuration. The model had 0.6 m in chord length, 1.4 m in wingspan, no sweep-back angle, no taper, and no dihedral angle. There were full-span leading-edge slat, and 70 %span single-slotted flap at trailing-edge. The model had 189 static pressure taps. In LWT2, this model was placed on external-type 4-component force balance, and aerodynamic force was measured. In VT-Anechoic Wind Tunnel (AWT), static pressure and acoustic measurements with phased array were conducted. 2m x 2m Kevlar-wall C. Anechoic Closed Test Section at JAXA (LWT2-AC) Anechoic Closed test section In order to measure aeroacoustic noises in wind tunnels, acoustic access to the model in the test section is needed. Although in-flow measurement is sometimes applied to wind Sub Anechoic Chamber tunnel testing, aerodynamic noise at the microphone itself Main Anechoic should become problem for the measurement and affect on Chamber Noise aerodynamics of the model in near field measurement. Then, the other solution is acoustic measurement from outside of the flow at the test section. Wind tunnels for aeroacousitcs have open-jet type test section to measure aeroacoustic noises from outside of the test section without wall, and the test section is located in a large anechoic chamber. Along Front view (cross section) this idea, the specialized wind tunnels have been facilitated. In Japan, many ‘aeroacoustic testing’ has been applied to the Kevlar Wall field of noise research of train and car, historically. However, the flow field of open-jet test section is Test Section different from the closed test section because of the shear Microphone Array layer around the uniform flow and flow deflection of the flow. Actually, many wind tunnels for ‘aerodynamic testing’ have wall surface in the test section to keep uniform low3m turbulent flow. And, many experiences of aerodynamic 1m testing have been accumulated in the closed test section in which many aerodynamic data of aircraft have been obtained Sub Anechoic Main and aerodynamic correction method had been established. Chamber Flow Chamber A closed wind tunnel is important for aerodynamic Plane view measurement to obtain aerodynamic force, especially lift coefficient of high lift devices without deflection of the flow Fig. 3: Schematic of new Anechoic due in the open-jet test section. Moreover, low turbulent flow Closed test section of LWT2-AC without shear layer and noise occurrence at the jet-catcher is needed for aeroacoustic measurement. Problem is wall surface of the closed test section. If the problem is solved, the microphone array specialized aeroacoustic testing in the specialized facilities would not be needed, and merits on the cost and schedule are very large. 3m To remain the useful effect of the wall for aerodynamic testing, but to be free from the blockage of the wall acoustically, the innovative concept was originally Kevlar wall test section Anechoic chamber used in the Virginia Tech wind tunnel, as shown later, and for Fig. 4: Microphone array and HLD model OTOMO JAXA-LWT2 it is also applied as in Anechoic Closed test section of LWT2-AC 3 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Anechoic Closed test section (LWT2-AC), as shown in Fig. 3. The concept consists of side walls made by Kevlar cloths with tension which are transparent acoustically, but plays a role like hard walls aerodynamically. Anechoic chambers are attached in both side of Kevlar wall of test section, and acoustic measurement can be conducted from the anechoic chambers. Test section also has anechoic ceiling and floor with perforated metal sheets covered with Kevlar sheets with acoustic foam behind the wall for capability of anechoic chamber. The test section has a main anechoic chamber on the one side and a sub anechoic chamber on the other side, but the difference between them was acoustically very small. Here, acoustic measurement was basically carried out from the main anechoic chamber because of the space for measurement setting. Acoustic characteristics of the main chamber had been evaluated by obtaining calibration data, and we confirmed that it worked as anechoic chamber. Here, this new Anechoic Closed test section in LWT2 (LWT2-AC) was applied to OTOMO model testing, and aerodynamic and aeroacoustic measurements were conducted as shown in Fig. 4. Fig. 5a: Stability wind tunnel at Virginia Tech. 183mm 183mm Anechoic Chamber Test section Anechoic Chamber Fig. 5b: Anechoic closed test section of VT-AWT D. Virginia Tech Anechoic Wind tunnel (VTKevlar AWT)[15] Closed Anechoic wind tunnel of Virginia Tech was the first facility in the world using Kevlar wall anechoic closed test section. In this wind tunnel, we also obtained aerodynamic and aerocoustic data of OTOMO model to compare and evaluated the JAXA's new wind tunnel characteristics. Here, 5m some descriptions about the wind tunnel in Fig.5c: Microphone array and HLD model OTOMO of Virginia Tech are shown. Anechoic Closed test section of VT-AWT The Virginia Tech Stability Wind Tunnel is a continuous, single return, subsonic wind tunnel with a 7.3-m long removable test section, with a square cross section 1.83m on edge. Figure 5 is a schematic of the general layout. Maximum speed of the wind tunnel in the test section is about 80 m/s for a Reynolds number per meter up to about 5,300,000. Flow in the tunnel is driven by a fan provided by 8 Clark Y section blades and 53 stator vanes. The wind tunnel has some acoustic treatment for tunnel duct, fan, and so on as low-noise wind tunnel, and acoustic measurement can be realized in relatively lower background noise. This wind tunnel has an anechoic closed test section. JAXA's LWT2-AC was constructed by using the innovative concept of the test section of Virginia Tech wind tunnel, that is, this basic design of the Anechoic Wind Tunnel of Virginia Tech (VT-AWT) is similar to the LWT2-AC. The sized of cross section of the test section of 1.83m x 1.83m is a little less than LWT2-AC, but the length of 7.3 m is longer than LWT2-AC. The size of both side anechoic chambers is the same, and acoustic measurement can be conducted from both sides. In this wind tunnel, many kinds of tests such as wing section model, landing gear model, and OTOMO model have been conducted. E. Microphone Phased Array System In LWT2, we originally put phased-array microphones of 1/4-inch on the side wall or ceiling of the hard-wall closed test section. Noise source visualization was realized with delay-and-sum beamforming method for measured data of phased-array microphones to reduce background noise of aerodynamic wind tunnel and reflection in the 4 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics closed test section.[16-17] This microphone array was also applied to the new anechoic test section. To this end, the array was placed in the anechoic chamber under the condition of less background noise and reflection. As shown in Fig.6, our phased-array microphone system consisted of 48 B&K microphones type 4951, 3 units of conditioning amplifier (B&K type 2694A), A/D converter (NI PXI-4462) and PC (NI 8351). The microphones have diameter of 7 mm, a frequency range of 10 Hz to 20 kHz, and their dynamic range of 30 dB to 140 dB. Conditioning amplifier has frequency range of 0.1 Hz to 50 kHz and amplifier gain of -10 to 40 dB. The A/D converters have 24 bit resolution and maximum sampling rate of 204.8 kSamples/s. Each microphone was calibrated by piston phone (B&K type 4228) before airframe noise measurements were conducted. In this research, noise measurement data were processed by using sensitivities of microphones which were obtained by the calibration. In the VT-AWT, acoustic data was collected using a 63-microphone microphone phased array. The array is shown in Figure 7. This array has a star configuration consisting of 7 arms with 9 microphones per arm. The array center body is provided with a laser pointer that projects a laser dot along a line perpendicular to the array plane passing through the array origin. This laser pointer was used for alignment purposes. The microphone phased array was installed in the anechoic chamber contiguous to the test section on the pressure side of the model; whereas the model was mounted at the center of the test section as shown in Figure 5. Flow Microphone array Signal Conditioner PC Noise Kevlar wall Side wall A/D 1m Fig. 6: Acquisition System and Multi-spiral Microphone Array in LWT2 1.5m III. Measurement results and discussions Fig. 7: Microphone Array in VT-AWT A. Acoustic measurement Noise source visualization using the microphones phased arrays were obtained for the high-lift device model OTOMO. This model has flap and slat, and those devices can generate aerodynamic noises. Measured results are shown in Fig. 8. In all three facilities, OTOMO’s basic characteristics of noise generation were adequately measured. At low frequency of 1 kHz, slat noise was remarkable, but it was not so-called slat noise, which was 2-dimensional noise caused at slat cove, but the slat track seemed to make strong noise. From 2 to 8 kHz, the flap tip noise was dominant, which was caused flap tip vortex. At 16 kHz, 2-dimensional slat noise was observed. Those phenomena were reasonable considering the noise characteristics of high lift device. Comparing the three facilities, the hard-wall test section (LWT2-HW) showed relatively stronger side-lobe and worse S/N ratio than other two test sections. Especially, the level of side lobes at 16 kHz was almost the same as the noise source, so it was very difficult to evaluate this data without other information. Actually, the array was the nearest to the model, that is, the relative size of array to the model was larger than the other testing, so the performance at high frequency was basically worse. On the other hand, the size of the noise sources at low frequency showed smaller than the others because of the array size and proximity. For this reason, the comparison of noise source visualization has to be considered carefully. However, basically side-lobe levels were high in all frequencies in the hard-wall test section. For example, noise sources near the floor were found on the LWT-HW at low frequencies that are not observed in the other two anechoic tunnels. These are likely due to reflections and high background noise. On the other hand, LWT-AC and VT-AWT showed very similar results. The data were much clearer than LWT2-HW, therefore the anechoic closed test section worked very effectively. The size of the array in the VT-AWT 5 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics test was larger than in the LWT2-AC one. This results in a smaller source sizes in VT-AWT tunnel, whereas, at high frequency of 16 kHz, side-lobe increased. The basic performances of both wind tunnels were comparable for ability of the noise source visualization. 1.0kHz 2.0kHz 4.0kHz 8.0kHz 16.0kHz LWT2-HW LWT2-AC VT-AWT Fig.8: Noise source visualization for OTOMO model. (U=50m/s, AoA=10deg, Landing, with wing tip fence and Droop) 95 90 Sound pressure level Not only noise source visualization, but also noise source level is another topic of the aeroacoutic research. Especially, using phased array system noise level of each noise source can be evaluated, and it should be a valuable measurement tool. The measurement results in VT-AWT using phased array had been validated by comparisons to open-jet conventional anechoic wind tunnel results. Here, LWT2-AC was compared with VT-AWT, and its ability and performance of the noise level is evaluated. The sound pressure level from noise source visualization results was shown in Fig. 9. Originally, the level of the noise source of VT-AWT and LWT2-AC were very different by about 6dB, which is due to the microphone array setting. The microphones in the phased array used in LWT2-AC are flush-mounted on a rigid plate as shown in Fig. 6. On the other hand, the VT-AWT has no plate, e.g. the sound just propagates through the array. To account for 85 80 75 5dB 70 65 5dB 60 LWT2-HW LWT2-AC 55 VT-AWT 50 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 16000 Frequency (Hz) Fig.9: Comparison of noise source level from noise visualization map. 6 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics the doubling of the pressure in the LWT2-AC array, the output should be divided by 2 which is the same as a 6dB reduction. Moreover, the loss of 4dB at Kevlar sheet was also considered to compare with LWT2-HW. This value is a little larger than measurement results of Kevlar sheet characteristics, so it might include other effects of difference between hard wall and anechoic test section and data processing method. With these corrections, the noise levels between the three facilities agree very well. On the other hand, it had been confirmed that the noise source level of OTOMO measured in the VT-AWT was reasonable, and LWT2-AC showed reasonable noise source level by considering 6dB correction for the array in this case. Although Kevlar sheet correction of 4dB need to be discussed more, LWT2-AC can be used effectively to measure the noise source level data when we apply the normal array system in the anechoic chamber. (a) Closed Anechoic 6.0 deg -6 7.0 deg 8.0 deg 9.0 deg LWT2_0808_cw0203_09.0deg Hard-wall uncorrected 6.0 deg 0704HW_SN037 Closed Anechoic(AoA=6.0deg) (VT) 8.0 deg LWT2_0808_cw0203_07.0deg -5 LWT2_0808_cw0203_08.0deg -4 VT_SN102 (AoA=8.0deg) Cp -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 25% 1 1.5 2 X/C 2.5 (b) -6 LWT2_0808_cw0203_14.0 d eg14.0 deg Closed Anechoic LWT2_0808_cw0203_15.0deg15.0 deg LWT2_0808_cw0203_16deg 16.0 deg LWT2_0808_cw0203_18deg 18.0 deg Hard-wall uncorrected 14.0 deg 0704HW_SN037 (AoA=14.0deg) Closed Anechoic (VT) 16.0 deg VT_SN106 (AoA=16.0deg) -5 -4 -3 Cp -2 -1 0 1 2 1 25% 1.5 2 X/C 2.5 Fig. 10: Surface pressure distribution on the OTOMO model in three types of test sections 0.8 0.6 CD B. Aerodynamic measurement Surface pressure measurement of the OTOMO model was conducted in the three test sections to compare the aerodynamic flow field around the model. The measured pressure distributions on the model are shown in Fig. 10. Here, pressure data at various angle of attack in the LWT2-AC tunnel are shown, and one of these angles can be compared with the data from LWT2-HW and VTAWT tunnels. For example, Fig. 10b showed larger Cp on the suction side of the model at 14 deg in LWT2-AC than in LWT2-HW, and also larger Cp in VT-AWT than in LWT2-AC at 16 deg. Larger Cp on the suction side means smaller lift. Note that the lift coefficient measured in the closed test section was larger than the free-stream (actual) lift coefficient due to the flow limited by down-wash by the wall. Therefore, it means that smaller lift coefficient was less affected by the wall interference. On the other hand, lift coefficient of open-jet test section was smaller than free-stream results, and the Kevlar wall results was between the hard-wall closed test section and open-jet test section as described in reference 15. Moreover, wall interference of LWT2-AC was larger than VT-AWT although both test section has Kevlar wall. One of the reasons was that amount of Kevlar wall deflection of LWT2-AC can be smaller than VT-AWT because the length of test section of VT-AWT is longer than LWT2-AC. Both of the closed test section and open-jet test section need wall interference correction, and many types of method of the correction have been presented and established. However, this Kevlar wall interference needs to be corrected using new method and it will be shown that the correction is very small. Aerodynamic force measurement results are shown in Fig. 11. Here, hard-wall results, corrected hard-wall results, and LWT2-AC results are shown.[18] (We were not able to obtain aerodynamic force in VT-AWT because of the limitation of experimental setup.) Corrected hardwall estimation showed almost free-stream results LWT2_0808_cw0203_06.0deg 0.4 0.2 Hard wall Hard wall Corrected Kevlar wall 0.0 -5 0 5 10 15 AoA[deg] 20 25 30 (A) CD-Alpha Fig. 11: Aerodynamic force measurement of OTOMO model in JAXA wind tunnel 7 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 3.5 3.0 CL 2.5 2.0 Hard wall Hard wall Corrected 1.5 Kevlar wall 1.0 -5 0 5 10 15 AoA[deg] 20 25 30 (B) CL-Alpha -0.3 Hard wall Hard wall Corrected Kevlar wall -0.4 Cm because the correction method in hard-wall closed test section was historically established through many experiments. Therefore, this corrected value should be a target in order to be obtained as true values. CD of Kevlar wall data in LWT2-AC was almost same as the corrected hard-wall data. It means that the CD in anechoic closed test section does not need any aerodynamic correction. CD correction mainly comes from blockage factor of the model, but the each Kevlar wall deflected at upstream region toward each of the anechoic chamber here, as shown in the following section, and it seemed to be automatically corrected. On the other hand, CL and pitching-moment coefficient (Cm) did not show the target value in this case, although it was shown between the hard-wall and corrected value. It means the wall interference was less than the hard wall, but the Kevlar deflection was not enough to neglect correction. The value to be corrected has to be different value from hard-wall which was established, so we need to propose other method for anechoic closed test section with Kevlar wall to achieve. C. Kevlar wall deflection -0.5 Kevlar wall of this anechoic closed test section can -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 be deflected by the down wash caused by this high-lift AoA[deg] model. Flow field should be different from fixed-wall (C) Cm-Alpha test section at this condition. To evaluate this effect, Fig. 11: Aerodynamic force measurement of OTOMO measurements of deflection of Kevlar wall were model in JAXA wind tunnel (Continued) carried out by using infrared Kevlar Wall distance measuring sensors, as shown in Fig. 12. These sensors Test Section Traverse were calibrated before this test. The range of this calibration was from Measurement of distance 18cm to 30cm. In this range sufficient accuracy about 2 - 3 mm 14 IR-sensors was obtained. The measurement results are shown in Fig. 13. Kevlar wall at pressure side of the model Sub Anechoic Main Anechoic Chamber Flow was largely deflected toward the Chamber anechoic chamber. This deflection Fig. 12: Kevlar wall deflection measurement using IR sensors was caused by the down wash by =0deg. =8deg. Flow Flow Main chamber side Sub Chamber side Main =16deg. Sub Main Fig. 13: Kevlar wall deflection measurement using IR sensors 8 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Sub the high lift devices. On the other hand, the other Kevlar wall at suction side was deflected into the test section near the model because of the lower pressure caused by the suction effect at the upper surface of the model. However, small deflection toward the anechoic chamber happened at upstrearm region. It was caused by the pressure increase by blockage of the Sub Anechoic model. The sketch of deflection is shown in Fig.14. This deflection can Main Anechoic Chamber Chamber affect and have relationship to aerodynamic force. It will be discussed in the following section. This effect can be compared with VT’s closed anechoic test results. The basic phenomena were the same and reasonable, as shown in Fig. 15 of deflection of VT-AWT. Moreover, the maximum value of the deflection of LWT2-AC was about 4cm at 16deg of AOA and Flow 50 m/s, and this value was reasonable comparing with VT-AWT's results Fig. 14: Deflection image around which was about 5cm. This agreement of the deflection was interesting, the OTOMO model because size and tension of the Kevlar walls between two wind tunnels were different and it was affected by tension of the Kevlar wall which has some uncertainty due to the difficulty to keep in accurate value on all area of the Kevlar sheet. Fig. 15: Kevlar deflection for the OTOMO model measured using IR sensors in VT-AWT at 16deg AoA and 50m/s. Cp Kevlar Wall D. Correction of wall interference using anechoic chamber pressure Test Section Considering Kevlar wall deflection, conventional hardwall interference correction is not suitable to correct the Positive static Negative static aerodynamic data in Kevlar wall test section because of the pressure pressure flow deflected by the flow induced by the model. Here, we propose new correction method that is suitable for our anechoic closed test section. The deflection of the flow and Main Anechoic Sub Anechoic Kevlar wall has to be caused by the aerodynamic effect Flow Chamber Chamber between the model and Kevlar wall. It is important that the -0.25 Kevlar wall deflection has strong relationship to the -0.20 pressure in the anechoic chamber behind the Kevlar wall. We measured the static pressure at several locations in the -0.15 Sub chamber both anechoic chambers. Now, the aerodynamic correction -0.10 of wall interference is shown using these pressures in the -0.05 anechoic chambers. 0.00 Main chamber The static pressure distribution is changing according to 0.05 changing the angle of attack. Main anechoic chamber, which was pressure side of the model, showed positive 0.10 0 5 10 15 20 25 pressure, and sub anechoic chamber showed negative AoA[deg] pressure as shown in Fig. 16. It means that higher pressure of the pressure side, which is lower surface of the model, Fig. 16: Chamber pressure change according to AOA. 9 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics CL increased lift of the model by pushing up the 3.5 model. If a control volume surface along the Kevlar wall is assumed, it finds that the 3.0 pressure on the Kevlar wall surface can be added to the control volume. Note that the 2.5 correction of drag coefficient was not needed in the Kevlar-wall test section, as shown above. 2.0 Therefore, the correction can be considered Hard wall about only lift direction and the correction was Hard wall Corrected made very simple. Here, this correction for the 1.5 'Kevlar wall CD is considered to be negligible because the 'Kevlar wall + dCp drag component by the pressure to Kevlar wall 1.0 is almost canceled by considering the -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 deformation of Kevlar. So, CD was mainly AoA[deg] affected by Kevlar tension and its deformation, Fig. 17: Aerodynamics of OTOMO model. Here, CL was and the Kevlar wall worked to correct the wall corrected by pressure difference dP between two chambers. interference considering these experimental dF = dP * S = q * S * dCL, CL_corrected = CL-dCL results. The corrected results are shown in Fig, 17. The correction method for CL was very simple as shown in Fig.17. The CL was corrected by pressure difference dP between two chambers. Using dF = dP * S = q * S * dCL, and CL_corrected = CL - dCL, we can obtain new corrected CL. The results showed completely same as the corrected CL of hard wall. This value considered as free stream CL, and this correction for the Kevlar wall interference was reasonable. Now we were able to find one of the aerodynamic correction method for the Kevlar-wall test section for CL. On the other hand, Cm correction seems to have a little difficulty. The moment correction by chamber pressure effect had to be caused by moment due to pressure which acted on pressure center. The estimation of Xcp for correction might include some error for this kind of high-lift device model which consists of three parts of wings. Although the correction for Cm is not able to show good agreement quantitatively here, the Kevlar wall test section has interesting aerodynamic characteristics as considering CL correction with chamber pressure. Definitely, this test section showed very good performance for aeroacoustic measurement for high-lift device model. We can conclude the anechoic closed test section is very useful and promising facility for the aerodynamic and aeroacoustic measurements. IV. Concluding remarks A new anechoic closed test section at JAXA has been completed for the 2 m x 2 m Low-speed wind tunnel. This test section has stretched Kevlar cloth as the side walls of the closed test section. Anechoic chambers are installed behind the Kevlar walls. Aerodynamic noise sources from test section can be measured in the anechoic chamber through the Kevlar wall. By using a high-lift device model, the JAXA's new test section was evaluated and validated acoustically and aerodynamically by comparing to VT’s anechoic test section and JAXA’s closed test section results. Specifically, aerodynamic characteristics by applying new wall interference correction procedure using chamber pressure in the anechoic closed test section showed remarkable agreement with corrected closed test section results which should be the true value. This anechoic test section is useful and a promising tool not only for an aeroacoustic but also for an aerodynamic testing ability in Low-speed wind tunnel. Acknowledgments Authors greatly thank for Dr. Taro IMAMURA and Mr. Hiroshi UCHIDA in Commercial Transport Team in JAXA, and Mr. Hugo Camargo and Mr. Marcel Remillieux, Graduate student at Virginia Tech, Mr. Zackary Boor, undergraduate student at Virginia Tech, who supported the wind tunnel tests and data analyses, and Prof. William J, Devenport, who greatly helped us in the wind tunnel test at VT. References 1 Chow, L.C.,, “Landing gears and High Lift Devices Airframe Noise Research,” AIAA-2002-2408. 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