St. Leo Parish, Tyndall, SD St. Vincent Parish, Springfield, SD Twenty-sixth Sunday in ordinary time Fr. Joseph Forcelle September 27, 2015 Business Manager: Mary Minow St. Leo Parish Office hours 9am-5pm Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday Your word, O Lord, is truth; consecrate us in the truth. St. Leo Parish Twenty–sixth Sunday in ordinary time On Wednesday of this past week, Pope Francis presided over the Mass in Washington, DC, for the canonization of Franciscan Father Junipero Serra. This priest did much to establish most of the Catholic churches in California and to develop agriculture among the native peoples. There was much controversy over St. John Paul II’s decision to beatify him. Some historians claim he was cruel and often beat native people, although there is no evidence of that ever having been done by Fr. Serra personally. What he did accomplish was the Christianizing of much of California’s local tribes and the establishment of flourishing trade centers among them. True to the culture of his day in the late 1700’s, Fr. Serra was careful to discipline himself physically through prayer, fasting and even whipping himself (all common practices at that time in the Church). He was tough and protective of the natives, often inserting himself into disputes with local Spanish governors on their behalf. His statue is in the United States Capitol rotunda representing the state of California as one of its founding fathers. An interesting footnote is that this era came just before the California gold rush of the 1800’s. The missions and settlements established by St. Junipero Serra formed the foundation for the expanding settlements, in particular San Diego, San Francisco, Santa Barbara and Ventura. The saint encouraged responsible stewardship of the land and resources, as well as espousing social reforms protecting the rights of the indigenous tribes. This new American saint is the patron of those encouraging religious and priestly vocations. The Serra Clubs International are in 14 countries and have over 20,000 members working with local bishops and vocation directors. Fr. Joe Forcelle 100 E 20th Avenue PO Box 47 Tyndall, SD 57066 Rectory . . . . . . . . . . . .589-3504 Center or Fax. . . . . . . . 589-3392 Visit us on Facebook St. Vincent Parish 1203 Wood Street - Springfield, SD Mailing Address: PO Box 47 - Tyndall, SD 57066 Sacrament of Reconciliation Penance St. Leo - Tyndall Saturday at 4:45pm Sunday at 7:45am St. Vincent - Springfield Sunday 10:10am (or by appointment) Baptism On weekends by appointment. Pre-baptismal meeting required for first time parents—best done PRIOR to child’s birth. Marriage Diocesan Policy requires six (6) months preparation for all couples planning marriage. A wedding can NOT be booked until this preparation is underway. Contact Fr. Joseph Forcelle well in advance of any desired marriage date. Bulletin deadline: Wednesday Noon Page 2 Parish Bulletin Masses this week Daily Bible Readings September 28-October 4 Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun. No Mass (Fr.’s Day Off) 8:30am SL-Tyndall +Adeline Fridrich 4:00pm GSH-Tyndall +Emil Jr., Edward, & Steve Bame (Fr. Joe will say Mass) 8:30am SL-Tyndall +Diana McCann 8:30am SL-Tyndall +Bishop William Brady 3pm St. Michael’s Hospital Members of SL & SV Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:30pm SL-Tyndall +Sister Leona Lammers 8:30am SL-Tyndall +Betty Matuska 10:30am SV-Springfield Members of SV & SL Mass Updates First Friday Mass will be celebrate on October 3 at 3:00pm at St. Michael’s Hospital, Tyndall. There will be no daily Masses October 5-8; Fr. Joe & Fr. Jones from Tabor will be attending Clergy Days. CFSA 2015 Please help us reach our 2015 parish goals. Currently we have reached 79.43% of our goal ($32,200) at St. Leo and 77.47% goal ($8,300) at St. Vincent. With everyone’s help we can reach our goal. We encourage families, of both parishes, who have not contributed, to join in supporting our diocese. Remember all amounts collected over our goals remain in our parishes. St. Leo St. Vincent Total $25,576 Total $6,430 Paid $24,165 Paid $6,235 Pledged $ 1,411 Pledged $ 195 Fruit for the taking Please feel free to help yourself to the fruit on the trees in the backyard of St. Leo Parish. Our apple, crab apple and pear trees are again covered with many, many apples, crab apples and pears. September 28-October 4 Mon. Tues. Zechariah 8: 1-8; Luke 9: 46-50 Daniel 7: 9-10, 13-14 or Revelation 12: 7-12a; John 1: 47-51 Wed. Nehemiah 2: 1-8; Luke 9: 57-62 Thurs. Nehemiah 8: 1-4a, 5-6, 7b-12; Luke 10: 1-12 Fri. Baruch 1: 15-22; Matthew 18: 1-5, 10 Sat. Baruch 4: 5-12, 27-29; Luke 10: 17-24 Sun. Genesis 2: 18-24; Hebrews 2: m9-11; Mark 10: 2-16 or Mark 10: 2-12 kc football frenzy tickets $10 Football Frenzy ticket! $3.00 from every ticket will be split between Bon Homme Food Pantry and Prayer Garden Project plus a chance to win $20 to $200 every week for 10 weeks. No knowledge of football is needed. Prizes sent out weekly. Deadline to register is October 12th. Contact any KC member, call 464-9005, or send donation to Football Frenzy, 205 W 17th Ave, Tyndall, SD 57066. Make checks payable to Knights of Columbus. Diocesan Youth Hunt Join us for the 13th Annual Diocesan Youth Hunt at Broom Tree and the surrounding countryside on Sunday, October 4, 2015. There will be opportunities for prayer, fellowship, education, and all the excitement surrounding a hunt, including family fun activities for non-hunting family members. For more information and to register visit or call 605-988-3755. Sympathy & Prayers We extend Sympathy and Prayers to the family and friends of Chase Luke. Chase passed away on August 19. Chase was the son of Steve Luke and grandson of Sue Luke-Ripple of St. Vincent Parish. May he and all the faithful departed rest in peace with our heavenly Father. MINISTRY SCHEDULE - October 3-4 Mass Times Eucharistic Min. Gift Bearers Servers Greeters Ushers Lector Saturday October 3 5:30pm Jim & Margaret Kniffen David Auch Volunteers Allisan Van Winkle Nathan Scieszinski Aiden Sobotka Volunteers John Cuka Roger Hisek Rick Novak Marvin Engstrom Jim Kniffen Sunday October 4 8:30am Ron Zimmerman Margie Hovorka Marjorie Stoebner Volunteers Jennifer Schmidt Rachel Sestak Laura Koranda Volunteers John Cihak Ron Zimmerman Rodney McGill Mike Schmidt Scott Schuurmans Sunday Clarence Stratman Alice Petrik Connie Miller Leonard & Dorothy Magee Nevaeh Myers Max Mach David Hassing Brenda Sturgeon Edith Troxel October 4 10:30am Leonard Kostal Colleen Schmaltz St. Leo and St. Vincent Parishes Bazaar & dinner — A Success Our annual Harvest Festival was once again a success. We served a total of 577 adult (not counting complimentary meals) & 31 youth meals (last year we served 640 adult & 37 youth meals). We want to especially thank Jeremy and Susan Soukup and Rick & Debra Baune for their fine leadership over all and to all who helped so tremendously to make it a success. Thanks to all who worked, donated and attended our annual event. Congratulations to our raffle winners: $500- Bob Schmidt, Tyndall; $100- Cody Meyers, Brandon, Scott & Leslie Schuurmans, Tyndall, Brian Kuca, Dante; $50-Kyle Elsberry, Tyndall, Barb Schuurmans, Avon, Asher Williams, Tyndall, Joan Rothschadl, Tyndall, Tony Caylor, Tyndall; $25- Scott & Leslie Schuurmans, Tyndall, Bernard Sanders, Tyndall, Ernie Kocer, Dante, Arlene Haenfler, Avon, Diane Tycz, Tyndall, Jaclyn Dvoracek, Tabor, Ken Rothschadl, Tyndall, Michael Koranda, Tabor, Teresa Vavruska, Tyndall, Donna Zimmerman, Tyndall; Bird House w/seed- Leona Kreber, Tyndall; Embroidered Tablecloth w/placematsCheryl Hisek, Tyndall; 3 Pictures- Justin Rothschadl, Tyndall, Macy Sternhagen, Tyndall, Wesley Kaul, Tyndall; Wreath- Vicki McGill, Tyndall. Congratulations to our Vehicle Show winners: 1st - Billy Minow, Mitchell; 2nd – Dan Wiederrich, Tripp; 3rd – George Jaeger, Tyndall; 4th – Dan Wiederrich; 5th – Bill Minow, Tyndall. See our web site for complete information. Cash prizes were mailed out and all other gifts have been picked up at the rectory office. We will have a financial report of the Harvest Festival in an upcoming bulletin after we have received all the bills. Page 3 Coming Events Sun. Sept 27……………..…St. Vincent Potluck after Mass Sun. Sept 27……….....KC 1st Degree in Tyndall at 1:00pm Wednesdays ..Martha’s Kitchen at 6:00pm & RE at 7:00pm Wednesdays ……..….....……..RE Classes, 7:00pm, FCMC Sun. Oct 4….NO ALTAR SOCIETY meeting, please join us for guest salad supper on Oct. 6 at 6:30pm Sun. Oct 4 …….…Confirmation Meeting in FCMC at 6:30pm Mon. Oct 5 ………………….KC meeting, 7:30pm, FCMC Oct 5-8……………...…….….Fr. Joe gone for Clergy Days Oct 9-11…………..Going Deeper Retreat for HS at FCMC Oct 25-29……………………...…..…….Fr. Joe on Retreat St. Vincent fall potluck Sunday, September 27, St. Vincent will be having a potluck dinner after 10:30am Mass. All members please bring a main dish and a side dish. See you all there and lets enjoy everyone’s company. Wagner Parish Bazaar St. John the Baptist Church in Wagner is hosting their annual bazaar Sunday, Sept. 27. Turkey dinner with all the trimmings served from 4:00 until 7:00pm. Games, food booths and many other activities. 5th Annual Fall Fair Saturday, Oct. 3, 8am-2pm at the Springfield Community Center. Many venders will be available with great items for your home or for gift giving. Coffee, rolls and lunch will be served by Springfield Dakota Senior Meals. Bon Homme Food Pantry The Bon Homme Food Pantry is in need of your help. Bon Homme Food Pantry needs cereal, pasta of all kinds, Jell-O, pudding, green beans, peaches, cake mix, dish soap, syrup, pancake mix, toilet paper, paper towels. No donation is too small. The less fortunate will greatly appreciate anything that they are able to get from the food pantry. Please donate. Parish Bazaar at Tabor 16th annual life chain You are invited to the annual St. Leo’s Altar Society Salad Supper on Tuesday, October 6 at 6:30pm in the Father Cronin Memorial Center. Ladies of St. Leo, please bring a guest and a salad to share for an evening of good food and fellowship. Please encourage your parishioners to attend this 1 hour prayer vigil at 41st Street, Sioux Falls on Sunday, October 4, between 2-3pm. Signs can be picked up at First Assembly of God Church or O’Gorman Sr High parking lots beginning at 1:30pm. then assemble on 41st and show your sign. Any questions call John @ 605-361-8420. Hope to see you there. KC Meeting Sunday, September 27, the Knights of Columbus First Degree will be held at 4:00pm in the FCMC. The next Knights of Columbus meeting will be held on Monday, October 5th at 7:30pm at the FCMC. St. Wenceslaus Parish is hosting their annual bazaar at the Beseda Hall in Tabor on Sunday, October 4, 3:00-7:00pm. Serving chicken, dressing, dumplings, mashed potatoes w/gravy, sauerkraut, vegetable/fruit salads, kolace, rolls and assorted desserts. Variety of games, concessions and prizes. Salad Supper Soup Kitchen Join us at St. Agnes Parish Hall, Sigel (10 mi N of Yankton on Hwy 81 to Lesterville Rd, then 1 mi W). Our annual soup kitchen will be held on Sunday October 11, 11:00am to 3:30pm. Menu include: taverns, hotdogs, chili dogs, chicken noodle soup, chili, potato soup, homemade desserts and pies, and beverages. Raffle, bake walk and country store. Parish Bulletin Page 4 Religious Education altar society St. Leo Altar Society is selling ornaments for the 125th Anniversary of our parish. The ornaments are available by contacting Charlotte Cihak, Connie Kniffen or Malicha Pravecek. Wood ornaments are $10.00 and metal ornaments are $15.00. September 30-K-8th grade meet for class at 7:00pm, FCMC. September 30, Adoration & Confession..6:00pm-6:30pm Martha’s Kitchen open at 6:00pm. Small Group Discipleship Training & Gatherings Those volunteers who are small group leaders will meet for training and planning on these Wednesdays: Wed September 30th @ 7pm in the FCC. Please attend the first large group gathering scheduled on Wed Sept 16th @7pm. Martha's Kitchen will be available for you between 6:00-6:45pm. Confirmation Meeting On Sunday, October 4th the confirmation candidates will be meeting for their next session. It will begin at 6:30pm in the Father Cronin Center. Parents and sponsors are welcome to attend any sessions during the 6 month preparation. The candidates are reminded to please bring your sponsor information to this October 4th session. Any questions please contact JoLynn @ 660-7008. Bon Homme homecoming Homecoming week will begin on Sept 28, with Coronation. Royalty candidates for the this year include one member from St. Leo’s: Maddison Hajek. Congratulations and have a great week. second Large Group Activity for High School All high school youth enrolled in Small Discipleship groups and Large Group Evangelization are invited to the first large group activity on Wednesday, October 7th. Come to supper at Martha's Kitchen beginning at 6pm. Large group will begin at 7pm and will finish at 8:30pm. Come and see the new approach to small and large group evangelization in our parish. Parents are welcome to come and check out this new approach to discipleship that evening. Parents, please sign-up for the diocesan email newsletter at http:// and stay involved and keep learning and growing in your own understanding of discipleship. House of Mary Shrine There are Masses at The House of Mary Shrine on Saturdays & Mondays. Mercy Chaplet & Rosary are at 8:30am with Mass at 9:00am. Patriotic Rosary is prayed on Sundays at 4:00pm. Please come & join us!! THE ROSARY RALLY is going to be October 4th at 7:00 P.M. will be Hosted by Sacred Heart 4th graders! Join us for a candlelight Rosary around the Rosary pond. A Family Perspective — by Bud Ozar The words in today’s gospel, “Whoever gives a cup of water in the name of Christ will not lose their reward” hits us at home. As parents we gain our “reward” when we bring water to frightened child in the middle of the night, or Kool Aid to parched five-year olds, or hold ice chips to the fevered lips of a spouse. It is that simple and that sacred. In our homes we give until it hurts “in the name of Christ.” children’s Collection: September 20, 2015: St. Leo - $10.00 St. Vincent - $8.00 Stewardship Report A weekly financial report to the people of St. Leo’s Parish Needed per month……………….….…… $9,500.00 September weeks income……..……..…... $4,865.00 Weekly income for 09/20/2015...….….…. $1,688.00 Monthly income to date………...…......… $6,553.00 Stewardship Report A weekly financial report to the people of St. Vincent’s Parish Needed per month………………….……. $2,800.00 September weeks income…........................$1,265.00 Weekly income for 09/20/2015.…………... $612.30 Monthly income to date………….…….... $1,877.30