Osmosis in Red Onion: NYS Diffusion Lab Review

Name: _____________
PACKET 1: Osmosis in a Red Onion
Date: ___________
1. Base your answer to the following question on the information and diagram below and on your
knowledge of biology.
A wet mount of red onion cells as seen with a compound light microscope is shown below.
Which diagram best illustrates the technique that would most likely be used to add salt to these cells?
2. Hospital patients are often given intravenous fluids (IVs) to maintain proper levels of water and salts
in the body. Great care is used in preparing these solutions. If a manufacturer accidentally prepared a
batch of IV fluid that contained much more than the usual amount of salt, harm to the patient if this
incorrectly prepared IV fluid was used is that
water would move into body cells and cause them to burst
water would move out of body cells and cause them to dehydrate
salt and water would both move out of body cells and disrupt homeostasis
salt and water would both move into body cells and preserve homeostasis
3. Base your answer to the following question on the information below and on your knowledge of
A student observers a red onion cell with a compound light microscope using low, then high
power. The two views are represented below.
Which diagram represents where the cell should be located in the low-power field of view to be sure
the entire cell will be visible after switching to high power?
4. Base your answer to the following question on on the information below and on your knowledge of
A student prepared four different red blood cell suspensions, as shown in the chart below.
Which suspension would contain red blood cells that would appear wrinkled and reduced in volume?
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
5. Red onion cells undergo the change represented in the diagram below.
This change is most likely caused by the cell being transferred from
1) distilled water to starch indicator
3) salt water to tap water
2) distilled water to salt water
4) salt water to distilled water
Base your answers to questions 6 and 7 on the information and data table below and on your
knowledge of biology.
In an experiment, three plants of the same species were grown in each of six identical pots. The
heights of the plants were measured when growth began. Each of the pots was watered every day
with salt solutions of different concentrations. The data for the experiment are shown in the table
6. State the effect of increasing the percent of salt in the solution used to water the plants on the average
final height of the plants in groups A through D.
7. State one way diffusion was involved in the cause of death of the plants in groups E and F.
Base your answers to questions 8 and 9 on the information and data table below and on your
knowledge of biology.
A student cut three identical slices from a potato. She determined the mass of each
slice. She then placed them in labeled beakers and added a different solution to each
beaker. After 30 minutes, she removed each potato slice from its solution, removed the
excess liquid with a paper towel, and determined the mass of each slice. The change in
mass was calculated and the results are shown in the data table below.
8. Identify the process that is responsible for the change in mass of each of the three slices.
9. Explain why the potato slice in beaker 1 increased in mass.
Base your answers to questions 10 and 11 on the diagram below and on your knowledge of biology.
The diagram represents a cell and its changes as a result of two laboratory procedure. A and B.
10. Describe procedure A and explain why it would cause the change shown.
11. Explain why procedure B has the opposite effect of procedure A.
12. Base your answer to the following question on the information below and on your knowledge of
A wet-mount slide of red onion cells is studied using a compound light microscope. A drawing
of one of the cells as seen under high power is shown below.
On the diagram below, label the location of each of the cell structures listed.
13. A student prepared a wet-mount slide of some red onion cells and then added some salt water to the
slide. The student observed the slide using a compound light microscope. Diagram A is typical of
what the student observed after adding salt water.
Complete diagram B to show how the contents of the red onion cells should appear if the cell were
then rinsed with distilled water for several minutes.