The Beginning of Greatness
Introduction to
Building Muscle
6 Week Program
Michael Wittig
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 1
Genesis: The Beginning of Greatness
Introduction to Building Muscle
6 Week Program
Michael Wittig is a ISSA Certified Personal Trainer based out of Tulsa, OK. His areas of specialty include weight
loss, bodybuilding, strength training, exercise therapy, and nutrition.
Follow Michael Wittig for daily workouts, motivation, and nutrition tips:
Copyright 2016 by Michael Wittig
All rights reserved
Published by Wittig Works
This program is intended only for healthy men and women. People with health problems should not follow this
program without a physician's approval. Before beginning any exercise or dietary program, always consult with
your doctor.
Photography by Jerad Roberts,
Graphic design by Jessica Wittig,
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness i
Dear Reader,
Thank you for purchasing this book. I am honored to help you reach your fitness goals. Let me start by sharing
that I am currently 39 years old at the publishing of this e-book. I have never taken a steroid or any illegal
performance enhancing substances. I feel and look better than when I was 19 and 29. I work full time and
have four kids. I was very skinny growing up and do not have great genetics for muscle building. Once I hit my
early 30's, I was not exercising regularly and a relatively high body fat percentage. What I am trying to say is
that I am a regular guy like most of you. If I can do this so can you. This program is not the end game, but the
beginning of your journey in bodybuilding. While I will guide you, the outcome of your results are determined by
your consistency and hard work. The body is amazing because you can change and shape it at will. I challenge
you to put in your best effort every day.
My biggest piece of advice is No Wimping!
Michael Wittig

GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness ii
Table of Contents:
Introduction ii
The Program
The Schedule
The Guidelines
Week 13
Day 1: Chest and Abs
Day 2: Back and Forearms
Day 3: Legs
Day 4: Shoulders, Traps, and Abs
Day 5: Biceps and Triceps
Day 6 & 7: Active Rest
Week 210
Day 1: Chest and Abs
Day 2: Back and Forearms
Day 3: Legs
Day 4: Shoulders, Traps, and Abs
Day 5: Biceps and Triceps
Day 6 & 7: Active Rest
Week 317
Day 1: Chest and Abs
Day 2: Back and Forearms
Day 3: Legs
Day 4: Shoulders, Traps, and Abs
Day 5: Biceps and Triceps
Day 6 & 7: Active Rest
Week 424
Day 1: Chest and Abs
Day 2: Back and Forearms
Day 3: Legs
Day 4: Shoulders, Traps, and Abs
Day 5: Biceps and Triceps
Day 6 & 7: Active Rest
Week 532
Day 1: Chest and Abs
Day 2: Back and Forearms
Day 3: Legs
Day 4: Shoulders, Traps, and Abs
Day 5: Biceps and Triceps
Day 6 & 7: Active Rest
Week 640
Day 1: Chest and Abs
Day 2: Back and Forearms
Day 3: Legs
Day 4: Shoulders, Traps, and Abs
Day 5: Biceps and Triceps
Day 6 & 7: Active Rest
Protein Sources
Nutrition Guidelines
Sample Meal Plan
Special Thanks
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness iii
The Program
This is a 6 week periodized program meaning the rep ranges will change week to week.
The Schedule
Day 1: Chest and Abs
Day 2: Back and Forearms
Day 3: Legs
Day 4: Shoulders, Traps, and Abs
Day 5: Biceps and Triceps
Day 6 & 7: Active Rest
Day 1 is always Monday for me personally. Your Day 1 can be any day of the week. Then I take the weekends
off from lifting to rest and spend time with family. Feel free to move the off days to whatever days best fit
your schedule. They don't have to be consecutive either. Just be consistent week to week.
The Guidelines
Journal: I highly recommend, no, demand, that you keep a lifting journal noting the day, workout, exercises,
sets, reps, and weights used. Be as detailed as possible. Mine typically looks like:
Date, Body Part:
1. Exercise: reps/weight reps/weight reps/weight
2. Exercise: reps/weight reps/weight reps/weight
Sleeping: Do your best to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night. You will be working hard and putting a
significant strain on your body. The recovery process is just as important as the lifting.
Warming up: It's always a good idea to warm up before lifting weights. I will typically jog, ride a
stationary bike, or jump on a rowing machine for 5 minutes before lifting.
Stretching: Stretching for a few minutes after your warm up is also a good idea especially before working
your legs or back. I always spend time on my lower back and hamstrings.
Breathing: You should exhale while exerting force and inhale while performing the negative. Never hold
your breath while lifting weights.
Lifting to failure: This means to do as many reps as possible with strict form until you cannot do
another rep. Always ask yourself if your form is correct. Are you isolating the muscle you are working? It is
best to have a lifting partner to spot you. Most importantly be safe!
Imbalances: Many people including myself have strength imbalances. One arm might be stronger than the
other. In these cases only use DB exercises. If I have a barbell exercise listed, switch to a DB version. Always let
your weaker side dictate the weight and number of reps. Don't ever do more reps on your stronger side. If you
are doing unilateral exercises start with your weaker side. Eventually, your strength levels will even out. Make
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 1
sure you are using good form on your weaker side otherwise lower the weight.
Weekly Weigh-in: Before you start Genesis, obtain your weight and take key measurements including
calves, thighs, waist, chest, and arms. Note these in your workout journal. Then at the end of each week on
Day 6 or 7 weigh yourself again. You can wait until the end of the program to re-do measurements. The goal is
to gain 0.5 to 1.0 lb. of lean muscle a week.
Cardio: I personally always do cardio even if I am in a gaining cycle. I exercise for health first and then
physique. What good are muscles if you are dead? Ha! I recommend doing interval cardio daily for at least 15
minutes after weight lifting. This will not only help your cardiovascular system, but help condition you for the
tough leg workouts. You want your muscles to give out before your breath. If you are looking to also drop body
fat while gaining muscle during this program, do slightly longer cardio sessions if possible or build your time as
you go. By “Interval Cardio” I mean using a 3:1 or 2:1 ratio.
This breaks down to:
3 mins easy: 1 min hard 2 mins easy: 1 min hard
Depending on your level of conditioning cardio can be: brisk walking, jogging, running, sprints,
recumbent biking, rowing machine, elliptical, etc.
Lifting belts and straps: I feel weight lifting belts and straps are useful. But I don't recommend
always using them. You want your lower back and grip strength to develop naturally. So I personally only use
my belt when I am squatting, deadlifting, or shoulder pressing very heavy weight. My light and moderate sets
I do without a belt, so my lower back strengthens. But also, do what makes you feel safe. When it comes to
wrist straps again, I only use them when necessary. You don't want your grip to give out before the muscle
you are working. Wrist straps come into play for me on heavy deadlifts, straight leg deadlifts, barbell shrugs,
DB rows, and maybe super heavy pulldowns. If you use them all the time, though, your grip strength will not
Nutrition: Don't fool yourself. If you don't eat properly you will not get the results you want. Nutrition is
just as important or not more than exercise in your quest to get fit. Read and follow the Nutrition section of
this book.
Supplements: Supplements are not absolutely necessary to build muscle. If your nutrition and exercise
are not in order, supplements are a waste. But if you are eating right and working out with intensity, the right
supplements can help you build muscle. Read the Supplement section of this book before starting to see
which supplements are right for you.
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 2
Week 1
Week 1: Day 1: Chest and Abs
This day is one of Genesis, the beginning of your new journey. I really want you to concentrate on mastering
proper form, using correct breathing patterns, and feeling the muscles you are working. We will start each
week with one of everybody's favorite muscle, the chest. Building a balanced chest requires working it at a
variety of angles. Most people are deficient in the upper chest so we will hit that area hard first.
Chest: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Incline DB Press: 1 warm up set 15 reps, then 3 sets of 13-15 reps
Don't hit DB's together at the top. Stop just shy of lockout keeping tension on your chest. Lower the
DB's slowly and take this negative with control. If you notice one side is weaker than the other, let the
weaker side dictate the weight used. I would use a 25-35 degree incline. The higher the incline the more
shoulders will be involved. Feel free to experiment with incline angles in the future.
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Here is me performing:
2. Bench Press: 3 sets of 13-15 reps
Stop just shy of lockout keeping tension on your chest. Lower the barbell slowly and take this negative
control. If one side is much weaker than the other switch to a Flat DB Press letting the weaker side
dictate the weight used until the imbalance is corrected.
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Here is me performing:
3. Incline Fly: 3 sets of 13-15 reps
Don't hit DB's together at the top. The angle of your bent arms should remain constant during the
entire range of motion. This should not turn into a DB Press. At the bottom of the movement keep
the DB's outside of your elbows. Flex the chest hard at the top before lowering the weight again. I
would use a 25-35 degree incline. The higher the incline the more shoulders will be involved. Feel free to
experiment with incline angles in the future.
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Here is me performing:
4. Cable Cross Over (Mid Pulley): 3 sets of 13-15 reps
There are many variations of Cable Cross Overs depending on the angle where the cables are coming.
Let's use the terms High Pulley (cable coming from high), Mid Pulley (cable coming from chest high), and
Low Pulley (cable coming from low) to simplify things. Over time, play around with the various angles.
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GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 3
Abs: Rest between sets only 60 seconds or less.

1. Leg Raise: 5 sets of 15 reps
Place hands under your hips. Once feet are off the ground they stay off the ground until finished.
Perform these slowly. If in doubt, go slower.
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2. Decline Crunch: 5 sets of 15 reps
Perform these slowly and concentrate on feeling the abs contract. You should spend more time at
the top squeezing than you do at the bottom. You will get out of these what you put into them. Add
resistance by holding weight against your chest. Don't let the extra weight cause you to sacrifice form.

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Here is me performing:
Week 1: Day 2: Back and Forearms
Your back is one of the biggest muscle groups in the body, but also, the most difficult to work for many
because it is a complex of muscles not easily seen. Practice flexing and stretching the lats so you know what
to feel while doing exercises. This is big muscle group that requires big intensity.
Back: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Close Grip Chin Up: 1 warm up set of ~15 reps, then 3 sets of 8-10 reps
The warm up should be done using a light weight on a pulldown machine. If you cannot perform a single
Chin Up, switch to the Close Grip Pulldowns 3 sets 13-15 reps. If you can perform a few Chin Ups, this will
be a process to increase your strength.
Use a close underhand grip. As you lift yourself up, arch your back and keep your chest out. Try to focus
on your lats rather than arms. Think of your arms as hooks and your lats as the machine lifting you up.
If I can see over the bar, I count the rep. But a perfect rep is making it clear to the top and holding for a
pause to squeeze.
On your first set make a note of how many reps you can do. If you can do 10 reps, add weight next week
(10lbs) and shoot for another 10 reps. Keep building week to week in this fashion.
If you can do 8 reps, try to do 9-10 next week. If you cannot do 8, do as many as you can then rest for
15-25 seconds and try to perform another 1-3 reps. Once you hit a total of 8-10 reps, take your normal
rest period before starting another set.
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Here is me performing:
2. Bent Over Barbell Row: 3 sets of 13-15 reps
Grab the bar with a overhand outside shoulder width grip. Doing any bent over exercise can be
potentially dangerous. Learning the technique of hinging your hip and keeping your lower back straight
is vital When lifting the weight don't elevate your shoulders. You want to keep the elbows back and get
them high. Lift the bar a couple inches above your belly button.
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 4
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Here is me performing:
3. Seated Row: 3 sets of 13-15 reps
Use a close grip handle. Don't lean back as you move the weight. Keep your chest out and back arched.
Bring the handle into your stomach. As you lower the weight, let your lats get a nice stretch.
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4. Deadlift: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
Keep your hip down and chest up. Drive through your heels as you lift the weight. Keep your core tight.
Don't hyperextend your back at the top (don't lean back)!

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Here is me performing:
Forearms: Rest between sets 60-90 seconds.
1. Barbell Reverse Curl: 4 sets of 13-15 reps
Keep your upper arms and elbows fixed while lifting the weight and don't let your shoulders come into
play. Don't lean back as you lift.
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Here is me performing:
2. Barbell Wrist Curl: 4 sets of 13-15 reps
Flex and hold at the top. Lower the weight slowly with control.

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Week 1: Day 3: Legs (Thighs, Hamstrings, Calves)
Leg day is the key to building muscle. If you want a great looking upper body, it starts with a strong leg
foundation. Working legs hard will help you build muscle everywhere because the exertion releases natural
growth hormone. Exercises like squats also burn a lot of calories and aid in burning fat. If you are serious, you
will take Leg day seriously.
Thighs: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Squat: 1 warm up set ~15 reps, then 3 sets of 13-15 reps
Have your feet about shoulder width apart. Keep you hip down and chest up. Don't look down while
squatting. Look eye level or up at a fixed point. Don't let your knees pass your toes while squatting. Try
to squat so your upper legs are parallel to the floor or as low as your knees will allow. Keep your back
straight. Push through your heels. Your feet should not move or come off the ground in any way. Stop
just shy of locking out at the top, but tense and flex the thighs instead of resting before descending
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 5
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Here is me performing:
2. Leg Press: 3 sets of 13-15 reps
Have your feet about shoulder width apart. Don't lock out legs at the top. Lower the weight until the
legs make a 90-degree angle and even lower if your knees will allow. Later on, you can play with foot
positions (together, high and wide, etc).
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Here is me performing:
3. Walking Lunge: 3 sets of 13-15 reps each leg
Lifting Notes: If you do not have room for Walking Lunges do Alternate Lunges in place. Take a wide,
straight step forward. Your back knee should not impact the floor. Your foot forward knee should not
pass your toes. If so, step wider and make sure you are not leaning forward. Use a strong push off to
get back to center then step with the other leg. Add weight by either holding DB's or place a barbell
across your back.
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Here is me performing:
Hamstrings: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Straight Leg Deadlift: 3 sets of 13-15 reps
As you bend over at the waist it is crucial that you hinge your hip and keep your back straight. Your legs
should remain just shy of lockout and not bend more as you lower the weight.

The barbell should stay very close to your legs. You are looking to feel a deep stretch in your hamstrings
at the bottom.
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Here is me performing:
2. Lying Leg Curl: 3 sets of 13-15 reps
As you lift the weight, don’t let your hips rise off the bench. Squeeze and hold at the top for a count or
two. Lower the weight slowly with control.
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Calves: Rest between sets 60-90 seconds.
1. Standing Calf Raise: 3 sets of 13-15 reps
Raise up on your toes and hold that topmost position for several counts then lower the weight and your
heels slowly to a deep stretch. Do these feet forward for now. In the future, you can play around with
various foot positioning (toes in and toes out).
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2. Seated Calf Raise: 3 sets of 13-15 reps
Same notes as the Standing Calf Raise.
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GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 6
Week 1: Day 4: Shoulders, Traps, and Abs
Deltoids have three heads that always need work: Anterior (front), Medial (side), and posterior (rear).
Shoulders: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Standing Barbell Press: 1 warm up set ~15 reps, then 3 sets of 13-15 reps
Hold the barbell in front of you and press upward. Stop just shy of lockout at the top keeping tension on
the shoulder muscles. Slower the bar slowly below the chin. Don't lean back.
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Here is me performing:
2. Side Lateral Raise: 3 sets of 13-15 reps
As you raise the DB's to the sides of your body your elbows should be higher than your hands. Your
elbows should lead the way. The inside of your arms should be facing down. Lift the DB's to around ear
level. Lower the DB's slowly and with control. Keep the delts tense at the bottom rather than resting
before lifting them back up.
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Here is me performing seated side lateral raises:
3. Bent Over DB Raise: 3 sets of 13-15 reps
These can take place in a seated position or standing and bending over at the waist. While performing,
concentrate on squeezing and feeling that small rear head of the Delt.
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4. Barbell Shrug: 3 sets of 13-15 reps
Hold the barbell about shoulder width. Do not roll your shoulders. Just elevate. Hold at the top for
several counts then lower the weight slowly.
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Abs: Rest between sets only 60 seconds or less.
1. Captains Chair Knee Raise: 5 sets of 15 reps
You can add weight to these by placing a DB between your feet. Don't sacrifice form to add more weight.
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Here is me performing:
2. Cable Crunch: 5 sets of 15 reps

Make sure to really squeeze and feel the Abs at the bottom of the movement.
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Here is me performing:
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 7
Week 1: Day 5: Biceps and Triceps
Triceps make up 2/3 of upper arm size so let's hit them first and hard. One key element to almost all arm
movements is to keep your elbows stationary while performing exercises. Concentrating on isolating the
muscle you are working. Always take that last negative slowly.
Triceps: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Close Grip Bench Press: 1 warm up set ~15 reps, then 3 sets of 13-15 reps
I like to do these on the Smith Machine. Lower the bar to your lower chest. Keep your arms and elbows
close to your body. Concentrate on putting as much of the load on your triceps while pressing as
possible. Flex the triceps hard at the top. Take the negatives slow and controlled.
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2. Overhead Barbell Extension: 3 sets of 13-15 reps
This can be done seated or standing. As you lower the weight keep your elbows from flaring out. Lower
the bar as far as possible and really stretch the triceps.
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Here is me performing:
3. Pushdown: 3 sets of 13-15 reps
Keep your elbows close to your body and don't let them drift forward. Flex the triceps hard at the
bottom and hold for a count or two. Take the negative slowly.
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Here is me performing:
Biceps: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Barbell Curl: 1 warm up set ~15 reps, then 3 sets of 13-15 reps
Hold the bar at shoulder width. As you curl the barbell upward, your elbows should not move forward
at all. Don't involve the shoulders. The barbell should stop in front of your lower chest and your biceps
should be flexed hard. Lower the barbell slowly to starting position. Don't lean back as your curl. Try not
to elevate your shoulders as well.
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2. Incline DB Curl: 3 sets of 13-15 reps
Use a incline bench around 45 degrees. Lay back and let your arms hang straight down holding the DB's.
You should feel a good stretch in your biceps in this position. As you curl the weights upward, keep
your elbow stationary. Your upper arms should remain straight up and down. The DB's should stop at
the sides of your lower chest and your biceps should be flexed hard. Lower the DB's slowly to starting

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GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 8
3. Preacher Curl: 3 sets of 13-15 reps
Start with your biceps flexed hard. Lower the barbell slowly to near lockout position. As you lift the
weight, don't lean back or lift your elbows. If anything, lean forward to keep from cheating.

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Here is me performing:
Week 1: Day 6 and 7: Active Rest
Use this time to let your body rest and recover. Get enough sleep. Evaluate this last week and make note of
areas in need of improvement. Don't let areas of weakness consume your thoughts, but concentrate on the
fact that you are moving forward. Remember, nutrition is key to health and muscle building. Don't let all your
sweat and effort go to waste. Put just as much intensity into making sure you are eating the proper amount
of quality food. Often on my rest days, I will do some light cardio for 20-30 minutes. By the time my next
workout comes I am ready to kick the doors in and lift some weights.
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 9
Week 2
Week 2: Day 1: Chest and Abs
Here in week two, the rep ranges lower a little which means you will be lifting heavier weight than last
week. You should have kept a journal of every set and rep. Use that information to make the most of this
week. Keep concentrating in your form, keeping constant tension, and getting the most out of every single
Chest: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Incline DB Press: 1 warm up set 15 reps, then 3 sets of 10-12 reps
Don't hit DB's together at the top. Stop just shy of lockout keeping tension on your chest. Lower the
DB's slowly and take this negative with control. If you notice one side is weaker than the other, let the
weaker side dictate the weight used. I would use a 25-35 degree incline. The higher the incline the more
shoulders will be involved. Feel free to experiment with incline angles in the future.
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2. Bench Press: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
Stop just shy of lockout keeping tension on your chest. Lower the barbell slowly and take this negative
control. If one side is much weaker than the other switch to a Flat DB Press letting the weaker side
dictate the weight used until the imbalance is corrected.
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3. Incline Fly: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
Don't hit DB's together at the top. The angle of your bent arms should remain constant during the entire
range of motion. This should not turn into a DB Press. At the bottom of the movement keep the DB's
outside of your elbows. Flex the chest hard at the top before lowering the weight again. I would use a
25-35 degree incline. The higher the incline, the more shoulders will be involved. Feel free to experiment
with incline angles in the future.
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4. Cable Cross Over (Mid Pulley): 3 sets of 10-12 reps
There are many variations of Cable Cross Overs depending on the from which the cables are coming.
Let's use the terms High Pulley (cable coming from high), Mid Pulley (cable coming from chest high), and
Low Pulley (cable coming from low) to simplify things. Over time, play around with the various angles.
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GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 10
Abs: Rest between sets only 60 seconds or less
1. Leg Raise: 5 sets of 12 reps
Place hands under your hips. Once feet are off the ground they stay off the ground until finished.
Perform these slowly. If in doubt, go slower.

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2. Decline Crunch: 5 sets of 12 reps
Perform these slowly and concentrate on feeling the abs contract. You should spend more time at
the top squeezing than you do at the bottom. You will get out of these what you put into them. Add
resistance by holding weight against your chest. Don't let the extra weight cause you to sacrifice form.

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Week 2: Day 2: Back and Forearms
Your back is one of the biggest muscle groups in the body, but also, the most difficult to work for many
because it is a complex of muscles they cannot see. Practice flexing and stretching the lats so you know what
to feel whiling doing exercises. This is big muscle group that requires big intensity.
Back: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Close Grip Chin Up: 1 warm up set of ~15 reps, then 3 sets of 8-10 reps
The warm up should be done using a light weight on a pulldown machine. If you cannot perform a single
Chin Up, switch to the Close Grip Pulldowns 3 sets 10-12 reps. If you can perform a few Chin Ups, this
will be a process to increase your strength.
Use a close underhand grip. As you lift yourself up, arch your back and keep your chest out. Try to focus
on your lats rather than arms. Think of your arms as hooks and your lats as the machine lifting you up.
If I can see over the bar, I count the rep. But a perfect rep is making it clear to the top and holding for a
pause to squeeze.
On your first set make a note of how many reps you can do. If you can do 10 reps, add weight next week
(10lbs) and shoot for another 10 reps. Keep building week to week in this fashion. If you can do 8 reps,
try to do 9-10 next week. If you cannot do 8, do as many as you can then rest for 15-25 seconds and
try to perform another 1-3 reps. Once you hit a total of 8-10 reps, take your normal rest period before
starting another set.
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2. Bent Over Barbell Row: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
Grab the bar with a overhand outside shoulder width grip. Doing any bent over exercise can be
potentially dangerous. Learning the technique of hinging your hip and keeping your lower back straight
is vital. When lifting the weight don't elevate your shoulders. You want to keep the elbows back and get
them high. Lift the bar a couple inches above your belly button.
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GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 11
3. Seated Row: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
Use a close grip handle. Don't lean back as you move the weight. Keep your chest out and back arched.
Bring the handle into your stomach. As you lower the weight, let your lats get a nice stretch.
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4. Deadlift: 3 sets of 10 reps
Keep your hip down and chest up. Drive through your heels as you lift the weight. Keep your core tight.
Don't hyperextend your back at the top (don't lean back)!
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Forearms: Rest between sets 60-90 seconds.
1. Barbell Reverse Curl: 4 sets of 10-12 reps

Keep your upper arms and elbows fixed while lifting the weight and don't let your shoulders come into
play. Don't lean back as you lift.
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2. Barbell Wrist Curl: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
Notes: Flex and hold at the top. Lower the weight slowly with control.

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Week 2: Day 3: Legs (Thighs, Hamstrings, Calves)
Leg day is the key to building muscle. If you want a great looking upper body, it starts with a strong leg
foundation. Working legs hard will help you build muscle everywhere because the exertion is releasing natural
growth hormone. Exercises like squats also burn a lot of calories and aid in burning fat. If you are serious, you
will take Leg day seriously.
Thighs: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Squat: 1 warm up set ~15 reps, then 3 sets of 10-12 reps
Have your feet about shoulder width apart. Keep you hip down and chest up. Don't look down while
squatting. Look eye level or up at a fixed point. Don't let your knees pass your toes while squatting
down. Try to squat so your upper legs are parallel to the floor or as low as your knees will allow. Keep
your back straight. Push through your heels. Your feet should not move or come off the ground in any
way. Stop just shy of locking out at the top, but tense and flex the thighs instead of resting before
descending again.
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GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 12
2. Leg Press: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
Have your feet about shoulder width apart. Don't lock out legs at the top. Lower the weight until the
legs make a 90-degree angle and even lower if your knees will allow. Later on, you can play with foot
positions (together, high and wide, etc).
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3. Walking Lunge: 3 sets of 10-12 reps each leg
If you do not have room for Walking Lunges do Alternate Lunges in place. Take a wide, straight step
forward. Your back knee should not impact the floor. Your foot forward knee should not pass your toes.
If so, step wider and make sure you are not leaning forward. Use a strong push off to get back to center
then step with the other leg. Add weight by either holding DB's or place a barbell across your back.
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Hamstrings: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Straight Leg Deadlift: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
As you bend over at the waist it is crucial that you hinge your hip and keep your back straight. Your legs
should remain just shy of lockout and not bend more as you lower the weight. The barbell should stay
very close to your legs. You are looking to feel a deep stretch in your hamstrings at the bottom.

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2. Lying Leg Curl: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
As you lift the weight, don’t let your hips rise off the bench. Squeeze and hold at the top for a count or
two. Lower the weight slowly with control.
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Calves: Rest between sets 60-90 seconds.
1. Standing Calf Raise: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
Raise up on your toes and hold that topmost position for several counts then lower the weight and your
heels slowly to a deep stretch. Do these feet forward for now. In the future, you can play around with
various foot positioning (toes in and toes out).
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2. Seated Calf Raise: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
Same notes as the Standing Calf Raise.
View here:

GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 13
Week 2: Day 4: Shoulders, Traps, and Abs
Deltoids have three heads that always need work: Anterior (front), Medial (side), and posterior (rear).
Shoulders: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Standing Barbell Press: 1 warm up set ~15 reps, then 3 sets of 10-12 reps
Hold the barbell in front of you and press upward. Stop just shy of lockout at the top keeping tension on
the shoulder muscles. Lower the bar slowly below the chin. Don't lean back.
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2. Side Lateral Raise: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
As you raise the DB's to the sides of your body your elbows should be higher than your hands. Your
elbows should lead the way. The inside of your arms should be facing down. Lift the DB's to around ear
level. Lower the DB's slowly and with control. Keep the delts tense at the bottom rather than resting
before lifting them back up.
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3. Bent Over DB Raise: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
These can be done in a seated position or standing and bending over at the waist. While performing,
concentrate on squeezing and feeling that small rear head of the Delt.
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4. Barbell Shrug: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
Hold the barbell about shoulder width. Do not roll your shoulders. Just elevate. Hold at the top for
several counts then lower the weight slowly.
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Abs: Rest between sets only 60 seconds or less.
1. Captains Chair Knee Raise: 5 sets of 12 reps
Weight can be added to these by placing a DB between your feet. Don't sacrifice form to add more
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2. Cable Crunch: 5 sets of 12 reps
Make sure to really squeeze and feel the Abs at the bottom of the movement.

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GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 14
Week 2: Day 5: Biceps and Triceps
Triceps make up 2/3 of upper arm size so let's hit them first and hard. One key element to almost all arm
movements is to keep your elbows stationary while performing exercises. Concentrating on isolating the
muscle you are working. Always take that last negative slowly.
Triceps: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Close Grip Bench Press: 1 warm up set ~15 reps, then 3 sets of 10-12 reps
I like to do these on the Smith Machine. Lower the bar to your lower chest. Keep your arms and elbows
close to your body. Concentrate on putting as much of the load on your triceps while pressing as
possible. Flex the triceps hard at the top. Take the negatives slow and controlled.
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2. Overhead Barbell Extension: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
This can be done seated or standing. As you lower the weight keep your elbows from flaring out. Lower
the bar as far as possible and really stretch the triceps.
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3. Pushdown: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
Keep your elbows close to your body and don't let them drift forward. Flex the triceps hard at the
bottom and hold for a count or two. Take the negative slowly.
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Biceps: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Barbell Curl: 1 warm up set ~15 reps, then 3 sets of 10-12 reps
Hold the bar at shoulder width. As you curl the barbell upward, your elbows should not move forward
at all. Don't involve the shoulders. The barbell should stop in front of your lower chest and your biceps
should be flexed hard. Lower the barbell slowly to starting position. Don't lean back as your curl. Try not
to elevate your shoulders as well.
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2. Incline DB Curl: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
Use a incline bench around 45 degrees. Lay back and let your arms hang straight down holding the DB's.
You should feel a good stretch in your biceps in this position. As you curl the weights upward, keep
your elbow stationary. Your upper arms should remain straight up and down. The DB's should stop at
the sides of your lower chest and your biceps should be flexed hard. Lower the DB's slowly to starting
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GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 15
3. Preacher Curl: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
Start with your biceps flexed hard. Lower the barbell slowly to near lockout position. As you lift the
weight, don’t lean back or lift your elbows. If anything, lean forward to keep from cheating.
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Week 2: Day 6 and 7: Active Rest
Congratulations! You have just completed your second week of Genesis. I know you might be really sore. You
may feel unsure of yourself, but don't give up. You are learning a new skill. It takes time. Remember, you are
doing something while many are out there doing nothing. Keep moving forward.
If you have been lifting with intensity and eating correctly you should have gained a little weight by now.
Possibly 1-2lbs. If not, this is the time to reflect on the last two weeks. Are you eating though? Are you doing
every set to failure? Are you getting enough sleep? Make a list of things to do better here in week three, and
then do them.
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 16
Week 3
Week 3: Day 1: Chest and Abs
We will be lowering rep ranges and increasing weight once again here in week three. Look back at last week’s
journal entries to help determine where you should start weight wise this week. By now you should be feeling
more comfortable doing these exercises. Just because you are lifting heavier doesn't mean your form should
suffer. Keep taking your negatives slow and controlled.
Chest: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Incline DB Press: 1 warm up set 15 reps, then 3 sets of 7-9 reps
Don't hit DB's together at the top. Stop just shy of lockout keeping tension on your chest. Lower the
DB's slowly and take this negative with control. If you notice one side is weaker than the other, let the
weaker side dictate the weight used. I would use a 25-35 degree incline. The higher the incline the more
shoulders will be involved. Feel free to experiment with incline angles in the future.
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2. Bench Press: 3 sets of 7-9 reps
Stop just shy of lockout keeping tension on your chest. Lower the barbell slowly and take this negative
control. If one side is much weaker than the other switch to a Flat DB Press letting the weaker side
dictate the weight used until the imbalance is corrected.
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3. Incline Fly: 3 sets of 7-9 reps
Don't hit DB's together at the top. The angle of your bent arms should remain constant during the
entire range of motion. This should not turn into a DB Press. At the bottom of the movement keep
the DB's outside of your elbows. Flex the chest hard at the top before lowering the weight again. I
would use a 25-35 degree incline. The higher the incline the more shoulders will be involved. Feel free to
experiment with incline angles in the future.
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4. Cable Cross Over (Mid Pulley): 3 sets of 7-9 reps
There are many variations of Cable Cross Overs depending on the from which the cables are coming.
Let's use the terms High Pulley (cable coming from high), Mid Pulley (cable coming from chest high), and
Low Pulley (cable coming from low) to simplify things. Over time, play around with the various angles.
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GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 17
Abs: Rest between sets only 60 seconds or less.
1. Leg Raise: 5 sets of 10 reps
Notes: Place hands under your hips. Once feet are off the ground they stay off the ground until finished.
Perform these slowly. If in doubt, go slower.
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2. Decline Crunch: 5 sets of 10 reps
Perform these slowly and concentrate on feeling the abs contract. You should spend more time at
the top squeezing than you do at the bottom. You will get out of these what you put into them. Add
resistance by holding weight against your chest. Don't let the extra weight cause you to sacrifice form.

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Week 3: Day 2: Back and Forearms
Your back is one of the biggest muscle groups in the body, but also, the most difficult to work for many
because it is a complex of muscles they cannot see. Practice flexing and stretching the lats so you know what
to feel whiling doing exercises. This is big muscle group that requires big intensity.
Back: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Close Grip Chin Up: 1 warm up set of ~15 reps, then 3 sets of 7-9 reps
The warm up should be done using a light weight on a pulldown machine. If you cannot perform a single
Chin Up switch to the Close Grip Pulldowns 3 sets 7-9 reps. If you can perform a few Chin Ups, this will
be a process to increase your strength.
Use a close underhand grip. As you lift yourself up, arch your back and keep your chest out. Try to focus
on your lats rather than arms. Think of your arms as hooks and your lats as the machine lifting you up.
If I can see over the bar, I count the rep. But a perfect rep is making it clear to the top and holding for a
pause to squeeze. On your first set make a note of how many reps you can do.
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2. Bent Over Barbell Row: 3 sets of 7-9 reps
Grab the bar with a overhand outside shoulder width grip. Doing any bent over exercise can be
potentially dangerous. Learning the technique of hinging your hip and keeping your lower back straight
is vital. When lifting the weight don't elevate your shoulders. You want to keep the elbows back and get
them high. Lift the bar a couple inches above your belly button.
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3. Seated Row: 3 sets of 7-9 reps
Use a close grip handle. Don't lean back as you move the weight. Keep your chest out and back arched.
Bring the handle into your stomach. As you lower the weight, let your lats get a nice stretch.
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GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 18
4. Deadlift: 3 sets of 7-9 reps
Keep your hip down and chest up. Drive through your heels as you lift the weight. Keep your core tight.
Don't hyperextend your back at the top (don't lean back)!
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Forearms: Rest between sets 60-90 seconds.
1. Barbell Reverse Curl: 4 sets of 7-9 reps
Keep your upper arms and elbows fixed while lifting the weight and don't let your shoulders come into
play. Don't lean back as you lift.

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2. Barbell Wrist Curl: 4 sets of 7-9 reps
Flex and hold at the top. Lower the weight slowly with control.

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Week 3: Day 3: Legs (Thighs, Hamstrings, Calves)
Leg day is the key to building muscle. If you want a great looking upper body, it starts with a strong leg
foundation. Working legs hard will help you build muscle everywhere because the exertion is releasing natural
growth hormone. Exercises like squats also burn a lot of calories and aid in burning fat. If you are serious, you
will take Leg day seriously.
Thighs: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Squat: 1 warm up set ~15 reps, then 3 sets of 7-9 reps
Have your feet about shoulder width apart. Keep you hip down and chest up. Don't look down while
squatting. Look eye level or up at a fixed point. Don't let your knees pass your toes while squatting
down. Try to squat so your upper legs are parallel to the floor or as low as your knees will allow. Keep
your back straight. Push through your heels. Your feet should not move or come off the ground in any
way. Stop just shy of locking out at the top, but tense and flex the thighs instead of resting before
descending again.
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2. Leg Press: 3 sets of 7-9 reps
Have your feet about shoulder width apart. Don't lock out legs at the top. Lower the weight until the
legs make a 90-degree angle and even lower if your knees will allow. Later on, you can play with foot
positions (together, high and wide, etc).
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GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 19
3. Walking Lunge: 3 sets of 7-9 reps each leg
If you do not have room for Walking Lunges do Alternate Lunges in place. Take a wide, straight step
forward. Your back knee should not impact the floor. Your foot forward knee should not pass your toes.
If so, step wider and make sure you are not leaning forward. Use a strong push off to get back to center
then step with the other leg. Add weight by either holding DB's or place a barbell across your back.
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Hamstrings: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Straight Leg Deadlift: 3 sets of 7-9 reps
As you bend over at the waist it is crucial that you hinge your hip and keep your back straight. Your legs
should remain just shy of lockout and not bend more as you lower the weight. The barbell should stay
very close to your legs. You are looking to feel a deep stretch in your hamstrings at the bottom.

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2. Lying Leg Curl: 3 sets of 7-9 reps
As you lift the weight, don’t let your hips rise off the bench. Squeeze and hold at the top for a count or
two. Lower the weight slowly with control.
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Calves: Rest between sets 60-90 seconds.
1. Standing Calf Raise: 3 sets of 7-9 reps
Raise up on your toes and hold that topmost position for several counts then lower the weight and your
heels slowly to a deep stretch. Do these feet forward for now. In the future, you can play around with
various foot positioning (toes in and toes out).
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2. Seated Calf Raise: 3 sets of 7-9 reps
Same notes as the Standing Calf Raise.
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Week 3: Day 4: Shoulders, Traps, and Abs
Deltoids have three heads that always need work: Anterior (front), Medial (side), and posterior (rear).
Shoulders: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Standing Barbell Press: 1 warm up set ~15 reps, then 3 sets of 7-9 reps
Hold the barbell in front of you and press upward. Stop just shy of lockout at the top keeping tension on
the shoulder muscles. Slower the bar slowly below the chin. Don't lean back.
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GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 20
2. Side Lateral Raise: 3 sets of 7-9 reps
As you raise the DB's to the sides of your body your elbows should be higher than your hands. Your
elbows should lead the way. The inside of your arms should be facing down. Lift the DB's to around ear
level. Lower the DB's slowly and with control. Keep the delts tense at the bottom rather than resting
before lifting them back up.
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3. Bent Over DB Raise: 3 sets of 7-9 reps
These can be done in a seated position or standing and bending over at the waist. While performing,
concentrate on squeezing and feeling that small rear head of the Delt.
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4. Barbell Shrug: 3 sets of 7-9 reps
Hold the barbell about shoulder width. Do not roll your shoulders. Just elevate. Hold at the top for
several counts then lower the weight slowly.
View here:
Abs: Rest between sets only 60 seconds or less.
1. Captains Chair Knee Raise: 5 sets of 10 reps
Weight can be added to these by placing a DB between your feet. Don't sacrifice form to add more
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2. Cable Crunch: 5 sets of 10 reps
Make sure to really squeeze and feel the Abs at the bottom of the movement.

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Week 3: Day 5: Biceps and Triceps
Triceps make up 2/3 of upper arm size so let's hit them first and hard. One key element to almost all arm
movements is to keep your elbows stationary while performing exercises. Concentrating on isolating the
muscle you are working. Always take that last negative slowly.
Triceps: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Close Grip Bench Press: 1 warm up set 15 reps, then 3 sets of 7-9 reps
I like to do these on the Smith Machine. Lower the bar to your lower chest. Keep your arms and elbows
close to your body. Concentrate on putting as much of the load on your triceps while pressing as
possible. Flex the triceps hard at the top. Take the negatives slow and controlled.
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GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 21
2. Overhead Barbell Extension: 3 sets of 7-9 reps
This can be done seated or standing. As you lower the weight keep your elbows from flaring out. Lower
the bar as far as possible and really stretch the triceps.
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3. Pushdown: 3 sets of 7-9 reps
Keep your elbows close to your body and don't let them drift forward. Flex the triceps hard at the
bottom and hold for a count or two. Take the negative slowly.
View here:
Biceps: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Barbell Curl: 1 warm up set 15 reps, then 3 sets of 7-9 reps
Hold the bar at shoulder width. As you curl the barbell upward, your elbows should not move forward
at all. Don't involve the shoulders. The barbell should stop in front of your lower chest and your biceps
should be flexed hard. Lower the barbell slowly to starting position. Don't lean back as your curl. Try not
to elevate your shoulders as well.
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2. Incline DB Curl: 3 sets of 7-9 reps
Use a incline bench around 45 degrees. Lay back and let your arms hang straight down holding the DB's.
You should feel a good stretch in your biceps in this position. As you curl the weights upward, keep
your elbow stationary. Your upper arms should remain straight up and down. The DB's should stop at
the sides of your lower chest and your biceps should be flexed hard. Lower the DB's slowly to starting

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3. Preacher Curl: 3 sets of 7-9 reps
Start with your biceps flexed hard. Lower the barbell slowly to near lockout position. As you lift the
weight, don’t lean back or lift your elbows. If anything, lean forward to keep from cheating.
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GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 22
Week 3: Day 6 and 7: Active Rest
This marks the half way point through Genesis. As each day passes, you take another step towards greatness.
Remember this program is not the end game, but the beginning of your journey in bodybuilding. Jump on the
scale and record your weight. Get ready because the exercises will be changing for the second half of Genesis.
The volume will increase as you will be doing more sets. I will also be introducing a few of my favorite “beyond
failure” techniques. If you are wanting to cut body fat be sure to keep up with your daily interval cardio.
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 23
Week 4
Week 4: Day 1: Chest and Abs
The second half of Genesis begins. The exercises will be changing. The total volume of sets will increase. And
this week I will be introducing the “Beyond Failure” technique of “Pause Rest.”
Failure: Doing strict repetitions until you cannot lift the weight again with proper form. If you have a lifting
partner, you can go to complete failure and have your partner help you finish that last rep. If you do not have a
lifting partner, you need to be aware of when you don't think you can complete another rep. Be safe!
Pause Rest: Once you hit failure set the weight down and rest for 15-20 seconds. Then immediately do a few
more strict reps, typically 1-4, to finish your set. I call one round of this a “Pause Rest Round” since you may
do more than one rep.
Chest: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Incline Barbell Press: 1 warm up set 15 reps, then 4 sets of 13 reps + 1 Pause Rest Round
Stop just shy of lockout keeping tension on your chest. Lower the barbell slowly and take this negative
with control. If one side is much weaker than the other, switch back to the Incline DB Press letting the
weaker side dictate the weight used until the imbalance is corrected. Feel free to experiment with
angles of incline. Make note of which you use.
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Here is me performing:
2. Flat DB Press: 4 sets of 13 reps + 1 Pause Rest Round
Don't hit DB's together at the top. Stop just shy of lockout keeping tension on your chest. Lower the
DB's slowly and take this negative with control. If you notice one side is weaker than the other, let the
weaker side dictate the weight used.
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3. Parallel Bar Dips: 4 sets of 13 reps + 1 Pause Rest Round
When doing Parallel Bar Dips to target your chest keep your chin down and feet forward. Lower yourself
until you have a deep stretch in your chest. There are several ways to add weight while doing this
exercise: placing a DB between your feet, using a special belt with a chain to loop around plates, or place
a heavy chain around your neck. I prefer the chain belt and I carry one around in my gym bag for these
and weighted chin ups. View the belt here:
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Here is me performing:
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 24
4. Cable Cross Over (Low Pulley): 4 sets of 13 reps + 1 Pause Rest Round
There are many variations of Cable Cross Overs depending on the from which the cables are coming.
Let's use the terms High Pulley (cable coming from high), Mid Pulley (cable coming from chest high), and
Low Pulley (cable coming from low) to simplify things. Over time, play around with the various angles.
Today's Low Pulley I feel is the more difficult of the three. Keep the angle of your arms the same as you
draw your hands together in a upward V motion.
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Here is me performing:
Abs: Rest between sets only 60 seconds or less.
1. Jack Knife: 5 sets of 15 reps
Do these slow and don't let momentum come into play. No swinging. If in doubt, go slower. Concentrate
on squeezing the abs at the topmost position.
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2. Russian Twist: 5 sets of 15 reps each side
Do these slow and concentrate on twisting using your core muscles. Hold weight if you are able.
View here:
Here is me performing:

Week 4: Day 2: Back and Forearms
This entire week you will be incorporating Pause Rest Rounds. Time to attack that back!
Failure: Doing strict repetitions until you cannot lift the weight again with proper form. If you have a lifting
partner, you can go to complete failure and have your partner help you finish that last rep. If you do not have a
lifting partner, you need to be aware of when you don't think you can complete another rep. Be safe!
Pause Rest: Once you hit failure set the weight down and rest for 15-20 seconds. Then immediately do a few
more strict reps, typically 1-4, to finish your set. I call one round of this a “Pause Rest Round” since you may
do more than one rep.
Back: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Wide Grip Pull Up (Front): 1 warm up set of ~15 reps, 4 sets of 8-10 reps
The warm up should be done using a light weight on a pulldown machine. If you cannot perform a single
Wide Grip Pull up to the front switch to the Wide Grip Pulldowns 4 sets 13 reps + 1 Pause Rest Round. If
you can perform a few Pull ups, this will be a process to increase your strength.
Use a wide overhand grip. As you lift yourself up, arch your back and keep your chest out. Try to focus
on your lats rather than arms. Think of your arms as hooks and your lats as the machine lifting you up.
If I can see over the bar, I count the rep. But a perfect rep is making it clear to the top and holding for a
pause to squeeze.
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 25
On your first set make a note of how many reps you can do. If you can do 10 reps, add weight next week
(10lbs) and shoot for another 10 reps. Keep building week to week in this fashion. If you can do 8 reps,
try to do 9-10 next week. If you cannot do 8, do as many as you can then rest for 15-25 seconds and
try to perform another 1-3 reps. Once you hit a total of 8-10 reps, take your normal rest period before
starting another set.
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2. DB Rows: 4 sets of 13 reps + 1 Pause Rest Round each side
As you lift the DB don't twist your shoulder girdle. Keep the shoulder girdle parallel to the floor. Lift your
elbow high, past the plane of your body, and keep your elbow back.
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Here is me performing:
3. T-Bar Rows: 4 sets of 13 reps + 1 Pause Rest Round
Pay attention getting into the proper start position. Lift the weight up using a squat position by
dropping your hip and keeping your chest up. Don't just bend over and round your back. When you have
the weight lifted up bend over by hinging your hip. Keep your back straight. You will have to experiment
with proper foot positioning and find the spot where you feel most balanced. As you lift the weight,
keep your chest out and pull your elbows back. Lock and hold for a count or two as the top before

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Here is me performing:
4. Deadlift: 4 sets of 7-9 reps
Keep your hip down and chest up. Drive through your heels as you lift the weight. Keep your core tight.
Don't hyperextend your back at the top (don't lean back)! No pause rest rounds for this exercise. But
look back at Week 1 Day 2 where you worked in this same rep range. You should be lifting more weight
at this rep range at this time.
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Forearms: Rest between sets 60-90 seconds.
1. Preacher Reverse Curls: 4 sets of 13 reps + 1 Pause Rest Round
Keep your upper arms and elbows fixed on the pad while lifting the weight. Lower the barbell slowly
to near lockout position. As you lift the weight, don’t lean back or lift your elbows. If anything, lean
forward to keep from cheating.
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Here is me performing:
2. DB Hammer Curls: 4 sets of 13 reps + 1 Pause Rest Round
Having your palms facing your body and your thumbs up perform a DB Curl. As you curl the DB’s upward,
your elbows should not move forward at all. Don't involve the shoulders. The DB's should stop in front
of your lower chest and your biceps should be flexed hard. Lower the DB's slowly to starting position.
Don't lean back as your curl. Try not to elevate your shoulders as well.
View here:
Here is me performing:
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 26
Week 4: Day 3: Legs (Thighs, Hamstrings, Calves)
Get ready to dig deep for today's Leg workout. You will continue doing Squats because they are the king of leg
exercises while introducing a few new leg exercises. Pause Rest during leg day is no joke. Time to step it up!
Failure: Doing strict repetitions until you cannot lift the weight again with proper form. If you have a lifting
partner, you can go to complete failure and have your partner help you finish that last rep. If you do not have a
lifting partner, you need to be aware of when you don't think you can complete another rep. Be safe!
Pause Rest: Once you hit failure set the weight down and rest for 15-20 seconds. Then immediately do a few
more strict reps, typically 1-4, to finish your set. I call one round of this a “Pause Rest Round” since you may
do more than one rep.
Thighs: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Squat: 1 warm up set ~15 reps, then 4 sets of 13 reps + 1 Pause Rest Round
Have your feet about shoulder width apart. Keep you hip down and chest up. Don't look down while
squatting. Look eye level or up at a fixed point. Don't let your knees pass your toes while squatting
down. Try to squat so your upper legs are parallel to the floor or as low as your knees will allow. Keep
your back straight. Push through your heels. Your feet should not move or come off the ground in any
way. Stop just shy of locking out at the top, but tense and flex the thighs instead of resting before
descending again.
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2. Hack Squat: 4 sets of 13 reps + 1 Pause Rest Round
As you squat down your knees should not pass your toes. Try to squat so your upper legs are parallel to
foot platform or as low as your knees will allow. Keep your back straight. Push through your heels. Your
feet should not move or come off the ground in any way. Stop just shy of locking out at the top, but
tense and flex the thighs instead of resting befow descending again.
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3. Bench Step Up: 4 sets of 13 reps + 1 Pause Rest Round
These can be done using body weight, holding DB's, or placing a barbell across your back. You can
take alternate steps or do each side separate. Try not to lean forward as you step up. Keep your back
View here:
Hamstrings: Rest between sets 120 seconds.

1. Lying Leg Curl: 4 sets of 13 reps + 1 Pause Rest Round
Since we are doing these first now for hamstrings you should be able to lift more weight than before.
As you lift the weight, don’t let your hips rise off the bench. Squeeze and hold at the top for a count or
two. Lower the weight slowly with control.
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GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 27
1. Straight Leg Deadlift: 4 sets of 13 reps + 1 Pause Rest Round
Since you are doing these after Leg Curls you may not be lifting as heavy. As you bend over at the
waist it is crucial that you hinge your hip keeping your back straight. Your legs should remain just shy of
lockout and not bend more as you lower the weight. The barbell should stay very close to your legs. You
are looking to feel a deep stretch in your hamstrings at the bottom.
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Calves: Rest between sets 60-90 seconds.
1. Seated Calf Raise: 4 sets of 13 reps + 1 Pause Rest Round
Raise up on your toes and hold that topmost position for several counts then lower the weight and your
heels slowly to a deep stretch. Do these feet forward for now. In the future, you can play around with
various foot positioning (toes in and toes out).
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1. Calf Press: 4 sets of 13 reps + 1 Pause Rest Round
Push the weight up on your toes and hold that topmost position for several counts then lower the
weight and your heels slowly to a deep stretch. Do these feet forward for now. In the future, you can
play around with various foot positioning (toes in and toes out).
View here:

Week 4: Day 4: Shoulders, Traps, and Abs
Deltoids have three heads that always need work: Anterior (front), Medial (side), and posterior (rear).
Failure: Doing strict repetitions until you cannot lift the weight again with proper form. If you have a lifting
partner, you can go to complete failure and have your partner help you finish that last rep. If you do not have a
lifting partner, you need to be aware of when you don't think you can complete another rep. Be safe!
Pause Rest: Once you hit failure set the weight down and rest for 15-20 seconds. Then immediately do a few
more strict reps, typically 1-4, to finish your set. I call one round of this a “Pause Rest Round” since you may do
more than one rep.
Shoulders: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Arnold Press: 1 warm up set ~15 reps, then 4 sets of 13 reps + 1 Pause Rest Round
Hold the DB's in front of you, palms facing you, and then press upward rotating your palms to face
away. Stop just shy of lockout at the top keeping tension on the shoulder muscles. Slowly lower the DB's
back to starting position. I like to do these seated on a bench with a back support.
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GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 28
2. Archer Side Raises: 4 sets of 13 reps + 1 Pause Rest Round
This one will take a little practice to learn. One arm raises the DB like a normal side lateral raise. The
other arm makes a 90-degree angle and raises in front of you as if you are checking your watch. Check
out the video to see how to do this.
View here:
3. Face Pulls: 4 sets of 13 reps + 1 Pause Rest Round
This is your rear delt exercise. Use a rope attachment on a high pulley set up. Stand back and bring your
hands towards your face. Elbows should be high and back. Hold for a count or two at the top before
returning slowly. Concentrate on feeling the squeeze in your rear delts at the top.
View here:
Here is me performing:
4. Upright Rows: 3 sets of 13 reps + 1 Pause Rest Round
This is one of my favorite exercises. It really targets the traps, front delts, and gives the upper body a
nice look. Grip the bar with your hands fairly close together. Keep your chest out as you raise the bar
straight up. Your elbows should be higher than your hands. Elbows lead the way. Bring the bar about to
chin level if possible.

View here:
Here is me performing with a wider grip:
5. DB Shrug: 3 sets of 13 reps + 1 Pause Rest Round
Do not roll your shoulders. Just elevate. Hold at the top for several counts then lower the weight slowly.
View here:
Abs: Rest between sets only 60 seconds or less.
1. Lion Leg Raise w/Twist: 5 sets of 15 reps
This is performed similar to a regular leg raise, but at the top you are lifting your hip slightly off the
bench performing a spear. I alternate tilting my hip every time I spear upwards. Watch the video below
to see how it is done.
View here:
2. Wood Choppers: 5 sets of 15 reps each side
Stand to the side of a cable tower. The arm inside to the cable tower should be gripping the handle and
be completely straight. Your other arm should be fairly straight and gripping the knuckles of the weight
bearing arm. Imagine your arms being rods connected to your body and your core muscles are the
machine that twists your body to the side. Concentrate on your core doing the work and not your arms.
Watch the videos below to see how its done.
View here:
Here is me performing at variation:

GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 29
Week 4: Day 5: Biceps and Triceps
Triceps make up 2/3 of upper arm size so let's hit them first and hard. One key element to almost all arm
movements is to keep your elbows stationary while performing exercises. Concentrating on isolating the
muscle you are working. Always take that last negative slowly.
Failure: Doing strict repetitions until you cannot lift the weight again with proper form. If you have a lifting
partner, you can go to complete failure and have your partner help you finish that last rep. If you do not have a
lifting partner, you need to be aware of when you don't think you can complete another rep. Be safe!
Pause Rest: Once you hit failure set the weight down and rest for 15-20 seconds. Then immediately do a few
more strict reps, typically 1-4, to finish your set. I call one round of this a “Pause Rest Round” since you may
do more than one rep.
Triceps: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Skull Crushers: 1 warm up set 15 reps, then 4 sets of 13 reps + 1 Pause Rest Round
One of my favorite Triceps exercises of all time. I recommend using a EZ curl bar. In the starting
position, your arms should be straight, but the bar should be above your eyes and not your chest. As
you lower the barbell towards your forehead, your elbows should be isolated and not move. Stop just
shy of your hairline. Power up to starting position and flex your triceps hard.
View here:
Here is me performing:
2. Bench Dips: 4 sets of 13 reps + 1 Pause Rest Round
Depending on your strength there are 3 ways to perform this. The most difficult way is to have your
feet elevated on another bench. Your hands should be to your sides touching your hip. As you lower
yourself, your elbows should remain stationary and pointed behind you. If that is too difficult have your
legs straight out on the ground. And if that is too difficult, keep your feet on the ground and make a
90-degree angle with your legs.
View here:
Here is me performing:
3. Rope Pushdown: 4 sets of 13 reps + 1 Pause Rest Round
Keep your elbows close to your body and don't let them drift forward. At the bottom separate the ropes
and flex the triceps hard holding for a count or two. Take the negative slowly.
View here:
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 30
Biceps: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. DB Curls: 1 warm up set 15 reps, then 4 sets of 13 reps + 1 Pause Rest Round
As you curl the DB’s upward, your elbows should not move forward at all. Don't involve the shoulders.
The DB's should stop in front of your lower chest and your biceps should be flexed hard. Lower the DB's
slowly to starting position. Don't lean back as your curl. Try not to elevate your shoulders as well. I like
to start with my palms facing my body and then as I curl upwards supinate my palms facing upward.
View here:
2. Cable Curls: 3 sets of 13 reps + 1 Pause Rest Round
Use a straight bar or EZ bar cable attachment. Hold the bar at shoulder width. As you curl the bar
upward, your elbows should not move forward at all. Don't involve the shoulders. The bar should stop
in front of your lower chest and your biceps should be flexed hard. Lower the bar slowly to starting
position. Don't lean back as your curl. Try not to elevate your shoulders as well.
View here:
3. Lying DB Curls: 3 sets of 13 reps + 1 Pause Rest Round
Lay your back down flat on a bench. Hold DB's and let your arms hang straight down. You should feel a
deep stretch in your biceps. As you curl the DB's upward keep your elbows stationary and don't let them
drift forward at all. Your upper arms should remain pointed downward the entire time. Flex the biceps
hard at the top before slowly lowering.
View here:

Week 4: Day 6 and 7: Active Rest
This last week you had new exercises to learn and the advanced technique of “Pause Rest”. Our rep ranges
were back to week 1 ranges. Checking your lifting journal you should notice a increase in weights. Weigh
yourself again and record your progress. You have two more weeks left of Genesis. Don't take it easy and
coast the rest of the way. Work hard to get the most results and progress possible. Make sure you are eating
enough and bring 100% to the gym these last two weeks. No wimping!
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 31
Week 5
Week 5: Day 1: Chest and Abs
This week I will introduce the “beyond failure” technique of “Drop Sets”. Don't worry “Pause Rest” will be back!
Failure: Doing strict repetitions until you cannot lift the weight again with proper form. If you have a lifting
partner, you can go to complete failure and have your partner help you finish that last rep. If you do not have a
lifting partner, you need to be aware of when you don't think you can complete another rep. Be safe!
Drop Set: Once you hit failure set the weight down and immediately grab a lighter weight and do more strict
reps to failure. Use a weight around 75% of the weight you started. So if you are using a 40lb DB use a 30lb
DB for your drop set. Figure out the Drop Set weight you plan to use prior to starting your set.
Chest: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Incline Barbell Press: 1 warm up set 15 reps, then 4 sets of 10 + Drop Set
Stop just shy of lockout keeping tension on your chest. Lower the barbell slowly and take this negative
with control. If one side is much weaker than the other, switch back to the Incline DB Press letting the
weaker side dictate the weight used until the imbalance is corrected. Feel free to experiment with
angles of incline. Make note of which you use.
View here:
Here is me performing:
2. Flat DB Press: 4 sets of 10 + Drop Set
Don't hit DB's together at the top. Stop just shy of lockout keeping tension on your chest. Lower the
DB's slowly and take this negative with control. If you notice one side is weaker than the other, let the
weaker side dictate the weight used.
View here:
3. Parallel Bar Dips: 4 sets of 10 + Drop Set
When doing Parallel Bar Dips to target your chest keep your chin down and feet forward. Lower yourself
until you have a deep stretch in your chest. There are several ways to add weight while doing this
exercise: placing a DB between your feet, using a special belt with a chain to loop around plates, or place
a heavy chain around your neck. I prefer the chain belt and I carry one around in my gym bag for these
and weighted chin ups. View the belt here:
View here:
Here is me performing:
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 32
4. Cable Cross Over (Low Pulley): 4 sets of 10 + Drop Set
There are many variations of Cable Cross Overs depending on the from which the cables are coming.
Let's use the terms High Pulley (cable coming from high), Mid Pulley (cable coming from chest high), and
Low Pulley (cable coming from low) to simplify things. Over time, play around with the various angles.
Today's Low Pulley I feel is the more difficult of the three. Keep the angle of your arms the same as you
draw your hands together in a upward V motion.
View here:
Here is me performing:
Abs: Rest between sets only 60 seconds or less.
1. Jack Knife: 5 sets of 12 reps
Do these slow and don't let momentum come into play. No swinging. If in doubt, go slower. Concentrate
on squeezing the abs at the topmost position.
View here:
2. Russian Twist: 5 sets of 12 reps each side
Do these slow and concentrate on twisting using your core muscles. Hold weight if you are able.
View here:
Here is me performing:

Week 5: Day 2: Back and Forearms
Failure: Doing strict repetitions until you cannot lift the weight again with proper form. If you have a lifting
partner, you can go to complete failure and have your partner help you finish that last rep. If you do not have a
lifting partner, you need to be aware of when you don't think you can complete another rep. Be safe!
Drop Set: Once you hit failure set the weight down and immediately grab a lighter weight and do more strict
reps to failure. Use a weight around 75% of the weight you started. So if you are using a 40lb DB use a 30lb
DB for your drop set. Figure out the Drop Set weight you plan to use prior to starting your set.
Back: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Wide Grip Pull Up (Front): 1 warm up set of ~15 reps, then 4 sets of 8-10 reps
The warm up should be done using a light weight on a pulldown machine. If you cannot perform a single
Wide Grip Pull up to the front switch to the Wide Grip Pulldowns 4 sets 10 reps + 1 Drop Set. If you can
perform a few Pull ups, this will be a process to increase your strength.
Use a wide overhand grip. As you lift yourself up, arch your back and keep your chest out. Try to focus
on your lats rather than arms. Think of your arms as hooks and your lats as the machine lifting you up.
If I can see over the bar, I count the rep. But a perfect rep is making it clear to the top and holding for a
pause to squeeze. On your first set make a note of how many reps you can do.
If you can do 10 reps, add weight next week (10lbs) and shoot for another 10 reps. Keep building week
to week in this fashion. If you can do 8 reps, try to do 9-10 next week. If you cannot do 8, do as many
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 33
as you can then rest for 15-25 seconds and try to perform another 1-3 reps. Once you hit a total of 8-10
reps, take your normal rest period before starting another set.
View here:
2. DB Rows: 4 sets of 10 reps + Drop Set
As you lift the DB don't twist your shoulder girdle. Keep the shoulder girdle parallel to the floor. Lift your
elbow high, past the plane of your body, and keep your elbow back.
View here:
Here is me performing:
3. T-Bar Rows: 4 sets of 10 reps + Drop Set
Pay attention getting into the proper start position. Lift the weight up using a squat position by
dropping your hip and keeping your chest up. Don't just bend over and round your back. When you have
the weight lifted up bend over by hinging your hip. Keep your back straight. You will have to experiment
with proper foot positioning and find the spot where you feel most balanced. As you lift the weight,
keep your chest out and pull your elbows back. Lock and hold for a count or two as the top before
View here:
Here is me performing:

4. Deadlift: 4 sets of 10 reps
Keep your hip down and chest up. Drive through your heels as you lift the weight. Keep your core tight.
Don't hyperextend your back at the top (don't lean back)! No pause rest rounds for this exercise. But
look back at Week 1 Day 2 where you worked in this same rep range. You should be lifting more weight
at this rep range at this time.
View here:
Forearms: Rest between sets 60-90 seconds.
1. Preacher Reverse Curls: 4 sets of 10 reps + Drop Set
Keep your upper arms and elbows fixed on the pad while lifting the weight. Lower the barbell slowly
to near lockout position. As you lift the weight, don’t lean back or lift your elbows. If anything, lean
forward to keep from cheating.
View here:
Here is me performing:
2. DB Hammer Curls: 4 sets of 10 reps + Drop Set
Having your palms facing your body and your thumbs up perform a DB Curl. As you curl the DB’s upward,
your elbows should not move forward at all. Don't involve the shoulders. The DB's should stop in front
of your lower chest and your biceps should be flexed hard. Lower the DB's slowly to starting position.
Don't lean back as your curl. Try not to elevate your shoulders as well.
View here:
Here is me performing:

GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 34
Week 5: Day 3: Legs (Thighs, Hamstrings, Calves)
Failure: Doing strict repetitions until you cannot lift the weight again with proper form. If you have a lifting
partner, you can go to complete failure and have your partner help you finish that last rep. If you do not have a
lifting partner, you need to be aware of when you don't think you can complete another rep. Be safe!
Drop Set: Once you hit failure set the weight down and immediately grab a lighter weight and do more strict
reps to failure. Use a weight around 75% of the weight you started. So if you are using a 40lb DB use a 30lb
DB for your drop set. Figure out the Drop Set weight you plan to use prior to starting your set.
Thighs: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Squat: 1 warm up set 15 reps, then 4 sets of 10 + Drop Set
Have your feet about shoulder width apart. Keep you hip down and chest up. Don't look down while
squatting. Look eye level or up at a fixed point. Don't let your knees pass your toes while squatting
down. Try to squat so your upper legs are parallel to the floor or as low as your knees will allow. Keep
your back straight. Push through your heels. Your feet should not move or come off the ground in any
way. Stop just shy of locking out at the top, but tense and flex the thighs instead of resting before
descending again.
View here:
2. Hack Squat: 4 sets of 10 + Drop Set
As you squat down your knees should not pass your toes. Try to squat so your upper legs are parallel to
foot platform or as low as your knees will allow. Keep your back straight. Push through your heels. Your
feet should not move or come off the ground in any way. Stop just shy of locking out at the top, but
tense and flex the thighs instead of resting befow descending again.
View here:
3. Bench Step Up: 4 sets of 10 + Drop Set
These can be done using body weight, holding DB's, or placing a barbell across your back. You can
take alternate steps or do each side separate. Try not to lean forward as you step up. Keep your back
View here:
Hamstrings: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Lying Leg Curl: 4 sets of 10 + Drop Set

Since we are doing these first now for hamstrings you should be able to lift more weight than before.
As you lift the weight, don’t let your hips rise off the bench. Squeeze and hold at the top for a count or
two. Lower the weight slowly with control.
View here:
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 35
1. Straight Leg Deadlift: 4 sets of 10 + Drop Set
Since you are doing these after Leg Curls you may not be lifting as heavy. As you bend over at the waist
it is vital that you hinge your hip keeping your back straight. Your legs should remain just shy of lockout
and not bend more as you lower the weight. The barbell should stay very close to your legs. You are
looking to feel a deep stretch in your hamstrings at the bottom.
View here:
Calves: Rest between sets 60-90 seconds.
1. Seated Calf Raise: 4 sets of 10 + Drop Set
Raise up on your toes and hold that topmost position for several counts then lower the weight and your
heels slowly to a deep stretch. Do these feet forward for now. In the future, you can play around with
various foot positioning (toes in and toes out).
View here:
1. Calf Press: 4 sets of 10 + Drop Set
Push the weight up on your toes and hold that topmost position for several counts then lower the
weight and your heels slowly to a deep stretch. Do these feet forward for now. In the future, you can
play around with various foot positioning (toes in and toes out).
View here:

Week 5: Day 4: Shoulders, Traps, and Abs
Deltoids have three heads that always need work: Anterior (front), Medial (side), and posterior (rear).
Failure: Doing strict repetitions until you cannot lift the weight again with proper form. If you have a lifting
partner, you can go to complete failure and have your partner help you finish that last rep. If you do not have a
lifting partner, you need to be aware of when you don't think you can complete another rep. Be safe!
Drop Set: Once you hit failure set the weight down and immediately grab a lighter weight and do more strict
reps to failure. Use a weight around 75% of the weight you started. So if you are using a 40lb DB use a 30lb
DB for your drop set. Figure out the Drop Set weight you plan to use prior to starting your set.
Shoulders: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Arnold Press: 1 warm up set 15 reps, then 4 sets of 10 + Drop Set
Hold the DB's in front of you, palms facing you, and then press upward rotating your palms to face
away. Stop just shy of lockout at the top keeping tension on the shoulder muscles. Slowly lower the DB's
back to starting position. I like to do these seated on a bench with a back support.
View here:
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 36
2. Archer Side Raises: 4 sets of 10 + Drop Set
This one will take a little practice to learn. One arm raises the DB like a normal side lateral raise. The
other arm makes a 90-degree angle and raises in front of you as if you are checking your watch. Check
out the video to see how to do this.
View here:
3. Face Pulls: 4 sets of 10 + Drop Set
This is your rear delt exercise. Use a rope attachment on a high pulley set up. Stand back and bring your
hands towards your face. Elbows should be high and back. Hold for a count or two at the top before
returning slowly. Concentrate on feeling the squeeze in your rear delts at the top.
View here:
Here is me performing:
4. Upright Rows: 3 sets of 10 + Drop Set
This is one of my favorite exercises. It really targets the traps, front delts, and gives the upper body a
nice look. Grip the bar with your hands fairly close together. Keep your chest out as you raise the bar
straight up. Your elbows should be higher than your hands. Elbows lead the way. Bring the bar about to
chin level if possible.

View here:
Here is me performing with a wider grip:
5. DB Shrug: 3 sets of 10 + Drop Set
Do not roll your shoulders. Just elevate. Hold at the top for several counts then lower the weight slowly.
View here:
Abs: Rest between sets only 60 seconds or less.
1. Lion Leg Raise w/Twist: 5 sets of 12 reps
This is performed similar to a regular leg raise, but at the top you are lifting your hip slightly off the
bench performing a spear. I alternate tilting my hip every time I spear upwards. Watch the video below
to see how it is done.
View here:
2. Wood Choppers: 5 sets of 12 reps each side
Stand to the side of a cable tower. The arm inside to the cable tower should be gripping the handle and
be completely straight. Your other arm should be fairly straight and gripping the knuckles of the weight
bearing arm. Imagine your arms being rods connected to your body and your core muscles are the
machine that twists your body to the side. Concentrate on your core doing the work and not your arms.
Watch the videos below to see how its done.
View here:
Here is me performing at variation:

GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 37
Week 5: Day 5: Biceps and Triceps
Triceps make up 2/3 of upper arm size so let's hit them first and hard. One key element to almost all arm
movements is to keep your elbows stationary while performing exercises. Concentrating on isolating the
muscle you are working. Always take that last negative slowly.
Failure: Doing strict repetitions until you cannot lift the weight again with proper form. If you have a lifting
partner, you can go to complete failure and have your partner help you finish that last rep. If you do not have a
lifting partner, you need to be aware of when you don't think you can complete another rep. Be safe!
Drop Set: Once you hit failure set the weight down and immediately grab a lighter weight and do more strict
reps to failure. Use a weight around 75% of the weight you started. So if you are using a 40lb DB use a 30lb
DB for your drop set. Figure out the Drop Set weight you plan to use prior to starting your set.
Triceps: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Skull Crushers: 1 warm up set 15 reps, then 4 sets of 10 + Drop Set
One of my favorite Triceps exercises of all time. I recommend using a EZ curl bar. In the starting
position, your arms should be straight, but the bar should be above your eyes and not your chest. As
you lower the barbell towards your forehead, your elbows should be isolated and not move. Stop just
shy of your hairline. Power up to starting position and flex your triceps hard.
View here:
Here is me performing:
2. Bench Dips: 4 sets of 10 + Drop Set
Depending on your strength there are 3 ways to perform this. The most difficult way is to have your
feet elevated on another bench. Your hands should be to your sides touching your hip. As you lower
yourself, your elbows should remain stationary and pointed behind you. If that is too difficult have your
legs straight out on the ground. And if that is too difficult, keep your feet on the ground and make a
90-degree angle with your legs.
View here:
Here is me performing:
3. Rope Pushdown: 4 sets of 10 + Drop Set
Keep your elbows close to your body and don't let them drift forward. At the bottom separate the ropes
and flex the triceps hard holding for a count or two. Take the negative slowly.
View here:
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 38
Biceps: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. DB Curls: 1 warm up set 15 reps, then 4 sets of 10 + Drop Set

As you curl the DB’s upward, your elbows should not move forward at all. Don't involve the shoulders.
The DB's should stop in front of your lower chest and your biceps should be flexed hard. Lower the DB's
slowly to starting position. Don't lean back as your curl. Try not to elevate your shoulders as well. I like
to start with my palms facing my body and then as I curl upwards supinate my palms facing upward.
View here:
2. Cable Curls: 3 sets of 10 + Drop Set
Use a straight bar or EZ bar cable attachment. Hold the bar at shoulder width. As you curl the bar
upward, your elbows should not move forward at all. Don't involve the shoulders. The bar should stop
in front of your lower chest and your biceps should be flexed hard. Lower the bar slowly to starting
position. Don't lean back as your curl. Try not to elevate your shoulders as well.
View here:
3. Lying DB Curls: 3 sets of 10 + Drop Set
Lay your back down flat on a bench. Hold DB's and let your arms hang straight down. You should feel a
deep stretch in your biceps. As you curl the DB's upward keep your elbows stationary and don't let them
drift forward at all. Your upper arms should remain pointed downward the entire time. Flex the biceps
hard at the top before slowly lowering.

View here:
Week 5: Day 6 and 7: Active Rest
You are down to your final week of Genesis. If you have put in the work and intensity, you should have gained
some lean muscle mass and feel stronger. This final week we will be lifting heavy again and incorporating both
“Pause Rest” and “Drop Sets”. Finish strong. Put everything you have into this final week. Don't compare your
results to other people. This is not a competition between you and other people. This is a battle with yourself.
You are improving yourself. You are taking steps in your life to be your best. Be proud of that!
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 39
Week 6
Week 6: Day 1: Chest and Abs
You have made it to the final week of Genesis. This week we are going to lift heavy while utilizing both Pause
Rest and Drop Sets. I want you to try this in a very specific way for all sets:
1. Lift to failure ~6 reps.
2. Drop set: Lower the weight by 75% and go to failure again.
3. Pause Rest: Rest 15-20 seconds and grab the original, heavier weight for a final 1-3 reps. If you find you
cannot do even 1 rep with the original, heavier weight use the lighter Drop Set weight.
Failure: Doing strict repetitions until you cannot lift the weight again with proper form. If you have a lifting
partner, you can go to complete failure and have your partner help you finish that last rep. If you do not have a
lifting partner, you need to be aware of when you don't think you can complete another rep. Be safe!
Drop Set: Once you hit failure set the weight down and immediately grab a lighter weight and do more strict
reps to failure. Use a weight around 75% of the weight you started. So if you are using a 40lb DB use a 30lb
DB for your drop set. Figure out the Drop Set weight you plan to use prior to starting your set.
Pause Rest: Once you hit failure set the weight down and rest for 15-20 seconds. Then immediately do a few
more strict reps, typically 1-4, to finish your set. I call one round of this a “Pause Rest Round” since you may
do more than one rep.
Chest: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Incline Barbell Press: 1 warm up set 15 reps, then 4 sets of 6 + Drop Set + Pause Rest
Stop just shy of lockout keeping tension on your chest. Lower the barbell slowly and take this negative
with control. If one side is much weaker than the other, switch back to the Incline DB Press letting the
weaker side dictate the weight used until the imbalance is corrected. Feel free to experiment with
angles of incline. Make note of which you use.
View here:
Here is me performing:
2. Flat DB Press: 4 sets of 6 + Drop Set + Pause Rest
Don't hit DB's together at the top. Stop just shy of lockout keeping tension on your chest. Lower the
DB's slowly and take this negative with control. If you notice one side is weaker than the other, let the
weaker side dictate the weight used.
View here:
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 40
3. Parallel Bar Dips: 4 sets of 6 + Drop Set + Pause Rest
When doing Parallel Bar Dips to target your chest keep your chin down and feet forward. Lower yourself
until you have a deep stretch in your chest. There are several ways to add weight while doing this
exercise: placing a DB between your feet, using a special belt with a chain to loop around plates, or place
a heavy chain around your neck. I prefer the chain belt and I carry one around in my gym bag for these
and weighted chin ups.
View the belt here:
View the move here:
Here is me performing:
4. Cable Cross Over (Low Pulley): 4 sets of 6 + Drop Set + Pause Rest
There are many variations of Cable Cross Overs depending on the from which the cables are coming.
Let's use the terms High Pulley (cable coming from high), Mid Pulley (cable coming from chest high), and
Low Pulley (cable coming from low) to simplify things. Over time, play around with the various angles.
Today's Low Pulley I feel is the more difficult of the three. Keep the angle of your arms the same as you
draw your hands together in a upward V motion.
View here:
Here is me performing:
Abs: Rest between sets only 60 seconds or less.
1. Jack Knife: 5 sets of 10 reps
Do these slow and don't let momentum come into play. No swinging. If in doubt, go slower. Concentrate
on squeezing the abs at the topmost position.
View here:
2. Russian Twist: 5 sets of 10 reps each side
Do these slow and concentrate on twisting using your core muscles. Hold weight if you are able.
View here:
Here is me performing:

Week 6: Day 2: Back and Forearms
You have made it to the final week of Genesis. This week we are going to lift heavy while utilizing both Pause
Rest and Drop Sets. I want you to try this in a very specific way for all sets:
1. Lift to failure ~6 reps.
2. Drop set: Lower the weight by 75% and go to failure again.
3. Pause Rest: Rest 15-20 seconds and grab the original, heavier weight for a final 1-3 reps. If you find you
cannot do even 1 rep with the original, heavier weight use the lighter Drop Set weight.
Failure: Doing strict repetitions until you cannot lift the weight again with proper form. If you have a lifting
partner, you can go to complete failure and have your partner help you finish that last rep. If you do not have a
lifting partner, you need to be aware of when you don't think you can complete another rep. Be safe!
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 41
Drop Set: Once you hit failure set the weight down and immediately grab a lighter weight and do more strict
reps to failure. Use a weight around 75% of the weight you started. So if you are using a 40lb DB use a 30lb
DB for your drop set. Figure out the Drop Set weight you plan to use prior to starting your set.
Pause Rest: Once you hit failure set the weight down and rest for 15-20 seconds. Then immediately do a few
more strict reps, typically 1-4, to finish your set. I call one round of this a “Pause Rest Round” since you may
do more than one rep.
Back: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Wide Grip Pull Up (Front): 1 warm up set 15 reps, then 4 sets of 6 + Drop Set + Pause Rest
The warm up should be done using a light weight on a pulldown machine. If you cannot perform a single
Wide Grip Pull up to the front switch to the Wide Grip Pulldowns 4 sets 6 reps + 1 Drop Set + Pause
Rest. If you can perform a few Pull ups, this will be a process to increase your strength.
Use a wide overhand grip. As you lift yourself up, arch your back and keep your chest out. Try to focus
on your lats rather than arms. Think of your arms as hooks and your lats as the machine lifting you up.
If I can see over the bar, I count the rep. But a perfect rep is making it clear to the top and holding for a
pause to squeeze.
View here:
2. DB Rows: 4 sets of 6 + Drop Set + Pause Rest
As you lift the DB don't twist your shoulder girdle. Keep the shoulder girdle parallel to the floor. Lift your
elbow high, past the plane of your body, and keep your elbow back.
View here:
Here is me performing:
3. T-Bar Rows: 4 sets of 6 + Drop Set + Pause Rest
Pay attention getting into the proper start position. Lift the weight up using a squat position by
dropping your hip and keeping your chest up. Don't just bend over and round your back. When you have
the weight lifted up bend over by hinging your hip. Keep your back straight. You will have to experiment
with proper foot positioning and find the spot where you feel most balanced. As you lift the weight,
keep your chest out and pull your elbows back. Lock and hold for a count or two as the top before
View here:
Here is me performing:
4. Deadlift: 4 sets of 6 + Drop Set + Pause Rest
Keep your hip down and chest up. Drive through your heels as you lift the weight. Keep your core tight.
Don't hyperextend your back at the top (don't lean back)! No pause rest rounds for this exercise. But
look back at Week 1 Day 2 where you worked in this same rep range. You should be lifting more weight
at this rep range at this time.
View here:
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 42
Forearms: Rest between sets 60-90 seconds.
1. Preacher Reverse Curls: 4 sets of 6 + Drop Set + Pause Rest
Keep your upper arms and elbows fixed on the pad while lifting the weight. Lower the barbell slowly
to near lockout position. As you lift the weight, don’t lean back or lift your elbows. If anything, lean
forward to keep from cheating.
View here:
Here is me performing:
2. DB Hammer Curls: 4 sets of 6 + Drop Set + Pause Rest
Having your palms facing your body and your thumbs up perform a DB Curl. As you curl the DB’s upward,
your elbows should not move forward at all. Don't involve the shoulders. The DB's should stop in front
of your lower chest and your biceps should be flexed hard. Lower the DB's slowly to starting position.
Don't lean back as your curl. Try not to elevate your shoulders as well.
View here:
Here is me performing:

Week 6: Day 3: Legs (Thighs, Hamstrings, Calves)
You have made it to the final week of Genesis. This week we are going to lift heavy while utilizing both Pause
Rest and Drop Sets. I want you to try this in a very specific way for all sets:
1. Lift to failure ~6 reps.
2. Drop set: Lower the weight by 75% and go to failure again.
3. Pause Rest: Rest 15-20 seconds and grab the original, heavier weight for a final 1-3 reps. If you find you
cannot do even 1 rep with the original, heavier weight use the lighter Drop Set weight.
Failure: Doing strict repetitions until you cannot lift the weight again with proper form. If you have a lifting
partner, you can go to complete failure and have your partner help you finish that last rep. If you do not have a
lifting partner, you need to be aware of when you don't think you can complete another rep. Be safe!
Drop Set: Once you hit failure set the weight down and immediately grab a lighter weight and do more strict
reps to failure. Use a weight around 75% of the weight you started. So if you are using a 40lb DB use a 30lb
DB for your drop set. Figure out the Drop Set weight you plan to use prior to starting your set.
Pause Rest: Once you hit failure set the weight down and rest for 15-20 seconds. Then immediately do a few
more strict reps, typically 1-4, to finish your set. I call one round of this a “Pause Rest Round” since you may
do more than one rep.
Thighs: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Squat: 1 warm up set 15 reps, then 4 sets of 6 + Drop Set + Pause Rest
Have your feet about shoulder width apart. Keep you hip down and chest up. Don't look down while
squatting. Look eye level or up at a fixed point. Don't let your knees pass your toes while squatting
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 43
down. Try to squat so your upper legs are parallel to the floor or as low as your knees will allow. Keep
your back straight. Push through your heels. Your feet should not move or come off the ground in any
way. Stop just shy of locking out at the top, but tense and flex the thighs instead of resting before
descending again.
View here:
2. Hack Squat: 4 sets of 6 + Drop Set + Pause Rest
As you squat down your knees should not pass your toes. Try to squat so your upper legs are parallel to
foot platform or as low as your knees will allow. Keep your back straight. Push through your heels. Your
feet should not move or come off the ground in any way. Stop just shy of locking out at the top, but
tense and flex the thighs instead of resting befow descending again.
View here:
3. Bench Step Up: 4 sets of 6 + Drop Set + Pause Rest

These can be done using body weight, holding DB's, or placing a barbell across your back. You can
take alternate steps or do each side separate. Try not to lean forward as you step up. Keep your back
View here:
Hamstrings: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Lying Leg Curl: 4 sets of 6 + Drop Set + Pause Rest
Since we are doing these first now for hamstrings you should be able to lift more weight than before.
As you lift the weight, don’t let your hips rise off the bench. Squeeze and hold at the top for a count or
two. Lower the weight slowly with control.
View here:
1. Straight Leg Deadlift: 4 sets of 6 + Drop Set + Pause Rest
Since you are doing these after Leg Curls you may not be lifting as heavy. As you bend over at the
waist it is crucial that you hinge your hip keeping your back straight. Your legs should remain just shy of
lockout and not bend more as you lower the weight. The barbell should stay very close to your legs. You
are looking to feel a deep stretch in your hamstrings at the bottom.
View here:
Calves: Rest between sets 60-90 seconds.
1. Seated Calf Raise: 4 sets of 6 + Drop Set + Pause Rest
Raise up on your toes and hold that topmost position for several counts then lower the weight and your
heels slowly to a deep stretch. Do these feet forward for now. In the future, you can play around with
various foot positioning (toes in and toes out).
View here:
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 44
1. Calf Press: 4 sets of 6 + Drop Set + Pause Rest
Push the weight up on your toes and hold that topmost position for several counts then lower the
weight and your heels slowly to a deep stretch. Do these feet forward for now. In the future, you can
play around with various foot positioning (toes in and toes out).
View here:
Week 6: Day 4: Shoulders, Traps, and Abs
Deltoids have three heads that always need work: Anterior (front), Medial (side), and posterior (rear).
You have made it to the final week of Genesis. This week we are going to lift heavy while utilizing both Pause
Rest and Drop Sets. I want you to try this in a very specific way for all sets:
1. Lift to failure ~6 reps.
2. Drop set: Lower the weight by 75% and go to failure again.
3. Pause Rest: Rest 15-20 seconds and grab the original, heavier weight for a final 1-3 reps. If you find you
cannot do even 1 rep with the original, heavier weight use the lighter Drop Set weight.
Failure: Doing strict repetitions until you cannot lift the weight again with proper form. If you have a lifting
partner, you can go to complete failure and have your partner help you finish that last rep. If you do not have a
lifting partner, you need to be aware of when you don't think you can complete another rep. Be safe!
Drop Set: Once you hit failure set the weight down and immediately grab a lighter weight and do more strict
reps to failure. Use a weight around 75% of the weight you started. So if you are using a 40lb DB use a 30lb
DB for your drop set. Figure out the Drop Set weight you plan to use prior to starting your set.
Pause Rest: Once you hit failure set the weight down and rest for 15-20 seconds. Then immediately do a few
more strict reps, typically 1-4, to finish your set. I call one round of this a “Pause Rest Round” since you may do
more than one rep.
Shoulders: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Arnold Press: 1 warm up set 15 reps, then 4 sets of 6 + Drop Set + Pause Rest
Hold the DB's in front of you, palms facing you, and then press upward rotating your palms to face
away. Stop just shy of lockout at the top keeping tension on the shoulder muscles. Slowly lower the DB's
back to starting position. I like to do these seated on a bench with a back support.
View here:
2. Archer Side Raises: 4 sets of 6 + Drop Set + Pause Rest
This one will take a little practice to learn. One arm raises the DB like a normal side lateral raise. The
other arm makes a 90-degree angle and raises in front of you as if you are checking your watch. Check
out the video to see how to do this.
View here:
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 45
3. Face Pulls: 4 sets of 6 + Drop Set + Pause Rest
This is your rear delt exercise. Use a rope attachment on a high pulley set up. Stand back and bring your
hands towards your face. Elbows should be high and back. Hold for a count or two at the top before
returning slowly. Concentrate on feeling the squeeze in your rear delts at the top.

View here:
Here is me performing:
4. Upright Rows: 3 sets of 6 + Drop Set + Pause Rest
This is one of my favorite exercises. It really targets the traps, front delts, and gives the upper body a
nice look. Grip the bar with your hands fairly close together. Keep your chest out as you raise the bar
straight up. Your elbows should be higher than your hands. Elbows lead the way. Bring the bar about to
chin level if possible.
View here:
Here is me performing with a wider grip:
5. DB Shrug: 3 sets of 6 + Drop Set + Pause Rest
Do not roll your shoulders. Just elevate. Hold at the top for several counts then lower the weight slowly.
View here:
Abs: Rest between sets only 60 seconds or less.
1. Lion Leg Raise w/Twist: 5 sets of 10 reps
This is performed similar to a regular leg raise, but at the top you are lifting your hip slightly off the
bench performing a spear. I alternate tilting my hip every time I spear upwards. Watch the video below
to see how it is done.
View here:
2. Wood Choppers: 5 sets of 10 reps each side
Stand to the side of a cable tower. The arm inside to the cable tower should be gripping the handle and
be completely straight. Your other arm should be fairly straight and gripping the knuckles of the weight
bearing arm. Imagine your arms being rods connected to your body and your core muscles are the
machine that twists your body to the side. Concentrate on your core doing the work and not your arms.
Watch the videos below to see how its done.

View here:
Here is me performing at variation:
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 46
Week 6: Day 5: Biceps and Triceps
This is the final workout in Genesis. Wipe that tear from you eye. I know you will miss me. Don't worry I have
more in store for you after this. Make this last workout your best workout. This is what you do!
You have made it to the final week of Genesis. This week we are going to lift heavy while utilizing both Pause
Rest and Drop Sets. I want you to try this in a very specific way for all sets:
1. Lift to failure ~6 reps.
2. Drop set: Lower the weight by 75% and go to failure again.
3. Pause Rest: Rest 15-20 seconds and grab the original, heavier weight for a final 1-3 reps. If you find you
cannot do even 1 rep with the original, heavier weight use the lighter Drop Set weight.
Failure: Doing strict repetitions until you cannot lift the weight again with proper form. If you have a lifting
partner, you can go to complete failure and have your partner help you finish that last rep. If you do not have a
lifting partner, you need to be aware of when you don't think you can complete another rep. Be safe!
Drop Set: Once you hit failure set the weight down and immediately grab a lighter weight and do more strict
reps to failure. Use a weight around 75% of the weight you started. So if you are using a 40lb DB use a 30lb
DB for your drop set. Figure out the Drop Set weight you plan to use prior to starting your set.
Triceps: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Skull Crushers: 1 warm up set 15 reps, then 4 sets of 6 + Drop Set + Pause Rest
One of my favorite Triceps exercises of all time. I recommend using a EZ curl bar. In the starting
position, your arms should be straight, but the bar should be above your eyes and not your chest. As
you lower the barbell towards your forehead, your elbows should be isolated and not move. Stop just
shy of your hairline. Power up to starting position and flex your triceps hard.
View here:
Here is me performing:
2. Bench Dips: 4 sets of 6 + Drop Set + Pause Rest
Depending on your strength there are 3 ways to perform this. The most difficult way is to have your
feet elevated on another bench. Your hands should be to your sides touching your hip. As you lower
yourself, your elbows should remain stationary and pointed behind you. If that is too difficult have your
legs straight out on the ground. And if that is too difficult, keep your feet on the ground and make a
90-degree angle with your legs.
View here:
Here is me performing:
3. Rope Pushdown: 4 sets of 6 + Drop Set + Pause Rest

Keep your elbows close to your body and don't let them drift forward. At the bottom separate the ropes
and flex the triceps hard holding for a count or two. Take the negative slowly.
View here:
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 47
Biceps: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. DB Curls: 1 warm up set 15 reps, then 4 sets of 6 + Drop Set + Pause Rest
As you curl the DB’s upward, your elbows should not move forward at all. Don't involve the shoulders.
The DB's should stop in front of your lower chest and your biceps should be flexed hard. Lower the DB's
slowly to starting position. Don't lean back as your curl. Try not to elevate your shoulders as well. I like to
start with my palms facing my body and then as I curl upwards supinate my palms facing upward.
View here:
2. Cable Curls: 3 sets of 6 + Drop Set + Pause Rest
Use a straight bar or EZ bar cable attachment. Hold the bar at shoulder width. As you curl the bar
upward, your elbows should not move forward at all. Don't involve the shoulders. The bar should stop
in front of your lower chest and your biceps should be flexed hard. Lower the bar slowly to starting
position. Don't lean back as your curl. Try not to elevate your shoulders as well.
View here:
3. Lying DB Curls: 3 sets of 6 + Drop Set + Pause Rest
Lay your back down flat on a bench. Hold DB's and let your arms hang straight down. You should feel a
deep stretch in your biceps. As you curl the DB's upward keep your elbows stationary and don't let them
drift forward at all. Your upper arms should remain pointed downward the entire time. Flex the biceps
hard at the top before slowly lowering.
View here:
Week 6: Day 6 and 7: Active Rest
Congratulations on finishing! While this is the end of Genesis, it is only the beginning for your personal journey.
You are on a path to becoming the best you. You have just accomplished something that many have not. You
didn't quit. You completed a challenging, life-altering program.
So what's next? After a tough 6 week program I recommend one lighter week of lifting. Do only 60-70% of
the volume and weights used and stick to week 1 rep ranges. Stop a few reps shy of failure. No Pause Rest or
Drop Sets. This will allow your muscles and joints a chance to rest and heal.
After this recovery week you can do one of several things:
1. Follow me on and I post my daily workouts.
You can try to do my personal workouts that change from week to week.
2. I am currently writing new programs that will be released very soon such as: “Mass Protocol”, “Diamond
Cutter”, “Extreme Load Training”, “Superset City”, and more.
3. If you are needing a more personal touch, I design custom nutrition plans and workout programs for
people all over the world. Visit my for more information.
Communicate with me:
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 48
Let me just say plainly that if you are not eating right, you won't get the results you want. You have
to take nutrition seriously. This will be difficult for some of you, but if you are going to sweat in the
gym don't you want maximum results? I will break this down for you and make it as simple as possible.
Our bodies need the macronutrients: Protein, Carbohydrates, and Fats. I recommend determining food
intake by macronutrient amounts rather than calories. Read labels and use Google to figure out what
macronutrient profile your food contains.
Gaining Maximum Muscle:
Protein: 1.5 to 2.0 grams per pound of body weight
Carbs: 1.5 to 2.0 grams per pound of body weight
Fats: 0.65 grams per pound of body weight
*1 pound = 0.454 kg
I recommend starting with 2.0 grams of protein per pound of body weight and the same for carbs. If
you start gaining too much body fat lower the amount of carbs down to 1.5g. If you are overweight,
out of shape, and over 230lbs use 230 for your calculations until you are below 230lbs. If you are over
230lbs, but muscular, use your own body weight.
Dropping Body Fat:
Protein: 1.5 grams per pound of body weight
Carbs: 1.0 grams per pound of body weight
Fats: 0.50 grams per pound of body weight
*1 pound = 0.454 kg
If you are overweight, out of shape, and over 230lbs use 230 for your calculations until you are below
230. If you are over 230lbs, but muscular, use your own body weight. If you eat like this and are working
out hard, but not losing body fat or eventually stall you can drop carbs down to 0.50 grams. Once you
drop down to that low carb diet of 0.50 grams per pound of body weight, you must have one high carb
day a week of 1.5-2.0 grams per pound of body weight.
180 pound person (81.6kg)
Protein: 180 x 2.0 = 360 grams of protein per day
Carbohydrate: 180 x 2.0 = 360 grams of carbs per day
Fat: 180 x 0.65 = 117 grams of fat per day
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 49
Protein Sources:
Eating enough protein will be a challenge for some of you especially if you are a vegetarian, but do not worry.
In addition to meat protein sources, I also have a short list of diary, vegetables, and fruits that are high in
protein as well. These are just ideas and not all the possible foods in the world. I recommend reading labels and
Googling the nutritional content of any foods you plan to eat. Make sure the foods you eat fit into your daily
macronutrient requirements. Whole eggs and egg whites are a great source of protein and should be included
into any muscle building diet if at all possible.
Carbohydrate Vegetable**
Non-fat Greek Yorgurt Sweet Potatoes
Non-fat Cottage
Brown Rice
Soy Beans
Dried Apricots Tempeh
Lean Ground
Low-fat String
Whole Wheat
Lima Beans
Lean Ground
Lean Steak
Lean Pork Loin
Beef Jerky
Low-fat Milk
Bread Products
Green Peas
Collard Greens
Pumpkin Seeds
Bean Sprouts
Veggie Soy
*I realize that some of you may be vegetarians. Any of the meats below can be switched out with dairy or
whey protein powder.
**All variety of fruits and vegetables are good for you and should be eaten. The ones listed just happen to be
higher in protein and should be considered if you are a vegetarian.
***Other nuts are a great source of protein as well. Just be careful to not exceed your total fat amount for the
day as nuts are high in fat.
Nutrition Guidelines:
1. Drink more water. The Institute of Medicine determined that an adequate intake of water is roughly 3
liters (about 13 cups or 1 gallon) per day.
2. Avoid processed foods. This includes most things in boxes, cans, and wrappers.
3. Don't add salt, sugar, or butter. Use natural seasonings whenever possible. Check out www.favorgod.
com for natural seasonings that taste incredible.
4. Spread your meals, snacks, and shakes out over 6-8 servings a day. Upon waking try to eat every 2-3
hours. You should bring in more calories before high energy events. Fewer calories before long periods
of sitting or sleeping.
5.Depending on your goals, fat loss or maximum muscle gain, you can allow yourself several planned cheat
meals a week. Eat and drink whatever you want until you are comfortably full. Plan ahead and eat a
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 50
little less before and after these planned cheat meals. I typically give myself 2 cheat meals a week plus
a sweet treat.
6. The key to eating healthy and bringing in the proper amount of food on a daily basis is proper planning.
Always think ahead and make sure you have the foods available and prepared before you run into
7. Drinking a high quality Whey protein shake immediately after workouts is always a good idea for
recovery. I personally take two scoops of Cellucor's Cor-Whey (50 grams of protein) after every workout.
More information on this in the supplement section.
8. Try to avoid fast food unless it is for a planned cheat meal. Even the “healthy” choices are typically not
very healthy.

9. Eating properly and exercising with intensity are priority. If you are doing both of those things some
supplements can help assist with your goals. They are not a requirement, but can definitely help. Read
the Supplement section of this book for my recommendations.
Sample Meal Plan:
Here is an example of what I currently personally eat in a given day. This is based on my weight and current
goals which are to stay lean and build muscle slowly. If you are wanting to build maximum muscle during this
program you will want to bring in more carbs than I am currently. Below is the process I go through to plan my
personal eating. I do this every time I start a new cutting or gaining cycle and then adjust as necessary. Once I
do this, I just eat close to this on a daily basis. Things don't have to be super exact.
1. Calculate macronutrient amounts in grams like shown above.
2. Set a schedule based on my typical day (waking up, working out, sleeping).
3. Using Google, I determine the nutritional content of the foods I plan to eat and make note of the
Protein, Carb, and Fat content.
4. I total up the Protein, Carb, and Fat grams and adjust as necessary.
5. Stick to the plan and schedule eating similar things foods. I do switch things out for variety.
6. Once I have lost or gained 10lbs I adjust slightly for the new weight.
1 scoop of Cellucor Cor-Whey protein upon waking. I sip on this while preparing
6:30am (Breakfast): 1⁄2 cup oatmeal (dry measurement) with raisins, crushed walnuts, and a drizzle
of honey.
7:30am (Breakfast): 3 whole eggs and 1 egg white*
*I have to split breakfast up unto shifts since I take my children to school.
10:00am (Workout): 1 scoop of Cellucor Cor-Whey protein. I sip on this while I am working out.
11:30am (Post2 scoops of Cellucor Cor-Whey protein and 30 grams of Dextrose. The dextrose
is mixed into the protein shake.
1:00pm (Lunch):
8oz lean protein, 2 cups of vegetables, 1 fruit. I try to eat a good meal as close
to one hour after my workout as possible.
3:30pm (Snack):
1 cup of non-fat Greek Yogurt with 1/4cup of crushed walnuts and drizzle of
6:00pm (Dinner):
8oz of lean protein, 2 cups of vegetables, 1 large sweet potato
9:00pm (Snack):
2 slices of P28 high protein bread with P28 high protein peanut butter spread
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 51
I have never taken steroids or any illegal performance enhancing drugs and do not recommend that you
consider taking them. I exercise for health first and then physique. Supplements are not absolutely necessary
to reach your goals, but they can surely help if used properly. Remember if you are not eating correctly or
working out with intensity, supplements can be a waste. I use Cellucor products and have had great results
and so have hundreds of my personal training clients.
Here is a list of my favorite Cellucor products:
Cor-Whey: I consider whey protein food and not a supplement. There is lots of
research behind whey and its benefits. Whey is a fast absorbing protein source
that is ideal to use immediately after workouts. I also have some immediately upon
waking up to get protein quickly to my muscles after fasting (aka sleeping). Whey
is also a good snack in emergencies when solid food is not available. Protein shakes
can be very beneficial for vegetarians as they sometimes have difficulties eating
enough protein to gain muscle.
Cor-Creatine: Creatine also has a lot of research behind its strength and muscle
gain benefits. I have used creatine for many years during my gaining cycles. I
typically get Cellucor's non-flavored version and mix it in with my flavored preworkout 30 minutes before lifting.
Alpha Amino BCAA: BCAA's are branched chain amino acids. Alpha Amino
helps with endurance, recovery, and hydration. It's also great for any sports related
activities. I drink this during workouts.
Super HD: This is a thermogenic fat burner. I have used this product for all my
cutting cycles when getting ready for photo shoots or competition. It works well
with Cellucor's CLK which is a CLA product.
C4 pre-workout: This gives me focus and energy to smash through the toughest
workouts. I drink this 30 minutes before all workouts.
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 52
Multi-vitamin: It's always a good idea to take a good multivitamin to make sure all your vitamin and mineral
bases are covered. Cellucor does not currently make a multi-vitamin.
Dextrose: It is important to replenish glucose supplies after a hard workout for maximum muscle gain.
Dextrose is a super quick burning carb that helps accomplish this process. I buy a huge tub of dextrose and add
30 grams into my post-workout Cellucor Cor-Whey protein shake. A giant Wonka Pixi stick will also accomplish
the same goal. Cellucor goes not currently make a dextrose product.
Get 25% off all Cellucor products on using my code “WW” during checkout. Register your email
for free shipping.
*Supplements are not regulated by the FDA. Take at your own risk. I take these products and have had no
adverse side effects. But honestly, the long term use of supplements are being studied daily. Nobody can
universally say they are 100% safe. Wittig just being honest with you all.
*Cellucor is not available in all countries. If not, search your country for suitable replacements. I am not aware
of all supplement distributors throughout the world.
GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 53
Special Thanks
The following companies have given me great support and have been game changers in my personal fitness
journal. I encourage you to check them out in hopes they will help you as much as they have me.
Cellucor: Their products have been the foundation of my supplement program
for years. My favorites are their Cor-Whey, C4 pre-workout, Alpha Amino BCAA's,
Super HD fat burner, and CLK. When eating and exercising correctly, these
products have helped me tremendously. I have had a chance to meet their top
employees and visit their headquarters. Great people who make a great product.
Get 25% all all orders on using my code “WW” during checkout.
Register email for free shipping.
Extreme Rush Apparel: I wear their clothing almost exclusively in and out of
the gym. You will see me wearing their gear in all my Facebook and Instagram
posts. This company has supported me like no other. I believe in looking killer while
killing workouts. Check them out at Get 30% off all orders
using my code “Wittig30” during checkout.
Shields Of Strength: In most of my pictures you will see me wearing a
Plate necklace. This necklace has the verse Phil 4:13 engraved on it, “I can do all
things through Christ who strengthens me”. This company makes jewelry and
other products with powerful verses printed on them. This company donates
thousands of dog tags with verses to the US military every year. Check out them
at Get 15% off all orders using my code “Wittig”.
P28 Foods: These guys make high protein bread, spreads, pancake mixes, flat
breads, and more. Their products have been a game changer for me and my eating.
On my Instagram ,you will occasionally see the pizzas, chimichangas, and Belgium
waffles I make often using their products. This is stuff I can eat while staying cut.
P28 products make eating healthy easy. Check out them at
Flavor God: They make healthy seasonings that are amazing. Low sodium and
no preservatives. All natural. Their seasonings have been another game change for
me when it comes to eating. There is no reason healthy food has to be bland. Do
yourself a favor and check out
Jerad Roberts Photography: This guy made me look good for this e-book. If you are in need of fitness or
any kind of photography this is the guy. Check him out at

GENESIS: The Beginning of Greatness 54