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Season 41 Most Popular Sesame Street Tweets
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Cookie Monster
• Maybe you hear rumor that me going on a diet. Not true. Me just eating healthy
foods AND cookies. What wrong with dat?
• Let’s face facts: me love cookies. Me know it, you know it, everybody know it. Let’s
not play games – just gimmie cookies!!
• Fortune cookie tricky thing – me can’t wait long enough to crack it open! Now me will
never know me lucky numbers!
• Me found hollow tree today – looked inside for elves making cookies. No such luck.
• Me had philosophical moment: what if there no such thing as cookies? What would
dat make me? Dis stuff keep me up at night.
• Time to put end to rumors. YES, me eat vegetables. NO, not going to be called
Vegetable Monster! Dis whole thing silly.
• Me don’t know why me monster eyes move like dey do. But me will look it up online –
do a Googly search.
• Cookie sitting next to me. How long can me resist? 1 mississippi, 2 mississ– dat
enough torture! Om nom nom nom!
• Sometimes moon look like giant cookie. Must look into joining space program.
• Recipe for cookie sandwich: take two cookies, and put cookie in between them.
Garnish with sprig of parsley.
• Me fell asleep eating cookies in bed. Me woke up feeling crummy.
• Today me tried new food: rice cakes. Dis must be cruel joke. Dey taste NOTHING
like cake!
• Cookie haiku: Cookie, cookie, cook. Cookie, cookie, cookie, cook. Cookie, cookie, cook.
(Me love poetry.)
• Today in Hooper’s me tried cookie dough ice cream. Me never knew me could be so
happy. There still tears in me eyes.
• Ate newspaper crossword puzzle today. Gordon said it was “a piece of cake”. So me
ate it. Not very moist.
• When people take me picture, why dey tell me to say “cheese?” Me smile more if me
say “cooooo-kie!”
• People think monsters are scary. Dat a common misconception. Me not going to do
anything to you! (Unless you a cookie!)
• I had a cute little shadow, but when a cloud covered the sun my shadow went away.
Conclusion: shadows are afraid of clouds!
• I, Super Grover, vow to use my superpowers for greatness… or at least for
I am a waiter at Charlie’s restaurant, but I prefer the term “Food Services
Industry Meal Facilitator.” It has a catchy ring to it.
It is not easy being a superhero: a life of justice, thwarting crime, fleeing from
bunny rabbits. (Oh yes, they have it out for me!)
I tried wearing glasses today, but the milk that was inside them spilled all over my
I, Grover, enjoy jumping as a form of exercise. Because it makes you taller. For
very short amounts of time.
I am a blue monster. My friends Cookie Monster and Herry are blue monsters. Blue
fur is all the rage! Blue is the new black!
Being this cute and adorable is both a blessing and a burden.
G makes the “Guh” sound as in “Grover,” but it also makes the “Gee” sound, as in
“George.” What a fickle little letter.
Big Bird
• The early bird catches the worm, but I’d rather sleep in and get a birdseed bagel
for breakfast.
• There are lots of birds that can’t fly: turkeys, ostriches, penguins, Larry…
• It’s hard being 8-feet-2-inches, when lots of my friends are 2-feet-8-inches!
• I may not be able to fly, like other birds. But how many birds do you know that can
say the alphabet?
Someone just told Elmo yesterday was Talk in the Third Person Day. Elmo doesn't
know what that is but it sounds fun. Can Elmo play?
Elmo’s favorite things that start with the letter F: flowers, fireworks fancy
footwear, and Friday!!!
If anyone out there is afraid of monsters, listen to Elmo: we are not all scary! Elmo
couldn’t scare you if he tried!
Elmo’s favorite things that start with the letter J: jellybeans! Even though they’re
not really jelly. Or beans.
Elmo LOVES practicing on his drum. Elmo loves the loud sound it makes. Elmo’s
mommy: not so much.
• You know what I love about using your imagination? You can do anything, be
anything, go anywhere! No magic required!
• Today is Cinco de Mayo. But Oscar calls it Stinko de Mayo. What a grouch!!