Honors Anatomy & Physiology


Honors Anatomy & Physiology

Chapter 4: The Tissue Level of Organization

Study Guide

Student Objectives

Name: _____________________________

Date: __________________ Hour: _____

After completing this chapter, you should be able to do the following.


Identify the four major types of tissues in the body, describe their roles and identify common characteristics (within each type).


For the each of the four primary types, be able to identify/recognize the specific subgroups and list: a.

Purpose/function b.

Location in body – be specific! c.

Components of extracellular matrix d.

Cell types e.

Fibers if applicable f.

Noteworthy structures


Describe the relationship between form and function for each type of epithelium.


Differentiate between exocrine and endocrine glands, and unicellular and multicellular glands.


Describe the process of secretion in merocrine and holocrine glands.


Be able to describe the four types of membranes and specify the function of each.



Correctly identify the four major tissue types. Enter your answer in the blanks.

______________________ a. Forms membranes

______________________ b. Allows for movement of limbs and organs

______________________ c. Uses electrochemical signals to carry out its function

______________________ d. Supports and reinforces body organs

______________________ e. Cells of this tissue may absorb and/or secrete substances

______________________ f. Basis of the major controlling system of the body

______________________ g. Its cells shorten to exert force

______________________ h. Forms endocrine and exocrine glands

______________________ i. Surrounds and cushions body organs.

______________________ j. Characterized by having large amounts of extracellular material

______________________ k. Allows you to smile, grasp, swim, ski and throw a ball

______________________ l. Widely distributed; found in bones, cartilage and fat deposits

______________________ m. Forms the brain and spinal cord


Epithelial Tissue


Correctly match the epithelial type with the appropriate location.

Key Choices

Pseudostratified ciliated columnar

Simple columnar

Simple cuboidal

Simple squamous

Stratified columnar

Stratified squamous


______________________ a. Lines the stomach and most of the intestines

______________________ b. Lines the inside of the mouth

______________________ c. Lines much of the respiratory tract

______________________ d. Endothelium and mesothelium

______________________ e. Lines the inside of the urinary bladder


Correctly match the epithelial type with the appropriate function.

Key Choices


Simple columnar

Stratified squamous


A ciliated epithelium

______________________ a. Protection

______________________ b. Small molecules pass through rapidly

______________________ c. Propel sheets of mucus

______________________ d. Absorption, secretion, or ion transport

______________________ e. Stretches


Write T in the answer blank if a statement is true. If false, correct the underlined word(s) by writing the correct word(s) in the answer blanks.

______________________ a. Exocrine glands are classified functionally as merocrine, holocrine, or apocrine

______________________ b. The above classification refers to the way ducts branch.

______________________ c. In apocrine glands, secretions are produced and released immediately by exocytosis

______________________ d. Holocrine glands store secretions until the cell rupture. Ruptured cells are replaced through mitosis.

______________________ e. A sweat gland is an example of a holocrine gland.

______________________ f. Endocrine glands include ducts that carries secretions to a target organ or location.

______________________ g. Exocrine glands secrete hormones directly into blood or lymph.



Epithelium exhibits many of the plasma membrane modifications. Complete Figure 4.2 as directed. a.

Color the listed structures as indicated.

Epithelial cell cytoplasm - Lt. blue

Epithelial cell nucleus - Purple

Nerve fibers - Orange

Connective tissue - Green

Blood vessel - Red b.

Identify the following structures or regions by labeling the appropriate leader line using the choices that follow.


Basal region

Apical region


Connective tissue

Basement membrane

Basal lamina



Reticular lamina

Tight junctions



Connective Tissue


Using the key choices, identify the connective tissue types. Enter your answers in the blanks.

Key Choices

Adipose connective tissue

Areolar connective tissue

Dense regular connective tissue

Dense irregular connective tissue

Elastic cartilage

Elastic connective tissue


Hyaline cartilage

Osseous tissue

Reticular connective tissue

______________________ a. Parallel bundles of collagen fibers provide strength; found in tendons

______________________ b. Stores fat

______________________ c. The skin dermis

______________________ d. Hardest tissue of our “skull cap”

______________________ e. Composes the basement membrane; surrounds and cushions blood vessels and nerves; its gel-like matrix contains all categories of fibers and many cells

______________________ f. Forms the embryonic skeleton; covers surfaces of bones at joints; reinforces the trachea

______________________ g. Insulates the body

______________________ h. Firm, slightly “rubbery” matrix; appears milky white and “glassy”

______________________ i. Concentric circles of cells around a nutrient canal; matrix is hard due to calcium salts

______________________ j. Contains collagen fibers; found in intervertebral discs

______________________ k. Makes supporting framework of lymphoid organs

______________________ l. Found in the external ear and auditory tube

______________________ m. Forms the “stretchy” ligaments of the vertebral column


Using the key choices, identify the connective tissue types. Enter your answers in the blanks.

Key Choices



Elastic fibers

Ground substance






Reticular fibers

Collagen fibers

______________________ a. Composed of ground substance and structural protein fibers

______________________ b. Composed of glycoproteins and water-binding glycosaminoglycans

______________________ c. Tough protein fibers that resist stretching or longitudinal tearing

______________________ d. Primary bone marrow cell type that remains actively mitotic


______________________ e. Fine, branching protein fibers that construct a supportive network

______________________ f. Large, irregularly shaped cells, widely distributed, often found in

CTx; engulf cellular debris and foreign matter; active in immunity

______________________ g. The medium through which nutrients and other substances diffuse

______________________ h. Living elements that maintain the firm, flexible matrix in cartilage

______________________ i. Randomly coiled protein fibers that recoil after being stretched

______________________ j. The structural element of areolar tissue that is fluid and provides a reservoir of water and salts for neighboring tissues

______________________ k. In a loose connective tissue, the nondividing cells that store nutrients

______________________ l. Cellular elements that produce the collagen fibers of bone matrix

______________________ m. Provides the medium for nutrient transport throughout the body

______________________ n. Forms the “stretchy” ligaments of the vertebral column

Epithelial Membranes


Five simplified drawings are shown in Figure 4.4.

Color the membranes as specified.

Mucosae - pink

Visceral pleura - red

Parietal pleura - blue

Visceral pericardium - yellow

Endothelium - turquoise

Parietal peritoneum - orange

Visceral peritoneum - purple

Mesentery - green



Describe the location and purpose of synovial membranes.




Muscle Tissue


The three types of muscle tissue exhibit certain similarities and differences. Insert Sk (skeletal),

C (cardiac), or Sm (smooth) into the blanks to indicate which muscle type exhibits each characteristic. Hint! There may be more than one correct answer.

_______ a. Voluntarily controlled

_______ b. Involuntarily controlled

_______ c. Banded appearance

_______ d. Uninucleate

_______ e. Multinucleate

_______ f. Found attached to bones

_______ g. Enables you to swallow

_______ h. Found in the walls of the small intestine, uterus, bladder and veins

_______ i. Contains spindle-shaped cells

_______ j. Contains cylindrical cells with branching ends

_______ k. Contains long, non-branching cylindrical cells

_______ l. Displays intercalated disks

_______ m. Concerned with locomotion of the body as a whole

_______ n. Changes the internal volume of an organ as it contracts

_______ o. Tissue of the circulatory pump

Nervous Tissue


Describe briefly how the particular structure of a neuron relates to its function in the body.





Circle the word that does not apply to neuroglia: Support Insulate Conduct Protect










