A Succession of Paradigms in Ecology: Essentialism to Materialism and Probabilism Author(s): Daniel Simberloff Source: Synthese, Vol. 43, No. 1, Conceptual Issues in Ecology, Part I (Jan., 1980), pp. 3-39 Published by: Springer Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/20111524 Accessed: 30/11/2009 00:43 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp. JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at http://www.jstor.org/action/showPublisher?publisherCode=springer. 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THE IN OF PARADIGMS TO PROBABILISM MATERIALISTIC REVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION GENETICS in his provocative essay 'Darwin and Mendel-The that by the time On the Origin of Materialist Revolution,' suggests was the in notion of evolving 1859, species was Species published Embed circles. in and academic both established lay already firmly Lewontin (1974a), in a matrix of new evolutionary concept and social the arts, natural sciences, late eighteenth and first half of the nineteenth species ding the evolutionary areas of in many thought sciences centuries, revolution. during the he points to a different the Darwinian of significance worldview was The emerging evolutionary incompatible the philosophical tradition, stretching back to the Greeks, which, still dominated nineteenth century although patently metaphysical, with viz. Platonic thought: views 1963). Idealism imperfect embodiments 1961, formal structures. Plato essentialism and Aristotelian idealism the material objects of (Popper as the world or ideal essences of fundamental, unchanging drew the analogy of shadows cast on a cave the objects we can reflections which constitute for the imperfect of with our senses, sought his version although Aristotle perceive some not in and essential forms within matter, spectral particulate wall realm. Lovejoy (1959), (1949), Peckham (1936), Wiener worldview evolutionary (1969) suggest that the nascent in a reaction to metaphysical essentialism, especially engendered the the way for which and economics, eventually paved politics transcendental and Ghiselin Darwinian Lewontin revolution. metaphysical philosophy ing to the same type have those of differences Synthese 43 (1980) 3-39. Copyright ? a necessary is that differences that observes a different between the types of Greek consequence between objects belong and ontogeny from ontology themselves. The former are 0039-7857/80/0431-0003 $03.70. 1980 by D. Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht, Holland, and Boston, U.S.A. 4 DANIEL SIMBERLOFF the latter, and can only confound 'noise' or disturbance beclouding or ideal structure of the universe. our attempts to see the essential in this view, is to see through this and science, The goal of philosophy the ideal forms. Mayr and to try to understand variation (1963) outlines the thought typological dramatic of the most event, evolutionary or essences, then eternally unchanging, in the production less result by systematics, our understanding For if species speciation. biology, particularly this outlook retarded and how to types, correspond of domination how of ideals, which could evolution were by definition at all, much (type)? The 'type' occur a new species of taxonomy are, of course, a legacy of typological specimens in defining the difficulty species which ing, and epitomize on us. imposes philosophy think a such were tied to a typological universe, they long as evolutionists an were confronted could with insoluble problem: what mechanism a type de novo 1969, Lewontin 1974a)? Two (Ghiselin produce are possible: either an individual must change solutions type or an So individual different Lamarck of a of one type must produce (or individuals) offspring were The Origin. before solutions type. Both proposed that use the former, with the specific mechanism suggested to change of particular organs could cause an individual with necks is well his known, (and therefore type; giraffe example the latter, St. Hilaire Geoffroy adopted types) gradually changing. in type said to occur at with dramatic and discontinuous change or disuse reproduction. that argues observed But they entities neither failed or solution because forces. was they Lamarck's accepted, rested on theory on founded of and Lewontin inferred but inheritance un of was from not characteristics observations acquired of could saltational nature, and though Geoffroy's proposal speciation as evidence the rare occurence of unusual variants have adduced it did not. Instead, he posited of normal parents, among offspring in type. Both unobserved ideas, therefore, were easily and changes won a who the dismissed ant-evolutionist Cuvier, by persuasively The revolution of Darwin debate with Geoffroy. widely publicized in examining the individual variation and Wallace consisted precisely as "noise," rather than types, which been discarded had previously or ideals. in this variation Instead of viewing essences, among A SUCCESSION 5 IN ECOLOGY OF PARADIGMS as a hindrance, they took it to be the proper focus of study. individuals and variation between between Variation species were no In short, the connected. but rather were causally longer distinct, a species were to differences between individuals within converted dividuals between differences on a trivial the mechanism rested of conversion three individuals. of And species. material easily observed, properties of course, was that of Malthus (1798), syllogism plus The syllogism, and that it independently inspired Wallace as is a it did Darwin 1972) precisely (Ghiselin reflection 1969, McKinney of a widspread in all areas of of Greek metaphysics by materialism replacement intertwined with human thought (Barzun 1958) which was intricately to above. The Dar alluded the burgeoning of evolutionary notions winian revolution materialism, materialistic and was to become it is appropriate formulation, resting should be at its root.1 and sex, The three observations Wallace on the leading edge that Malthus's rise of consummately for food the requirement in nature which individuals for the Malthusian required on solely this of Darwin to produce syllogism and evolution were: 1. Within 2. siology, Different 3. The a species, individuals and behavior. vary in morphology, produce different numbers is at least partly heritable. variants variation are apparent from even a casual mechanism The Darwinian breeding. All observation of offspring. of animal no divine phy and plant forces or vital requires or essences, nor the unobserved as do orthogenetic interpretations, notes events Lewontin of Lamarck's and Geoffroy's explanations. that the Darwinian than the revolution was even more revolutionary earlier Newtonian as Newton's individual one, ideal material bodies objects for it lacked constructs such hypothetical ideal trajectories from which following varied somewhat. in defending his difficulty evolutionary subsequent nature in the of mechanism of natural selection lay points (1) and (3) it It was required that, whatever the mechanism of heredity, above. Darwin's must of allow both parent and the production offspring (the of variant functional offspring and the similarity of definition 'heritable'). 6 DANIEL the variation Futhermore, The problem which Darwin but one never satisfactorily of producing to Lewontin, capable both is SIMBERLOFF must be heritable. itself, once produced, and all other nineteenth century biologists resolved was to find a genetic mechanism The and difference. similarity can be that Darwin's failure irony, ac attributed cording the materialistic outlook which directly to his not applying to genetics as did other nineteenth served him so well for evolution. He believed, that inheritance was generally century naturalists, blending, with the characteristics this belief a blend of their parents' of offspring is readily traced to Darwin's attachment (Ghiselin 1969). This mode thought typological ill for Darwin's notion of natural selection for it meant of of that all new characteristics; to essentialist, inheritance variants however were origin and significance in the twentieth century. genetics their before unrecognized a it arose, the traits of variation, lost, or at least vitiated, through blending with the 'normal' mate. Mutants (called 'sports') were not viewed source of since variation, they were only recognized important were abnormal (and usually they poorly fit); in any grossly population, would be boded within the as an when event, rise of was with this apparent concerned gap in his increasingly Whereas the first the of stressed edition The (1859) theory. Origin evidence for evolutionary of natural selec change and the operation an overriding tion, the fifth (1867) and sixth (1896) editions betrayed Darwin desire to account for the variation, of inheritance and did so primarily through an the of characteristics, acceptance explicit acquired no the first edition discounted! Darwin produced very doctrine which new material to support the Lamarckian evidence view, and perhaps the most poignant manifestation the Darwinian of the crisis in which paradigm found itself was Darwin's of Pan Theory under Domestication 'Provisional in The Variation and Plants of Animals at to Nathaniel back least (1651), (1868). Pangenesis, Highmore dating to Hippocrates and in outline entities (400 B.C.), tiny postulates that arise in particular (Darwin called them 'gemmules') parts of the genesis' the characteristics of the part in which body, and confer the gemmules that at reproduction Darwin hypothesized from the different body parts to the reproductive organs, they arise. are carried there to be A IN PARADIGMS OF SUCCESSION ECOLOGY 7 in sperm and eggs. This mechanism allows the inheritance of for it provides a means by which environment acquired characteristics to gametic cells. ally induced changes in somatic cells can be transmitted packed came Darwin Though his to view as pangenesis salvation and hypothesis it as a reasonable defends century Lewontin both and his favorite Ghiselin (Irvine 1955), (1969) in the light of nineteenth hypothesis, to explain certain observations, empirical observes that it was a retreat to idealism or knowledge, perceptively the unseen ideal gemmules constituting egregiously entities. More remarkably, Darwin made a number essence-conferring to a solution of material which had already led Mendel observations essentialism, to Darwin's recorded dilemma, yet failed to recognize that inheritance need not be blending but He significance. rather that traits sharply, that one to manifest the second over the other, trait may be dominant itself only after two generations of : even an 1 3 two and ratio of (Irvine 1955), approximate two in the second generation of interbreeding between contrast may their causing interbreeding flower types varieties of snapdragons (Lewontin 1974a). His failure, and those of to a others doing similar breeding Lewontin attributes experiments,2 on as Platonic of wholes rather idealism, focussing groups offspring than on the physical variation among the component individuals. Such proceeded logically from a world view of types (ideals) and these types. Further, a concomitant individuals reflecting imperfectly a focus of this view between was the types to seek the causes of attempt causes from the of variation separately the statistics, (species). Group as reported type descriptions, types traspecific Mendel particularly precluding differences within the were means, routinely an examination of in variation. alone realized that both and variation similarity on and by concentrating are the by the same mechanism, individual offspring of the same cross he deduced among not blending. Key to this deduction was that inheritance is particulate, on individual differences. his emphasis Lewontin observes that Men produced variation del nowhere offspring cohort, and characterized their variation. had no place in Mendel's the of average appearance as a summary statistic of a scheme. Further, he kept offspring separately The mean, 8 DANIEL crosses of different Both of appearance. those of biometricians terization two papers led him SIMBERLOFF even when the parents had identical separate, were in contradistinction to these techniques use of group charac such as Galton, whose to a blending theory of inheritance. until 1870) lay utterly unrecognized nature of his materialistic focus truly revolutionary or as Just differences discontinuity. surely, his (1866, That Mendel's 1900 reflects the on individuals and simultaneous and in 1900 by DeVries, and Tschermak Correns, discovery in the largest sense the progress of the ongoing material istic revolution in all disciplines, and more directly that the sort of independent demonstrates led to the recognition that inevitably being done on heredity is particulate and to the basic mathematics of genetic in the Reports In their papers segregation. of the German Botanical in this Mendel's three discovers credited him with primacy all Society research inheritance but it is transparent that he really had no effect at all on recognition, his retreat the revolution that bears his name. Merton (1973) discusses from research after failure to receive credit for his discovery. II. The AND PROBABILISM materialist THE in evolution revolution with Mendel's completed ther developments were within SYNTHESIS NEO-DARWINIAN and genetics I would two of required, a permeation of biology which (called I have insofar as they could only of 'genes' by Johannsen infer quite fur advances by an aspect of the not yet discussed. shown by geneticists although subsequently (primarily to be material and Bridges) bits of observable Morgan, were or essences still ideal constructs for Mendel adherents, entities by not that three argue them technical rediscovery. the other genetics, based rise of materialism broadly the of Mendel 'factors' First, was Boveri, in 1903), Sutton, chromosomes, and his three the existence of such at morphologies Only with living organisms. were the of the that chromosomes (1903) cytologists insight was the the in of the materialist revolution (or bore) genes geneticists in physical to be firmly grounded observation. genetics beginning on a materialistic Even this insight did not completely put genetics looking Sutton's basis, for starting with Johannsen's distinction (1903, 1909) between A SUCCESSION OF IN PARADIGMS 9 ECOLOGY came a growing 'phenotype' recognition we and behavior which observe physiology, and 'genotype' morphology, direct, one-to-one that the are not a the product of a and fundamentally interaction between genes complex inseparable and environment. (1957, 1974, 1975) did most to elucidate Waddington this interaction, and his and other work, summarized by Lewontin translation of the genes, but rather there (1974b, particularly chapter 1), indicates that in every generation are four transformations the genotype and phenotype. determining even more Two of these are steps between and phenotype; genotype I will return (a point to which important involves a completely specified, deterministic The second advance technical required to be both and unified complete and ultimately material revolution the particulate continuum of physical how which Darwin claimed that natural research, are translated and repressors, effects, operators environment during development, was by Morgan genetics thirty years of this century. Even more fundamental than these four the Darwin-Mendel an understanding genes could produce of the in nature, and on an area acts. This is still observed selection and the was the discrete position of genes with are a few. But the interaction just discussed, that continuous variation first clear demonstration Mendelian for of are known by which and many means into continuous variation: polygenicity, of active genes that was traits soon), none outcome. and his is compatible with in the first colleagues technical advances to the com was revolution in genetics and evolution pletion of the materialistic the recognition that evolution, and its underlying population genetics, are stochastic a mathema and not deterministic processes. Statistics, tics of variation comparison was, until view of with variation? study, other calculus. to accord seemed indeterminism branches a scientific recently, success the apparent of deterministic alistic and It should When or probability, late in developed of mathematics (Robbins 1974) and in This is not surprising, stepchild. the Newtonian Newton's so well with be very clear ideal nature, why that statistics revolution trajectories focus on with its and forces individual is inherently materi 'noise' as its object of and anti-typological, since it takes the and not the type. Its two sixteenth century beginnings (Robbins 10 DANIEL SIMBERLOFF and the collection of success, 1974)-an attempt to increase gambling and industry of a state - are as materialis data on population, wealth, it was an explicit denial of typological tic as can be. That thought success in permeating the various for its meager intellectual until this century. An ideal or essential universe is ipso disciplines one. a deterministic facto accounts mecha century was dominated by a deterministic twin ideal Robbins nics (Kac 1974, 1974), hypostatized by hypothetical Demon. The former could pre and Maxwell's beings, Laplace's Demon The nineteenth action-reaction fashion the com cause-and-effect, the and veloci state of of the universe, given knowledge positions plete a for ties of all its particles single instant. The latter could violate the dict in Newtonian, second motion a perpetual and in so doing, construct the beginning of the revolution law of thermodynamics, Kac (1974) machine. in determinism against velocities of gas particles It is almost superfluous Origin, materialist and observation that the 1859, with Maxwell's are distributed to a statistical law. according to observe that Barzun of Maxwell's idealism 1859 was that views the and natural in the arts and social extends the revolution have been observation the year it as of The signal year in the Political and Economy Critique of to signify the combining with The Origin (1958) with Marx's revolution, Tristan and Isolde Wagner's overthrow dates to sciences.3 the physical in the physical and it was sciences that an explicit sciences, recog nature of the universe nition of the probabilistic led to the exorcism of the demonic reifications of typology, and idealism. essentialism, of Aspects this exorcism treated (1967), and Klein (1970). The key Ehrenberg Einstein's (1) Special Theory of Relativity its consequence that a measurement affect the object demons) would necessarily with (2) Heisenberg's inherent property taneously particle, (3) An Uncertainty of matter both Principle precludes and velocity measuring much less all of them. modynamics information enunciated theoretic first by Brillouin tools were: (1962), (1905, cf. Lanczos (such as those 1974), the by measured. (1927), which either demon location of that an states from even simul a single law of ther analog of the second (1929), and elaborated by Szilard by A Shannon which sort SUCCESSION OF (1948, cf. Tribus states that Maxwell's fast and and Mclrvine Demon slowly moving law), and that the minumum get the information enabling can possibly derive from PARADIGMS must IN 11 ECOLOGY 1971) and Brillouin (1962), in order to have information the second (and so to violate particles amount of energy which it will need to it to do the ordered its sorting will be more than it state which the sorting would produce. from the physical sciences, generalizations plus two counter intuitive theories Planck's Quantum (1900, cf. Wilson 1944) Theory and Bohr's the Victorian (1928)-destroyed Complementarity opti These mism, engendered by the success of the Newtonian an improved would allow an infinitely technology and readily understood true, precise, knowledge world. One by wrought Theorem might this (1931), thetico-deductive to emphasize be tempted overthrow of Newton, that any logical system, that Revolution, to close approach of the physical the essential pessimism to point to G?del's the Greek hypo including as the crush assertions, and one, contains unprovable But is better served by observing the my purpose ing, crowning statements of the allowed three tools. In each form by exorcising statement which can be made about the the most complete instance, blow. is a probabilistic universe of the physical distribution of possible state of the world of states statistical (1977) ministic sketches This the replacement by a probabilistic and pessimistic probabilistic physics one: a distribution of probabilities some of (or it), or a specified part outcomes of some event. Dirac in this century of an one based on observable ideal, deter quantities. rev the materialistic aspect of the Robbins sciences. (1974) argues spread beyond physical that it has finally caused us to think statistically about all aspects of our day-to-day existence. The key figure in transferring probabilistic was to the biological sciences sciences thinking from the physical olution 1974) and though his attempt began in (Singer 1959, Robbins in 1853,1 would argue that its culmination did not occur until the Neo-Darwinian 1971, Allen (Provine 1976) synthesis of 1917-1930 which wedded Mendelian to The Darwinian main evolution. genetics Qu?telet earnest architects of this union, independently produced and Wright, Fisher, Haldane, working a probabilistic conclusion very much quite in the 12 DANIEL spirit of the sciences. That concurrent in the physical of probabilism victory not surprising, be so is, in retrospect, since themselves in nature. His ratios of statistical this should results Mendel's SIMBERLOFF were cross were never of a varietal progeny generation 3 : 1 ; rather for all seven traits they deviated from exactly slightly on exact 3:1. Mendel was not misled by this deviation; the focussing traits in second numbers kind each of of offspring, as the outcome as stated of events his results interpreted the variation was not 'noise,' fixed probability; an ideal ratio, and the probabilistic not postulate of the materialistic necessary consequence he clearly above, which happen with but expected. He did was a interpretation The Neo outlook.4 that the best we can do is to in brief, concluded synthesis, some distribution of probabilities Darwinian specify certain of gene themselves and genotype (and given underlying probabilistic) on production and survival of gametes and zygotes, and of gametes. Thus ended forever the notion that evolution frequencies, constraints on unions can be orthogenetic, at least with much precision at the level of genes. one of the major to forces which the synthesis demonstrated affect the gene and genotype drift-even the frequencies genetic direction of frequency and the firmest change cannot be predicted, statement we can make is that the magnitude of the change after a For a specified fall within probably stated above, is to determine the rules the also which and (doubtless by genotype probabilistic) a phenotype. environment interact to produce Whatever is learned about these rules, we can say that the Neo-Darwinian synthesis specified number of generations thrust now, range. The major the death-knell sounded in biology for Newtonian as as will as did cause-and-effect determinism in the relativity complementarity the same time. Further, the synthesis was in the ongoing materialist Thomas revolution. Pyn as two Rainbow Mex has (1973) antagonists Roger surely at almost sciences, physical a development chon's and Gravity's ico, apostle of the new physics, and Effect.' only with Cause Poisson distribution normal curve. representing and Pointsman, the 'Antimexico,' 'left the utility of the Mexico propounds and characterizes himself by the equation for the The the metaphoric shift in human of these significance I have thought which characters, outlined, is A SUCCESSION in Mexico's transparent OF PARADIGMS IN ECOLOGY 13 manifesto: .. .there's a feeling about that cause-and-effect may have been taken as far as it will go. a less.. to carry on at all, it must science look for a less narrow, .sterile set of we have come when The next great breakthrough the courage to may assumptions. and strike off at some other angle. entirely, junk cause-and-effect That for III. THE RISE OF PROBABILISM AND MATERIALISM IN ECOLOGY about half a century later than genetics and has undergone, so strikingly a transformation similar in both outline and evolution, detail that one can scarcely doubt its debt to the same materialistic events in this transfor revolutions. and probabilistic Many major Ecology described (1961) and Mclntosh by Ponyatovskaya to both inside and the (1975, relationship developments seems not to have been noticed. An initial emphasis outside biology on similarity of isolated communities, replaced by concern about their mation have been 1976), but examination of groups of populations, largely superseded belief in deterministic succession of individual by study populations; to into with the introduction of statistics shifting, ecology, widespread realization is probabilistic; and that temporal community development differences; a continuing entities rather observable struggle to focus on material, I have described for than ideal constructs; trends which all parallel and evolution. genetics as a first paradigm was the idea of the plant community Ecology's in the first American by Clements super organism, propounded ecology book (1905) and elaborated by him in numerous subsequent crux The this of publications. concept was that single species popu lations in nature are integrated into well-defined, organic entities, and that temporal in a sere is succession key subsidiary aspects were an to of and utterly deterministic, individual, analogous development leads inevitably to one of a few climax communities. The relationship between the stylized, and the deterministic integrated superorganism as it is organic and fundamental, successional development producing (1920): "When we have admitted the necessity pointed out by Tansley our natural units, we have to find of first determining empirically them. This way we can only find in the concept of ways of grouping development. Development of vegation is a concrete fact equal with 14 DANIEL SIMBERLOFF to which the extent Mclntosh (1975, 1976) illustrates a series of dominated until recently with ecology paradigm well-chosen texts.5 Suffice it here to quotes and an analysis of ecology one cite Shelford of the animal of the first (1913), ecologists leading its structure." this half of this century: is the Ecology the environment of communities. science to the natural the field without conceived of phenomena of ecology. of a single species to study of the relations to communities and, in the end, unrelated .is not properly in and community... included A reference its habitat the superorganismic community Although arose in plant ecology ministic succession to de sequence Candolle's won it quickly mations, pioneering acolytes (e.g., Naumann). limnologists on animal work symbioses and among zoologists (e.g., Shelford) as early as 1931 had aligned his Allee with the superorganismic paradigm, or less characteristic set of animals which are but are integrated communities." assemblages focus also led him to the notion of an 'integrated a lake com described (1939). Thienemann community' accidental Emerson's similar ecological munity more "_a observing not mere its deter concept with almost as a logical con of plant for descriptions so closed "a unity of the highest order" as in itself that it must be called an even 1975). Probably (fide Mclntosh organism more in than this zoological and limnological support important was as a the Elton's solidifying concept paradigm superorganism of the food chain as a conduit for community energy flow. description of the superorganism Elton himself was not an adherent Although to the such a diagrammatic view, his discovery provided analogy an was it of individual that readily incorporated organism physiology as an in fact, one of the forces integral part of the superorganism, it organismic and cohesion. (1927), Clements Citing Elton giving Shelford (1939) stress that trophic structure studies "can be utilized to of each process in the working of the com significance as a whole." role of coaction Further, "the universal munity [including is to be seen in the integration of plant and animal trophic interaction] an organic complex, which to constitute relations is characterized by reveal a certain the degree of dynamic balance in number and effects." A OF SUCCESSION a formulation IN ECOLOGY PARADIGMS 15 in Russia appeared the 1961) at almost it achieved comparable status (Mclntosh that its sway is not to 1975), also suggests paradigm or the to the force of Clements' be attributed personality simply volume of his publications. prose and prodigious Similarly, persuasive That almost identical to Clements' 1910, 1915, 1931, in Ponyatovskaya (Sukachev same time as in the United and that States, the appeal of the superorganism (1926) states that his philosophy that larger philosophical argues concept outside ecology (e.g., Smuts of holism was inspired by Clements) forces militated for its acceptance. to this end is that the superorganism the strongest evidence from its critics - notably Gleason had, eloquent inception, paradigm (1910, 1917, 1926, 1939) in this country and Ramensky (1910, 1925, in and Negri 1961) in Russia, but also including Lenoble Ponyatovskaya Perhaps in Europe-whose 1947 (Kormondy the Surely was uniformly or ignored until dismissed Mclntosh 1965, 1975). ultimate basis for the superorganism philosophical work is Greek metaphysics, and this explains its strong appeal in and others. For the of data-based by Gleason objections one of a small number of distinct climax communities, superorganism, paradigm the face is an explicitly classification of typological an observed construct which allows Differences among category. viewed as less important than the similarities which different classified together, and are ontogenetically between categories. organizing (Sutherland The as the popular cause them to be from differences as a reflection latter are viewed (such relationships 1974) in a currently immediate into an already described are within that category community individuals of different stable 'multiple equilibria' incarnation of the superor former, as in pre-Mendelian 1973)). The concept (cf. Holling are as the result of minor rather viewed 'noise,' probably genetics, in physical like soil chemistry, differences environment, during in And the deterministic of succession the strictest development. path ganism Clementsian monoclimax as is a Newtonian formulation is as much an ideal abstraction conceptualization, is as appealing, is a tidiness, an ease of trajectory. There particle on perfact paths that to well-defined ideals moving as it in ecology both aesthetically and functionally, was and evolution. in genetics Unfortunately, it is as poor a descrip 16 DANIEL tion of ecological paradigm did not and structure references SIMBERLOFF as of evolutionary lead to mechanistic of nature is not reality. That the superorganism of the operation understanding (1975, and surprising. As MacFadyen in many sciences it has proven possible points out, features of a higher level deterministically while emergent are stochas that the underlying, recognizing component phenomena held out the tic; it is in this spirit that the deterministic superorganism therein) to treat of an adequate description But of natural communities. com of the almost unimaginable the of rich underlying supposition plexity an and omnipotent connectedness and interaction under precluded a danger in treating mechanisms, standing of low-level, probabilistic "Those who are obsessed of any field holistically: by the interactions promise everything conclusions with everything are not drawn else.. from .are of necessity diffuse. Practical the holistic contemplation of totality" (Pirie 1969). The watershed in ecology was Cain, revolution and probabilistic year for the materialistic in which three 1947, (Egler, respected plant ecologists in Ecological all published and Mason) papers Monographs the Clementsian and citing Gleason's attacking forcefully paradigm as of the first articulation association' 'individualistic concept plant The formal to Mendel's of their view (Mclntosh 1975). analogy but even more is an examination of enlightening the specific reasons given for this dramatic change. Egler cites Raup (1942) and Cain (1944) to the effect that the Clementsian assumption in community is an a priori explana of cause-and-effect development resurrection is patent, derived mechanism, and he claims tion, rather than an empirically on a series of Hawaiian com that his own extended observations are completely in accord with the individualistic of concept avers his in interest 'all but forgotten Cain "actual, paper.' on the ground," and scorns the 'hypo specific communities that the mono Clementsian Later he suggests community. munities Gleason's concrete, thetical' as originally theory a panchreston, and climax become strate Reality?', section he bases was on wrong, local had studies subsequently will demon In a individualistic of Gleason's hypothesis. 'Does the Association Have entitled, Objective are answer on materialism his negative ("Species the correctness 'heretical' stated that focus A are .Environments facts,.. OF SUCCESSION IN PARADIGMS facts.") while 17 ECOLOGY lambasting the "pre in the abstract." He is at of the reality of the association conceptions a to stress material is real, that existence, pains specific stand, having a not. In is the while final the association, ideal, only hypothetical a construct is fictitious because for Cain, the superorganism analysis, 1) unlike objective enough a species, criterion to belong the to the same association. Mason also stresses that a real entity, and species population a fortuitous limited only the community abstraction, of environmental factors by its 'coincidence of tolerance' continuity genetic lack of it renders by it has no continuity and 2) there is no by descent, are similar two stands when for determining component this notion. species. renders He, the too, credits Gleason as the first proponent of texts early in this decade 1973, (Colinvaux spate of ecology et al. 1973, Krebs all Poole 1972, 1974, etc.) agree that, the Gleasonian years after its rehabilitation, twenty-five paradigm had one (Mclntosh overthrown the Clementsian 1975). If one asks why it did, two convergent lines of research the revolution occurred when The Collier appear to have necessitated it. First, the facts that real stands and when such boundaries do lack well-defined boundaries, generally with in the exist associated they are frequently abrupt changes were often noted by Gleason and Ramensky, environment, physical an intolerable of dogma by but by 1947 constituted contradiction observed all attack the superorganism fact. Egler, Cain, and Mason on this basis using data from field studies. This type of paradigm was in the next decade extended observation by two in greatly dependent Mclntosh Curtis' groups; Curtis 1955, 1951, and continuum' (Curtis 'vegetational and Whittaker's 1959) 'gradient analysis' as a of plants the spatial distribution (1956, 1967) both describe of of the individual, responses consequence relatively uncoordinated to in the individual without environment, species gradients physical or dying as a unit. It may need to invoke groups of species' persisting that discrete that this work also demonstrates observed popu continuum lations acting individually produce a community (whatever as the Morgan is used to characterize much statistic communities) etc. resolved of polygenicity, effects, position group's understanding be 18 DANIEL SIMBERLOFF that phenotypes the apparent Mendelian are, for the most paradox while the al?eles of a gene are discrete. part, continuous I would to line of research which, The second argue, contributed was a shift in emphasis within the demise of the superorganism the to which led, inevitably, study of animal and microbial populations on individual populations focussing most two or three of them together, as proper objects of study, or at rather than the entire community in 1940 to attract failure of Haskell The they are embedded. niche in a hypervolume of the species' interest (Mclntosh concept per 1976) is a reflection of the lack of interest in studying populations se. That Hutchinson's an in 1957 identical has suggestion generated in which is an and relationships parameters to which the plant population research indication of the extent by and Whittaker and animal Mason, Cain, Curtis, Egler, population or the population and Park (La.) had legitimized studies by Nicholson enormous literature on as an object of the of study, independent were key to this shift of on real populations to population. interaction few-species community. Experiments focus from community Population progenitor in ideal abstractions. The had its own origin ecology the deterministic of logistic equation, which has dominated right into this decade, was a paper by Verhulst ecology population (1838) communicated, figure in introducing that the growth niche ironically by Qu?telet, enough, The irony, statistics into biology. is as much curve logistic as a Newtonian trajectory the seminal of course, is an ideal description of population an is but idealization of particle movement. The logistic model ignored until the early exhumed and exploited was of single population growth virtually twentieth century, when it was simultaneously (1907, 1925), Pearl and Reed (1920), by Lotka (1926, 1928); the first and last authors even the for into a pair eponyms equation, which they elaborated or to describe of equations predator-prey parasite-host relationships. on Gause (1934) performed interspecific competition experiments Pearl (1925), and Volterra became his basis for Gause's Law, or the Com (ultimately microorganisms were which he Exclusion believed petitive Principle) satisfactorily system based on the logistic. The logical by a two-equation explained A SUCCESSION OF IN ECOLOGY PARADIGMS to this proliferation of logistic and complete conclusion did not come until 1968, when Levins' lation descriptors to describe and predict the workings matrix attempted 19 based popu community of an entire on the assumption based that all species community, populations to the ideal logistic law modified adhered only by equally ideally characterized interactions. pairwise But long before on material based abstract, doubter this conclusion, properties particles. reproducing version of the pr?dation discrepancies to a failure of the logistic had set in, as opposed to living organisms, an was Gause himself (1934) early criticism of of between the results experimental the mathematical model his logistic, and attributed and equation predictions to describe the adequately a (1954b) makes a biology of particular pair of species. But Nicholson more of the underlying shift in and, from the standpoint cogent am I which the of dis thought describing, analysis suggestive a can He demonstrates that the crepancy. only represent equations mean of two large populations of an interaction between ("these the statistical effects of the interaction of large represent in adequate of individuals and that operating space") were to too Gause's with small experiments display high frequency the statistical Observe that variation among populations expectation. result equations numbers or replicates had among individuals as little place in logistic formulations had for the pre-Mendelians. own work Nicholson's (1933, 1947, 1954a, b, Nicholson was more even 1935) severely critical of Lotka-Volterra His tems, models early two and three-species and more his later importantly of as variation and Bailey type models. insect host-parasite and models experiments sys of of Lucilia all (the sheep blowfly), cuprina populations not that did not formulations and could (because emphasized logistic too few parameters) any popu they contain realistically represent lations but those of the simplest microorganisms. In particular, the single species invariant while carrying capacity, as occur the fact discrete organisms and the lack of lag factors of many ideals, cleansed asymptote, of aseptic 'noisiest') biological properties. that the equation the individuals, is continuous non-decaying the logistic the most the most (and interesting all render Nicholson of noted that, aside from the 20 DANIEL of inappropriateness the SIMBERLOFF as a model logistic account realism certain for a laboratory it took environment, in a controlled (such as his blowflies) of climatic, edaphic, own mechanistic models, population no account In his even biotic, and evolutionary Nicholson attempted influences. partially to for these more for factors, sacrificing generality idiosyncratic an impressive to population data in match achieving in light of his discussion of Gause's instances. Interestingly, and were always deterministic; variance was models results, Nicholson's nor confidence never calculated, limits given for goodness-of-fit of any real data. Nevertheless, by his focus on single or few populations, in modelling could only damage and partial success them, Nicholson the claim that earlier, supporters, quoted superorganism is the science of communities." By the nature of his models, the of "ecology he also began to break the hold of Greek on population metaphysics ecology. flour Park's beetle research ing how physical between and 1954, 1962, Park, Leslie, was impact. The primary emphasis but rather on examin trajectories, (1948, Mertz 1964) had an even greater not on modelling ideal population environmental factors two and affect on populations (such as cannibalism, poisoning The most the outcome is achieved. petition mechanisms the outcome of com the physical precise of the medium, etc.) by of revolutionary aspect was certain the discovery that under Park's work, however, a specific outcome environmental could not be predicted; conditions one could possibly the process was stochastic, and the best prediction was a probability that a in the neo-Darwinan mold, make, very much which on this that Park published species would win. It is significant with statistician of his work the (Neyman, Park, and Neyman, aspect one into was this the first inroads of statistics for of Scott 1956), given an explicit that pro and constituted recognition ecology, population cesses on the population Park's stochas level are not deterministic.6 on the population level and his success ticity was a breakthrough, to popu communities only aid the shift from superorganismic lations as an object of study. outcome is the indeterminate A measure of the impact of Park's could disproportionate emphasis placed on this aspect of the Tribolium A work this SUCCESSION OF IN PARADIGMS 21 ECOLOGY text cited every ecology subsequent of the nature of biological causality an example of indeterminacy caused by the (Mertz 1972). Virtually review result, and Mayr's it as (1961) adduced extreme complexity of ecological that this two-species laboratory (it is notable, however, must be among the competition was a effort mounted Further, major interactions simplest ecological phenomena). and Dempster 1960, Lerner (e.g., Hardin that the indeterminacy 1971) to demonstrate and Dawson 1962, King was illusory and could be con in Park's experimental variation for example, were at pains to show that for contrasting among the cultures could account genetic differences outcomes here. in different 'replicates.' Two points require comment accounted First, for by uncontrolled and Dempster, Lerner ditions. increased pletely genetic eliminate, unpredictability uniform strains (cf. Table 2 of Lerner and Dempster that demographic (1976) show from the standpoint of popu Second, must of genetic be degree heterogeneity supposedly and Cawthon, is also important. 1962). Mertz, stochasticity some in nature, lations a universal considered premise; outcomes different reasons greatly reduced, but did not com in outcome of competition between uniformity for on a Poisson these Park to explain away observed attempting to seeking is analogous the in buckets in the raindrops grounds distribution of of each drop. Of course such of the trajectory specific determinants exist and in principle could be found (at least to the determinants But the information we limits imposed by the uncertainty principle). are likely ever of a stochastic to have the epitome renders rainfall patterns us well serve it in and this will process, viewing light I and allow sufficient predictions. would argue that the genetic com as the physical will be as elusive of natural populations position forces acting on precipitation, and our understanding of population available will require stochastic treatment. phenomana in single species interest I do not wish to imply that the new was to the exclusion of concern with community proper populations as a collection of the community ties. Rather the growing conception of species, analytic munity that a superorganism, of than synthetic mode rather rather properties were approached led in some community through assembly quarters research: to an com of populations 22 DANIEL and pairwise population died first. Mertz (1972) SIMBERLOFF interaction which were well stu ostensibly of this tack from the instances gives many literature; two further examples will suffice here. First, the determinants of community have stability long been sought as a matter interest. Clements and theoretical of both practical (1936) the increasing ascribed stages in a sere to an stability of successional Tribolium com and integration of community increasingly tight organization on interest has focused another More ponents. community recently, as possibly attribute, stability. Goodman conferring species diversity, in its simplest form is disproven that this hypothesis (1975) suggests level 1977)), but even while other community as potential determinants (1973) (e.g. May's a reductionist of the community matrix), properties (but cf. McNaughton are sought attributes discussion of was explanation teristics of one charac (1968): the population by Frank proposed or a few critical whether the determine species as a whole to is stable, by whatever statistic one wishes community characterize this notion, (1975) strongly supports stability. Goodman is a fortuitous of properties that a community consequence property of one or a few component species. Horn's matrix only attempt (1975) to study of transition probabilities reduces succession between as an exponentiation tree species individual of a not to the level of populations, but phenomena as a fundamental successional stochasticity to a succession of deterministic antithesis leading are treatments conceived climax. by Ste Similarly successional introduces explicitly the property, superorganismic and Waggoner phens (1970), vations and Stephens (1970), Leak (1970), Waggoner obser and Botkin, Janak, and Wallis (1972). Other detailed is at the population level have also suggested that succession a population Nisbet and 1973), largely (Drury phenomenon truly determined Needless supports by the effects to say, the work this view. IV. Finally, one ought THE and tolerances of a few of Curtis and Whittaker CURRENT STRUGGLE not to be left with the feeling critical discussed species. earlier that the materialistic, A PARADIGMS OF SUCCESSION IN 23 ECOLOGY is a fait accompli. in ecology revolution Essentialism, still rampant and determinism are, if not dominant, idealism, (Slo is partly a reflection of ecologists' bodkin 1975). Their persistence of their field compared diffidence because of the apparent sloppiness probabilistic to is the curse of biology" "physics-envy scatters of points and jagged trajectories cruves for new island the colonization (e.g., the physical sciences; The 1971). large (Cohen which typify communities ecology and Wilson (Simberloff on different of herbivores the dispersion of the (Strong and Levin species is not quite so scientific as 1977)) seem to foster the view that ecology a search militate for more ideal and and for chemistry physics, a sciences themselves. For example, often from the physical models, number of deter during this decade has been the erection as some if into rules for packing communities, clearly species bounded 'com entity could be denoted physical permanently topical ministic and 1970) and plant endeavor In MacArthur's in isolation. and studied summary work an analogy of species-packing to crystal packing, (1972), he presents Such an ideal, deterministic suggested by Gordon Lark, a biochemist. a to be of wide variety of proposals appears approach symptomatic on species-packing, and May (1974, fide Mclntosh 1976), a physicist munity' the leading figure in analytic to an even the metaphor raises 1973), (e.g., May ecological modelling the eventual of establishment many higher level, envisioning 'perfect in ecology and the consequent of ecology emergence crystal' models as co-equal to "the more conventional (and more mature) branches of who turned-ecologist science and has quickly engineering...." The crystal-packing do not appear however, a retreat they constitute action coefficients is still used from and outcome deterministic point. related to have models for species-packing, successful; strikingly The community matrix certainly of inter the deterministic to characterize of been to idealism. 1968) munity properties (e.g., Culver and the community in general since it incorporates statistical borhood become (Levins logistic equations communities and to explain com 1975). May's treatment (1973), appears to produce noise of the matrix, to be revolutionary a stochastic neigh rather than a single community dynamics, But the underlying equations are distressingly 24 DANIEL SIMBERLOFF is an ad hoc ideal, and the noise distribution he form Q, which quadratic claims suggestion. MacArthur's minimizes (1969, competition of logistic equations, consequence 1970), is not only a deterministic an entity as Darwin's but as metaphysical Maxwell's gemmules, in statistical mechanics, and Adam hidden hand in Demon Smith's it is condoned economics. (1969). Limiting by Lewontin Surprisingly, from logistic equa similarity L of coexisting species was calculated a data-based, and Levins tions by MacArthur (1967); despite of its incorrectness demonstration mechanistic (1973) and by Dayton a cogent, damning theoretical as a possible characteristic treatment of nature (1976) it is still cited 1976). Neill's (e.g., Fraser form of the logistic model by Heck showing that the multispecies experiments rests on untenable (1974) seem not to have been heeded. assumptions the from the and independence (1975) deplores autonomy MacFayden to the essentialist world which strain in ecology appears biological have achieved, but his explanation truly frequent failure to propose - is cause. The the proximate ultimate testable only hypotheses the is the of Greek worldview. difficulty tenacity metaphysical Another of the manifestation nascent stochastic of this tenacity school of is the relative independence and community from school above, ecology, epitomized text of ecology A striking differential by logistic-based equations. in 1969, from the probabilistic by E.C. Pielou viewpoint was produced and though it attracted favorable reviews and a few new generally population the mathematical discussed to the stochastic adherents methods dominate are given American short cause shrift ecology 1970), its ideas and (e.g., Wangersky texts which the by logistic-oriented in this decade; earlier stochastic treat ments by Chiang (1954, 1968), Skellam (1955), Bartlett (1957, 1960), and Leslie (1958), and Leslie (1960), Leslie and Gower Gower, were even more to in these oblivion (1958, 1962) summarily consigned were not more enthusiastic than quarters. Systems analysis ecologists Bartlett, mathematical cizing systems ones. For models improve appreciably text states, Pielou's in mathematical work example, Watt of communities that stochasti (1968) predicts will not and large populations their performance.7 review Cohen's (1970) of assess "This book should liberate those who ecology according to its projection along an A axis from OF SUCCESSION to Davis Princeton IN PARADIGMS by stantial efforts, accomplishments, The liberation is still directions."8 25 ECOLOGY them in the very sub informing in orthogonal and opportunities in the future, and will come only in ecology. of a materialist revolution Recent the completion differential and Hobbie papers by Tiwari (1976a,b) stochasticizing a simple aquatic ecosystem describe may be in its equations which with vanguard. unease vis-?-vis and the zeal with which of ecologists physics are misplaced. science models What they seek deterministic physical as to is music the the view noise of individuality physicists ecologist; The is their most and intrinsic, striking, the of ecological and apparent indeterminacy inspiring characteristic, their study a less valid pursuit. Mayr does not make systems (1961) the of entities that and suggests phenomana biological uniqueness one of the major differences between and the constitutes biology and populations physical difficult There it particularly makes and that this difference sciences, concerns. to understand for physical scientists biological are three types of indeterminacy at issue here. One is at least as fundamental in fact is and communities of expression to ecology grounded this sort of as Heisenberg's in the latter. is to physics, uncertainty most the Perhaps elegant in ecology is Lerner and indeterminacy (1962) of the potential "A molecular accident Dempster's example tion in a flour beetle: effect of a neuron, in its wanderings the stimulus threshold slightly the path taken by a beetle be modified, and perhaps deflected be eaten." Such molecular indicate, the outcome of affect could, conceivably, in consequence of which through the medium may from an egg that otherwise would as Lerner and Dempster indeterminacy, to ecological is intrinsic of a random muta systems a to be critical to but unlikely between like competition event, particular of two species. A second form of apparent indeterminacy populations Poole has only recently been addressed Oster 1975, 1977), (May 1974, and takes certain equations. the form of non-linear, Despite 'chaotic' behavior of populations by governed of difference systems quite realistic, apparently are com the fact that the underlying equations as the resulting trajectories may be so complex pletely deterministic, to appear random, and Oster (1975) suggests that itmay be impossible 26 DANIEL SIMBERLOFF true stochasticity, data to distinguish among biological experi flows of a deterministic mental model. However, error, and complex similar situations arise in meteorology (May 1974) and even in that with billiard table ideal, the Newtonian (Oster quintessential physical can so to the status of second-rate 1975), ecology hardly be relegated science on these grounds. is probably most foreign third type of ecological indeterminacy cause to the physical sciences and is the primary of ecologists' defensiveness. This is apparent by the indeterminacy engendered them enormous number of entities even in simple ecological systems The selves rather than Further, systems. are often actions by these the form entities subtle. Whether (1970) Wangersky deterministic pletely that this of may we the describing and the interacting, believe with Mayr complexity ecological description and better instrumentation ally, that better within Heisenberg's equations be will (1961) the inter and com forever preclude or feel, more optimistic and effort will bring us to of ecological description limits of a perfect 1966), we must agree that we will not, in the near (Holling or insight to produce as information future, have sufficient equations as most those of and the other On physicists engineers. predictive able to predict weather hand, neither are meteorologists patterns with systems of money and the amount and manpower precision, to the study of single ecological systems pales compared to the effort involved rocks. With in, say, scooping up a few moon resources more been successful and sufficient have notably ecologists remarkable committed are given by DeBach in their predictions; many examples In any event, the nature of genetic for biological control. the evolution of and fact that systems constantly living organisms a occurs amount in the outcome insures certain of variability of precise (1974) events is among the 1966), and this variability (Pimentel ecological most the of Further, aspects interesting ecological phenomena. as in Schaffer and Elson's amount of variation itself can be predicted, as discussed (1975). Finally, study of salmon life history phenomena is evolutionarily early in this paper, a certain amount of variability adaptive; manifests se per variability consequently of ecological itself in the workings is selected systems. for, In sum, and that A OF SUCCESSION PARADIGMS IN ECOLOGY 27 because of their complexity systems variability ecological typifies less than the worthwhile does not render their study study of physical different mathematical and rather it suggests systems; approaches to force biological than attempting "rather success, a created into mold economics, by hydrodynamics, phy phenomena instituted by sics, or what have you" (Slobodkin 1975). The policy extensive in 1963 of not publishing tabular data symbolizes Ecology for criteria such an attempt, coming in the midst of new and of populations ideal characterizations the stochastic of recognition nature interest in logistic-based, communities; of ecology demands increasing a re-evalu tation. I end this ecology on section the status of the materialistic in revolution the observation with that the first ecological ideal, Clements' is not dead, but rather transmogrified into a belief that is the proper course for ecology of ecosystems (Watt superorganism, holistic study 1966b, Levins and Levins 1968, Lane, Lauff, 1975, Johnson 1977, as Mclntosh views the Odum 1977; cf. 1976). (1964) ecosystem as to to ecology molecular the same relation the cell does bearing a clearly superorganismic Patten (1975) sees the biology, conception. Odum as a unit of coevolution," and argues that is a linear behavior: ecosystems good "Nonlinearity an no not mathematical one, and ecosystem property, ecological a relation that describes until someone writes is nonlinear it process a from Aside the is as much so." fact that linearity ecosystem "holistic evolve mathematical of artifact existence toward property Patten's as is nonlinearity, the well-behavedness an ecosystem of defining convention is an out of it is egregiously ill-behaved; Holling (1973) views the as evidence domains of attraction in the for multiple of the validity of the holistic, well The true measure when same behavior same system. behaved ecosystem it provides is whether insight into com concept et al. and its record here is equivocal (Mitchell munity mechanisms, et al. 1977). Well known instances of abrupt fluctua 1976, Auerbach are (1969) gives yet Preston ignored, one claim that poor that might reasonably sufficiently many examples increases nature. The widely characterizes behavior cited, dramatic and in the Pacific of Acanthaster 1973, 1974) (Branham Glynn planci tions in single populations 28 DANIEL SIMBERLOFF terebrans on Florida mangroves Sphaeroma (Rehm and Humm 1973) are two more recent examples of ill-mannered ecosystems. One may ask why so many focus on ecosystems has seduced in the face of its failure to add substantially to our ecologists of the workings understanding failure is noted, it is ignored of nature. even Indeed, or when this as Kuhn away, (1970) explained is typical for a paradigm before it is finally overthrown by a revolution. the predominant failure of the U.S. Admitting International the most massively (I.B.P.), Biological Program sup one effort and in a conceived ported American ecological wholly suggests scientific vein, Odum ecosystem (1977), a leading ecosystem that it is not the paradigm which is faulty, but suggests with which the paradigm was used in organizing consistency holistic, adherent, rather the research. In short, the LB.P. effort was not holistic enough! One suggestion for the apparent paradigmatic status of the ecosys tem concept in the face of conflicting data is that it provides support for the notion of self-regulatory inherent in unfettered powers capi a talism For if of 1971). (Leigh community organisms, naturally each to maximize the representation to a single organism to be analogous common so ought a competitive purpose, selected shown unified whole metaphor activities was which benefits that of a hidden all. This hand of its own genes, can be whose parts all work to a a to produce capitalism is an old notion; Adam Smith's the profit-maximizing converting into the good of the whole. That this should be true for ecological on both evolutionary is questionable systems of observed irre (Levins 1974) and the grounds grounds ecological were described true Even it I above. for gularity suspect that ecology, it is not the primary attraction of the ecosystem but one paradigm; of individuals the strength with which ought always to recognize even an economic our perception one, structures related main a basic philosophy, un of apparently that the argument the most phenomena. Perhaps convincing attraction of holism is not as a subtle justification of capitalism is credentials long-standing, impeccable Marxist and Levins 1968, Lewontin (e.g., Levins 1976). Mclntosh documents the transformation in the 1950's and (1976) a 1960's of American into the era of ecology big-money operation, that it has adherents with A OF SUCCESSION IN PARADIGMS ECOLOGY 29 that the big money is primarily in 'Grant Swinger,' without observing the area of ecosystems. the I.B.P. was followed For example, by the of a new program, in the National creation Studies, Ecosystem over this Science Foundation. has twice the annual program Currently of budget the General Ecology awards Consequently proposals. mon in Ecosystem Studies Program, in excess and fewer than half the are com of $100,000./yr. in General To the Ecology. of determinant academic important and unusual that grant funding is an and economic advancement, well-being Merton 1973), one might reasonably extent a general argue 1973, goal (Storer that the ecosystem of alone, independent on economic is seductive grounds paradigm or biological either philosophical considerations. Yet another attraction is that of the ecosystem it lends itself to a vogue vocation via systems in interpretation analysis, States for about two decades (Mclntosh 1976). Indeed, the has been systems analysis (Patten primary thrust of ecosystematists into a 1959, 1971, Watt 1966a) and the glamor of turning ecology cybernetic the United the terminology and of engineering science, replete with a must itself been the have inducement of ecosys physics, powerful tem approach, with the economic fitting hand-in-glove appeal. The space-age concurrent the appeal rise of computer further augmented technology a systems and though Mclntosh analytic study of ecosystems, to have crested, that the tide appears nevertheless (1976) observes a powerful this aspect remains force in of ecosystem research = Odum's cell:molecular (1964) analogy, today. ecology biology may be rel?vent not only for the light it throws on ecosystem:ecology, of the relationship to metaphysical of the ecosystem concept thought as an its intellectual debt to the superorganism but also concept, to the of the of achieve desire expression ecologists respectability, and even in its heyday, when Odum wrote. glamor, of molecular biology reason I suggest that the chief for the persistence of the with is that it accords Greek The ecosystem paradigm metaphysics. But the notion that 'everything affects everything of holism, else' (Watt 1966a), includes not only its tidiness but its determinism, are included in the system and linked to all for if all components attractiveness others by deterministic equations, then no exogenous, random input is 30 DANIEL The myth and consciousness, of possible.9 moner's SIMBERLOFF the balance-of-nature (1971); Colwell paradigm and the balance-of-nature. thing' by in the popular Com in Barry systems ecological of all ecology into 'You can't change just one (1970) also notes the identity of the ecosystem condensation That attracts the persists form takes an idea so readily accepted as well adherents is not lay public professional when the idea has 2000-year old roots. Even surprising, particularly a founder of stochastic Albert Einstein, viewed mechanics, quantum as an instrument for dealing with atomic systems, not as a true "I am absolutely of the universe: convinced that one representation will eventually arrive at a theory in which the objects connected by laws are not probabilities, but conceived facts... ."(Born 1949). That it only to a 'dice-playing God' was irrational, however, objection "I cannot he readily admitted: for my provide logical arguments but can only call on my little finger as a witness, which conviction, cannot to be respected claim any authority outside my own skin" Einstein's (Born 1949). Small influence ecologists! wonder that Greek metaphysics to continues there is something disturb Certainly profoundly random elements play a large role. Just as ing about a nature in which to Darwinian much of the opposition evolution by natural powered so the the to selection was engendered role chance, by large assigned idea of an unbalanced, spires distrust. The ecosystem stochastically paradigm purports driven to have in natural community corrected the superor that succession ganism's shortcomings, primarily by explicitly noting on certain need not always lead to the same climax and by focussing individual characteristics But its most of ecosystems. fundamental are determinism in a high-level in and interest ideal entity; it is squarely in the camp of the essentialists. The success of the in other disciplines, revolution materialist evolution and particularly for ecology, but Greek metaphysics will not augurs well genetics, features these vanish easily. A OF SUCCESSION IN ECOLOGY PARADIGMS 31 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS R. Strong, to Donald Jr. for numerous I am grateful sug specific as well as for a long on this of all aspects manuscript, gestions interest in the history and philosophy of freely discussed standing, F. Connor, Frances C. James, Eugene F. Kaelin, science. Edward B. Mertz, discussion David both Alexandra and several Department of Biological Florida State University, and Edward Radbil, key references. O. Wilson provided Science Tallahassee NOTES 1 Malthus stated his syllogism thus: to the existence is necessary "First, That food the sexes between and will remain is necessary "Assuming then, my indefinitely greater of man. That Second, in the present state. the passion as granted, I say, that the power of population postulata in the earth to provide than the power subsistence for man. is check on population a strong "This and constantly the from implies operating This difficulty must of subsistence. fall somewhere and must difficulty necessarily be severely felt by a large portion of mankind." 2 Seton and Goss, Knight, Haacke Verlot, Gaertner, Vilmorin, Naudin, (Olby 1966) 3 Wiener the related idea that the increasing of the role of (1949) develops recognition use of statistical in a number of disciplines, the consequent approaches plus on evolutionism in The Origin and the individual and Mill's On Liberty in 1859!), led directly to twentieth (also published century American pragmatism. 4 It is ironic but appropriate that the integrity of Mendel's into doubt reports be thrown chance and the emphasis to the Neo foremost and one contributor statistician century's as a group, Fisher too that Mendel's ratios were, (1936) noted ones even to the hypothetical to be caused for the deviations alone, by chance are as Mendel can that the underlying Mendel probabilities suggested. Perhaps by R.A. Darwinian close this Fisher, synthesis. given be excused this disturbing on anomaly the grounds of the novelty of statistics in his field! 5 The power of the paradigm individual species. Margaret changes, has been frustrated of the pioneer vegetation for a non-existent climax (Colinvaux 1973). was such B. Davis, by days was that they as to preclude gathering in her long-term studies this lacuna: "We do not of data of oriented long-term what know were all the ecologists to record what was actually toward vegetation the virgin like because so busy forgot growing looking there" DANIEL 32 6 adumbrated Gleason this 'fortuitous immigration' and laws of probability SIMBERLOFF as he did so many he wrote when others, discovery, and plants' "in accordance with distributed being was in its infancy in biology, (1929). But statistics of the (1926) chance" as on the spread of A literature and Gleason's above, insight was imprecise. was as a stochastic at the time of Park's also extant work process (e.g., epidemics a formal had published statistical 1956, 1957, Bartlett 1960), and Kendall Bailey treatment into ecological of population (1949), but this work was not integrated growth described thought. 7 He quotes as a stochastic (1957): "Considering population change those obtained with different from deter appreciably of critical such as total for the prediction models..., phenomena especially the group. It is our in particular of extinction however, belief, that, except of effort both in deriving the stochastic and in instances... ,the multiplication equations Beverton .often process.. ministic and Holt results gives not have been them would the standard of accuracy of our justified when computing we are dealing, of the biotic and the order of the complexity system with which are all taken into account." of the expected discrepancies magnitude 8 was widely as a center of Robert viewed the institution of Princeton, MacArthur, data, at Davis K.E.F. while the University of California housed mathematical ecology, Watt's group. systems analysis leading ecosystem 9 A witty, widely but unpublished 'On the Tendencies of Motion' circulated manuscript lambastes the 'Isadore Nabi') and R. Levins the pseudonym (under by R. Lewontin on grounds of both messiness and tunnel vision. A bogus stochastic experi approach on motion ment and the variance with of apples, cannonballs,etc. of the data to multiple subjection in a series of nonsensical results massive regression, conclusions amounts of data is described, and analysis of analysis, to Newton's without leading factor laws. BIBLIOGRAPHY Allee, W.C., Press, Allen, G., history Auerbach, N.T.J., Bartlett, Third Aggregations. 1941. 'Genetics, of science', S.I., R.L. experiment', Bailey, Animal Chicago, M.S., A Bartlett, London, Sociology, Univ. and society: Internalists and externalists eugenics Soc. Stud. Sei. 6 (1976), 105-122. of Chicago in contemporary and R.V. O'Neill, an 'The biome Burgess, programs: Evaluating 195 (1977), 902-904. The Mathematical New York, 1957. Hafner, Theory of Epidemics, and stochastic 'Deterministic models for recurrent in Proc. epidemics', Science on Mathematical Berkeley Symp. 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