Name________________________ Picture Match 1 DIRECTIONS: Write the correct word under the matching picture. Axis Full Shadow Name WORD BANK First Quarter New Moon Rotation Name Name E & M G4 vocab classwork 15 Third Quarter Moonth Revolution Name Name page 1 of 22 Name________________________ Picture Match 2 DIRECTIONS: Write the correct word under the matching picture. Axis Full Shadow WORD BANK First Quarter New Moon Rotation Third Quarter Moonth Revolution Name Name E & M G4 vocab classwork 15 Name page 2 of 22 Name___________________ Word Match 1 DIRECTIONS: Write the correct word on the matching line in the diagram. WORD BANK Sun Moon Earth 2. 1. 3. E & M G4 vocab classwork 15 page 3 of 22 Name___________________ Word Match 2 DIRECTIONS: Write the correct word on the matching line in the diagram. WORD BANK North Pole South Pole Equator 1. 2. 3. E & M G4 vocab classwork 15 page 4 of 22 Name___________________ Word Match 3 DIRECTIONS: DIRECTIONS: Write the correct word on the matching line in the diagram. WORD BANK Prime Meridian Latitude Equator Longitude 1. 2. 3. 4. E & M G4 vocab classwork 15 page 5 of 22 Name___________________ Fill In The Blank 1 DIRECTIONS: Write the best word on the blank line in each sentence. Word Bank Axis New Full Solar Energy Gibbous Latitude Longitude Shadow Moonth Cardinal Directions First Quarter Third Quarter Revolution Rotation 1. You can see all of the_____________ Moon. 2. One Earth ______________ takes 365 days. 3. Day and night are caused by __________. 4. The __________ orbits the Earth. 5. It takes a___________ for one Moon revolution. 6. _____________ measures North or South of Equator. 7. The _____________ Moon is more than 50% lit. E & M G4 vocab classwork 15 page 6 of 22 Name___________________ Fill In The Blank 1 DIRECTIONS: Write the best word on the blank line in each sentence. Word Bank Axis New Full Solar Energy Gibbous Latitude Longitude Shadow Moonth Cardinal Directions First Quarter Third Quarter Revolution Rotation 8. The source of all energy on Earth is ______________. 9. The Moon phase you can’t see is _____________. 10. The Earth spins on an ______________. 11. The phase after New Moon is __________________. 12. You block the Sun to make a ______________. 13. Map directions are _______________________. 14. _______________ measures East or West of the Prime Meridian. E & M G4 vocab classwork 15 ANSWER KEY page 7 of 22 Name___________________ True or False 1 DIRECTIONS: Circle T (true) or F (false) for each statement. If false, rewrite statement to make it true. 1. The Moon orbits the Sun. T F 2. The Earth orbits the Sun. T F 3. One Earth orbit is about a month. T F 4. One Moon orbit takes 24 hours. T F 5. Full Moon follows 1st quarter Moon. T F 6. The Full Moon can never be seen. T F 7. Blocked Sunlight is a shadow. T F E & M G4 vocab classwork 15 ANSWER KEY page 8 of 22 Name___________________ True or False 2 DIRECTIONS: Circle T (true) or F (false) for each statement. If false, rewrite statement to make it true. 8. All energy is mostly heat and light. T F 9. Your shadow length changes during the day. T F 10. The Earth spins on an axis. T F 11. The Sun rises in the North. T F 12. Your noon shadow points South. T F 13. Your noon shadow is shortest in winter. T F 14. An eclipse can happen at any time. T F E & M G4 vocab classwork 15 ANSWER KEY page 9 of 22 Name___________________ Match The Words DIRECTIONS: Write the number of the word or phrase on the right next to the matching word on the left. Axis ___ 1. More than 50% lit Cardinal points ___ 2. Spin Crescent moon ___ 3. Night side to us. Full moon ___ 4. N, S, E, W Gibbous Moon ___ 5. Less than 50% lit Latitude ___ 6. Day side to us Longitude ___ 7. Orbit New Moon ___ 8. North or South Revolve ___ 9. East or West Rotation ___ 10. Center of spin E & M G4 vocab classwork 15 ANSWER KEY page 10 of 22 ANSWER KEY Name________________________ Picture Match 1 DIRECTIONS: Write the correct word under the matching picture. Axis Full Shadow WORD BANK First Quarter New Moon Rotation Third Quarter Moonth Revolution Name Axis Name Third Quarter Name Shadow Name Rotation E & M G4 vocab classwork 15 page 11 of 22 ANSWER KEY Name________________________ Picture Match 2 DIRECTIONS: Write the correct word under the matching picture. WORD BANK First Quarter New Moon Rotation Axis Full Shadow Name Name Third Quarter Moonth Revolution Revolution Moon E & M G4 vocab classwork 15 Name First Quarter page 12 of 22 ANSWER KEY Name___________________ Word Match 1 DIRECTIONS: Write the correct word on the matching line in the diagram. WORD BANK Sun 1. Moon 2. Earth 3. E & M G4 vocab classwork 15 Earth Moon Sun page 13 of 22 ANSWER KEY Name___________________ Word Match 2 DIRECTIONS: Write the correct word on the WORD BANK North Pole South Pole 1. Equator North Pole 2. 3. E & M G4 vocab classwork 15 Equator South Pole page 14 of 22 ANSWER KEY Name___________________ Word Match 3 DIRECTIONS: DIRECTIONS: Write the correct word on the matching line in the diagram. WORD BANK Prime Meridian Latitude Equator Longitude 1. Prime Meridian 2. 3. 4. Longitude E & M G4 vocab classwork 15 Equator Latitude page 15 of 22 ANSWER KEY Name___________________ Fill In The Blank 1 DIRECTIONS: Write the best word on the blank line in each sentence. Word Bank Axis New Full Solar Energy Gibbous Latitude Longitude Shadow Moonth Cardinal Directions First Quarter Third Quarter Revolution Rotation Full 1. You can see all of the_____________ Moon. Revolution takes 365 days. 2. One Earth ______________ Rotation 3. Day and night are caused by __________. 4. The __________ Moon orbits the Earth. Moonth for one Moon revolution. 5. It takes a___________ Latitude measures North or South of Equator. 6. _____________ 7. The _____________ Gibbous Moon is more than 50% lit. E & M G4 vocab classwork 15 page 16 of 22 ANSWER KEY Name___________________ Fill In The Blank 1 DIRECTIONS: Write the best word on the blank line in each sentence. Word Bank Axis New Full Solar Energy Gibbous Latitude Longitude Shadow Moonth Cardinal Directions First Quarter Third Quarter Revolution Rotation Solar Energy 8. The source of all energy on Earth is ______________. 9. The Moon phase you can’t see is _____________. New 10. The Earth spins on an ______________. Axis First Quarter 11. The phase after New Moon is __________________. Shadow 12. You block the Sun to make a ______________. Cardinal Directions 13. Map directions are _______________________. Longitude measures East or West of the 14. _______________ Prime Meridian. E & M G4 vocab classwork 15 ANSWER KEY page 17 of 22 ANSWER KEY Name___________________ True or False 1 DIRECTIONS: Circle T (true) or F (false) for each statement. If false, rewrite statement to make it true. 1. The Moon orbits the Sun. T F 2. The Earth orbits the Sun. T F 3. One Earth orbit is about a month. T F T F 5. Full Moon follows 1st quarter Moon. T F 6. The Full Moon can never be seen. T F The Full Moon can be easily seen. 7. Blocked Sunlight is a shadow. T F The Moon orbits the Earth. One Earth orbit takes one year. 4. One Moon orbit takes 24 hours. One Moon orbit takes about a month. E & M G4 vocab classwork 15 ANSWER KEY page 18 of 22 ANSWER KEY Name___________________ True or False 2 DIRECTIONS: Circle T (true) or F (false) for each statement. If false, rewrite statement to make it true. 8. All energy is mostly heat and light. T F Solar energy is mostly heat and light. 9. Your shadow length changes during the day. T F 10. The Earth spins on an axis. T F 11. The Sun rises in the North. T F The Sun rises in the East 12. Your noon shadow points South. T F 13. Your noon shadow is shortest in winter. T F 14. An eclipse can happen at any time. T F An eclipse can happen during New or Full Moons. E & M G4 vocab classwork 15 ANSWER KEY page 19 of 22 ANSWER KEY Name___________________ Match The Words DIRECTIONS: Write the number of the word or phrase on the right next to the matching word on the left. 4 Axis ____ 1. More than 50% lit 4 Cardinal points ___ 2. Spin Crescent moon ___ 5 3. Night side to us. 6 Full moon ___ 4. N, S, E, W Gibbous Moon ___ 1 5. Less than 50% lit 8 Latitude ___ 6. Day side to us Longitude ___ 9 7. Orbit 3 New Moon ___ 8. North or South Revolve ___ 7 9. East or West Rotation ___ 2 10. Center of spin Graphic credits E & M G4 vocab classwork 15 ANSWER KEY page 20 of 22 ANSWER KEY pg /Seasons/earth_revolution.jpg _quarter_moon.gif arth_Globe.gif ap/carto/wnkeltripel.gif E & M Gr 4 vocab classwork Graphic Credits page 21 of 22 ANSWER KEY mages/ScienceDrawings/first_quarter_moon.gif&imgrefurl=http:// wwY=&h=442&w=452&sz=62&hl=en&start=9&sig2=8KDWykh_hW ureta8iBQpOw&itbs=1&tbnid=ddfTUlEbko5kEM:&tbnh=124&tbnw =127&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dfirst%2Bq%2Bmoon%2Bgif%26hl%3 Den%26safe%3Dactive%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=HZCGS7 uHJ4ff8QbFnLGYDw moon.gif NVwwDZCgAvI/s400/EARTH-MOON.gif E & M Gr 4 vocab classwork Graphic Credits page 22 of 22