Huck Finn Ch 26­43 Quiz.notebook February 10, 2012 1 Huck Finn Quiz Ch. 26­43 A B C Grade: «grade» Subject: English Date: «date» D How do the king and duke get the Wilks money? The king and duke pretend to be the Wilks brothers. The king and duke sneak in and take it from the nieces. The king and duke win it from the nieces on a bet. The king and duke, pretending to be the Wilks brothers, steal it from the nieces when the nieces aren't looking. Jan 4­8:26 PM 2 Why does Huck steal the money from the mattress? A The king and duke make him do it. B The real Wilks brothers make him do it. C He wants to return the money to the nieces. D He wants the money for himself. Jan 4­8:29 PM 3 A His conscience never bothers him. B He is lying for a good cause. C He just doesn't think about it. D a & c Jan 4­8:30 PM 4 A B C D Why doesn't Huck's conscience bother him when he lies so much? Jan 4­8:39 PM What things give away the king and duke? They don't speak well with an English accent. Their handwriting doesn't match with the letters from the real Wilks brothers They don't know what was tattooed on Peter Wilks's chest 5 A B C All of the above. D Jan 4­8:39 PM Why is Huck upset when Jim is sold? Huck won't get the reward money now. Jim will probably tell that Huck is really alive. He doesn't like the man to whom Jim is sold. He will miss his friend. Jan 4­8:40 PM 1 Huck Finn Ch 26­43 Quiz.notebook 6 A B C D February 10, 2012 Why is it important that Huck says, "All right, then, I'll go to hell."? 7 He has turned his back on the religion which has so often helped him. He has chosen what is right according to his conscience rather than social or religious rules. He's become such good friends with Jim that he'd risk his soul to do what he thinks is right for his friend. b & c Why does Huck assume Tom Sawyer's identity? A He admires Tom and since he can't be himself, he chooses to be Tom. B Mrs. Phelps mistakes him for Tom, so he plays along. C He wants to be able to "think like Tom" so he will know what to do in every situation. D He'd been thinking about Tom and it just seemed like a good idea at the time. Jan 4­8:41 PM Jan 4­8:43 PM 9 What happens when Tom appears on the scene? Tom pretends to be Sid. 8 A What's the difference between Tom's plan for freeing Jim and Huck's plan? A Tom's is practical; Huck's is unrealistic. B Tom's takes less time. B Tom pretends to be Huck. C Huck's is practical; Tom's is unrealistic. Huck tells the truth and resumes his true identity. D C Huck's is harder on Jim. D None of the above. Jan 4­8:44 PM Jan 4­8:45 PM 11 10 How does Huck change when Tom comes? Tom's plan is actually cruel. Why? A Jim could be free & not worry about his situation while he goes through the ridiculous rites Tom thinks are necessary. A He becomes more bossy. B The rites Tom thinks up are not very pleasant for Jim. B He lets Tom take charge. C a & b He becomes moody. D C None of the above. D a & c Jan 4­8:45 PM Jan 4­8:46 PM 2 Huck Finn Ch 26­43 Quiz.notebook February 10, 2012 13 12 A B C D What more do we learn about Tom in these chapters? He is selfish. He is considerate. He is practical when he should be. He is generous. Jan 4­8:47 PM 14 A B C D How does Huck appear to be superior to Tom? Tom's world is juvenile & full of pranks & dreams; Huck's world one in which he attempts to choose right from wrong and takes responsibility for his actions. Huck has a more aristocratic attitude. Huck's common sense seems vastly superior to Tom's book learning. a & c Jan 4­8:49 PM What happens to Jim in the end? A He returns as a slave to Miss Watson. B He is set free in Miss Watson's will. C He returns as a slave to Widow Douglas. D He volunteers to be Huck's slave because Huck has been so good to him. Jan 4­8:49 PM 3