Day 9 Vocabulary List synopsis (n) DEFINITION: A brief summary of

Day 9 ­ Vocabulary List
synopsis (n)
DEFINITION: A brief summary of the major points of a thesis, theory, story, or literary work
SENTENCE: If anyone has ever asked you to summarize a movie, you’ve provided them with a
synopsis or brief summary.
SYNONYMS: a condensed version, epitome, abstract, abridgment, précis
ANTONYMS: drawn­out, wordy
simile (n)
DEFINITION: A figure of speech that uses "like" or "as" to compare two unlike things
SENTENCE: An example of a simile: "You're as pretty as a peach."
SYNONYMS: comparison, parallel, allusion
metaphor (n)
DEFINITION: A figure of speech in which a comparison is made between two unrelated objects
(without "like" or "as")
SENTENCE: An example of a metaphor: "You know what I am? I'm a dog chasing cars. I just 'do'
things. I'm a wrench in the gears."
SYNONYMS: comparison, parallel, allusion
personification (n)
DEFINITION: A figure of speech in which an inanimate object is given human qualities/abilities
SENTENCE: An example of personification: "The sun smiled down on me."
irony (n)
DEFINITION: A form of speech in which what we say or write conveys the opposite of its literal
SENTENCE: An example of irony: In "Star Wars", Han Solo tells Jabba the Hutt that he is a
"wonderful human being." Jabba is neither wonderful nor a human being.
satire (n)
DEFINITION: A work that ridicules human vices and follies; comic criticism
SENTENCE: The TV show "The Office" provides a satire of unmotivated cubicle workers and
clueless bosses.
SYNONYMS: banter, mockery, parody
Day 9 ­ Vocabulary List
hyperbole (n)
DEFINITION: First, this word is pronounced high­PER­bo­lee. A figure of speech in which
exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect; extreme exaggeration
SENTENCE: An example of hyperbole: "I'm so tired I could sleep for a year."
SYNONYMS: amplification, distortion, enlargement
ANTONYMS: understatement
caricature (n)
DEFINITION: A representation in which the subject's distinctive features are deliberately
exaggerated for comic effect
SENTENCE: Modern cartoonists often caricature Jay Leno by exaggerating his already
prominent chin.
SYNONYMS: cartoon, imitation, parody
epic (n)
DEFINITION: A long narrative POEM written in a grand style to celebrate the feats of a hero
SENTENCE: "The Odyssey" is one of the world's most famous epics.
SYNONYMS: legend, saga, tale
ANTONYMS: short poem
saga (n)
DEFINITION: A long narrative STORY; a heroic tale
SENTENCE: The Star Wars films are part of a well­known saga.
SYNONYMS: epic, chronicle, legend
ANTONYMS: short story
euphony (n)
DEFINITION: Soothing or pleasant sounds; harmonious
SENTENCE: Alyssa's voice always fills a room with euphony.
SYNONYMS: melody, rhythm
ANTONYMS: cacophony
cacophony (n)
DEFINITION: Pronounced kuh­CAW­fo­nee. Harsh clashing sounds; jarring; grating
SENTENCE: Eminem's harsh grating words and rhythm create a cacophonous sound.
SYNONYMS: discord, harshness, noise
ANTONYMS: silence, harmony
osmosis (n)
DEFINITION: A gradual, often unconscious process of assimilation (think about the scientific
process; here, this word is applied for everyday use)
SENTENCE: You can't learn vocab words by osmosis; you must study hard.
Day 9 ­ Vocabulary List
SYNONYMS: absorbtion, assimilation, diffusion, passage
sedentary (adj)
DEFINITION: Settled and therefore accustomed to sitting or doing little exercise
SENTENCE: You guys should stop being so sedentary and go to the gym.
SYNONYMS: idle, inactive, seated, settled, stationary, torpid
ANTONYMS: activated, active, energetic, mobile, moving
virulent (adj)
DEFINITION: Describing language that is bitterly hostile, hateful, and antagonistic. It can also
mean poisonous
SENTENCE: The snake's virulent venom killed the little girl.
SYNONYMS: baneful, injurious, malign, toxic, poisonous
ANTONYMS: harmless, healthy, not poisonous
tepid (adj)
DEFINITION: moderately warm; lacking in passion, force, or zest
SENTENCE: The film was only mediocre; it received tepid reviews from critics.
SYNONYMS: Lukewarm; mild; apathetic
ANTONYMS: passionate, fervent, enthusiastic
scintillating (adj)
DEFINITION: Sparkling; shining; brilliantly clever
SENTENCE: The scintillating performance that Max gave was captivating in every sense of the
SYNONYMS: dazzling, exciting, glimmering
ANTONYMS: dull, humdrum, uninspiring
sanguine (adj)
DEFINITION: Cheerfully confident; optimistic
SENTENCE: The sanguine girl hoped for the best even in the most grave circumstances.
SYNONYMS: hopeful, upbeat, enthusiastic
ANTONYMS: pessimistic, gloomy, sad
guile (n)
DEFINITION: Treacherous cunning; skillful deceit
SENTENCE: The con artist managed to scam hundreds of people with his crafty guile.
SYNONYMS: trickery, ruse, dishonesty
ANTONYMS: frankness, sincerity, truthfulness
ostentatious (adj)
DEFINITION: Showy; intended to attract notice; pretentious
Day 9 ­ Vocabulary List
SENTENCE: The ostentatious diva both captured and demanded everyone’s attention at all
SYNONYMS: extravagant, flamboyant, glittery
ANTONYMS: plain, humble, modest
fecund (adj)
DEFINITION: Intellectually productive or inventive
SENTENCE: The fecund author wrote one successful novel per year.
SYNONYMS: fruitful, prolific, lush
ANTONYMS: barren, unproductive, unfruitful
supercilious (adj)
DEFINITION: Haughty disdainful; arrogantly superior
SENTENCE: The supercilious Max told Cynthia that she was stupid, giggling to himself
SYNONYMS: fruitful, prolific, lush
ANTONYMS: humble, modest, unpretentious
hiatus (n)
DEFINITION: An interruption in time or continuity; a break
SENTENCE: The Broadway star took a hiatus from his career to join the Peace Corps.
SYNONYMS: break, lapse, gap
ANTONYMS: continuation
eclectic (adj)
DEFINITION: Choosing or using a variety of sources
SENTENCE: We have quite an eclectic group of kids here at camp.
SYNONYMS: potpourri, diverse, mixed
ANTONYMS: uniform, unvaried, similar
venerate, revere (v)
DEFINITION: To respect and admire
SENTENCE: The aspiring scientists greatly revered the Nobel Prize winner’s work on stem cell
SYNONYMS: cherish, exalt, idolize
ANTONYMS: condemn, dishonor, disrespect