English 10 Final Exam Prep Guide

English 10/Honors English 10
Final Exam Preparation Guide
June 2015
Final Exam, Part 1: Tuesday, June 2nd and Wednesday, June 3rd
Writing Exam: You will receive a topic on Tuesday, June 2nd and complete an essay-plan-sheet. On
Wednesday, June 3rd , you will have a class period (approximately 45 minutes) to
demonstrate your best writing abilities.
To study for this portion:
*review grammar formats
*review Weapons of Mass Instructions: all of these writing
guides (handouts) are aimed at helping you be a better
Final Exam, Part 2: Thursday, June 4th
Grammar Exam: 80 questions will be objective (on Scantron). You will also have written portion
(20 points) where you will correct errors, and you will have to rewrite sentences
correctly, demonstrating your knowledge of Grammar Formats A-K.
To study for this portion:
*Review Grammar Format rules and examples
*Review grammar practices from the semester
Final Exam, Part 3: Friday, June 5th-Tuesday, June 9th
Literature/Reading Exam: This is 100 objective questions (on Scantron). This portion includes literary
devices/terminology, identifying literary devices in quotes, trends of
literature, genres of literature, questions covering the literature studied this
semester, a new reading selection for you to read with corresponding
To study for this portion:
*Review all literary devices from notes, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3,
and 10.4 intro. pages.
*Review all literature notes taken during the semester
*Review study guides from the semester
*Review quizzes from the semester
*Know your “Isms” chart from top to bottom