Grades Grades GRADE INFORMATION GRADE REPORTS Grade reports are not mailed. Students may access their early warning, midterm and final grades through Campus Cruiser. Students may also access their unofficial transcript by accessing Campus Cruiser . Only final grades are recorded on the student’s permanent record and included in the grade point average (GPA). For more information on GPA, please see the Advising Center website at GRADE INTERPRETATION Evaluation of student achievement in each course is made in relation to the attainment of the specific objectives of a course. At the beginning of a course, the instructor will distribute a syllabus explaining the objectives and the basis upon which grades are determined. The Grading Schemes used by MCC, include the following: GRADE SCHEMES Early Warning Grading Scheme Mid-Term Grading Scheme EWA Attendance Insufficient S Satisfactory EWU Unprepared for Class D Below Average Achievement 1/4 Grades EWF Failing Paper, Quiz, Test F Failure to Meet Course Objective EWP Participation Insufficient EWM Multiple Reasons For more information on Early Warning & Midterm Grades, please see the Advising Center website at Final Grading Scheme A 4.0 A- 3.7 B+ 3.5 B 3.0 B- 2.7 C+ 2.5 2/4 Grades C 2.0 D 1.0 E 0.0 Credit by exam F 0.0 Failure GU 0.0 Grade unreported I 0.0 Incomplete. Incomplete work to be made up within one week from the end of the semester or by special arrangement of the department. An “I” grade is temporary and will be changed to an “F” if make-up work is not accomplished in a timely fashion. IP 0.0 Course in progress- grade has not been assigned T Transfer credit from another institution W Withdrawal from course X Audit 3/4 Grades Any grade preceded by a “Q” is for credit equivalent course and does not count in the Cumulati ve Grade Point Average. 4/4