Tragic Hero Worksheet: Modern Examples & Poster Creation

The Tragic Hero
Romeo and Juliet
A Modern-Day Tragic Hero?
Tragic Hero: usually the main character of a tragedy who has a tragic flaw.
• Of noble birth (like a king)
• Has a tragic flaw that leads to his/her downfall
• Downfall leads to reversal of fortune and self-discovery
• Audience must feel pity for him/her
Modern-day movies and television shows surround us with examples of tragic heroes. We’re also
surrounded by them through celebrities and political figures.
Create a poster (the size of a regular sheet of paper is just fine) about a modern-day
tragic hero. Your example may be from real life or from movies/television.
• A picture of the person
• His/her name prominently displayed
• A paragraph explaining how and why he/she meets the criteria for a tragic hero
• Must be typed, include color, and be neatly done
The Tragic Hero
Romeo and Juliet
A Modern-Day Tragic Hero?
Tragic Hero: usually the main character of a tragedy who has a tragic flaw.
• Of noble birth (like a king)
• Has a tragic flaw that leads to his/her downfall
• Downfall leads to reversal of fortune and self-discovery
• Audience must feel pity for him/her
Modern-day movies and television shows surround us with examples of tragic heroes. We’re also
surrounded by them through celebrities and political figures.
Create a poster (the size of a regular sheet of paper is just fine) about a modern-day
tragic hero. Your example may be from real life or from movies/television.
• A picture of the person
• His/her name prominently displayed
• A paragraph explaining how and why he/she meets the criteria for a tragic hero
• Must be typed, include color, and be neatly done