Tragic Hero? Murderer? Madman? Victim? MACBETH – T H E T R AG I C H E RO What is a “tragic hero”? A character who makes an error of judgment or has a fatal flaw. The error of judgment (believing in lies or gossip or threats) or the flaw in character (ambition? Greed? Power hungry? Weakness or cowardice?) eventually leads to the “hero’s” tragic death. In order for the tragic hero to stir these feelings in the Definition (characteristics) of a TRAGIC HERO If you believe that Macbeth is a TRAGIC HERO you will need to find scenes and quotes in the play which prove that he “fits into” the definition of a TRAGIC HERO Is Macbeth a cold-hearted murderer? mur·der (mûrdr) n. 1. The unlawful killing of one human by another, especially with premeditated malice. 2. 1. To kill (another human) unlawfully. 2. To kill brutally or inhumanly. 3. To put an end to; destroy: murdered their chances. Is Macbeth a mad·man? Noun 1. A man who is mentally ill. 2. An extremely foolish or reckless person. Synonyms: lunatic - maniac - bedlamite - fool