Chapter 33: Nervous System

Biology/Life Sciences 9.b, 9.c, 9.d, 9.e;
I&E 1.a, 1.b, 1.c, 1.d, 1.k, 1.m
Nervous System
Section 1
Structure of
the Nervous System
-!). )DEA Neurons conduct
electrical impulses that allow
cells, tissues, and organs to
detect and respond to stimuli.
Section 2
Organization of
the Nervous System
-!). )DEA The central nervous
system and the peripheral
nervous system are the two major
divisions of the nervous system.
Spinal cord and nerves
Section 3
The Senses
-!). )DEA Sensory receptors
allow you to detect the world
around you.
Section 4
Nerves passing
through a vertebra
LM Magnification: 3ⴛ
Effects of Drugs
-!). )DEA Some drugs alter
the function of the nervous
• A nerve impulse can travel as
fast as 402 km/h.
• There are over 100 billion
neurons in the brain alone.
• A single neuron can connect
with over 1000 other neurons.
• A human hand has
approximately 2000 nerve
endings per square centimeter.
SEM Magnification: 2500ⴛ
(t) Biodisc/Visuals Unlimited , (b) Dr. David M. Phillips/Visuals Unlimited , (bkgd) Focus on Sport/Getty Images
Start-Up Activities
Biology/Life Sciences 9.b, 9.c, 9.d, 9.e
How does information travel
in the nervous system?
Your body is bombarded by sounds, odors, sights,
tastes, and physical contact almost constantly. The
nervous system makes sense of these stimuli, and
reacts in ways that promote your survival. In this lab,
you will model that communication process.
1. Form groups of four and assign one student
to each of the following roles: a sensor, a
relayer, an interpreter, and an actor.
2. Brainstorm situations, such as touching a hot
object, in which your senses receive information and you respond.
3. Model one situation. The sensor should
describe what he or she senses to the relayer,
who passes the information to the interpreter,
who decides on a body response. The relayer
then passes the response to the actor to act
out the response.
4. Repeat Step 3 using different situations.
Explain What factors could cause the situations
you modeled to vary in speed?
Visit to:
study the entire chapter online
explore the Interactive Time Line,
Concepts in Motion, Interactive Tables,
Microscopy Links, and links to virtual
The Effects of Drugs Make
this Foldable to help you
understand the positive and
negative effects of drugs.
STEP 1 Fold a sheet of notebook paper
horizontally into thirds lengthwise.
STEP 2 Open the folded paper and
make a fold two inches from one of the
long edges.
As illustrated, draw lines to
create three columns. Label the columns
as shown.
&/,$!",%3 Use this Foldable with
Section 33.4. As you study the section, record
what you learn about how drugs cause changes
in the nervous system in the appropriate columns
of your chart.
A column: Increase the rate at which neurotransmitters are synthesized and released.
access Web links for more information,
projects, and activities
B column: Block the transmitter from leaving the
review content online with the Interactive Tutor, and take Self-Check Quizzes
C column: Block normal activity by mimicking
other chemicals.
Section Chapter
33 • Nervous System 961
Biology/Life Sciences 9.e Students know the roles of sensory neurons, interneurons,
and motor neurons in sensation, thought, and response. Also covers: Biology/Life
Sciences 9.b, 9.c, 9.d
Section 3 3.1
Structure of the
Nervous System
◗ Identify the major parts of a
neuron and describe the function
of each.
◗ Explain how a nerve impulse is
similar to an electrical signal, and
how it moves along a neuron.
-!). )DEA Neurons conduct electrical impulses that allow cells,
tissues, and organs to detect and respond to stimuli.
Review Vocabulary
Real-World Reading Link Imagine that you wake up in the middle of the
diffusion: random movement of
particles from an area of higher
concentration to an area of lower
concentration resulting in even
night and get out of bed. On your way to the kitchen to get something to eat,
you stub your toe on the corner of the bed. You know right away what happened.
Was it one, two, or three seconds before you said “ouch”? Or was it less than
that? How did your brain get the message so quickly that something hurt?
New Vocabulary
cell body
reflex arc
action potential
■ Figure 33.1 There are three main parts of a
neuron: the dendrites, a cell body, and an axon.
Neurons are highly specialized cells that are
organized to form complex networks.
Electricity and chemistry were both involved as your brain received the
message that you stubbed your toe. Neurons are specialized cells that
help you gather information about your environment, interpret the
information, and react to it. Neurons make up an enormous communication network in your body called the nervous system. You will learn
more about how this communication works electrically and chemically
later in the chapter.
Figure 33.1 shows that a neuron consists of three main regions: the
dendrites, a cell body, and an axon. Dendrites receive signals called
impulses from other neurons and conduct the impulses to the cell
body. A single neuron might have many dendrites. The nucleus of the
neuron and many of the cell organelles are found in the cell body.
Lastly, an axon carries the nerve impulse from the cell body to other
neurons and muscles.
Axon endings
Cell body
962 Chapter 33 • Nervous System
to brain
Spinal cord
■ Figure 33.2 A simple reflex involves a
sensory neuron, an interneuron, and a motor
neuron. Interneurons can also carry impulses to
the brain.
Explain How might a reflex be completed
before the brain interprets the event?
Interactive Figure To see an animation of two
examples of the rapid reflex arc, visit
There are three kinds of neurons: sensory neurons, interneurons, and
motor neurons. Sensory neurons send impulses from receptors in the skin
and sense organs to the brain and spinal cord. Sensory neurons signal
interneurons, which are found in the spinal cord and brain. Interneurons
carry the impulse to motor neurons, which carry impulses away from the
brain and spinal cord to a gland or muscle, which results in a response.
Refer to Figure 33.2 to follow the path of an impulse for a simple, involuntary reflex. The nerve impulse completes what is called a reflex arc. A
reflex arc is a nerve pathway that consists of a sensory neuron, an interneuron, and a motor neuron. Notice that the brain is not involved. A reflex
arc is a basic structure of the nervous system.
A Nerve Impulse
A nerve impulse is an electrical charge traveling the length of a neuron. An impulse results from a stimulus, such as
a touch or perhaps a loud bang that causes you to jump.
A neuron at rest Figure 33.3 shows a neuron at rest—it is not conducting an impulse. Notice that there are more sodium ions (Na+) outside the cell than inside the cell. The reverse is true for potassium ions
(K+)—there are more potassium ions inside the cell than outside the cell.
■ Figure 33.3 The distribution of Na+ and
K+ ions, and the presence of negatively charged
protein molecules in the cytoplasm, keep the
inside of the cell more negatively charged than
the outside when a neuron is at rest.
Section 1 • Structure of the Nervous System 963
Science usage: a path along which
information in the form of ions or
molecules passes.
Nerve impulses move through neurons
as channels open in the plasma
Common usage: the deeper part of
a river, harbor, or strait.
Large ships move through a harbor
■ Figure 33.4 Follow as an action potential
moves along an axon from left to right. Notice
what happens to the Na+ and K+ and how this
changes the relative electrical charges inside
and outside the neuron.
Recall from Chapter 7 that ions tend to diffuse across the plasma
membrane from an area of high concentration of ions to an area of low
concentration of ions. Proteins found in the plasma membrane work
to counteract the diffusion of the sodium ions and potassium ions.
These proteins, called the sodium-potassium pump, actively transport
sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions into the cell.
For every two potassium ions pumped into a neuron, three sodium
ions are pumped out. This maintains an unequal distribution of positively charged ions, resulting in a positive charge outside the neuron
and a negatively-charged cytoplasm inside the neuron.
An action potential Another name for a nerve impulse is an
action potential. The minimum stimulus to cause an action potential
to be produced is a threshold. However, a stronger stimulus does not
generate a stronger action potential. Action potentials are described as
being “all or nothing,” meaning a nerve impulse is either strong
enough to travel along the neuron or it is not strong enough.
When a stimulus reaches threshold, channels in the plasma membrane open. Sodium ions rapidly move into the cytoplasm of the neuron
through these channels, causing a temporary reversal in electrical
charges. The inside of the cell now has a positive charge, which causes
other channels to open. Potassium ions leave the cell through these channels, restoring a positive charge outside the cell. Figure 33.4 shows that
this change in charge moves like a wave along the length of the axon.
Interactive Figure To see an animation of how
an action potential occurs, visit
Chapter 33 • Nervous System
;.A= ;+= ;+=
;.A= ;.A= ;+=
Myelin sheath
Action potential
Na+ ions
Speed of an action potential The speed of an action potential
varies. Many axons have a covering of a lipid called myelin, which
forms an insulating layer called a sheath around the axon. The myelin
sheath has many gaps, called nodes, along the length of the axon, as
shown in Figure 33.5. Sodium ions and potassium ions cannot diffuse
through myelin, but they can reach the plasma membrane at these
nodes. This allows the action potential to jump from node to node,
greatly increasing the speed of the impulse as it travels the length of
the axon.
In the human body, there are neurons that have myelin, and neurons
that do not have myelin. Neurons with myelin carry impulses that are
associated with sharp pain; neurons that lack myelin carry impulses
associated with dull, throbbing pain. The action potentials in these neurons travel much more slowly than they do in neurons with myelin.
When you stubbed your toe, which kind of neurons were involved?
■ Figure 33.5 A nerve impulse moves
from node to node along myelinated axons.
Explain What happens at a node when an
impulse moves along a myelinated axon?
Review Based on what you’ve read
about action potentials, how would you
now answer the analysis questions?
Reading Check Explain the relationship of a threshold to an action
Biology/Life Sciences 9.e; I&E 1.d
Investigate the Blink Reflex
What factors affect the blink reflex? Have you ever been in a car when an object hit the windshield?
You probably blinked. The blink reflex, in which the eye closes and opens again rapidly, is an involuntary
response to stimuli the brain interprets as harmful. Nerve impulses associated with the blink reflex travel
short, simple pathways in milliseconds, allowing for rapid reaction time that can prevent eye damage.
1. Read and complete the lab safety form.
2. Form a group of three. One person, the subject, should sit behind a 1 m2 piece of acrylic.
A second person will monitor and record the subject’s responses.
3. The third person should stand 1 m from the barrier and gently toss a table tennis ball so that it hits
the barrier.
4. Repeat Step 3 and record the subject’s response after each trial.
5. Brainstorm variables that might affect the subject’s response. Predict the effect of each on the
blink reflex.
Interpret Data Did the subject perceive the stimuli in each trial the same way? Explain.
Section 1 • Structure of the Nervous System
Master Page used: NGS
Visualizing Action Potential
Figure 33.6
Biology/Life Sciences 9.b, 9.c, 9.d, 9.e
To cause the voluntary contraction of a muscle, a signal from the brain creates an action potential in a motor
neuron. This action potential travels along the motor neuron, which leads to the release of a neurotransmitter
that signals the fibers of the muscle to contract.
Interactive Figure To see an animation
of action potentials, visit
Chapter 33 • Nervous System
■ Figure 33.7 A single neuron can have
multiple connections with other neurons.
Interactive Figure To see an animation of how
a nerve impulse travels from one neuron to
another neuron, visit
The synapse A small gap exists between the axon of one neuron and
the dendrite of another neuron. This gap is called a synapse (SIH naps).
When an action potential reaches the end of an axon, small sacs called
vesicles carrying neurotransmitters fuse with the plasma membrane and
release a neurotransmitter by exocytosis. When a motor neuron synapses
with a muscle cell, as illustrated in Figure 33.6, the released neurotransmitter crosses the synapse and causes a muscle to contract.
A neurotransmitter is a chemical that diffuses across a synapse and binds to receptors on the dendrite of a
neighboring neuron. This causes channels to open on the neighboring
cell and creates a new action potential.
There are over 25 known neurotransmitters. Once a neurotransmitter has been released into a synapse, it does not remain there
for long. Depending on the neurotransmitter, it might simply diffuse
away from the synapse, or enzymes might break it down. Some
neurotransmitters are recycled and used again. Figure 33.7 shows
that a single neuron can communicate with many other neurons.
Section 33
Section Summary
Understand Main Ideas
◗ There are three major parts of
a neuron.
◗ There are three basic types
of neurons.
◗ A nerve impulse is an electrical charge
and is called an action potential.
◗ Neurons use chemicals and electricity
to relay impulses.
Biology/Life Sciences 9.b, 9.c, 9.d, 9.e
Compare How is the
nervous system similar to the Internet as a communication network?
Think Scientifically
-!). )DEA
-!4(IN "IOLOGY The sciatic
nerve extends from the lower spinal
cord to the foot. If a person’s sciatic
nerve is 0.914 m in length and the
speed of an action potential is 107
m/sec, how long will it take for a
nerve impulse to travel the full distance of this nerve?
2. Infer why energy is necessary to
counteract the diffusion of Na⫹ and
K⫹ ions across the plasma membrane of a neuron.
3. Explain Suppose the sensory
nerves in a person’s right foot are
completely nonfunctional. If this
person’s right foot was severely
burned, would the person feel
the burn?
Self-Check Quiz
an experiment that neurobiologists could have used to determine
that an action potential travels faster
along a myelinated axon than along
a nonmyelinated axon.
Section 1 • Structure of the Nervous System 967
Biology/Life Sciences 9.b Students know how the nervous system mediates communication between
different parts of the body and the body’s interactions with the environment. Also covers: Biology/Life
Sciences 9.c, 9.d, 9.e
Section 3 3 . 2
Organization of the
Nervous System
◗ Create a flowchart that illustrates
the major divisions of the nervous
◗ Compare and contrast the
somatic nervous system with the
autonomic nervous system.
-!). )DEA The central nervous system and the peripheral nervous
system are the two major divisions of the nervous system.
Review Vocabulary
Real-World Reading Link Imagine you have studied for a test and are con-
Sensory: conveying nerve impulses
from the sense organs to the nerve
fident that you will do well. When you look at the first question, you are not sure
how to answer it. You concentrate. You picture a page in your textbook. Your
memory clicks and you answer the question. How does this happen?
New Vocabulary
The Central Nervous System
central nervous system
peripheral nervous system
medulla oblongata
somatic nervous system
autonomic nervous system
sympathetic nervous system
parasympathetic nervous system
The nervous system consists of two major divisions: the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The
brain and the spinal cord make up the central nervous system. The
peripheral nervous system consists of the sensory neurons and motor
neurons that carry information to and from the CNS.
The CNS is made up mostly of interneurons. Its function is to coordinate all of the body’s activities. The CNS relays messages, processes
information, and analyzes responses. Sensory neurons carry information about the environment to the spinal cord. Interneurons in the spinal cord might respond via a reflex arc, or they might relay this
information to the brain, where it is processed in at least two ways.
Some brain neurons send a message by way of the spinal cord to motor
neurons, and the body responds appropriately. Other neurons in the
brain might store the information to be recalled later.
Figure 33.8
For thousands of years, scientists have studied the brain and investigated ways to treat
neurological disease.
300 B.C. The first known
human dissection is performed.
2000 B.C. Ancient surgeons
use bronze tools to drill holes
in the skull.
Chapter 33 • Nervous System
(l) Hiram Bingham/National Geographic Society Image Collection, (r) Bettman/CORBIS
1818 Mary
Wollstonecraft Shelley
publishes Frankenstein
as scientists begin to
explore the connection
between electricity and
the nervous system.
1848 An iron rod pierces
railroad worker Phineas
Gage’s frontal lobe. He survives, but his personality
changes from quiet and
hard-working to restless
and aggressive.
(t) Science Pictures Limited/Photo Researchers, (b) Alfred Pasieka/SPL/Photo Researchers
The brain Over 100 billion neurons are found in the brain. Because
the brain maintains homeostasis and is involved with almost all of the
body’s activities, it is sometimes called the control center of the body.
Refer to Figure 33.8 to learn about important events that have led to
understanding of the functions of the brain.
Refer to Figure 33.9. The cerebrum (suh REE brum) is the largest part
of the brain and is divided into two halves called hemispheres. The two
hemispheres are not independent of each other—they are connected by a
bundle of nerves. The cerebrum carries out thought processes involved
with learning, memory, language, speech, voluntary body movements, and
sensory perception. Most of these higher thought processes occur near the
surface of the brain. The folds and grooves on the surface of the cerebrum,
as shown in Figure 33.9, increase the surface area and allow more complicated thought processes.
1901 Auguste D,
age 51, has the first
diagnosed case of
Alzheimer’s disease.
1885 Knee-jerk response
becomes one of the principle
elements of a neurological
exam after the absence of
a knee-jerk response is
described in syphilis patients.
1981 Fluoxetine, the
first anti-depressant
drug, is released.
1963 The theory
of action potential,
which explains the
chemical processes of
sending messages in
the body, is described.
Figure 33.9
Left: A photograph of a human brain shows
distinct sections.
Right: The major sections of the brain are the
cerebrum, the cerebellum, and the brain stem.
2005 Researchers create
functioning brain cells from
adult stem cells in mice.
Interactive Time Line
To learn more about these events and
others, visit
Section 2 • Organization of the Nervous System
Careers In biology
EEG Technologist EEG technologists operate electroencephalographs,
instruments that record the brain’s
activity (brain waves). Hospitals and
community colleges offer training for
people who want to be eligible to
work in hospitals and clinics. For more
information on biology careers, visit
The cerebellum controls balance, posture, and coordination, and is
located at the back of the brain. The cerebellum controls the smooth and
coordinated movement of skeletal muscles and also is involved with
motor skills, such as playing the piano or riding a bike.
The brain stem connects the brain to the spinal cord and is made
up of two regions called the medulla oblongata and the pons. The
medulla oblongata relays signals between the brain and the spinal
cord. It also helps control breathing rate, heart rate, and blood pressure.
The pons relays signals between the cerebrum and the cerebellum.
The pons also helps control the rate of breathing. Have you ever felt a
gagging sensation when your doctor put a tongue depressor in your
mouth? The interneurons that form a reflex center for swallowing,
vomiting, coughing, and sneezing are located in the medulla oblongata.
Located between the brain stem and the cerebrum, the hypothalamus is essential for maintaining homeostasis. The hypothalamus
(hi poh THA luh mus) regulates body temperature, thirst, appetite, and
water balance. It also partially regulates blood pressure, sleep, aggression, fear, and sexual behavior. It is about the size of a fingernail and
performs more functions than any other brain structure of its size.
The spinal cord The spinal cord is a nerve column that extends
from the brain to the lower back. It is protected by the vertebrae.
Spinal nerves extend from the spinal cord to parts of the body and
connect them to the central nervous system. Reflexes are processed
in the spinal cord.
Reading Check Review the functions of the CNS.
Data Analysis lab
I&E 1.k
Based on Real Data*
Interpret the Data
nuns were assessed annually for severe loss
of mental function, or dementia. Data was
recorded for each participant regarding head
circumference—a measure of brain size—and
level of education completed.
Data and Observations
The graph shows the overall results of the study.
Think Critically
1. Analyze How is risk of dementia correlated
with brain size and level of education?
2. Explain How can the difference in education
level and risk of dementia be explained?
3. Infer Why do you think the researchers chose
a group of nuns as their study group?
Chapter 33 • Nervous System
Is there a correlation between head size, level
of education, and the risk of developing
dementia? In a ten-year study, 294 Catholic
Data obtained from: Mortimer, James A., et al. 2003. Head circumference, education
and risk of dementia: findings from the nun study. Journal of Clinical & Experimental
Neuropsychology 25: 671–679.
The Peripheral
Nervous System
When you hear the word nerve, you might initially
think of a neuron. However, a nerve is actually a
bundle of axons. Many nerves contain both sensory
and motor neurons. For example, there are 12 cranial nerves that lead to and from the brain and 31
spinal nerves (and their branches), as shown in
Figure 33.10, that lead to and from the spinal cord.
You could think of these as two-way streets.
Information travels to and from the brain through
these sensory and motor neurons.
Refer to Figure 33.11 as you read about the peripheral nervous system. This system includes all neurons
that are not part of the central nervous system, including sensory neurons and motor neurons. Neurons in
the peripheral nervous system can be classified further
as being either part of the somatic nervous system or
part of the autonomic nervous system.
The somatic nervous system Nerves in the
somatic nervous system relay information from
external sensory receptors to the central nervous
system, and motor nerves relay information from
the central nervous system to skeletal muscles. Usually, this is voluntary. However, not all reactions of
the central nervous system are voluntary. Some
responses are the result of a reflex, which is a fast
response to a change in the environment. Reflexes
do not require conscious thought and are involuntary. Most signals in reflexes go only to the spinal
cord, and not to the brain. Remember the example
of stubbing your toe? Refer back to Figure 33.2 and
note that the illustrated reflex is part of the somatic
nervous system.
The autonomic nervous system Remember
the last time you had a scary dream? You might have
awakened and realized that your heart was pounding.
This type of reaction is the result of the action of the
autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous
system carries impulses from the central nervous system to the heart and other internal organs. The body
responds involuntarily, not under conscious control.
The autonomic nervous system is important in two
different kinds of situations. When you have a bad
nightmare or perhaps find yourself in a scary situation, your body responds with what is known as a
fight-or-flight response. When everything is calm,
your body rests and digests.
Reading Check Compare and contrast voluntary
responses and involuntary responses.
Figure 33.10 Thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves extend from the
spinal cord.
Differentiate How is a neuron related to a nerve?
■ Figure 33.11 Each division of the nervous system functions in
the control of the body and the communication within the body.
Section 2 • Organization of the Nervous System 971
Tim Fuller
Table 33.1
Interactive Table To explore more
about the autonomic nervous
system, visit
The Autonomic Nervous System
Sympathetic Stimulation
Parasympathetic Stimulation
Iris (eye muscle)
Pupil dilation
Pupil constriction
Salivary Glands
Saliva production reduced
Saliva production increased
Oral/Nasal Mucosa
Mucus production reduced
Mucus production increased
Heart rate and force increased
Heart rate and force decreased
Bronchial muscle relaxed
Bronchial muscle contracted
Muscle contractions reduced
Gastric juice secreted; motility increased
Small Intestine
Muscle contractions reduced
Digestion increased
Large Intestine
Muscle contractions reduced
Secretions and motility increased
There are two branches of the autonomic
nervous system and they act together. The sympathetic nervous system
is most active in times of emergency or stress when the heart rate and
breathing rate increase. The parasympathetic nervous system is most
active when the body is relaxed. It counterbalances the effects of the
sympathetic system and restores the body to a resting state after a stressful experience. Table 33.1 compares and contrasts the two systems.
Both the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems relay impulses to
the same organs, but the overall response depends on the intensities of
the opposing signals.
Section 33.
Section Summary
Understand Main Ideas
◗ The nervous system has two major
divisions—the central nervous system
and the peripheral nervous system.
◗ The brain and spinal cord make up
the central nervous system.
◗ The somatic nervous system and the
autonomic nervous system make up
the peripheral nervous system.
◗ The sympathetic nervous system and
the parasympathetic nervous system
are branches of the autonomic nervous system.
972 Chapter 33 • Nervous System
Biology/Life Sciences 9.b, 9.c, 9.d, 9.e
Think Scientifically
Compare the structures of the central nervous system
with the structures of the peripheral
nervous system and explain their
2. Assess the similarities and differences between the somatic nervous
system and the autonomic nervous
Design an experiment
"IOLOGY Write a
short story that describes a situation
involving the heart when the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous
systems work together to maintain
-!). )DEA
3. Explain Which part of the nervous
system is involved in a fight-orflight response? Why is such a
response important?
What types of tests
could a researcher perform to check
whether different sections of the
brain were functioning?
demonstrate the actions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems on the iris of the eye.
Self-Check Quiz
Section 3 3 . 3
◗ Identify different sensory
structures and what each is able
to detect.
◗ Compare how each sense organ is
able to transmit a nerve impulse.
◗ Explain the relationship between
smell and taste.
Review Vocabulary
stimulus: anything in the internal or
external environment that causes an
organism to react
New Vocabulary
taste bud
semicircular canal
Biology/Life Sciences 9.e Students know the roles of sensory neurons, interneurons, and motor neurons in
sensation, thought, and response. Also covers: Biology/Life Sciences 9.b, 9.c, 9.d
The Senses
-!). )DEA Sensory receptors allow you to detect the world
around you.
Real-World Reading Link Who can resist the smell of chocolate-chip cookies
baking in the oven? When the aroma travels from the kitchen, you actually are
responding to chemicals in the air. Senses allow you to be aware of changes in your
environment. You are interpreting the environment around you every second. You
even were reacting to environmental stimuli before you were born.
Taste and Smell
Specialized neurons in your body called sensory receptors enable you to
taste, smell, hear, see, and touch, and to detect motion and temperature.
The senses of taste and smell are stimulated by chemicals and often
function together. Specialized receptors located high in the nose
respond to chemicals in the air and send the information to the olfactory bulb in the brain. Taste buds are areas of specialized chemical
receptors on the tongue that detect the tastes of sweet, sour, salty, and
bitter. These receptors detect the different combinations of chemicals
in food and send this information to another part of the brain.
The receptors associated with taste and smell are shown in
Figure 33.12. Signals from these receptors work together to create
a combined effect in the brain. Try eating while holding your nose.
You will find that your food loses much of its flavor.
Olfactory nerve
Olfactory bulb
nerve receptors
Smell particles
Taste particles
Figure 33.12 The receptors of taste and
smell function together and are stimulated in
similar ways. Food often is smelled as it is tasted.
Section 3 • The Senses 973
Figure 33.13 Light travels through the
cornea and the pupil to the lens, which focuses
the image on the retina. Rods and cones in the
retina send information to the brain through
the optic nerve.
Careers In biology
Ophthalmologist An ophthalmologist is a medical specialist who
deals with the structure, functions,
and diseases of the eye. For more
information on biology careers, visit
Figure 33.13 shows the path of light as it travels through the eye. Light
first enters the eye through a transparent, yet durable, layer of cells called
the cornea. The cornea helps to focus the light through an opening called
the pupil. The size of the pupil is regulated by muscles in the iris—the
colored part of the eye. Behind the iris is the lens, which inverts the
image and projects it onto the retina. The image travels through the vitreous humor, which is a colorless, gelatinlike liquid between the lens
and the retina. The retina contains numerous receptor cells called rods
and cones. Rods are light-sensitive cells that are excited by low levels of
light. Cones function in bright light and provide information about
color to the brain. These receptors send action potentials to the brain via
the neurons in the optic nerve. The brain then interprets the specific combination of signals received from the retina and forms a visual image.
Hearing and Balance
to explain or tell the meaning of.
Our senses help us interpret our
Hearing and balance are the two major functions of the ear. From a
soft sound, like whispering, to a loud sound, such as a crowd cheering
at a sporting event, specialized receptors in the ear can detect both the
volume and the highness and lowness of sounds. Canals in the inner
ear are responsible for your sense of balance, or equilibrium.
Hearing Vibrations called sound waves cause particles in the air to
vibrate. Figure 33.14 illustrates the path of sound waves as they travel
through the ear.
#ONNECTION TO 0HYSICS Sound waves enter the auditory, or ear, canal
and cause a membrane, called the eardrum or tympanum, at the end of
the ear canal to vibrate. These vibrations travel through three bones in
the middle ear—the malleus (also called the hammer), the incus (anvil),
and stapes (stirrup). As the stapes vibrates, it causes the oval window—a
membrane that separates the middle ear from the inner ear—to move
back and forth. In the inner ear, a snail-shaped structure called the
cochlea (KOH klee uh) is filled with fluid and lined with tiny hair cells.
Vibrations cause the fluid inside the cochlea to move like a wave against
the hair cells. The hairs cells respond by generating nerve impulses in the
auditory nerve and transmitting them to the brain.
Reading Check Summarize how each sense organ detects changes
in the environment.
Chapter 33 • Nervous System
Figure 33.14 Sound waves cause the
tympanum to vibrate, and the vibrations travel
through the bones of the middle ear to the
cochlea. Hair cells in the cochlea generate
nerve impulses, which are sent to the brain
through the auditory nerve.
Balance The inner ear also contains organs for balance, including
three semicircular canals. Semicircular canals transmit information
about body position and balance to the brain. The three canals are positioned at right angles to one another and, like the cochlea, they are fluidfilled and lined with hair cells. When the position of your head changes,
fluid moves through the canals. This causes the hair cells to bend, which
in turn sends nerve impulses to the brain. The brain then is able to determine your position and whether your body is still or in motion.
Biology/Life Sciences 9.b; I&E 1.d
Investigate Adaptations to Darkness
How fast do light receptors in the retina adapt to low light conditions? The retina contains two
types of receptor cells. Cones, adapted for vision in bright light, allow you to perceive color. Rods,
adapted for vision in dim light, help you detect shape and movement. The brain combines and interprets
nerve impulses received from these cells, making it possible for you to see in various light conditions.
1. Work with a partner. Using a stopwatch, time how long it takes to separate 30 plastic bottle caps into
groups based on color.
Record the time, the number of caps in each group, and the percent accuracy of the grouping.
Predict changes in the data if the experiment is repeated in dim light.
Mix the caps into one group. Dim the lights. Immediately repeat Step 1.
Restore light conditions and record the data.
Discuss the data with your group. Predict changes in the data if the experiment is repeated after
five minutes in dim light. Dim the lights.
7. Wait five minutes and repeat Step 1. Restore the light and record data.
1. Analyze Graph the time required and the percent accuracy in each trial. How do these variables
compare across trials?
2. Think Critically Based on the data, compare the action of the blink reflex ( MiniLab 33.1) to the
action of the eyes in adjusting to low light conditions.
Section 3 • The Senses
Figure 33.15 Many types of receptors
are found in the skin. A person can tell if an
object is hot or cold, sharp or smooth.
Receptor that
detects light touch
Receptor that
detects cold
Receptor that detects
heavy pressure
Free nerve
Receptor that
detects heat
Many types of sensory receptors that respond to temperature, pressure,
and pain are found in the epidermis and dermis layers of the skin.
Figure 33.15 illustrates the different types of receptors —some that
respond to light touches, and others that respond to heavy pressure.
Distribution of receptors is not uniform in all areas of the body. The
tips of the fingers have many receptors that detect light touch. The soles
of the feet have many receptors that respond to heavy pressure. Pain
receptors are very simple, consisting of free nerve endings that are
found in all tissues of the body except the brain. The brain constantly
receives signals from these receptors and responds appropriately.
Section 33
33.. 3
Section Summary
Understand Main Ideas
◗ The senses of taste and smell work
◗ The eye has two types of receptors.
◗ The ear is involved in both hearing
and balance.
◗ The skin has many types of sensory
◗ Some sensory receptors are more
complex than others.
Chapter 33 • Nervous System
Diagram the route of
a sound wave from the auditory
canal until it causes a nerve impulse
to be generated.
Biology/Life Sciences 9.b, 9.c, 9.d, 9.e
Think Scientifically
-!). )DEA
2. Predict what might be the result if
the cornea was damaged.
3. Analyze the importance of the kind
of receptors found in the fingers.
4. Explain why it might be difficult to
taste when you have a cold and
your nasal passages are clogged.
Develop a hypothesis
an experiment to test
the idea that certain areas of the
tongue are taste-specific.
who have lost their sense of sight
still experience sight occasionally.
People who once could hear occasionally experience sound. Why
might these phenomena occur?
Self-Check Quiz
Biology/Life Sciences 9.d Students know the functions of the nervous system and the role of neurons in
transmitting electrochemical impulses. Also covers: Biology/Life Sciences 9.c, 9.e
Section 3 3 . 4
◗ Identify four ways drugs can affect
the nervous system.
◗ Describe different ways drugs can
harm the body or cause death.
◗ Explain how, at the cellular level, a
person can become addicted to a drug.
Review Vocabulary
threshold: the minimum strength
of a stimulus that causes an action
potential to be generated
New Vocabulary
Incorporate information
from this section into
your Foldable.
Effects of Drugs
-!). )DEA Some drugs alter the function of the nervous system.
Real-World Reading Link Some drugs help to restore health; some help to
maintain health. The use of drugs such as caffeine or tobacco can become a habit
that is difficult to change. People who abuse drugs say they use them either to feel
good or to escape temporarily from problems in their lives. What are some ways to
make yourself feel good or to relieve stress that do not involve the use of drugs?
How Drugs Work
A drug is a substance, natural or artificial, that alters the function of the
body. Some types of drugs are shown in Table 33.2. Antibiotics are prescription drugs that fight bacterial infections. Cocaine and marijuana are
illegal drugs. There are over-the-counter drugs for pain relief. There are
other common substances that people often do not think of as drugs, such
as caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol. However, they are classified as drugs.
Drugs can affect a person’s body in many different ways. Not all
drugs affect the nervous system. However, those that cause changes in
the nervous system work in one or more of the following ways:
a drug can cause an increase in the amount of a neurotransmitter
that is released into a synapse
a drug can block a receptor site on a dendrite, preventing a
neurotransmitter from binding
a drug can prevent a neurotransmitter from leaving a synapse
a drug can imitate a neurotransmitter
Table 33.2
beer, wine
Interactive Table To explore
more about common drugs, visit
Some Common Drugs
coffee, tea, soda,
Prescription Drugs
pain medications
cold medications
cigarettes, cigars
Section 4 • Effects of Drugs
(1) Jochen Tack/Peter Arnold, Inc., (2) Don Farrall, (3) Vince Bucci/Stringer/Getty Images, (4) Tom Vezo/Peter Arnold, Inc., (5) Michael P. Gadomski/Photo Researchers
■ Figure 33.16 Dopamine crosses the gap
from one neuron and binds to receiver sites, or
receptors, on the membrane of another neuron.
This occurs at a synapse.
Many drugs that affect the nervous system influence the level of a
neurotransmitter called dopamine. Dopamine (DOH puh meen) is a
neurotransmitter found in the brain that is involved with the control
of body movements and other functions. Dopamine also is strongly
involved with feelings of pleasure or reward. Dopamine normally is
removed from a synapse by being reabsorbed by the neuron that
released it, as illustrated in Figure 33.16.
Classes of Commonly Abused Drugs
Drug abuse does not necessarily involve the use of illegal drugs. Any use
of a drug for reasons other than legitimate medical purposes, whether
deliberate or unintentional, can be considered abuse of that drug.
dopa– refers to an amino acid
–amine refers to a derivative of
Stimulants Drugs that increase alertness and physical activity are
stimulants. Figure 33.17 indicates some common stimulants.
Nicotine Nicotine in cigarette and cigar smoke increases the amount
of dopamine released into a synapse. Nicotine also constricts blood
vessels, raising blood pressure and causing the heart to work harder
than normal. Cigarette smoking has been linked to about 90 percent
of all lung cancer cases.
Chapter 33 • Nervous System
Caffeine The most commonly used, and often abused, stimulant
probably is caffeine. Caffeine is found in coffee, tea, some soft drinks,
and even some foods like chocolate. Caffeine works by binding to adenosine receptors on neurons in the brain. Adenosine slows down neural
activity, causing drowsiness. When caffeine binds to these receptors, it
has the opposite effect. It makes users feel awake and alert. Caffeine
also temporarily raises epinephrine (adrenaline) levels in the body,
giving a quick burst of energy that soon wears off.
Study Tip
Chart Create a three-column chart
titled The Effects of Drugs. Before
reading this section, check the section
heads, the boldfaced terms, and figures.
Identify what you know about drugs in
the first column. In the second column,
list what you would like to know. In the
third column, write what you have
learned after studying this section.
Depressants Drugs that tend to slow down the central nervous system are depressants. These drugs can lower blood pressure, interrupt
breathing, and slow the heart rate. Depressants can relieve anxiety, but
they also can cause the noticeable effect of sedation.
Alcohol Alcohol is a depressant. It affects the central nervous system
and is one of the most widely abused drugs in the world today. It is produced by the fermentation of grains and fruits. Alcohol is known to
affect at least four different neurotransmitters, resulting in a feeling of
relaxation and sluggishness. Short-term alcohol use impairs judgment,
coordination, and reaction time. Long-term effects of alcohol abuse
include a reduction in brain mass, liver damage, stomach and intestinal
ulcers, and high blood pressure. Consumption of alcohol during pregnancy is the number-one cause of fetal alcohol syndrome, which can
result in damage to a baby’s brain and nervous system.
Inhalants Inhalants are chemical fumes that have an influence on the
nervous system. Exposure to inhalants might be accidental due to poor
ventilation. Inhalants generally work by acting as a depressant on the
central nervous system. Inhalants might produce a short-term effect
of intoxication, as well as nausea and vomiting. Death can occur. Longterm exposure to inhalants can cause memory loss, hearing loss, vision
problems, peripheral nerve damage, and brain damage.
Figure 33.17 There are many common
stimulant drugs, such as coffee, tea, cocoa, and
Section 4 • Effects of Drugs
Laura Sifferlin
Illegal drugs Amphetamines and cocaine both increase dopamine
levels and both prevent dopamine from being reabsorbed, so it remains
in the synapse. This ultimately increases the levels of dopamine in the
brain, which results in a feeling of pleasure and well-being.
The use of cocaine and amphetamines has short-term and long-term
effects. Cocaine abuse might result in disturbances in heart rhythm,
heart attacks, chest pain, respiratory failure, strokes, seizures, headaches, abdominal pain, and nausea. Abuse of amphetamines might
result in rapid heart rate, irregular heartbeat, increased blood pressure,
and irreversible, stroke-producing damage to small blood vessels in the
brain. Elevated body temperature, called hyperthermia, and convulsions
can result from an amphetamine or cocaine overdose, and if not treated
immediately, can result in death. Abusers also can experience episodes
of violent behavior, paranoia, anxiety, confusion, and insomnia. It can
take a year or longer for users of methamphetamine—the strongest type
of amphetamine—to recover after quitting the drug.
Marijuana is the most-used illegal drug in the United States. The
active chemical in marijuana is tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. Smoking marijuana quickly gets THC into the bloodstream where it is carried to the brain. THC binds to receptors on neurons in the brain,
which produces the effect of intense pleasure. These receptors are
found on neurons associated with many body activities. Short-term
effects of marijuana use include problems with memory and learning,
loss of coordination, increased heart rate, anxiety, paranoia, and panic
attacks. Long-term smoking of marijuana might also cause lung cancer.
Reading Check Explain the function of a neurotransmitter.
Data Analysis lab
I&E 1.d
Based on Real Data*
Interpret the Data
Can the effects of alcohol use be observed?
Data and Observations
Two groups of students, ages 15–16, were given
memory tasks to perform. Group 1 included
heavy drinkers. Group 2 were nondrinkers. The
images indicate typical results of comparing students from each group. The amount of the redpink color indicates the amount of brain activity
associated with performing the memory tasks.
Think Critically
1. Describe the difference between the brain
activity of heavy drinkers and the brain
activity of nondrinkers.
2. Analyze Based on these results, what
long-term consequences might result
from drinking as a teen?
Group 1
Group 2
*Data obtained from: Brown, S.A., et al. 2000. Neurocognitive functioning of
adolescents: effects of protracted alcohol use. Alcoholism: Clinical and
Experimental Research. 24:164-171.
980 Chapter 33 • Nervous System
Dr. Susan Tapert, University of California at San Diego.
Michael Newman/PhotoEdit
Tolerance and Addiction
Drug tolerance can lead to addiction. Tolerance occurs when a person
needs more and more of the same drug to get the same effect. The dosage increases because the body becomes less responsive to the drug.
Addiction The psychological and/or physiological dependence on a
drug is addiction. Current research suggests that the neurotransmitter
dopamine is involved with most types of physiological addiction. Recall
that dopamine normally is removed from a synapse as it is reabsorbed
by the neuron that released it. However, certain drugs prevent that
reabsorption, which results in an increase of dopamine in the brain.
A person addicted to drugs derives pleasure from increased levels of
dopamine and builds up a tolerance to the drug. As a result, the person
takes more of the drug. When people who are addicted try to quit, the
levels of dopamine decrease, making it difficult to resist going back to
the drug.
Addictions can also be psychological. An individual with a psychological dependence on a drug such as marijuana has a strong desire to
use the drug for emotional reasons. Both physiological and psychological dependence can affect emotional and physical health. Both types
are strong, making it difficult to quit a drug.
Figure 33.18 Counseling often is
necessary to break an addiction.
Treatment People who are either psychologically or physiologically
dependent on a drug experience serious withdrawal symptoms without
it. It is very difficult for dependent users to quit on their own. They
might be able to quit for short periods of time, but they are likely to use
the drug again. Medical supervision is necessary when people who are
psychologically and physiologically dependent on a drug try to quit.
The best way to avoid an addiction is never to use drugs in the first
place, even when pressured to use them. Encourage people who abuse
drugs to seek treatment for drug dependency. Physicians, nurses, counselors, clergy, and social workers are trained to direct people to the
resources they need to get help, as illustrated in Figure 33.18.
Section 33
33.. 4
Section Summary
Understand Main Ideas
◗ Drugs affect the nervous system in
four different ways.
◗ Common substances such as caffeine
and alcohol are considered drugs.
◗ Many addictive drugs increase levels
of dopamine.
◗ Drug abuse has many negative
◗ A person can become psychologically and/or physiologically addicted
to drugs.
-!). )DEA Describe four ways
that drugs can influence the
nervous system.
Biology/Life Sciences 9.d
Think Scientifically
2. Compare the actions of cocaine,
amphetamines, and nicotine.
3. Explain why the effects of stimulants and depressants do not necessarily counteract each other.
4. Evaluate why students who abuse
amphetamines are likely to experience failing grades.
Self-Check Quiz
possible treatments to help
individuals overcome addiction by
using your knowledge of neurotransmitters.
an experiment. You might
have heard that drugs affect people
in different ways and at different
rates. How would you design an
experiment to determine the rate at
which a drug is delivered to different
body tissues?
Section 4 • Effects of Drugs
I&E 1.m
Duke University Photo Department
For centuries, the only recourse for people
who lose an arm or leg to accident or disease has been a prosthetic limb. These
limbs help people regain some of the functions of a real arm or leg. However, their
effectiveness is limited because the limbs
are not controlled by the brain. Current scientific research is about to change all that.
What are brain-controlled prostheses?
Scientists currently are developing thought-controlled
robotic arms with fully mobile shoulders and elbows. The
hand is in the shape of a gripper that functions much like
a real hand. Used primarily with monkeys in research,
these arms are connected to the brain using implants.
Scientists want to refine the technology so the system
is completely wireless. One concern is that the current
electrodes last only about six months. Due to tissue
growth, there appears to be interference with message
How do the implants work? The implants are
How might these brain-controlled
devices help society? Scientists plan to begin
in the form of hundreds of electrodes that are as thin as a
human hair. The electrodes are placed in the motor cortex
of a monkey’s brain 3 mm beneath the skull to pick up
nerve signals in the brain. The implant transmits these signals to a computer. A mathematical procedure translates
them into instructions for the arm. Within 30 milliseconds
of the command, the arm can, for example, pick up food
and bring it to the monkey’s mouth. The arm is equipped
with several motors, and moves in three dimensions just
like a human arm. The arm responds and brings food to the
monkey when the monkey thinks about the food.
During these experiments, the monkey used its own
arms to experiment with a joystick to get used to working with the robotic arm. Once the monkey had practiced with the joystick, the scientists removed it and
gently restrained the monkey’s own arm. To their
amazement, the robotic arm began to move as a result
of the monkey’s thoughts.
researching and using these devices with humans in the
next few years. The hope is that these brain-computer
interfaces (BCI) will help people who are parapalegic
regain some movement or ability to communicate with
others. Brain implants also could allow hand-free control
of small robots that could perform everyday tasks. BCIs
also might benefit people who are not paralyzed or who
have not lost a limb. BCIs could be used to perform tasks
in dangerous environments or war zones, for example.
Newspaper article Based on the information from
the feature and additional research at,
create a model of a device similar to that described in this
feature. Use materials provided by the teacher or from
your home. Write a 200-word description of your invention, how it works, and some benefits of this invention.
photo ID tag
Chapter 33 • Nervous System
Biology/Life Sciences 9.d; I&E 1.a, 1.b, 1.c, 1.d
Background: Imagine forging a narrow
path through a wooded area. As the path is
traveled over time, it becomes more
defined and easier to follow. In a similar
manner, neural pathways are developed in
the brain when you learn something new.
As you practice what you learned, connections between neurons strengthen, causing
nerve impulses to pass more quickly and
efficiently along the circuit.
Question: What effect do learning strategies have on the efficiency of a neural circuit?
graph paper
1. Read and complete the lab safety form.
2. Work with one student in your group to
write a list of 20 concrete words that
describe specific physical objects. Assign
a number, 1 to 20, to each word.
3. Read the list aloud to three other members of your group—the test subjects.
Immediately, and without discussion,
have them write down as many words as
they can remember from the list.
4. Calculate and record the percent recall for
each word: divide the number of subjects
who recalled each word by the total number of subjects. Multiply by 100.
5. Graph the percent recall for each word.
Note patterns in the data.
6. Calculate the average percent recall: add
the percent recall for each word, divide by
20, and multiply by 100.
7. Brainstorm techniques to increase the
average percent recall. Choose one technique. Predict how it will affect the average percent recall. Design an experiment
to test the prediction.
8. Once your teacher approves the plan,
implement it with the same test subjects,
using another list of 20 concrete words
that describe specific physical objects.
9. Repeat Steps 4–6 to evaluate changes in
the average percent recall.
Analyze and Conclude
1. Identify patterns in the percent recall data
after the list was read the first time. Which
words were most likely to be remembered?
2. Interpret Data Describe the technique
you used to increase the average percent
recall. Compare the average percent recall
before and after the technique was used.
3. Analyze Did the technique strengthen
the neural circuits responsible for remembering the list of words as well as you
predicted? Explain.
4. Error Analysis Identify factors, other
than the technique you used, that might
have affected the average percent recall.
Design an experiment to determine if a specific
learning strategy is equally effective with different
test subjects. To learn more about learning
strategies, visit BioLabs at
Download quizzes, key
terms, and flash cards from
FOLDABLES Activity Pretend that you must develop a new drug. Explain how your drug works on the
nervous system. How could you determine what side effects the drug might have?
Key Concepts
Section 33.1 Structure of the Nervous System
action potential (p. 964)
axon (p. 962)
cell body (p. 962)
dendrite (p. 962)
neuron (p. 962)
neurotransmitter (p. 967)
node (p. 965)
reflex arc (p. 963)
synapse (p. 967)
threshold (p. 964)
Neurons conduct electrical impulses that allow cells, tissues, and
organs to detect and respond to stimuli.
There are three major parts of a neuron.
There are three basic types of neurons.
A nerve impulse is an electrical charge and is called an action potential.
Neurons use chemicals and electricity to relay impulses.
-!). )DEA
Section 33.2 Organization of the Nervous System
autonomic nervous system (p. 971)
central nervous system (p. 968)
cerebrum (p. 969)
hypothalamus (p. 970)
medulla oblongata (p. 970)
parasympathetic nervous system (p. 972)
peripheral nervous system (p. 968)
pons (p. 970)
somatic nervous system (p. 971)
sympathetic nervous system (p. 972)
The central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system
are the two major divisions of the nervous system.
The nervous system has two major divisions—the central nervous system
and the peripheral nervous system.
The brain and spinal cord make up the central nervous system.
The somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system make up
the peripheral nervous system.
The sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system
are branches of the autonomic nervous system.
-!). )DEA
Section 33.3 Senses
cochlea (p. 974)
cone (p. 974)
lens (p. 974)
retina (p. 974)
rod (p. 974)
semicircular canal (p. 975)
taste bud (p. 973)
Sensory receptors allow you to detect the world around you.
The senses of taste and smell work together.
The eye has two types of receptors.
The ear is involved in both hearing and balance.
The skin has many types of sensory receptors.
Some sensory receptors are more complex than others.
-!). )DEA
Section 33.4 Effects of Drugs
addiction (p. 981)
depressant (p. 978)
dopamine (p. 978)
drug (p. 977)
stimulant (p. 978)
tolerance (p. 981)
Chapter 33
X ••Study
Some drugs alter the function of the nervous system.
Drugs affect the nervous system in four different ways.
Common substances such as caffeine and alcohol are considered drugs.
Many addictive drugs increase levels of dopamine.
Drug abuse has many negative consequences.
A person can become psychologically and/or physiologically addicted to
a drug.
-!). )DEA
Vocabulary PuzzleMaker
Section 33.1
Vocabulary Review
For each set of terms below, choose the one term that
does not belong and explain why it does not belong.
Think Critically
8. Infer In most animals, an action potential will travel
only in one direction along a neuron. Infer what the
result might be in humans if nerve impulses could
travel in both directions on a single neuron.
1. axon—dendrite—reflex arc
2. cell body—synapse—neurotransmitter
Section 33.2
3. myelin—node—threshold
Vocabulary Review
Understand Key Concepts
For each set of terms below, choose the one term that
does not belong and explain why it does not belong.
Use the diagram below to answer question 4.
9. somatic system—parasympathetic system
—sympathetic system
10. cerebrum—pons—medulla oblongata
11. autonomic nervous system—somatic nervous
system—central nervous system
Understand Key Concepts
Science Pictures Limited/Photo Researchers
4. What is occurring in the diagram above?
A. K+ ions are entering the neuron.
B. Negatively charged proteins are leaving the neuron.
C. Na+ ions are entering the neuron.
D. The myelin coat has broken down, allowing ions
to freely cross the plasma membrane.
5. Which is the correct path a nerve impulse will
follow in a reflex arc?
A. motor neuron → interneuron → sensory neuron
B. interneuron → motor neuron → sensory neuron
C. motor neuron → sensory neuron → interneuron
D. sensory neuron → interneuron → motor neuron
Constructed Response
6. Short Answer Hypothesize why it takes more
energy for a nerve impulse to travel an axon that
lacks myelin as opposed to an axon that has myelin.
7. Short Answer Explain the following analogy: A
neuron is like a one-way street, while a nerve is like
a two-way street.
12. Which is characteristic of the sympathetic division
of the autonomic system?
A. stimulates digestion
B. dilates the bronchi
C. slows the heart rate
D. converts glucose to glycogen
Use the diagram below to answer question 13.
13. If the portion indicated by the arrow was damaged
due to trauma, what effects would this person most
likely experience?
A. partial or complete memory loss
B. body temperature fluctuations
C. trouble maintaining balance
D. rapid breathing
14. Which nervous system is the hypothalamus most
involved in regulating?
A. voluntary
C. sensory
B. peripheral
D. autonomic
Chapter Test
Chapter 33 • Assessment 985
Constructed Response
15. Open Ended Suppose you are on the debate team
at school. You must support the following statement:
The autonomic nervous system is more involved
with homeostasis than the somatic nervous system.
Build your case.
23. With which sense are free nerve endings associated?
A. taste
C. touch
B. hearing
D. sight
Use the diagram below to answer question 24.
Think Critically
16. Critique You might have heard the statement
“humans use only ten percent of their brains.” Use
the Internet or other sources to compile evidence
that either supports or refutes this idea.
17. Analyze The human cerebrum is disproportionately large compared to the cerebrum of other animals. What advantage does this give to humans?
24. Some rides at amusement parks cause a person to
become dizzy when the ride stops. Which structure
in the diagram is most likely involved with the
dizzy feeling?
A. A
C. C
B. B
D. D
Section 33.3
Constructed Response
Vocabulary Review
25. Open Ended A rare condition exists in which a
person cannot feel pain. Is this desirable or undesirable? Explain your response.
Distinguish between the terms in each of the following sets:
18. rods—cones
Think Critically
19. cochlea—semicircular canals
20. retina—taste buds
Understand Key Concepts
21. If there were a power outage in a movie theater and
only a few dim emergency lights were lit, which cells
of the retina would be most important for seeing
your way to the exit?
A. rods
B. cones
C. Rods and cones are equally important.
22. Which represents the correct sequence as sound
waves travel in the ear to trigger an impulse?
A. cochlea, incus, stape, eardrum
B. tympanum, bones in the middle ear, cochlea,
hair cells
C. auditory canal, tympanum, hair cells, cochlea
D. hair cells, auditory canal, cochlea, malleus
986 Chapter 33 • Assessment
26. Explain You have receptors for light (soft) touch all
over your body. In terms of what you know about
the nervous system, why are you not always conscious of things like wearing clothes or a wristwatch?
27. Categorize Rate the senses from 1 to 5 in order of
importance (with 1 representing the most important.) Be prepared to debate this issue with other
students in the class.
Section 33.4
Vocabulary Review
Explain the difference between the terms in each set.
Then explain how the terms are related.
28. stimulants—depressants
29. tolerance—addiction
30. dopamine—drug
Chapter Test
Understand Key Concepts
31. Which of the following decreases brain activity?
A. nicotine
C. cocaine
B. amphetamines
D. alcohol
32. What is the most likely function of amphetamines?
A. to stimulate the sympathetic nervous system
B. to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system
C. to stimulate the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems equally
D. do not affect either the sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system
Use the diagram below to answer question 33.
Additional Assessment
"IOLOGY Write a short story about
a person who heard a loud noise and became afraid.
Include in your story events that might occur in
each division of the nervous system during such an
Document-Based Questions
Data obtained from: Blinkov, S.M., and Glezer, I.I. 1968. The human brain in figures
and tables: a quantitative handbook. New York: Plenum Press.
Nieuwenhuys, R., Ten Donkelaar, H.J., and Nicholson, C. 1998. The central nervous
system of vertebrates. Vol. 3. Berlin: Springer.
Berta, A., et al. 1999. Marine mammals: evolutionary biology. San Diego: Academic Press.
Average Brain Weights (in grams)
Weight (g)
Weight (g)
Fin whale
Dog (beagle)
33. If a person is suffering from depression, which
drug is one recommended treatment of the presynaptic neuron?
A. one that increases the re-uptake of dopamine.
B. one that increases the production of dopamine
C. one that decreases the receptors for dopamine
D. one that decreases the re-uptake of dopamine
Adult human
38. Does there appear to be a correlation between
body size and brain weight?
Constructed Response
39. Discuss possible explanations (in terms of adaptations) that would account for your response to
question 38.
34. Short Answer What does it mean when someone is addicted to a drug?
Cumulative Review
35. Open Ended Discuss what consequences might
arise if a person’s gene for the production of
dopamine was defective.
Think Critically
36. Defend Form a conclusion about the following
statement: “It is more difficult for someone to get
addicted to drugs than it is to stop using drugs.”
Defend your position.
Chapter Test
40. Evaluate the role of fungi on Earth. (Chapter 20)
41. Examine the adaptations that have made arthropods the most evolutionarily successful animals.
(Chapter 26)
42. Make an argument for or against the following
statement: The skin should be considered an
organ rather than a tissue. (Chapter 32)
Chapter 33 • Assessment 987
Standards Practice
Multiple Choice
1. Which characteristic is unique to mammals?
A. hair
B. endothermy
C. four-chambered heart
D. internal fertilization
Use the diagram below to answer questions 6 and 7.
Use the diagram below to answer questions 2 and 3.
2. In which part of the diagram above would you
expect to find myelin?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
6. Which part of the eye is made of muscles that
respond to stimuli?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
7. If a person cannot see certain colors, what part of
the eye might be damaged?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Use the graph below to answer question 8.
4. What is the purpose of the epithelial tissue in the
integumentary system?
A. cover the body surface and protect its tissues
B. move joints and bones
C. provide a structural framework for the body
D. transmit nerve signals
3. In which part of the diagram above would you
expect to find neurotransmitters when an action
potential reaches the end of the neuron?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
5. Which animal is a placental mammal?
A. hummingbird
B. kangaroo
C. duck-billed platypus
D. whale
8. The graph above shows the circadian pattern of body
temperature in humans. When does the body temperature of humans seem to be the lowest?
A. after eating
C. just before dawn
B. in the afternoon
D. late at night
Chapter 33 • Assessment
Standards Practice
Short Answer
Extended Response
14. Two abandoned whooping crane chicks are found
several days after they had hatched. A scientist wants
to raise the chicks. To make the chicks feel comfortable, the scientist uses a hand puppet that looks like
a whooping crane. The scientist offers the chicks
mealworms but they will not take them. Formulate a
hypothesis that gives a possible explanation of the
actions of the chicks.
Use the diagram below to answer questions 9 and 10.
15. How are the actions of myosin and actin fibers
related to the contraction of a muscle?
16. What is the main difference between segmented
worms and other worms? What is the importance
of this difference?
Essay Question
Each year doctors perform more than 450,000 joint
repair and replacement surgeries. This surgery
reduces pain and increases movement in the joints.
Joint repair surgery involves removing any debris or
excess bone growth from around the joint. This
restores the functioning of the joint. Joint replacement surgery involves replacing the joint with a
synthetic joint. The synthetic joint is made of
polyethylene, ceramic, or metal. Joint replacement
enables the joint to function in the same way as a
natural joint. Joint replacements usually are performed on the knee, hip, or shoulder.
9. The figure above shows the teeth of two different
types of mammals. From these teeth, what can you
infer about the diets of these mammals?
10. Which animal’s teeth most closely resemble those
of humans? Explain your answer.
11. Explain how spiders predigest their food and compare this process to the digestion process of another
animal with which you are familiar.
12. Suppose that a person who used to drink one cup
of coffee to stay awake at night finds she needs to
drink two cups. What is the name of this phenomenon and what causes it?
Using the information in the paragraph above, answer the
following question in essay format.
17. Doctors usually only replace knee or hip joints on
older patients who are less active than younger
patients. Explain why doctors recommend this.
13. What is the role of the gametophyte generation in
seed plants?
If You Missed
Question . . .
Review Section . . . 30.1 33.1 33.1 32.1 30.2 33.3 33.3 30.1 30.2 30.2 26.1 33.2 21.4 31.1 32.3 25.1 32.2
B6.a B9.e B9.e
B6.a B9.e B9.e
B8.e B8.b B6.g B6.g B6.a
B9.h B6.a B9.a
B = Biology/Life Sciences standard, I = Investigation and Experimentation standard
Standards Practice
Chapter 33 • Assessment