th Rising 5 Grade Summer Review Packet This packet is designed to review Spanish grammar concepts that were learned in 4th grade. This packet is to be completed throughout the summer vacation. It has been broken into 10 weeks and it is designed this way to help the student review and re-enforce the concepts that they have already learned. I recommend one exercise per week to avoid doing multiple exercises at one time. It will be much more beneficial to the student this way. The students will receive a grade for this packet when they return and there will also be a test. Enjoy your summer and remember to speak lots of Spanish. ¡Adios! Nombre_____________________________ 1 Week 1 Nouns: Write (M) if the noun is masculine or write (F) if the noun is Feminine. (Reference Part 1 for help) 1._________tabla 2._________carro 3._________goma 4._________encaje 5._________tarjeta 6._________coche 7._________gato 8._________rincon 9._________perro 10._________motor 11._________pelo 12._______ _avión Week 2 Defenite Article: Write the correct definite article in the blank El or La. (Reference part 2 for help) 1._____chico = the boy 2._____diccionario = the dictionary 3._____chica = the girl 4._____lápiz = the pencil 5._____ hombre = the man 6._____libro = the book 7._____mujer = the woman 8._____marcador = the marker 9._____armario = the locker 10._____pupitre = the desk 11._____bolígrafo = the pen 12._____mesa = the table 13._____carpeta = the folder 14._____regla = the ruler 2 Week 3 Indefenite Article: Write the correct indefinite article in the blank Un or Una. (Reference part 3 for help) 1._____chico – the boy 2._____diccionario = the dictionary 3._____chica – the girl 4._____lápiz = the pencil 5._____ hombre – the man 6._____libro = the book 7._____mujer – the woman 8._____marcador = the marker 9._____armario = the locker 10._____pupitre = the desk 11._____bolígrafo = the pen 12._____mesa = the table 13._____carpeta = the folder 14._____regla = the ruler Week 4 Subject Pronouns: Fill in the blank with the correct Spanish Subject pronoun. (Reference part 4 for help) I= We (masculine) = You = We (feminine) = You all (informal) Masculine = He = Feminine = They (masculine) = She = They (feminine) = You (Formal) = You all (formal) = 3 Week 5 Conjugate the following –ar verbs. (Refrence part 5 if you need help) bañar : to bathe Singular Plural yo ____________ nosotros(as) _______________ tú ____________ vosotros(as) XXXXXX él, ella, usted ____________ ellos, ellas, ustedes _______________ dibujar : to draw Singular Plural yo ____________ nosotros(as) _______________ tú ____________ vosotros(as) XXXXXX él, ella, usted ____________ ellos, ellas, ustedes _______________ Week 6 Nouns: Write (M) if the noun is masculine or write (F) if the noun is Feminine. (Reference Part 1 for help) 1._________telefono 2._________mesa 3._________casa 4._________canica 5._________lapiz 6._________boton 7._________laso 8._________puerta 9._________vaso 10._________manzana 11._________grapadora 12._______ _barco Week 7 4 Defenite Article: Write the correct definite article in the blank El or La. (Reference part 2 for help) 1._____caro = the car 2._____laso = the bow 3._____ abuela= the grandma 4._____libreta = the notebook 5._____ telefono = the telephone 6._____grapadora = the stapler 7._____ormiga = the ant 8._____canica = the marble 9._____puerta = the door 10._____estudiante = the student 11._____vaso = the cup 12._____calendario = the calendar 13._____mochila = the book bag 14._____leche = the milk Week 8 Indefenite Article: Write the correct indefinite article in the blank Un or Una. (Reference part 3 for help) 1._____caro = the car 2._____laso = the bow 3._____ abuela= the grandma 4._____libreta = the notebook 5._____ telefono = the telephone 6._____grapadora = the stapler 7._____ormiga = the ant 8._____canica = the marble 9._____puerta = the door 10._____estudiante = the student 11._____vaso = the cup 12._____calendario = the calendar 13._____mochila = the book bag 14._____leche = the milk Week 9 Conjugate the following –ar verbs. (Refrence part 5 if you need help) 5 hablar : to talk Singular Plural yo ____________ nosotros(as) _______________ tú ____________ vosotros(as) XXXXXX él, ella, usted ____________ ellos, ellas, ustedes _______________ cantar : to sing Singular Plural yo ____________ nosotros(as) _______________ tú ____________ vosotros(as) XXXXXX él, ella, usted ____________ ellos, ellas, ustedes _______________ Week 10 Conjugate the following –ar verbs. (Refrence part 5 if you need help) pintar : to paint Singular Plural yo ____________ nosotros(as) _______________ tú ____________ vosotros(as) XXXXXX él, ella, usted ____________ ellos, ellas, ustedes _______________ ganar : to win Singular Plural yo ____________ nosotros(as) _______________ tú ____________ vosotros(as) XXXXXX él, ella, usted ____________ ellos, ellas, ustedes _______________ Grammar Notes 6 This section of your packet will help you if you have forgotten a section. Please feel free to read over any of these sections you feel you may not understand completely. This Grammar review is here to help you. Part 1: Nouns A noun represents a person or an animal, a thing, a place, or an idea. All Spanish nouns have gender - they are either masculine or feminine. Most nouns that end in -o are masculine, and most nouns that end in -a are feminine. el libro la carpeta masculine gender feminine gender Nouns ending in letters other than -o or -a do not automatically tell you their gender. The gender of these nouns is learned through practice. el lápiz la clase masculine gender feminine gender A few nouns can be both masculine and feminine. el estudiante la estudiante masculine gender feminine gender Part 2: Definite Articles The singular definite article in English is "the." Spanish has two singular definite articles: el for masculine nouns and la for feminine nouns. el bolígrafo la mochila the pen the backpack Part 3: Indefinite Articles The singular indefinite article in English is "a" or "an." Spanish has two singular indefinite articles: un for masculine nouns and una for feminine nouns. un bolígrafo a pen una mochila a backpack 7 Part 4: Subject pronouns We use pronouns to avoid repeating a person's name. Subject pronouns tell who is doing an action. Mary works in a gift shop. She often works on Saturdays. Singular Plural I yo we (m.) we (f.) nosotros nosotras you (informal) tú you (inf.) vosotros vosotras you (formal) usted you (form. & inf.) ustedes he él they (m.) ellos she ella they (f.) ellas Part 5: Regular -ar Verbs The dictionary form of a verb is called the infinitive. estudiar = to study We must change the infinitive to a form that tells who is doing the action. To do this, we first drop the -ar. estudi + ar = infinitive Then, we add endings. Singular Plural 8 yo estudio nosotros(as) estudiamos tú estudias vosotros(as) xxxx él, ella, usted estudia ellos, ellas, ustedes estudian Now we can say Ella estudia. She studies. instead of saying Ella estudiar. She to study. 9