SHINE IL LUM IN AT IN G C OACH I N G TO REL E AS E YO U R BR I L L I AN CE We have dreams, desires, and a destiny. Each of us spends an inordinate amount of time worrying about the time, money and energy that our fantastic plans will require to manifest our desired results. When we are not able to resource our plans, we choose from two impractical options: #1 We attempt to carry out the plan with limited resources which ends in failure. Or worse... X #2 We abandon our plans all together. OUR LIFE LINE X This is an invitation to be curious about our own lives. Our goal is simple. We want to energize, impact and influence each other to lead a Vibrant Life by engaging the possibilities. Engage by definition means: to interact, participate, marry, or bind with. Starting now, decide to increase awareness, be alert and enter into a new state of aliveness. To begin our journey, let’s consider these words offered by poets, authors and mentors who carefully select words and phrasing to jar us into an ALIVE, ALERT AND AWAKE state. It is not true that life is one damn thing after another... it’s the same thing over and over again. -EDNA SAINT VINCENT MILLAY, 1892-1950, POET AND PLAYWRIGHT Everything that happens to you is your teacher. the secret is to learn to sit at the feet of your own life and be taught by it. Everything that happens is either a blessing which is also a lesson, or a lesson which is also a blessing. -POLLY BERRIEN BERENDS, QUAKER AUTHOR Our inner process gives us every opportunity to learn what we need to learn. Our inner process is very conservation minded. It continues to recycle our garbage, and recycle our garbage, and recycle our garbage. If we don’t get the lesson the first time around, we get another chance, and another, and another and another. Life gives us every opportunity to work through whatever we need to work through. -ANN STARRETTE, SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR, FOUNDER OF THE LYDIA GROUP & STARRETTE FARM HOUSE PROPRIETOR PRESENTED BY NICOLE GREER, PPCC PRINCIPAL COACH AND FOUNDER VIBRANT COACHING WWW.THEVIBRANTCOACH.COM . NICO L E @T H E V IBR ANT COACH .CO M 704-502-4953 Page 1 “S” S ELF AS S ES S MENT T H E P OW E R F U L QU E S T I O N S : WH O A M I? WH AT D O I BELIEVE ABOUT LIFE? • BELIEFS • HABITS • HUMAN TRAITS Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don’t be impressed with yourself. Don’t compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best with your own life. YOU -From the Message by Eugene Peterson SE LF AS SES SMENT EX ER CIS E COMFORT ZONE IDENTIFY YOUR ELEMENT People Oriented Talking Listening WIND WATER Task Oriented Opinionated Hesitant FIRE EARTH “H” ENVIRONMENT HA BITS FEELINGS IN T E G R I TY E X ER CISE 1. 2. 3. WRITE YOUR CAPACITY STATEMENT Your Dream: I imagine a life that: Your Desire: I am energized to action (when, by and through): Your Destiny: I am called to influence and impact (cause, people, organization, or situation) NEXT RIGHT STEPS EXERCISE MEET YOUR FUTURE SELF Imagine yourself in your ideal life three years in the future. Who are you with? Where are you? Who is influenced by your life? What is gained by your life? What do people call you? T H E P OW E R F U L QU E S T I O N S “I” INTE GRITY T H E P OW E R F U L QU E S T I O N : W H O O R W H AT H A S AU T H O R I T Y I N YO U R L I F E ? “N” NEXT RIGHT STEPS 1. 2. 3. T H E P OW E R F U L QU E S T I O N : W H AT P E R S P E C T I V E A R E YO U S TA N D I N G I N ? “E” ENE RGY 1. 2. 3. 4. T H E P OW E R F U L QU E S T I O N : W H AT D O I D O W I T H M Y E N E R G Y ? Page PRESENTED BY NICOLE GREER, PPCC PRINCIPAL COACH AND FOUNDER VIBRANT COACHING TAKE THE ENERGY ASSESSMENT WWW.THEVIBRANTCOACH.COM . NICO L E @T H E V IBR ANT COACH .CO M 704-502-4953 EN E RG Y E X E R CISE 2