Wethersfield Public Schools UConn ECE Course Outline ECE 3178 & 3179 Course Name: Spanish ECE 3178 & 3179 - Advance Spanish Composition with Cultural Topics Concentration Composición avanzada en español por medio del arte, la cultura y la literatura Advance Spanish Composition through art, culture and literature Department: World Language Grade(s): Grade 12 Level(s): AP Course Number(s): Credits: WHS 1.0 & Possible UCONN 6.0 Course Description: This advanced language course aims for increased proficiency in reading and writing skills. Written communication will be facilitated by the study of literary selections, cultural readings, films, short films, grammar, and vocabulary. Readings are focused on authentic cultural documents and texts, which are used throughout the year, with more in-depth analysis and discussion. The class will be taught in, and students expected to use, Spanish exclusively Required Instructional Materials: Other Resources: o Galería de Arte y Vida, Glenco McGraw-Hill o Tesoro Literario, Nivel Avanzado, Glencoe McGraw-Hill o Azulejo, Anthology & Guide to the AP Spanish Literature Course, Second Edition,Wayside publishing o Panoramas Literarios España, Houghton Mifflin Company o Nuevas Vistas, Advance Spanish Curso dos, Holt, Rinehart and Winston Revised/Approval Date: 11/3/14 Approved Administrative Team 11-12-14 Approved Student Programs and Services 12-16-14 Approved Board of Education 1-13-15 Authors/Contributors: Maria Sanhueza Spanish ECE 3178 & 3179 Page 1 of 21 Overarching Skills This section includes 21st Century skills and discipline focused skills such as inquiry skills, problem solving skills, research skills, etc. These objectives should be taught and assessed through the integration of the other units. This unit is not meant to be taught in isolation as a separate unit. Enduring Understandings Learning a World Language opens doors to a greater variety of career options, increased lifelong learning opportunities, and enhanced leisure activities. As students increase their proficiency in another language, they acquire skills, which empower them to gain knowledge in other disciplines and sensitivity to a variety of viewpoints in the target cultures. As the world moves toward a global community, it is increasingly important for World Language study to result in proficiencies that enable students to engage in conversations, interpret authentic materials, and recent concepts in a language other than their own. People use a variety of simple and complex structures to communicate the same thing. Effective communication uses appropriate vocabulary, correct language structure, and patterns. Essential Questions Why is it important to communicate in another language? What is culture? Why is it important to understand the perspectives (value systems) of another culture? What can you read about in your World Language that you would not be exposed to in your native language? Where can you use the language other than the classroom? How can learning a World Language enrich your life? Why are specific vocabulary groups and language structures necessary for effective communication? How does word formation facilitate clear communication? How do sentence and paragraph formations facilitate language formation? Objectives (skills) The student will: 1. Maximize the use of the Spanish Language. 2. Hold conversations with peers and Spanish-speaking people whenever possible. 3. Make formal presentations to the class in Spanish. 4. Listen with understanding to a variety of speakers. 5. Compare target language and their own. 6. Compare formal vs. idiomatic/conversational language. 7. Write formal and informal compositions on a variety of topics. 8. Utilize strategies to read authentic literary text (e.g. poems, short stories, excerpts from novels) 9. Use information from the text to make predictions. 10. Make connections between language and culture. 11. Compare other cultures to provide connections, contrasts, and understanding. 12. Appreciate the contexts in which the language occurs. 13. Use current event and history to provide connections to other disciplines. 14. Use various technology tools to research and present in a variety of ways. Instructional Support Materials o Select readings from Galería de Arte y Vida o Tesoro Literario, Nivel Avanzado, Glencoe McGraw-Hill Spanish ECE 3178 & 3179 Page 2 of 21 o Azulejo, Anthology & Guide to the AP Spanish Literature Course, Second Edition,Wayside publishing o Panoramas Literarios España, Houghton Mifflin Company o Nuevas Vistas, Advance Spanish Curso dos, Holt, Rinehart and Winston o Dictionaries, maps and other realia o Helpful Internet sites http://ece.uconn.edu/courses/subj/spanish.php http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PsMxyndWtc http://lp.babbel.com/d/ENG_index.html?ch=SEM&l2=ALL&slc=AW9ENGALL&gclid=CO7Fx_qXlb8CFRAV7AodnhUAKw Suggested Instructional Strategies Power Point presentation Teacher-student question and answer sessions Drills Pair work Group work Guest speakers Interviews Dialogues Video clips Audio clips Cultural videos Articles Internet research Internet base activities Skype (calling someone in another country) Sony soloist (Language Laboratory) Movie maker Inspiration Food sampling Visual aids (transparencies, flash cards, power point lessons, video lessons, original artifacts, etc) Daily word, phrase, proverb Music and dance Games IPADS Field trips o Restaurants o Theaters o Museums Suggested Assessment Methods (Include use of school-wide analytic and course specific rubrics) Teacher informal observation Daily oral participation Homework and brief writings related to lessons Oral and written assessments Language lab assessments Oral and written quizzes and tests Spanish ECE 3178 & 3179 Page 3 of 21 Essay/Compositions Oral and written responses of essential questions Oral presentations Group presentations Computer project using Inspiration 3D model presentation Dialogues Acting Singing Dancing Video productions School Wide Rubrics: o Effective Communication Rubric o Higher Order Thinking Skills o Problem Solving o Technology Skills World Language Rubrics: o Oral Rubric o Speaking Rubric o Written Rubric Spanish ECE 3178 & 3179 Page 4 of 21 Unit 1: El Arte y un repaso del presente del indicativo y las descripciones (Art and review of the present indicative and descriptions) Time Frame: September - October Length of Unit: 2 months Enduring Understandings Students will understand that: An art gallery is an extraordinary place where one can observe combination and different form of art. As art gallery visitor one can admire the different work of painters, sculptures, artisans and artist. One can observe everyday life through art. Through the artist one learns about the big impact in the everyday problems, the events in which one has no control of. One is able to learn about the ups and downs of everyday events. One is able to appreciate contemporary Spanish art. Art can lay the foundation for discussion of style and literary analysis. Spanish-speaking countries and regions vary in art representations. Art is not something specific but a way to expression. Essential Questions How does the use of correct grammar improve communication? How do Spanish and English grammar and mechanics differ? How do I state and support my thoughts and interpretations? How do I communicate generality/neutrality in my statements? How do Spanish-speaking countries and regions differ with their art? How do I use art in my life? How do I see art? How do I express myself using art? How does art teach me about history? How does art teach me about current events? How does art teach me about daily life events? How does art show what I cannot express in words? How does art help me understand the differences between cultures? How does art teach me about others? Why is art different according to when it is created? Objectives (knowledge and skills) The student will: 1.1 Define and apply vocabulary for art in Spain, Latin America and the United States 1.2 Debate and express opinions about different art 1.3 List the overall uses and triggers of the present indicative 1.4 Learn about El Greco, Velazquez, Goya, Picasso, Dalí and Kahlo 1.5 Give example of verbs that require the use of the present indicative 1.6 Distinguish the use of the infinitives, present indicative 1.7 Apply the infinitive, present indicative simultaneously 1.8 Identify and utilize varied verbs of opinion 1.9 Conjugate regular and irregular verbs in the present indicative 1.10 Apply the possessive, demonstrative and agreement adjectives when describing art 1.11 Compare and contrast the art of mainland Spain, Latin America and the United States 1.12 Examine cultural differences between different art 1.13 Create and analyze your own creation of art 1.14 Make connections from your own art to that of a master piece 1.15 Analyze and critique different readings from Tesoro literario (La Fabula, El cuento en España y el cuento en Hispanoamérica) Spanish ECE 3178 & 3179 Page 5 of 21 Foreign Language Standards: CSDE 2005 (Connecticut World Language Curriculum Framework) CONTENT STANDARD 1: Communication (Interpersonal Mode) Exchange information about current and past events, as well as aspirations in their personal lives and the lives of their friends, families and others within their community. Work in groups to develop solutions to problems that are of contemporary or historical interest in both the target and their native cultures. Employ rephrasing and circumlocution, i.e., using other words and gestures to explain words or concepts, to successfully communicate their messages. CONTENT STANDARD 2: Communication (Interpretive Mode) Understand the main ideas and relevant details of extended discussions, lectures and formal presentations on topics related to daily life and/or historical or contemporary themes in the target culture. CONTENT STANDARD 3: Communication (Presentational Mode) Prepare oral presentations and/or written summaries on topics of current or historical interest in the target language. Describe, explain, express opinions about and analyze stories, plays, poems or other literature, as well as radio programs, music, films, art and websites. Use a dictionary or thesaurus written entirely in the target language, as appropriate, to select words for use in preparing written and oral reports. CONTENT STANDARD 4: Cultures Identify and analyze products and practices of the target culture (e.g., social, economic, legal and political), and explore the relationships between these products and practices and the perspectives of the culture. Identify, discuss and analyze various patterns of behaviors or interactions that are typical of the target culture. CONTENT STANDARD 5: Connections (Interdisciplinary Mode) Use new information and perspectives gained through world language study to expand their personal knowledge and interdisciplinary connections. CONTENT STANDARD 6: Connections (Interdisciplinary Mode) Use multiple media resources to analyze aspects of the target culture(s) and apply their knowledge to new situations. CONTENT STANDARD 7: Comparisons among Languages Analyze various elements of the target language (such as time or tense), and compare and contrast them with comparable linguistic elements in English. CONTENT STANDARD 8: Comparisons among Cultures Use new information and perspectives to compare and contrast their experiences with those of their peers in the target culture(s). Use new and evolving information and perspectives to demonstrate understanding of the similarities and differences across cultures. Instructional Support Materials See page 3 Spanish ECE 3178 & 3179 Page 6 of 21 Readings for reinforcements found in Galería de arte y vida: El Greco Diego Velázquez Francisco de Goya Pablo Ruiz Picasso Salvador Dalí Frida Kahlo Readings for reinforcements found in Tesoro Literario: La Fábula: Fluoristas de fantasia o La Lechera, Felix Maria Samaniego o La gallina de los huevos de oro, Felix Maria Samaniego El cuento en España: Cetrinas en fascinación o De lo que aconteció a un mancebo que se casó con una mujer muy fuerte y brava, Don Juan Manuel o Las medias rojas, Emilia Pardo Bazán El cuento en Hispanoamérica: Centinas en fascinación o El hijo, Horacio Quiroga o La luz es como el agua, Gabriel Garcia Márquez o De barro estamos hechos, Isabel Allende o Los dos reyes y los dos laberintos, Jorge Luis Borges Suggested Instructional Strategies See page 3 Also: Projects on 2 artist and 2 different pieces of art, descriptions and opinions comparing Spain and Latin America Suggested Assessment Methods (Include use of school-wide analytic and course specific rubrics) See page 3 Also o Culminating Performance Assessment Task(s): Task 1: Write a short essay stating your selection of art and expressing your comparison between art in Spain and that of Latin America Task 2: Create a presentation to express comparison of different art between art in Spain and that of Latin America Spanish ECE 3178 & 3179 Page 7 of 21 Unit 2: El Indio, la identidad y un repaso del pretérito y el imperfecto (The indian, the identity and a review of the preterite vs. the imperfect) Time Frame: November to December Length of Unit: 2 months Enduring Understandings Students will understand that: It is difficult to define an American Indian. It’s an enigma to classify an American Indian. Today an American Indian can be a person that lives just like their ancestors or it could be someone well integrated into a modern society. An American Indian can be the descendent of a well-developed society. An American Indian can be a mix of cultures. Identity comes from family, friends and places we live in. Personal identity deals with questions that arise about ourselves by virtue of our being people. The story of who we are is yet to be told in order to identify what we will become. Essential Questions How does the use of correct grammar improve communication? How do Spanish and English grammar and mechanics differ? How can I identify myself Where do I come from and how did I come about? How can I identify someone from their actions, dress or manners? How do I know how to behave? How did I learn right from wrong? How do I determine my identity? How do I choose who I am? How do I use the preterit and the imperfect to tell my story? Are there settlements and geographical evidence in the U.S. that point to a foreign country? Objectives (knowledge and skills) The student will: 1.1 Define and apply vocabulary for El Indio and the identity in the different cultures 1.2 Connect the misconceptions of peoples identity to the real identity after learning from them 1.3 Develop a logical argument about how you see someone for the way they look, dress, or act 1.4 Compare and contrast identities of Hispanics in the USA that were born here and those that migrated 1.5 Differentiate between the United states and Latin America cultures 1.6 Analyze your own identity and explore where you came from and what you consider yourself to be 1.7 Investigate how people interpret their identity after growing up in this country 1.8 Analyze resource readings from Galería de arte y vida (La Yaqui Hermosa, Rosa Leyes, El Indio, Manuel, El Nahual) 1.9 Connect the preterite and imperfect to talk about the readings and findings about identities 1.10 Develop a logical argument utilizing the preterite and imperfect to talk about identities 1.11 Analyze resource readings from Tesoro Literario (La carta: Cornalinas de comunicacion, un encuentro con Moctezuma, Carta a un caballero que tomaba gran interes en la cuasa republican en la América del sur, la tesis de Nancy, Quién supiera escribir) Spanish ECE 3178 & 3179 Page 8 of 21 Foreign Language Standards: CSDE 2005 (Connecticut World Language Curriculum Framework) CONTENT STANDARD 1: Communication (Interpersonal Mode) Exchange information about current and past events, as well as aspirations in their personal lives and the lives of their friends, families and others within their community. Exchange opinions on a variety of topics, including issues of contemporary or historical interest in the target and their native cultures. Employ rephrasing and circumlocution, i.e., using other words and gestures to explain words or concepts, to successfully communicate their messages. CONTENT STANDARD 2: Communication (Interpretive Mode) Understand the main idea or plot and relevant details or subplots of radio or television programs, films or other forms of media designed primarily by native speakers of the target language. CONTENT STANDARD 3: Communication (Presentational Mode) Prepare oral presentations and/or written summaries on topics of current or historical interest in the target language Write letters in the target language to peers in the target culture, describing and analyzing current events of mutual interest. Use a dictionary or thesaurus written entirely in the target language, as appropriate, to select words for use in preparing written and oral reports. CONTENT STANDARD 4: Cultures Identify and analyze products and practices of the target culture (e.g., social, economic, legal and political), and explore the relationships between these products and practices and the perspectives of the culture. Identify, discuss and analyze various patterns of behaviors or interactions that are typical of the target culture. CONTENT STANDARD 5: Connections (Interdisciplinary Mode) Use new information and perspectives gained through world language study to expand their personal knowledge and interdisciplinary connections. CONTENT STANDARD 6: Connections (Intradisciplinary Mode) Use multiple media resources to analyze aspects of the target culture(s) and apply their knowledge to new situations. CONTENT STANDARD 7: Comparisons Among Languages Analyze various elements of the target language (such as time or tense), and compare and contrast them with comparable linguistic elements in English. CONTENT STANDARD 8: Comparisons Among Cultures Use new information and perspectives to compare and contrast their experiences with those of their peers in the target culture(s). Use new and evolving information and perspectives to demonstrate understanding of the similarities and differences across cultures. CONTENT STANDARD 9: Communities Communicate with members of the target culture and interpret information regarding topics of personal, community or world interest. Spanish ECE 3178 & 3179 Page 9 of 21 Establish and/or maintain interpersonal relations with speakers of the target language via letters or email and/or exchange programs Instructional Support Materials See page 3 Readings for reinforcements found in Tesoro Literario La carta: Cornalinas de comunicación Un encuentro con Moctezuma, Hernán Cortés Carta a un caballero que tomaba gran interés en al causa republicana en la América del Sur, Simón Bolivar La tesis de Nancy Quién supiera escribir, Ramón de Campoamor Links for reinforcement: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/spanish/publication/2008/09/20080919153441emanym0.7341577.html# axzz35kd5ZueA http://efektonoticias.com/opinion/las-crisis-de-identidad-en-estados-unidos http://biblioteca.itam.mx/estudios/estudio/letras42/rese2/sec_2.html http://www.redalyc.org/pdf/3050/305024678013.pdf http://www.bbc.co.uk/mundo/internacional/2010/06/100601_hispanos_generacion_indocumentados_rg.sh tml http://www.bbc.co.uk/mundo/internacional/2010/06/100601_hispanos_generacion_indocumentados_rg.sh tml Suggested Instructional Strategies See page 3 Suggested Assessment Methods See page 3 Also: Culminating Performance Assessment Task(s): o Task 1: Create a family tree illustration of your extended family. Include a short composition describing family relationships, personality types, and day-to-day life. o Task 2: Participate in an Skype interview to learn from other cultures and compared them to their own clarifying any stereotypes o Task 3: Oral Interview: Conduct an interview with a classmate about his family and friends to present in front of the class. Require follow-up questions from the student audience. Spanish ECE 3178 & 3179 Page 10 of 21 Unit 3: Sentimientos, pasiones y todo lo relacinado con los tiempos del futuro y el condicional (Feelings and passions and everything related to the future and conditional tenses) Time Frame: January-February Length of Unit: 2 months Enduring Understandings Students will understand that: Feelings are emotions that are experienced at a particular time. Feelings are an emotional state or disposition. Feelings are an affective state of consciousness, such as that resulting from emotions, sentiments, or desires. Passions are creative or constructive endeavors or activities that you enjoy immersing yourself in. Your own passions are the things you are good at, that interest you, that intrigue you. that keep you going. Our passions help us know what we want to do, and they drive us in a direction of our own. Communicating in at least one other language allows people to obtain information, express feelings and exchange opinions with a wider audience. Interpreting spoken language is essential to good communication and building rapport. One reads to acquire knowledge and understanding and to gain new perspectives Gaining knowledge about and empathizing with other peoples and cultures leads to a more tolerant society. Foreign Language learning extends beyond the classroom to real life situations. Essential Questions How does the use of correct grammar improve communication? How do Spanish and English grammar and mechanics differ? How do I express my feelings? How do I know what my passions are? How do are emotions different from passions? How can different events, actions at a particular time affect my feelings and decisions? How does my passion help me for my future? How could my current feelings condition my future passions? How well can a person interact with a native speaker in the target language? What are typical pastimes in the foreign culture? How are they similar or different from those in America? What celebrations do the two cultures share and which ones do they not share? What traditions have influenced the English peaking world? How will I respond to what I hear and interpret what I read in Spanish? What is it like growing up in a Spanish speaking country? Objectives (knowledge and skills) The student will: 1.1 Define and apply vocabulary for feelings and passions 1.2 Differentiate how feelings can affect our passions and future decisions 1.3 Apply Future and Conditional tenses to talk about how people react to different literature 1.4 Apply Future and Conditional perfect tenses to express feelings and passions 1.5 Apply Si clauses with feelings and passions 1.6 Apply the Future and Conditional Perfect tenses to express feelings and passions 1.7 Analyze selected readings from Galería de Arte y vida (El Abanico, La Pared, EL Arrepentimiento, Pablo Neruda) 1.8 Analyze selected reading from Tesoro Literario (La novela, La poesía) 1.9 Connect selected readings from Galería de Arte y vida to those of Tesoro Literario to talk about feelings and passions. Spanish ECE 3178 & 3179 Page 11 of 21 1.10 Critique Critique the movie “Como agua para Chocolate” or “Mar adentro” to differentiate passions and feelings Foreign Language Standards: CSDE 2005 (Connecticut World Language Curriculum Framework) CONTENT STANDARD 1: Communication (Interpersonal Mode) Exchange information about current and past events, as well as aspirations in their personal lives and the lives of their friends, families and others within their community. Exchange opinions on a variety of topics, including issues of contemporary or historical interest in the target and their native cultures. Employ rephrasing and circumlocution, i.e., using other words and gestures to explain words or concepts, to successfully communicate their messages. CONTENT STANDARD 2: Communication (Interpretive Mode) Understand the main ideas and relevant details of extended discussions, lectures and formal presentations on topics related to daily life and/or historical or contemporary themes in the target culture. CONTENT STANDARD 4: Cultures Identify and analyze products and practices of the target culture (e.g., social, economic, legal and political), and explore the relationships between these products and practices and the perspectives of the culture. Identify, discuss and analyze various patterns of behaviors or interactions that are typical of the target culture. CONTENT STANDARD 5: Connections (Interdisciplinary Mode) Use new information and perspectives gained through world language study to expand their personal knowledge and interdisciplinary connections. CONTENT STANDARD 6: Connections (Intradisciplinary Mode) Use multiple media resources to analyze aspects of the target culture(s) and apply their knowledge to new situations. CONTENT STANDARD 7: Comparisons Among Languages Analyze various elements of the target language (such as time or tense), and compare and contrast them with comparable linguistic elements in English. Cite evidence to support conclusions, distinguish between fact and opinion, and connect new and previous learning both in written and oral communication. CONTENT STANDARD 8: Comparisons Among Cultures Use new and evolving information and perspectives to demonstrate understanding of the similarities and differences across cultures. Instructional Support Materials See page 3 Also: Galería de Arte y Vida, Nivel Avanzado, Glencoe McGraw- Hill «El Abanico» Vicente Riva Palacio – fondo, vocabulario, lectura, ejercicios de Spanish ECE 3178 & 3179 Page 12 of 21 comprensión orales y escritos, prueba «La Pared» Vicente Blasco Ibáñez – fondo, vocabulario, lectura, ejercicios de comprensión orales y escritos, prueba «El Arrepentido» Ana María Matute – fondo, vocabulario, lectura, ejercicios de comprensión orales y escritos, prueba Pablo Neruda «Veinte Poemas de Amor y una canción desesperada» - fondo, lecturas, presentación oral: escoger un poema, recitarla y dar un analisis «Las Odas» - fondo, lecturas, escribir una oda personal «El Libro de Preguntas» - fondo, leer unos ejemplos, crear unas preguntas personales «Cuando un amigo se va» Alberto Cortez – fondo, lectura, reacción escrita El Futuro y el Condicional : los regulares, los irregulares, el futuro y el condicional de probabilidad, las claúsulas si, ejercicios orales y escritos El Futuro Perfecto y el Condicional Perfecto: los regulares, los irregulares, el futuro perfecto y el condicional perfecto de probabilidad, las claúsulas si PELICULA: «Como agua para chocolate», película de Alfonso Arau vocabulario, comentarios y varios ensayos sobre los temas, los personajes, las reacciones e interpretaciones personales PELICULA: “Mar adentro”, película por Alejandro Amenábar. vocabulario, comentarios y varios ensayos sobre los temas, los personajes, las reacciones e interpretaciones personales Readings for reinforcements found in Tesoro Literario La novela: Nefritas de la vida o La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes, Anónimo o Don Quijote de la Mancha, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra o San Manuel Bueno, mártir, Miguel de Unamuno La poesía: Perlas de emoción o El cantar de Mío Cíd, Anónimo o Versos Sencillos, José Martí o Lo Fatal, Rubén Darío o Los heraldos Negros, César Vallejo o El niño solo, Gabriela Mistral Important links for reinforcements: http://www.estresyansiedad.com.ar/PDF/emociones%20pasiones%20sentimientos.pdf http://www.slideshare.net/Llana/emociones-pasiones-sentimientos Suggested Instructional Strategies See page 3 Also: Suggested Assessment Methods See page 3 Spanish ECE 3178 & 3179 Page 13 of 21 Unit 4: El humorismo y los mandatos (Humorism and commands) Time Frame: February-March Length of Unit: 2 months Enduring Understandings Students will understand that: Spaniards and Latin Americans are very fond of humor. Spanish and Latin American humor is a mixture of what is funny, tragic and ironic like El Quijote. The rich and the poor, the noble and the peasants have an inclination for humor. Humor is anything that causes amusements. Anything that relaxes the body, gets people to breathe, causes a smile, or elicits happiness is humor. Essential Questions How do I determine what humor is? How do I see humor? How do I use humor on a daily basis? How does humor from Spain or Latin America compare to that of the USA? How is humor in other countries different then our own? How can humor help in school? How can humor make work days more productive? How can humor help with conflict? How can humor be used to enhance future learning? Objectives (knowledge and skills) The student will: 1.1 Define and apply vocabulary for humor 1.2 Classify verbs that are reflexive 1.3 Analyze several readings from Galería de Arte y Vida (Una carta a Dios, La correspondecia en español, Chistes, el Nuevo redactor del anuario) 1.4 Analyze several reading from Tesoro Literario (El infenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha, La rosa de la Alhambra, Paula) 1.5 Create humor using commands and the gerund 1.6 Critique humor using present participles and ser vs. estar verbs 1.7 Draw conclusions about the reading of Consejos in Tesoro Literario 1.8 Connect the reflexives, commands, gerund, ser vs estar and present participles to draw conclusions about humor 1.9 Compare humor of the United States, Spain and Latin America 1.10 Differentiate the humor in school and at work 1.11 Develop a logical argument on how humor helps or hurts daily life events, tasks, work, school . Foreign Language Standards: CSDE 2005 (Connecticut World Language Curriculum Framework) CONTENT STANDARD 1: Communication (Interpersonal Mode) Exchange information about current and past events, as well as aspirations in their personal lives and the lives of their friends, families and others within their community. Exchange information about international current events based on newspaper or magazine articles, television and radio programs, videos, films and Internet resources, and compare and contrast how information is reported in both the target and their native cultures. Work in groups to develop solutions to problems that are of contemporary or historical interest in both the target and their native cultures. Spanish ECE 3178 & 3179 Page 14 of 21 CONTENT STANDARD 3: Communication (Presentational Mode) Prepare oral presentations and/or written summaries on topics of current or historical interest in the target language. CONTENT STANDARD 4: Cultures Identify and analyze products and practices of the target culture (e.g., social, economic, legal and political), and explore the relationships between these products and practices and the perspectives of the culture. CONTENT STANDARD 5: Connections (Interdisciplinary Mode) Use information acquired from other school subjects to complete activities in the world language classroom. Use new information and perspectives gained through world language study to expand their personal knowledge and interdisciplinary connections CONTENT STANDARD 6: Connections (Intradisciplinary Mode) Use multiple media resources to analyze aspects of the target culture(s) and apply their knowledge to new situations. CONTENT STANDARD 7: Comparisons Among Languages Analyze various elements of the target language (such as time or tense), and compare and contrast them with comparable linguistic elements in English. CONTENT STANDARD 8: Comparisons Among Cultures Compare and contrast the treatment of current issues across cultures by drawing on authentic texts. Use new information and perspectives to compare and contrast their experiences with those of their peers in the target culture(s). Instructional Support Materials See page 3 Also: Galería de Arte y Vida, Nivel Avanzado, Glencoe McGraw- Hill Una carta a Dios, Gregorio López y Fuentes La correspondencia en español El Gato De sevres, Marco A. Almazan Signos de puntuación, M. Toledo y Benito Chistes El Nuevo redactor del anuario Verbos reflexivos Mandatos directos Ser y Estar El gerundio o participio presente Tesoro Literario, Nivel Avanzado, Glencoe McGraw-Hill El Ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra La Rosa de la Alhambra Spanish ECE 3178 & 3179 Page 15 of 21 Paula, Isabela Allende Consejos Suggested Instructional Strategies See page 3 Also: Suggested Assessment Methods See page 3 Also: Culminating Performance Assessment Task(s): Spanish ECE 3178 & 3179 Page 16 of 21 Unit 5: El heroismo y el presente del subjuntivo Time Frame: April-May Length of Unit: 2 months Enduring Understandings Students will understand that: Heroism can be defined as someone who is willingly able to risk their life for others. It takes a lot of courage and bravery A hero is someone who knowingly puts his or her life at risk for a greater good. Heroism is a good and thoughtful dead commuted by someone who acted on their instincts to make a change. Heroism is when you act out of the kindness off your heart. In universal literature there are thousands of tales which talk about heroism and the brave characters. While some of these tales have won world wide recognition others have been left and forgotten Essential Questions How does the use of correct grammar improve communication? How do Spanish and English grammar and mechanics differ? How do I define a hero? How do heroes become heroes? What makes a good hero? Are heroes the same all around the world? What are the qualities of a good hero? What role do heroes play in everyday lives? Objectives (knowledge and skills) The student will: 1.1 Define and apply vocabulary for heroism 1.2 Analyze several readings from Galería de Arte y Vida (El mensaje de San Martín, Viva Numancia, un Héroe, otro Héroe) 1.3 Analyze several reading from Tesoro Literario (Confieso que he vivido, A las mujeres mexicanas) 1.4 Apply the subjunctive tense to explain wishes and desires for how one sees heroes 1.5 Apply the passive voice to talk about heroism 1.6 Utilize the subjunctive tense, the direct commands and the passive voice to compare the different reading from Galería de Arte y Vida and the Tesoro Literaro readings to that of heroism. 1.7 Analyze the different uses for the subjunctive tense 1.8 Create a sketch of what a hero should be 1.9 Compare and contrast how people around the world see heroes and explain the concept or a hero Foreign Language Standards: CSDE 2005 (Connecticut World Language Curriculum Framework) CONTENT STANDARD 1: Communication (Interpersonal Mode) Exchange information about international current events based on newspaper or magazine articles, television and radio programs, videos, films and Internet resources, and compare and contrast how information is reported in both the target and their native cultures. Exchange opinions on a variety of topics, including issues of contemporary or historical interest in the target and their native cultures. Employ rephrasing and circumlocution, i.e., using other words and gestures to explain words or concepts, to successfully communicate their messages. CONTENT STANDARD 2: Communication (Interpretive Mode) Spanish ECE 3178 & 3179 Page 17 of 21 Comprehend the main ideas and significant details of full-length feature articles in newspapers, magazines and websites on topics of current or historical importance in the target culture. CONTENT STANDARD 3: Communication (Presentational Mode) Prepare oral presentations and/or written summaries on topics of current or historical interest in the target language. CONTENT STANDARD 4: Cultures Identify, experience or read about, and discuss expressive forms of the culture, including but not limited to literature, periodicals, films, television, websites and the fine arts, in order to explore their effects on the larger community. CONTENT STANDARD 5: Connections (Interdisciplinary Mode) Acquire more complex and abstract information from a variety of authentic sources in the world language classroom and integrate it with other school subjects. Use new information and perspectives gained through world language study to expand their personal knowledge and interdisciplinary connections. CONTENT STANDARD 6: Connections (Intradisciplinary Mode) Use multiple media resources to analyze aspects of the target culture(s) and apply their knowledge to new situations. CONTENT STANDARD 7: Comparisons Among Languages Analyze various elements of the target language (such as time or tense), and compare and contrast them with comparable linguistic elements in English. Cite evidence to support conclusions, distinguish between fact and opinion, and connect new and previous learning both in written and oral communication. CONTENT STANDARD 8: Comparisons Among Cultures Compare and contrast the treatment of current issues across cultures by drawing on authentic texts. CONTENT STANDARD 9: Communities Use various media from the target language and culture for personal enjoyment. Read literature, listen to music and view films and websites in the target language for entertainment. Instructional Support Materials See page 3 Galería de Arte y Vida, Nivel Avanzado, Glencoe McGraw- Hill El mensaje de San Martín Viva Numancia Un Héroe Otro Héroe Mandatos indirectos El presente del subjuntivo Usos del subjuntivo La voz pasiva Spanish ECE 3178 & 3179 Page 18 of 21 Lecturas para reinforzar: Tesoro Literario, Nivel Avanzado, Glencoe McGraw-Hill Confieso que he vivido, Pablo Neruda A las mujeres mexicanas, Octavio Paz Suggested Instructional Strategies See page 3 Also: Suggested Assessment Methods See page 3 Also: Spanish ECE 3178 & 3179 Page 19 of 21 Unit 6: La comunicación y la tecnología, el Ultimo viaje y el imperfecto y pluscuamperfecto del subjuntivo (Communication and technology, the last voyages and the imperfect and pluperfect subjunctive) Time Frame: May-June Length of Unit: 2 months Enduring Understandings Students will understand that: Communication is the act of transferring information from one place to another. The discipline of communication focuses on how people use messages to generate meanings within and across various contexts, cultures, channels, and media. Communication is a means of connecting people or places. The nature of communication is dependent on interaction between two or more individuals and understanding is constructed through that interaction. Communication itself has not changed; just the technologies we use to engage with it. As new technology emerges, there are new manners associated with the new methods of communication. Essential Questions How do I communicate? How do I use social media? How does everyone else communicate? How is communication and technology the same or different in Spain, Latin America and the United States? How is communication different from children to adults? How will the past and the present affect our future communications? How do students use technology to communicate? How does technology affect communication? How is technology impacting communication in a positive way? How is technology impacting communication in a negative way? Objectives (knowledge and skills) The student will: 1.1 Define and apply vocabulary for communication and technology 1.2 Analyze several readings from Galería de Arte y Vida (La lechuza, en el fondo del caño hay un negrito, fuego infantil, ¿soy yo quien anda?, en hora de necesidad) 1.3 Apply the imperfect and pluperfect subjunctive tense to explain how communication has changed 1.4 Apply the mas, pero, sino structures to explain about new technology affecting communication 1.5 Apply direct object pronouns to write about current means of communications using futuristic media 1.6 Compare and contrast how people around the world are using technology to communicate 1.7 Develop a logical argument about the right to use social media in school and at work 1.8 Investigate how technology has impacted communication in the past, present and future 1.9 Analyze the pros and the cons in social media 1.10 Assess how you communicate and how you can improve your social skills. Foreign Language Standards: CSDE 2005 (Connecticut World Language Curriculum Framework) CONTENT STANDARD 1: Communication (Interpersonal Mode) Exchange information about current and past events, as well as aspirations in their personal lives and the lives of their friends, families and others within their community. Exchange information about international current events based on newspaper or magazine articles, television and radio programs, videos, films and Internet resources, and compare and contrast how information is reported in both the target and their native cultures. Spanish ECE 3178 & 3179 Page 20 of 21 Work in groups to develop solutions to problems that are of contemporary or historical interest in both the target and their native cultures. CONTENT STANDARD 3: Communication (Presentational Mode) Prepare oral presentations and/or written summaries on topics of current or historical interest in the target language. CONTENT STANDARD 4: Cultures Identify and analyze products and practices of the target culture (e.g., social, economic, legal and political), and explore the relationships between these products and practices and the perspectives of the culture. CONTENT STANDARD 5: Connections (Interdisciplinary Mode) Use information acquired from other school subjects to complete activities in the world language classroom. Use new information and perspectives gained through world language study to expand their personal knowledge and interdisciplinary connections CONTENT STANDARD 6: Connections (Intradisciplinary Mode) Use multiple media resources to analyze aspects of the target culture(s) and apply their knowledge to new situations. CONTENT STANDARD 7: Comparisons Among Languages Analyze various elements of the target language (such as time or tense), and compare and contrast them with comparable linguistic elements in English. CONTENT STANDARD 8: Comparisons Among Cultures Compare and contrast the treatment of current issues across cultures by drawing on authentic texts. Use new information and perspectives to compare and contrast their experiences with those of their peers in the target culture(s). Instructional Support Materials See page 3 Galería de Arte y Vida, Nivel Avanzado, Glencoe McGraw- Hill La lechuza, Alberto Gerchunoff En el fondo del caño hay un negrito, José Luis González Fuego Infantil, Luis Palés Matos ¿Soy yo quien anda?, Juan Ramón Jiménez En hora de necesidad Mas, pero, sino Los pronombres de complemento Pluscuamperfecto del subjuntivo Suggested Instructional Strategies See page 3 Suggested Assessment Methods See page 3 Culminating Performance Assessment Task(s): Spanish ECE 3178 & 3179 Page 21 of 21