PB15 Dec.pub - Makalapa Elementary School

Makalapa Elementary School
4435 Salt Lake Boulevard
Honolulu, Hawaii 96818
(808) 421-4110
December 2015
Makalapa PTA Invites you:
Craft & Gift Fair and Keiki Swap Meet
Dec. 5, 2015
Makalapa Elementary Campus
PTA Fundraiser pick up for
pre-ordered brownies and Ani’s Bread
in the Cafeteria
Various vendors will be in aendance. Items to be sold include: Handbags, Scentsy, Mary Kay, Tupperware, Jewelry, Pet related Products, Essen$al Oils, Hair Bows, Sta$onary Gi(s, Sock Dolls, Poery, Bags &
Totes, Hair Clips, T-Shirts, Girls Accessories, Aloha bubbles, Ornaments, Ribbon Cra(s, Handmade Jewelry, Bibdanas, Toddler Apparel & Toys, Cooking Utensils, Video Game Truck, 3d Lashes, Educa$onal Toys
and Items. Teachers will be having booths featuring white elephants, Jamba juice, pizza, snacks, taoos,
cra(s, science rings, luggage tags, make and takes and much more. Come support Makalapa Elem PTA!
Makalapa PTA Family
(808) 421 -4110 ext. 228
At Makalapa Elementary
We are a dedicated Staff
Who inspires students
to be college, career,
and ci'zenship ready.
I am an ALL STAR at Makalapa!
The All-Star program is designed to encourage and recognize students who meet our school-wide rules
and expecta'ons. Congratula'ons to the following students for being selected as PBS All-Star recipients
for the month of November 2015!
Grade K:
Kaiya Ferree, Isabella Vo, Madison Smith, Sakoda Frank,
Tatum Antonio
Grade 1:
Ari Rael, Ikena Euli -Frank, Kameron Benton, Nathaniel
Barber, Rue Ben
Grade 2:
John Andrei Agbayani, Josanna Garza, Kash Wagner,
Tamatoa Gaoteote, Winifred Lin
Grade 3:
Alvin Manglona, Danson Auapaau, Gabriel Crossman,
Rheanna Nobleza, Riley Allen
Grade 4:
Analu Tanouye, Chris1an Maldonado, Ethan Bap1sta,
Jirah Leigh Villanueva, Tavita Phillip
Grade 5:
David Titus, Jordan Allison, Ma hew Tulia, Noelany Velez-Gonzalez, Tahlia Brooks
Grade 6:
Erin Manlapit, Hailey Tamayo, Jelon Coloma, Sarah Almeida, Xevani Salanoa
Please congratulate them for doing a great job of demonstra'ng appropriate behaviors and mee'ng our
school-wide expecta'ons in the class, on our playfield, and/or in our cafeteria.
ON December 23, 2015
Are any of these items are yours?
Please drop by the Main Office by
December 22, 2015. Items left in the
office after that time will be donated
to a charitable organization. Please
be sure to label your child’s items
brought to school. Thank you!
MAKALAPA CRAFT AND GIFT FAIR & Fundraiser Distribution, 8 –12 noon.
Service Group Make up Picture taking; rescheduled due to rain on 11/24
ELL Program, Parent Activity Session, 1:20-2:30 pm.
Wednesday Schedule. School ends at 12:20 pm.
Last Day of Second Quarter and First Semester School ends at 2:00 pm.
Mock Gingerbread House Parent Activity, 5-7 pm, Cafeteria
First Day of Winter Break
December 18, 2015—January 5, 2016
Winter Break. No School for children.
Main Office open 7:30 am—4:00 pm. School closed on December 25, 2015 and January 1, 2016.
Students return to school. First Day of Third Quarter and
First Day of Second Semester.
18 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Holiday
Spring Break Calendar, for your planning...
March 14-24
Spring Break, No school for children.
March 25
Good Friday Holiday
March 28
Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalaniana’ole Day Holiday.
March 29
Students return to school. First Day of Fourth Quarter.
Every third Friday of the month, the Student Council members collect Boxtops, to help our school. Each
Boxtop is worth 10 cents. This could make a big difference in our school. Each classroom has a container
where students put the Boxtops. They are bagged by the Student Council Representa'ves and given to Mrs.
Alecia Kohrs to be trimmed, counted and sent in to General Mills.
In the past, the school has used the money from the Boxtops to pay for outside signs, like the one on the
Time Capsule, and the one in Julien’s garden. We have also paid for the paint and supplies to decorate the
school trash cans, and the trophies for the school service programs.
You can find Boxtops on cereal boxes, 'ssue boxes, canned soup, toilet paper packages, ziplock bags,
fruit snacks, and many more products! You can help us in so many
ways! All you have to do is collect Box Tops from the products that
have them. Then, give it to your kids and they will put it in the container at school. Please help us collect Box Tops for our school!
Thank you to our Queen of Box Tops, Alecia Kohrs!!
By: Karter Ng, Piper Townsend, Elaina Doliboa, Hailey Tamayo,
Tah'ana Tauai, and Lyndsey Naputo.
School-Community Council, September 21, 2015
Student Council Report by Kahmee, Kyla. Kamryn and Romeo
Awards Assembly. On November 13, 2015 we had our Q-1 Awards Assembly. The students that got recognized were GLO Awardees and Jrs. Rams. In order to be a GLO Awardee or Jr. Ram, students need to
have “usually or consistently” for GLO section of their report cards. We hope that more students will work
hard to get GLO awards next quarter.
Frank Delima. On November 17, 2015 Frank Delima came to our school Frank Delima is a local comedian
who does commercials and is known for taking songs and changing the lyrics to match things that are happening. The topic that he talked about was the spirit of Aloha. Aloha means to have respect for yourself
and keeping your mind and body healthy, as well as respecting others around you. He talked to us about
eating healthy, exercising, and taking care of yourself. Everyone enjoyed having Frank Delima come to our
school and make learning fun.
McTeacher Night. December 10, 2015 will be our Makalapa Teacher Night at Moanalua McDonald’s. The
teachers and staff will be working from 4pm-7pm. Please come to McTeacher’s Night to support Makalapa.
The more money we make, the higher the percentage will be. All the money earned goes to our school’s
sports teams for medals and trophies for athletics. See you there!
Basketball Tryouts will be coming soon. There will be a boys and girls team. 5th and 6th graders may tryout to be a part of the team, if have all work completed and good behavior. We hope that the basketball
teams will have a good season.
To jumpstart literacy this school year, students were given the challenge to read everyday for
twenty minutes. Students rose to the task, fueled by a promise from Principal Arai to mimic the
books The Best School Year Ever and Our Principal Promised to Kiss a Pig. The Reading Challenge
is moving along nicely as students are mee'ng their reading goals of at least 10,000 reading
points per month. Since August, students have earned an impressive 43,782 points! Come by
the library and see the Reading Challenge board showing how students are doing in their collabora've reading journey.
Books are regularly featured to keep students’ reading interests fulfilled, as well as connect
'tles to grade-level curricula. This quarter, the kindergarteners began work on individual original stories incorpora'ng literary elements found in a plot aFer reading books such as Mr. Tiger
Goes Wild as examples. 1st and 3rd graders read nonfic'on books about animals and countries,
respec'vely, in prepara'on for their class project. Older students in the 4th, 5th, and 6th
grades were encouraged to read the 2015 Nene Award winning book Wonder and enter its digital video contest promo'ng the theme “choose kind”.
The library is in constant change to accommodate the growing facets of literacy. New books are
added to the library collec'on regularly as the demand of popular 'tles and subjects are
shared by students and teachers. The library now has a graphic novel/manga sec'on!
Con'nue encouraging your child to read everyday. When you ask your child about how his or her day went, don’t forget to also ask, “What did you read today?”-- Mrs. Kawasaki, Librarian
We are having our annual
McTeacher’s Night fundraiser
to support the purchase of equipment for
our sports program and recognition awards for our Student Athletes . Support our Makalapa students and school.
Please stop by and pick up something to eat.
McDonalds in Moanalua Shopping Center
928 Valkenburgh Street, Honolulu
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Mahalo Community Supporters!
Through the generosity of our Hickam Oceanic Team, Makalapa Elementary received a dona'on of composi'on books, pens, pencils, construc'on paper, pencil containers, and a myriad of school supplies. The
Oceanic Team selects a school each year to donate school supplies.
We are excited to be selected this school year. Supplies are given directly to students and are also available for teachers to distribute as
needed throughout the school year. Thank you Hickam Oceanic Team!
As in the past years, the Dept. of Health provided free flu shots for students. With
the support of the Times Pharmacy Flu @ Your Workplace Program, our teachers and
staff were administered on the same day. We thank Times Pharmacy for being a part of
our school community and for being dedicated to keeping our Faculty and Staff healthy.
Twenty Makalapa Elementary teachers were recognized for providing a solid
educa'onal founda'on for children and preparing our children for a successful
future. Teachers were surprised and appreciated for being acknowledged for
their dedica'on to student achievement. Mahalo Casey and his Staff from the
Pearl City Walmart store for making a posi've impact on our teachers, children
and school community with resources needed to educate the children in their
Through DonorsChoose.org. and the Chevron
Fuel Your School Program, grade 2 teachers at Makalapa Elementary received classroom instructional
supplies providing hands-on materials to deepen
students’ Math skills and understanding. Mahalo Chevron for focusing on
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (S.T.E.M.) education helping
our children prepare for their careers.
Individuals with a disability who wish to participate in a school event, are invited to contact the
following personnel to make arrangements for accessibility at least 10 working days prior to
the event. Reasonable effort will be made to accommodate your request. You may call VP
Mr. Trent Horita or the school office @ 421-4110.
On October 16, 2015 our school had an AVID Technology Night.
During the evening the staff showed a video about how we use AVID
in our classrooms. There was also a slide show about the use of a
Chromebook. Another ac'vity that the students and parents got to
do was making a bookmark with the word “WICOR ” and the word
“WICOR” stands for: wri'ng, inquiry, collabora'on, organiza'on,
and reading. Here are some comments that people made about AVID:
Tiana (student):” It helps you problem solve be&er.”
Eryn(student):” I like AVID because it helps me stay organized”
Amanda (parent):” Gets you technology ready.”
Porsha (parent): “I think that AVID is a pre&y good program because it puts learning in a way that is easier to understand.”
Jenna (parent): “I think that the AVID program is great because
it helps my son to stay organized.”
Anna (student): “I like AVID because it helps you to get college ready”
Eunicia (parent): “It helps the students get individual determina0on and
they don’t have to nag on the parents so much.”
Trisha (parent): “It helps students get skills and strategies for college.”
Duece (student): “It helps us students to be college ready.”
Lisa (parent): “I think that it is exci0ng how Makalapa is working to educate our kids. AVID seems like a great program.”
Serene (parent): “I believe that AVID will help students be
more efficient with their school work and work beyond that.”
Andy (Student): “AVID makes me feel happy and it
makes it easier to learn.”
Lane (student): “I like AVID because it is more efficient to
learn with.”
At the end of the whole AVID night, everything was a great
success. Everyone learned more about what AVID means and students are able to be “future ready.” All of the
parents and the students seemed to be very glad to have AVID in their school. To conclude, since this year’s
AVID night was a success, we should have this event again!!!
WriNen by:
Kahmee Teshima,
Xevani Salanoa,
Caitlain Julian, and
Gabriel Nagoshi
Working Together for School Success
December 2015
Makalapa Elementary School
Principal Denise Arai
My kind of town
When you travel to a
different town or state, encourage your
youngster to compare and contrast it
with your area. She might notice that a
suburb has shorter buildings and more
open space than the city she’s from. Or
if you live near mountains, she may be
surprised by how flat a plain is.
Volunteer for class parties
This time of year, your youngster’s
teacher may need help with a class
party. You could volunteer to coordinate food and activities or to pitch in
on party day. Or you might offer to
contribute craft supplies or a nutritious treat (fruit kebab, baggies of
popcorn and raisins). The teacher
will appreciate your involvement—
and so will your child!
Shared space
Arguments over the bathroom can
throw a wrench in your youngsters’
morning routines. Have them work
together to come up with a schedule.
They should decide who will go first
on which days and how long they can
spend getting ready in the bathroom.
Creating the routine themselves will
make them more apt to stick with it.
Worth quoting
“At first, dreams seem impossible,
then improbable, and eventually
inevitable.” Christopher Reeve
Q: What do you
call a snowman
in summer?
A: A puddle.
© 2015 Resources for Educators, a division of CCH Incorporated
Raise a generous child
Whether your child is making a gift for a grandparent or
putting together a care package, he is learning to give to
others. Use these suggestions
to nurture his generosity.
The gift of time
Being generous doesn’t
have to cost money. Encourage your youngster to take a
little extra time to do things
for others. For example, he
could handle a chore for a
sibling who has a big test the
next day. Or he might organize and
lead games for younger cousins at a
family gathering.
A “wish list” for others
Does your child list gifts he hopes to
receive? Let him make a list for others,
too. He could write down presents he
would like to make or buy for relatives
and friends. Have him carefully consider
what each person might want (“Grandma
loves to hear me play piano, so I’ll make
her a video of me playing her favorite
songs”). This can help him discover how
good it feels to give.
My special cause
Your youngster may feel more eager
to give to a cause that is personally
meaningful to him. For instance, if you
have a relative in the military, he could
help you put together care packages for
troops. Or if he loves animals, he might
gather towels and blankets and donate
them to a shelter.
Tip: Help your child see himself as a
giving person by pointing out his generosity. (“It was generous of you to offer your
brother your last slice of pizza.”)♥
A lifelong learner
Learning isn’t just something that happens in
school— show your youngster it’s a practice she’ll
do all her life. Consider these ideas:
● Tell your child about things you’re learning
and ways you’re educating yourself. For
example, if your office is switching to a new
accounting system, talk about training sessions you attended and how they helped
you do your job.
● Encourage self-help. If your family wants to try camping for the first time, work
together to investigate where to camp, the gear you’ll need, and the best time to
go. You might consult workers at an outdoors store, read books about camping, or
search online for campgrounds.♥
Home & School CONNECTION
December 2015 • Page 2
Write to persuade,
write to explain
Writing serves various purposes. Here are
two important reasons your youngster will
write in school, along with ways she can
practice at home.
Persuade. Encourage your child to
think through both sides of a topic
before she writes by staging a pretend
debate with two dolls or action figures.
She could pick a topic, like whether kids
need more recess, and speak for each “person.” Then, she
should decide which side she agrees with and write an argument from that point of view.
Drugs: Start a
A conversation
Q: How should I talk to my second-grade
son about drugs?
A: Try starting with what your child
already knows. Ask him what he has
heard about drugs, and talk about those
facts or myths.
If he says all drugs are
bad, remind him that when
he’s sick, you or his doctor may give him drugs
to help him get well.
Then, talk about the
dangers of illegal
drugs. Explain that
they may damage the
brain or heart, cause
people to make poor decisions, and be
addictive (hard to stop taking). And even
legal drugs can hurt him if taken incorrectly or not prescribed for him.
Finally, encourage your youngster to
tell you in the future what he’s hearing
about drugs. And keep the conversation
going by bringing up the subject from
time to time.♥
To provide busy parents with practical ideas
that promote school success, parent involvement,
and more effective parenting.
Resources for Educators,
a division of CCH Incorporated
128 N. Royal Avenue • Front Royal, VA 22630
540-636-4280 • rfecustomer@wolterskluwer.com
ISSN 1540-5621
© 2015 Resources for Educators, a division of CCH Incorporated
Explain. Let your youngster
think of a task (say, washing
your hair). Without telling
you what it is, she should
write instructions for you
to act out. (“Turn a bottle
upside down. Hold one
hand under the bottle…”)
As you go through the
motions, she may realize
she left out a step and
needs to edit her directions.
She’ll see the importance of being precise when explaining
something in writing. After you guess what you’re acting out,
write a set of instructions for her.♥
Getting to know you
December is when many families get together with farflung relatives. Encourage cooperation and learn more
about each other with these two activities.
Silent lineup
Family members must work together in this cooperative game. Have your child get one index card per person
and number them (say, 1–8 for 8 people). Turn the cards
upside down, mix them up, and give one to each player. Tape the card you’re
dealt to another person’s back. Then, players try to get in numerical order
speaking. Or write letters on the cards and work togethe
order or to spell a word.
Name the criteria
Here’s a fun way to see what family members have in common. Let one person
name a category, such as “is a morning person” or “likes ketchup on eggs.”
lay a jump rope on the floor. Everyone
the line, and those who don’t sit on the
gory, and rearrange yourselves.♥
Become more independent
As your child gets older, she’ll be
expected to do more for herself. Help
her prepare with these strategies.
● Assume she can. There’s a
better chance that your youngster will be able to accomplish
a task on her own if she sees
that you expect her to.
Example: “I’ll rinse the
plates while you load the
dishwasher.” Then, focus
on rinsing, and leave her to
figure out her own way of
loading the dishes.
● Ask, “What do you think?”
Including your child in family decisions
prepares her for independent decision
making. You might seek her opinion on
what to make for dinner or
where to hang a picture,
for instance.
● Let her start. If she
asks you to put her hair
in a bun, encourage her
to try the first steps by
herself. Tell her you’re
there to help finish the
job if she gets stuck.♥
Date: 1
Mixed Fruit
Breakfast Burrito
Steamed Rice / W/G Bread
Pork Sausage Patty
Grape Juice
Date : 7
B/B Pancake & Sausage
on a Stick
Dried Cranberries, Milk
Date: 14
Diced Pears
W/G Mini Pancakes
Apple Juice
Date: 21
Date: 28
Date: 2
Date: 8
Pineapple Chunks
Steamed Rice / W/G Bread
Breakfast Pork Links
Grape Juice, Milk
Date: 15
Pineapple Chunks
Steamed Rice / W/G Bread
Breakfast Chicken Patty
Orange Juice, Milk
Date: 9
Sliced Peaches
W/G Cinnamon Toast
Apple Juice, Milk
Date: 16
Orange Wedges
Cinnamon Raisin Bagel
w/ Cream Cheese Cup
Date: 3
Pineapple Chunks
Date: 4
Steamed Rice / W/G Bread
Portuguese Sausage
W/G Zucchini Bread
Grape Juice
Date: 10
Orange Wedges
Apple Juice, Milk
Date: 11
Mixed Fruit
Dry Cereal
Breakfast Pork Patty
Grape Juice, Milk
Date: 17
Mixed Fruit
Pepperoni Pizza Stick
Orange Juice
Date: 18
Steamed Rice / W/G Bread
Portuguese Sausage
Grape Juice, Milk
Date: 22
Date: 29
Orange Juice
Date: 23
Date: 30
Apple Juice, Milk
Date: 24
Date: 25
Date: 31
Menus are subject to change without notice
All Meals Include a Choice of Half-Pint 1% or Skim Milk
Date: 1
Italian Spaghetti w/ Meat Sauce
Spinach & Romain Salad
Tropical Pineapple
W/G French Roll
Date : 7
Date: 8
Beef Stew
Steamed Rice
Mixed Fruits
W/G Cornbread
Date: 14
W/G Corn Dog
Potato Smileys
Baked Beans
Apple Wedges
Date: 21
Date: 28
Date: 3
Breaded Pork Chop Patty w/Gravy
Whipped Potatoes
Edamame & Corn
Apple Wedges
W/G Roll
Date: 9
Sloppy Joe
Chicken & Pasta w/ Broccoli
on W/G Bun
Garden Salad w/ Tomato Slice
Oven Fries
Baby Carrots
Spinach & Romain Salad
Orange Wedges
Apple Wedges
Date: 15
Date: 16
Chicken Tenders on Cabbage
Soft Shell Taco
Steamed Rice
Lettuce, Tomato
Broccoli & Carrots
& Cheese
Potato Rounds
W/G Roll
Sliced Peaches
Date: 22
Date: 23
Date: 29
Date: 2
Date: 30
Cheese Pizza
Mixed Green Salad
Baby Carrots
Mixed Fruit
Date: 10
BBQ Pork Patty
on W/G Bun
Baked Beans
Seasoned Corn
Diced Pears
Date: 17
Kalua Pork w/ Cabbage
Steamed Rice
Lomi Tomato Salad
Pineaple Chunks
W/G Sweet Roll
Date: 24
Date: 31
Menus are subject to change without notice
All Meals Include a Choice of Half-Pint 1% or Skim Milk
Date: 4
Tuna Salad on W/G Bun
Corn Chowder
Garden Green Salad
Fruit Juice
Date: 11
Oven Baked Chicken w/ Gravy
Steamed Rice
Broccoli & Carrots
Pineapple Chunks
W/G Roll
Date: 18
Date: 25