Maury County Public Schools Portfolio Assessment Requirements Phonological Awareness Running Records Concepts of Print Kindergarten Portfolio Reading Conferences Writing Samples Writing Conferences Updated May 2009 Kindergarten Assessment Requirements HOW OFTEN DO I GIVE INFORMAL RUNNING RECORDS? Emergent readers (Levels A through G): Upper emergent readers (Levels H through K): Early fluent readers (Levels L through O): Fluent readers (Levels P and beyond) every 2 to 4 weeks every 4 to 6 weeks every 6 to 8 weeks every 8 to 10 weeks The “Phonological Awareness Screener” will be given according to the screener guidelines. •Begin Concepts of Print Checklist •Writing Sample Assessed by District Rubric (1) •Writing Conferences (2) •Update Concepts of Print Checklist •Writing Sample Assessed by District Rubric (1) •Writing Conferences (2) •Reading Conference (1) •Rigby Running Records for Emergent Readers with Retelling Response •Update Running Record Graph for Emergent Readers FIRST NINE WEEKS SECOND NINE WEEKS •Update Concepts of Print Checklist •Writing Sample Assessed by District Rubric (1) •Writing Conferences (2) •Reading Conference (1) •Rigby Running Records for Emergent Readers with Retelling Response and Miscue Analysis •Update Running Record Graph for Emergent Readers •Update Concepts of Print Checklist •Writing Sample Assessed by District Rubric (1) •Writing Conferences (2) •Reading Conference (1) •Rigby Running Records for Emergent Readers with Retelling Response and Miscue Analysis •Update Running Record Graph for Emergent Readers THIRD NINE WEEKS FOURTH NINE WEEKS These assessment requirements will be on-going for students in grades K – 3 and will serve as part of the students’ permanent record documentation. Updated May 2009 CONCEPTS OF PRINT CHECKLIST The Concepts of Print Checklist should begin the 1st nine weeks of school and should be updated during the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th nine weeks. The date each item is assessed should be recorded in the boxes below. It is not necessary to re-assess the portions of the assessment that the student has previously mastered. STUDENT NAME ____________________________ ITEM 1. Front and back of book “Show me the front of the book.” “Show me the back of the book.” 2. Print tells the story concept “Show me where I would start reading.” 3. Directional rules “I want to point to the words as I read. Show me how my finger should move on the page as I read. Where do I go after that?” 4. Voice print pairing First modeled by teacher “Now you point to the words as I read them.” 5. First and Last “Show me the first part of the story and the last part of the story.” 6. Top/Bottom picture “Show me the top of the picture.” “Show me the bottom.” 7. Punctuation Point to all available forms of punctuation. “What is this for? Do you know what is called?” 8. Capital and lower-case letters Using the text of a book say, “Show me a capital letter. Show me a lower-case letter.” 9. Letter concepts “Show me just one letter. Do you know the name of that letter? Show me another letter. What sound does that letter make?” 10. Word Concepts “Show me just one word. Show me two words.” Updated May 2009 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH COMMENTS DISTRICT WRITING RUBRIC KINDERGARTEN ORGANIZATION AND FOCUS IDEAS AND CONTENT Work exhibits these features: Not at all Partially Solidly Ideas belong to the student and are not copied 0 1 2 Illustration has some recognizable figures (people, trees, etc.) 0 1 2 Illustration includes some details (eyes, windows, etc.) 0 1 2 Student is able to dictate words or can tell about own writing 0 1 2 Student writes independently 0 1 2 Ideas and Content /10 SCORE Illustration and writing complement each other (does not need to match topic) 0 1 2 Illustration matches the topic 0 1 2 Writing matches the topic 0 1 2 Writing tells a complete idea 0 1 2 Writing contains multiple sentences/ideas that go together 0 1 2 Organization and Focus /10 CONVENTIONS: CAPITALIZATION, SPELLING, AND HANDWRITING STYLE: WORD CHOICE, AUDIENCE, VOICE, AND SETNECE FLUENCY STRUCTURE SCORE Writing uses descriptive words (e.g. yellow bus) 0 1 2 Personality or personal experiences is expressed 0 1 2 Illustration uses multiple shapes or colors 0 1 2 Writing has large or colorful words 0 1 2 1 2 Strings words together to form a sentence or sentence-like 0 structure Style: Word Choice, Audience, Voice, and Sentence Fluency Structure /10 SCORE Writing progresses from left to right 0 1 2 Proper spacing between words 0 1 2 Letters written correctly 0 1 2 Writing includes letters for initial sounds in words 0 1 2 C-V-C words spelled correctly (not, big, etc.) 0 1 2 Conventions: Capitalization, Spelling, and Handwriting SCORE /10 TOTAL /40 This rubric is intended to be an instrument for the teacher to use to guide his/her instruction.