Sixty-first Y e a r— No. 23 F A IR P O R T , N . Y „ THURSDAY, JULY 6 . 1933 Consolidated May I, 19 2 *5 in the D a y s T h a t " W u z ” W ith H ope to Save School B o ard Recom m ends Som e "M a y s H u b D ick e n s C h ie f Bean Eater H om e by U se o f T e n P er Cent B u d ge t C u t A n d "M u s t s ” -—Federal F u n d s Annual Meeting August 1st, Dr. K neale of A kroii Jennie-Pliiinb-Becomes Rehii- :v.TGondola H o neym o on In Beer Law niscent About Early 70f3. OJld vTime Church Finances Conies to H a lt H ere The New York Central coaling station a t Wayneport affords an ' opportunity for the railroad, offi­ cials to remove from the freight trains tramps riding along, as most of the trains stop there for coaling. • , Among the passengers taken from a gondola loaded "with steel a few days ago was a family con­ sisting of a man and wife and three^year-old boy. They stated they had made their way from Kalamazoo, Mich., and were head­ ed f o r . Boston, where they said they had relatives.' They gave their names as Mr. and Mrs. William Kemp and stated that the bov was M rs Kemp’s son by a previ^ls mar­ riage. They also revealed th at a dollar given the officiating clergyirfan for his m arriage 1fee and six dollars for a marriage certificate . had depleted their finances to about zero. , . . . The trio was brobght to Fair­ port and lodged in the Municipal -^-building-teihporarilyT^Po lies* 3 Os1tice Lee communicated with Su—perintendent-Whitcomb Allen of the Children's society in Roches­ ter, and arrangements were mi ad e to take, care of the child in the vShelter. The parents were taken to the county Home, and the : county is furnishing transporta­ tion back to their home in Kala. mazoo. This is the-only thing the county or state can do under the law.*'The states and smaller . units are in these days using the greatest caution in dealing with such cases, and instead of send­ ing,-them farther away frotn home to another state they are returning them to. their, own ' sta tes.r. :’* .* *‘ " Macedon Couple Halt Fore­ closure Action. . Apply For Loan From United States . and Election Following Af­ ternoon From 4 to 8 o’Clock Victim of tlie. H eat Dr. William E. Kneale, 57, an Akron, Ohio, practising physician for 26 year*;, died June 21, a victim of the intense heat. In search of relief from the heat, Dr. Kneale w c u t swimming. Emerging from the water, he complained of feeling *ill and when he reached the lawn of his home, 140 Rhodes avenue, he collapsed. Dr. Kneale was born in Roch­ ester, and obtained his medical education at Cleveland Homeo­ pathic Medical school and the Chicago Eye and Ear Infirmary at Chicago. Surviving are his wife, Edna Suttl<es jvneale, formerly of Fairport; two daughters, Mrs. Neel Enslen of New York city, Mrs. Delmond Miller of 140 Rhodes avenue, Akron, and* a son, Wil­ liam E. Kneale, 829 Elmore ave­ nue, Akron. Regulations Applying to Mon. roe County Issued by State Control Board Chairman . Our facetious correspondent of the According to tfie official notice of breezy city who sometimes styles him­ the Fairport board of education pub­ self Herb in an article lately pub­ In an effort to keep possession of lished in another column, the annual Chairman Edward P. Mulrooney of lished in the Herald-Mail asks the their combined home and gasoline school meeting will b e' held Tuesday the New York State Alcoholic Bever­ question “Who in Fairport remembers station pending determination of theit* evening, August I, at 8 o’clock, in the age board has sent to the chairman of him?” , meaning Hub' Dickens whom application for a loan from the Fed­ High school auditorium. the Monroe^ County Beverage** board he said he desired to “dig up." ^ eral Home Owners’ Loan Corporation, Of course the paramount interest of Possibly I*may be able to aid some­ the list of causes for which licenses a Macedon couple Saturday moved in the taxpayers at this time is in the what in Hub’s resurrection.’ Hub was to sell or brew beer will*be revoked. Supreme court in Rochester to h a lt 1 appropriations recommended by the the son of Samuel Dickens, a carpen­ The rules governing revocations fol­ foreclosure proceedings. 1 school board, and there is a happy te r and joiner (he sometimes made On- application o f f h e i F attorney, surprise in the figures. The board low: ' * cofliris a* dollar and fifty cente apiece William L. Clay, Justice William F. recommends the reduction in the tax May Be Revoked for Lee Shaw, a Fairport under­ Love signed an order staying the fore­ budget of more than ten per cent' be­ Licenses may be revoked for the taker). The -^Dickens family lived closure action until July 10. On th at low that of last year. The amount following causes: awhile on the corner of Whitney and date the court sitting in Rochester, will recommended to be raised by tax this 1. Failure by licensee to file with Carter roads.' Hub’s mother's .name hear argument on a motion as to why year is $52,530 as against $58,850 a approproiate County or New York City was Huldah Hurlbert, hence Hurlbert the foreclosure glmnlri nnt be r e- _year—ago7-a-neductjon“of-$6J820.-----boaril and the State board notice of -Dickens,—Uub-for—shor-L-^-Hub-had-a strained for a period of time sufficient any change in any of the facts con­ The reductio! is rpade possible brother, Ed. ' Their mother died and for the owners to obtain determination largely by the reduction in wage& of tained in the original application filed their father’s second matrimonial of their loan application, under the re: teachers for the coming year, together by the licensee, within ten days after venture was Mrs. Edwards, who had cent federal home owners' loan a c t such change shall occur. with the elimination of some activities. a daughter Louisa^ Edgar Monroe The owners against whom the fore­ The item for debt service is larger * 2 . Violation of any rule or regula­ and Charles were Hub’s half brothers. closure proceedings were begun May. than last year, because of the pro­ tion issued by the State board or by Hub was wont to work for my par­ 2 are Kenneth DeMay and his wife, visions of the bond issue for the new the New York City or any county ents on the farm; when by the month Agnes, of the Palmyra road, located High school building. The board that 756.75, and deducting the expected board, provided such rule or regulahe boarded and lodged with them. east of the John Allyn homestead. looked after.Uie.financlng^of-the new'fifaves *‘on-has-been approved-by-the-StateHub was a late sleeper and kind ? 1board. wxo —TheautioTrwas"1nstitTited by Walter- building provided th at in the first few the amount recommended to be raised neighbors reminded Charles of it oc­ G. Wilcox and his wife, Catherine A., years of the existence of the bond is3. For making any false statement casionally. .F or their pains they re­ also - of—Macedon—who hold a firet stfe while the” interest charges “would by tax $52,530.00. It is noted that in the application for a licenser ceiver the reply “never mind, I keep' mortgage on the premises. The appli­ be the highest, the payment on the state aid provides more than half the 4. Violation of any provision of him going late enough to make it up.” cation of the DeMays for the relief principal of the bonds should be mod­ budget. Chapter 180 of the laws of 1933, In accordance with the recommenda­ Hub enlisted in the war of the Rebel­ requested, filed in Wayne County est, and as the amount of interest known as the “Alcoholic Beverage lion. It cost him a leg. Clerk’s office by Mr. Clay, places the decreases, the payment on bond prin­ tions of the taxpayers adopted a t the Control Law.” A mignonette of Hub was in the amount in default a t $299. The,prop­ cipal could be increased. Hence it is last annual meeting the board have 5. Conviction of any of the. clerks, Plumb family album several years. • I erty was purchased by Mr. and Mrs. that this year’s budget must provide changed the hours of the annual elec-. agents, employees or servants of the turned it and a clipping from a Fair­ DeMay from Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox on for the retiring, of $14,000 in bonds' tion from 4 to 8 p. m. Heretofore licensee of any violation of any pro­ port paper over to his daughter, Mr3 . June 2, 1932, for $6,000, it was said; which is $5,000 more.than the previous the election has been held from noon vision of the Alcoholic Beverage Con­ Huldah • Relyea. The clipping des­ Motion of the holders of the mort­ years, last year's retirement amount­ to 4 o’clock. This change is -believed trol Law on the premises licensed. cribed a gathering of veterans at gage for judgment in the foreclosure ing to $9,000. After another step of to be very satisfactory. The election Must Be Revoked Fairport at which it stated Hub won suit has not yet been argued and con­ a few years, a larger amount of bonds will take place on the afternoon of Licenses must be revoked for the Wednesday, August 2. The terms of out, champion of the bean eating con­ sequently no date for the threatened will be retired yearly. office of Trustees G. G. Wilcox, 1. I). following causes: test. While Hub was in service he forced sale has been set. The owners 1. Conviction of the licensee or his Th board of education estimates the applierf his compensation to pay off of the mortgage are represented by total cost of maintaining the three Bramer and J. H. Cotter expire, and agent for selling any illegal beer or the call provides for election of their the mortgage on the home. On his Converse & Converse of Palmyra. other illegal beverages on the prem­ schools for the year will be $113,successors. return home >he married Miss Amanda ises licensed. T^eed,'..-daughter of : Geo. Reed, who 2. For making any false material to disturb Mrs. Dickens’ flock of owned .the farm on the corner of Whit­ statement in an *application for a geese and’ goslings so as to lure her ney and: Fellows roads. Hub's par­ license. •*» ents and family migrated to Chicago white and- green. It was here my out to deliver one of her extempores. 3. If, within a period of two years, where Lewis, was, and Hub and wife three sisters, Huldah Burr, Martha TJie concluding a c t’ was to “a lt in Rev. Lee Fletcher Reviews Many ol the Important Features o f I there shall have been convictions for took possession of the vacated home. Mahale and H. Jerusha and my two front of the ’ouse and go through a violation - of‘ 01 this ims “chapter7-!] “chapter by .a t>* iY7 i * x v f i y. i . — *— — \ ---------------- Laany n y*violationThey, built a barn and repaired the brothers, Edmund and C. Walker, and regimarole which included .Henglish Big W o r l d - W i d e G a t h e r i n g licensee; or two convictions for any house,. .Their children were Ed., Hul­ the writer were started up “science haiches.” _ of his clerks, agents, employees or In Herbert’s letter he w asjooking dah and Mary Belle. Ed. was a black­ hill.” (Some of us also, in company servants of any violation of this chap­ President Jesse B. Hannan con-j gram will be in charge of Dr. J. W. smith. He died when a young fnan. with other scholars went up Alvarado for th e ‘key to Pel Hodskins' name. ter on the premises licensed. Huldah married Henry Relyea, a Fair­ Conant’s hill too and came down on His given name was Perrin. For conducted the meeting of th e 'F a ir -1 Welch. 4. For transferring, assigning or • port undertaker; • After his death she a bob sleigh. The do-funny ones knew common he was Pel. He was addicted port Rotary club Monday night in the 1 L- Lewis of East Rochester Ro- hypothecating a license. conducted the business until her mar- j ju st the right point to turn the craft lo reading novels. One day down! Green Lantern Inn. ' As a lead-off. J * * cI“ b ,an<J CbarIes Jacobson of 5. For selling or agreeing to sell riage to Mr. Howe. Mary Belle is a into the snow banks). Tiffs front coj-. town a group, was discussing the mat- j Little Neck, L. I., were visitors to ner near the entrance was the “gool” ter. One said he never read novels, | meeting it was very good. President the club. In introducing his brother beer to a wholesaler or owner who is resident of Rochester. not licensed at the time of the agree­ It is interesting to note that the where we played “hi spy.” The one who as t hey twere unbelievable. Pel said j Jesse took occasion to levy a few to the <jlub, the retiring president, ment and sale. late 0.. C. Adams, after whom the was “it” with arms and face against when he read novels, he. believed them fines just to see how it works, It \ Sani Jacobson, conferred upon him the 6 . Where a hotel, restaurant or title of “official visitorian,” this being Adams .block in South Main street the. comer counted 100 and then and therefore enjoyed them. In the worked. club .ceases to be a bona fide hotel, The appointment of committees and the fourth visit Charlie has made to is called, was a grandson of the above called “one, two, three, look out for program Herbert outlined for me to restaurant or club in the judgment of mentioned Geo. 'Reed. His mother me.” I recollect getting a calling make good is the name of one family the assignment of program will be the club. the State board. w as.Frances Reed. When Mr. Reed down for using the expressions g<?ol I was partially acquainted with. That announced next week, and the proPlease turn to page 2 For failure or default of a licensee . passed-away weather and roads .were and hi spy. 'I t was the current lan­ was . Cornelius Conant; my mother, j to pay an excise tax or any part very bad. My brother Edmund made guage. 1 took it as I found it. It Elmira, was his granddaughter- My: thereof, and/or penalties imposed by the round trip on horseback from the had gotten into my system and is grandfather, Cornelius Conant, R u r p-}a r g V i s i t S e V C r a i S o U t l l M a i l l S t . H o i l l C S or under the provision of Article 18 Chas. Plumb.home which was next to there yet. On the sash of the window three times married, the father of 1 1 of the Tax Law, and for a violation the Reed farm to carry the tidings of near “our corner” the teachers suc­ children, 1& of whom married. The of any rule or regulation of the State her father's passing to his daughter, cessively rapped with their ruler to remainder died young. He was also T a k e S m a l l S u m s a n d G e l A w a y W i t h o u t D i s t u r b i n g A n y o f Tax Commission in pursuance thereof. Mrs. Pulver and family. Put that call school. We could hear that signal stepfather to seven children, five of: Restrictions on Brewers ‘ bleeping O ccupants horseback ride in the snow and cold when playing on the ice way down ih whom married. Children, children in 8 . A violation of any of the pro­ law, ^tep children ahdl step children! -------------down by the side of the telephone slo­ Wakeman’s lot. visions of Section 91 of said law shall A short distance from the school ih law total 42. He was a pioneer' Burglars of the gum ghoe gan of today—“don’t go, talk” and it was seen at one or two other places cause a forfeiture of the licenses of makes quite a showing. . It was not grounds close to the fence on the of Perinton, an I*. & A. M. at the entered several homes in South Main in the same neighborhood visited the all parties to the violation. Section Dickens property grew a large natu­ time of the Morgan excitement; the s(reet early Tuesday morning and in same night. f a r either way from date 1870. 91 provides that it shall be unlawful iea9t three of them got away with The next owner of the Reed farm ral fruit cherry tree bearing black poorma9 ter of. Perinton several.term? At Chas. J. Steffen's in South Main for a brewer to was Dennis Meehan, whose son George cherries. A sm art Aleck would shin and so-on and so forth. He had a sum 5 0f m0ney ranging from $6.65 street, entrance was gained through (a) Be interested directly or indi­ Over the w est; a g(dd Wfltch without dis- a cellar window, bureau draws ran­ was well known in this vicinity. For up the tree, eat and throw a few to Masonic burial. rectly’ in any premises where beer Js a number of years he was clerk on a the less favored. It was pleasure for entrance of the bast. Penfield church turbing the household in any instance, sacked, and about $9.00 in cash taken. sold at retail, or in any business de­ train for Uncle Sam. The owner of the youngsters but it roiled the peace where services were held were tw o, And to to-p it aU Martin Fuller is Mrs. Steffen says that a peculiar feat­ voted wholly or partially to the sale, the farm previous to .Geo. Reed was of mind of the owners. In the. shadow^ glittering swords, the points.crossed.!of tke opinion that they siphoned ure is that a clock on a shelf in tho Beriah Southworth, “Uncle Brier” for of the tree tais an immense comely held by two Masons. In the church a fr0Tn the tank of his automobile •prnc- living room was moved a few inches, of beer at retail, by stock ownership, interlocking directors, mortgage or* common. His funeral service was held shaped rock. There was a. s im p e r ­ Mason with a gavel rapped on thc tjcaiiy all the gasoline in the tank, a evidently in search for money that lieh on Tiny personal or real property' in the.Carteri*school house, Dist. No. ing for a sitting on th a t rock, I t coffin. Each Mason fo turn dropped f i t t e r of eight or ten gallons. He might have been left there. The clock or any other means except as other­ 6 / The preacher was Ezra Talman. was a pleasant little*niche along, the a sprig of evergeen in the grave in knew j u s t about how much gas there stopped running a t 4 :46. None of the wise provided in Sections 72 and 73 In those days it was customary for highway* made bright with the sun­ Carter . cemetery, simultaneously rc-j waa jn the car when he put it up the Steffen family were awakened. j night before, and he also knows that . Two doors south of thc Steffen of this chapter. the clergyman to preach a “ funeral shine of gladness.* But there was a peatlng “so mote it be.” (b) Make any loan to any owner. eeTmon” a t a funeral. They generally mifior key connected with i t . . In the Rev. David^Marks was a Free W ill. when morning came the tank was just plnce is the home of Vernon Stauring, (c) Enter into a contract with an stressed the danger of a destination days of our predecessors close by that Baptist preacher well known through - 1about empty. The fact that the home and there evidences were found that a t the other place more, than they pleasant little niche there was a log out the denomination. 'He essayed to of his next door neighbor to the efforts had been made to .enter owner whereby *he owner agrees to foretold the joy of. a heavenly desli: house i n . which my mother’s Undo build a meeting-house. He persuaded south, M rs/A . J. Sibbetf, was visited through screen windows,' but had confine his Bales to beer manufactured by one or more brewers. Such con­ nation. The .late Geo.. Filkins, after Isaiah' Hall ami family dwelt. Mr. my grandfather (C onant)-to sign a j and ransacked lends color to the idea failed. . * whom the Filkins block on South and Mrs. Hall were away from home note of $1100.00. This done he pro- that they helped \h^mselves to his At the Tinney home there was an tract shall be void. Main street is called, was Uncle a short time one evening. . On their ceeded with hi 9 project which was to gas-supply at about the same time, early morning disturbance, which Brier’s 1grandson. H is-m other was Teturn they found their dwelling grew sugar beets from which he an-1 When Mrs. Sibbett arose Tuesday arouse a dog, is believed that floor, for there they secured.about $13 burned to the ground. Their two chil­ ticipated glowing returns to pay th c, morning she nt once discovered the the dog’s bark scared tlie marauders in money nnd the gold watch pf Mrs. Catharine Southworth. • dren perished with it. . * • • note and build *the m eeting‘house. It; house had been visited d u rin g 'th e away, but they did not pass by the Watkins’ 9oninlaw, Joshua B. Crouch. ' Proceeding about 80 rods due north That stretch of road from thc was a bubble which burst and Cor night, for on the kitchen table was home of Mark. Goddard, for there an. The burglaries were reported to tho of the Dickens corner I will take a look a t my long cherished alma mater, school ground to the divide a t Dick­ nelius paid the $1100.00 note Scv* a sardine can emptied of its contents, entrance was gained to the cellar, but police Tuesday morning and Chief Maine visited all the places disturbed the school building in Dist. No.' 6 . I ens comer staged a good many inter­ oral others obtained his signature to j and .some other little circumstances evidently no farther. secure notes which he found it obliga-, to indicate .th at thc marauders had esting performances .by* the* south heard my father say he and one or At the home of Frank Jordan tho but could locate no tangible clues ex­ two. neighbors with teams and wagons crowd homeward bound from school. tory tQ pay. He was lucky to have partaken of a bit of lunch. On thc screens were tampered with, but cept the footprints, and'fingerprints • • transported the material from Roch­ One favorite was when Dari in his had enough left to carry him through. Sideboard lay her empty pockctbook, there are no signs that entrance to hero and > there. ester • for ' its construction. • When Inimitable way stealthily Unfastened When my,parents married he tendered from which f o u r . dollars in paper the house was effected. At the .Wntkins-Crouch home a loaf completed the district, ho said, was “Miss Lucld'a” shawl and bonnet, put them the benefit of his experience, money had been taken. Upstairs a To the light lunch of sardines at of bread was taken, but it was found which was to avoid signing to secure them * on and then washed her face change purse had been rifled of $1.65, about evenly divided in re g a rd ' to Mrs. Sibbett’s thc visitors added a later in some nearby shrubbery. and ■bureau draws ransacked. She lunch of bananas at thc Steffen home. painting the exterior solid red against with snow. Her cheeks would(blossom other people’s notes. like two red peonies. • Mre. Edward 'JEN NIE PLUMB___ th in k 3 _ th at^.en tran ce- was - gained VEntrance^vns* effected a t the home white w ith ; thc plain board blinds through a ’screened "wind o W W T side of Mrs; Can ic' P. Watkins, and here glneering at the state college jof agri­ ^gfCep". f Neither ' side Would yield. Sonic one proposed eolid black. It “aicjies” English fashion, for instance .’Week-end guests of Mrs. M. H* porch. .She,heard nothing during thc also none of the five people sleeping culture ha 9 designed a fruit, waahetcarried and for a time it was pros- "am and heggs.” Tho crowd were Walsh of West street were Mr. and night Outside, Police Chief-Maine in* the house were aroused, but there th at can handle ftom 50 to CO bushels pectlvely a black house, causing con­ aware of it and thought’it funny to Mrs.'D.-McPherson of Rochester apd Inter discovered, the imprint of a was plenty of evidence that the mar? ap hour and can be built qt home for !, siderable ’ excitement — eventually mimic her. Another favorite act was Mrs. Jane McLennon. ». woman’s shoe, and tho same imprint auders reached rooms on the second about $150. . • . . . v . -. _ Gives Report of Rotary International Meet