Agenda - Mohave Community College

Interactive Television (ITV)
Originating at the North Mohave Campus, ITV Room #103
September 12, 2008, 10:00 a.m.
J. Leonard and Grace Neal Campus - Kingman, ITV Room # 502
Lake Havasu City Campus, ITV Room # 502
Thomas C. Henry Campus – Bullhead City, ITV Room #502
(Action Items are in bold print)
Call to Order (John T. Neal , Governing Board President)
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call (Amy Curley, Executive Assistant)
Approval of Meeting Minutes (Neal) (Appendix 1)
Approval of the minutes of the June 12, 2008 regular meeting and the June 12, 2008
special meeting.
Move to approve the minutes of the June 12, 2008 regular meeting and the June 12,
2008 special meeting as presented:
Move to approve the minutes of the June 12, 2008 regular meeting and the June 12,
2008 special meeting with the following modifications:
Audience of Any Citizen (Neal)
[NOTE: This is an opportunity for any citizen to address the Board on any matter of
concern to the citizen. The Board will listen to the remarks, but may not respond or
answer questions. Unless the matter is already on the agenda for action, no action can be
taken other than to instruct staff to include the matter on a future agenda. The President
of the Board may limit the time for individual presentation and may limit the total time
for all presentations. Citizens wishing to comment will be limited to one opportunity to
speak. During Interactive Television (ITV) meetings, the chair will query each campus
for those who wish to speak.]
Board Reports (Neal)
A. Open Meeting Law Training (William J. Ekstrom, Jr., Special Deputy County
Mr. Ekstrom will provide a training update in the application of the open meeting law
as it applies to community college governing boards.
Governing Board Agenda
B. HB 2230 – Text Book Policy, First Reading (Spotts) (Appendix 2)
Employees of Mohave Community College shall abide by all federal, state and local
laws regarding textbook sales. On May 1, 2008, Governor Napolitano signed into law
HB 2230. As a result, Arizona State law (ARS 15-1891) now states the following:
free review copies, complimentary teacher editions or instructional materials may not
be sold by any faculty, staff or college bookstore. In addition, no employee of MCC
shall receive any payment, promise of payment or gift for selecting or purchasing
specific course materials. Appendix two is a draft of a new MCC policy in accordance
with state statute.
C. Salary Approval (Neal) (Appendix 3)
Dr. Kearns’ current contract states “Annual salary adjustments shall be determined
by the Board, but shall be no less than the average salary increase afforded other
employees of the college”. At the June 12, 2008 meeting, the Board approved an
average increase of 3% to MCC administrators that became effective July 1, 2008.
A 3% increase represents an additional $5,500 for the fiscal year 2009.
Motion to increase Dr. Kearns’ by 3% to $190,550 for the fiscal year 2009.
Motion to increase Dr. Kearns’ by 3% to $190,550 for the fiscal year 2009 with
the following modifications:
Chancellor’s Report (Michael Kearns, Chancellor)
A. Introduction of New Employees (Kearns) (Appendix 4)
B. Final Report (Kearns) (Appendix 5)
At the June 12, 2008 meeting, a draft report was submitted to the board in order to be
compliant with A.R.S. 15-1447. The final report is now available in appendix 5.
C. Academic Year 2008-2009 Start-up
Financial Aid
D. Lake Havasu Marine Industry Agreement (Kearns) (Appendix 6)
Studies consistently indicate that when education forges partnerships with industry,
the results are more successful and vibrant vocational programs, enhanced internship
opportunities for students, and the opportunity for the industry to participate in the
development of their workforce; in effect, “grow their own.” According to an
economic impact survey done by the Partnership for Economic Development, the
marine industry already has a more-than $300 million impact on the economy of
Lake Havasu City with $190 million per year produced by marine industry
businesses and $220 million coming into the community from boaters each year.
Governing Board Agenda
This partnership affords Mohave Community College the opportunity to potentially
offer a program that will provide educational opportunities for students who want to
stay in Mohave County and become part of a vital local industry. Currently,
technicians must travel great distances at great expense to obtain certifications
required for these jobs. Further, local marine industry leaders indicate the existing
workforce, particularly marine technicians is aging. Therefore, attrition due to
retirement appears imminent. This program provides the local community with an
economic development opportunity, and the local industry hopes that this partnership
will attract new marine businesses, including manufacturers and testing facilities, to
the area.
E. Title III Announcement (Kearns) (Appendix 7)
A renewable Title III grant has been awarded to Mohave Community College as part
of the Department of Education Office of Post Secondary Education Program for
“Strengthening the Institution.” The five-year grant will begin with the 2008-2009
academic year with an award of $397,398. The total award for the five year period is
just under 2 million dollars.
F. Joint Committee on Capital Review Presentation (Kearns) (Appendix 8)
As announced at the June 12, 2008 Governing Board meeting, the college requested
and was granted permission to present the November 2008 Bond Issue, pursuant to
A.R.S. 15-1483-B, to the Joint Committee on Capital Review (JCCR). The August
meeting of the JCCR was cancelled and has been tentatively rescheduled for Tuesday
October 2, 2008.
G. ACCA (Kearns) (Appendix 9)
The Arizona Community College Association (ACCA) has announced that it will
cease to function as a voluntary organization representing Arizona community
colleges as of December 31, 2008. Due to decreased membership, ACCA no longer
has the financial resources to continue operating. It is anticipated that Governor
Napolitano will create an Arizona Community College Council by executive order to
offset the loss of this long standing organization. The proposed language of that order
is available in appendix 9.
H. Joint Conference Committee (Kearns) (Appendix 10)
At its July 17, 2008 meeting and by a vote of 4-3, the Joint Conference Committee of
the Community Colleges and Universities (JCC) approved the process to implement
JCC Recommendation #5 - Develop a Pathway for Baccalaureate Degrees at the
Community Colleges.
Governing Board Agenda
Instruction and Student Services (Chuck Spotts, Vice Chancellor for Instruction and
Student Services)
A. Foreign Exchange Student Introductions
In 2008-2009, 75 German participants will travel to the United States and 75
Americans will travel to Germany to take part in the Congress-Bundestag Youth
Exchange’s Young Professional’s Program, which includes participants in technical,
business, agricultural and vocational fields. Participants will spend nearly a year in
their respective host countries, during which time they will live with a host family,
study and work. This year MCC is proud to host two German exchange students.
Julia Nitychoruk is from Pulheim, Germany and will be hosted by Byron and Bonnie
Smith of Lake Havasu City. Her college major is business and she enjoys sports,
movies and spending time with friends. Julia also enjoys traveling.
Christina Cieslak is from a small village called Baumersroda, Germany and will be
hosted by Lawrence and Cathy Cornell of Bullhead City. Her college major is
automotive body, specializing in paint and she is interested in drawing, reading and
hanging out with friends. Christina also loves music and animals.
B. Recruitment Report (Sharon Becker, Director of Recruitment & Career Services)
Recruitment and Career Services hit the ground running on July 1 with strategic
planning sessions and student and employer recruitment initiatives. The department
has contacted over 90 employers and over 70 organizations and presented at several
civic organizations. The Campus Recruitment Team (CRT) conducted follow-up calls
with student who attended MCC but were not currently enrolled. Letters from the
Chancellor were sent to 2008 high school graduates. The outreach efforts have
extended to cosponsoring Career Expos at the three southern campuses and the 2nd
Annual Welding Expo on October 22. Campus Recruitment Team members have
hosted and attended chamber events and will attend upcoming parades and the
Bullhead City Corn Fest. The college has released numerous press releases that talk
about MCC’s stories and informed the students and county residents of new programs
and services. Recruitment officers have crossed into the land of Ageless Academics
and will begin a series of Lunch and Learn events at the three southern campuses.
C. New Distance Education Building and Growth Program (Spotts)
Since 2003 Distance Education (DE) at MCC has grown from a mere 3 percent of
total credit hour production to approximately 26 percent for the Fall 2008 semester,
and is now known as the College’s fifth campus. In growing at such a rapid rate, the
DE team has had to conquer many staffing and technological challenges. Over the
past five years the staff has grown from a dean and two hourly employees to the
current staff consisting of a dean, two directors, two academic counselors, two hourly
employees. There is also one work study student on each of the southern campuses.
Over the past nine months the team has successfully moved the College from the
Blackboard Course Management System to the Angel Learning System. Over the
same period DE has added thousands of users to Angel and provided training for
students, faculty and staff.
Governing Board Agenda
In August, DE completed its fourth move to a temporary home, located directly
across from the student service building, the new modular building on the Kingman
D. Dual Enrollment Intergovernmental Agreements (Spotts) (Appendix 11)
The College provides Dual Enrollment programs in conjunction with the county’s
high schools that give qualified high school students the opportunity to pursue higher
education courses at the same time they are completing their high school
requirements. Such programs are subject to the terms of the statewide
intergovernmental agreement (IGA) completed between the College and each high
school. The recommendation is to approve intergovernmental agreements between
the College and Mohave County high schools for the academic year 2008-2009.
Move to approve intergovernmental agreements between the College and
Mohave County high schools for the academic year 2008-2009.
Move to approve intergovernmental agreements between the College and
Mohave County high schools for the academic year 2008-2009 with the following
E. Kaplan University Articulation Agreement (Spotts) (Appendix 12)
Over the past several months the College has worked closely with Kaplan University
to draft an articulation agreement that provides MCC students another choice in
achieving the dream of a bachelor’s degree. Kaplan is fully accredited through the
Higher Learning Commission and is a member of North Central Association of
Colleges and Schools. Kaplan offers a variety of online degree programs from
Business to Nursing.
Mohave Community College’s Associate of Arts and Associate of Science Degrees
will be accepted in full as the first two years of a bachelor of arts or a bachelor of
science degree at the Kaplan University as outlined in the attached associate of arts
and associate of science articulation agreement.
The signed articulation agreement represents the sixteenth articulation agreement for
MCC and offers students another flexible alternative for continuing their education
through an accredited University.
F. Western Area Law Enforcement Agency IGA (Spotts) (Appendix 13)
An intergovernmental agreement between the Western Arizona Law Enforcement
Association (WALEA) and Mohave Community College was signed on August 21,
2008. The agreement will make it easier for certified law enforcement officers to
further their professional education and their careers by earning college credit.
Governing Board Agenda
Administrative Services (H. Lynn Cundiff, Vice Chancellor for Administration)
A. Technology Support Services (Jim Luke, Vice Chancellor for Information
1. Summer Projects
Faculty Laptops – deployed 25 laptops to full-time faculty college-wide.
PC Refresh – placed 290 new computers in the Computer Centers for
students. In the process of replacing the oldest employee computers with
year-old computers from the Computer Centers.
Student E-Mail Upgrade - Moved student E Mail system from an old server
to a new server with more space and software upgrades.
200K Conference Room – added large moniters, mixer, videoconferencing
system and PC, so that multi-campus meetings can be conducted more easily.
100 Conference Room – installed a ceiling-mounted projector, PC, and
SmartBoard to enhance meetings.
Technology Classroom Upgrade – ceiling-mounted existing classroom
projectors, added 30 new ceiling-mounted projectors college-wide. Added
network, power, overhead lighting controls, and video connectivity to the
projector at an instruction table in each of these rooms.
Distance Education Building Wiring – Prepared the new Distance Education
modular building for network and telecom, including running network cables
in the walls, installing a Wireless Access Point, installing a DSL connection
for testing of ANGEL access by students. In addition, TSS installed a
number of pieces of network equipment.
Inter-Campus Exchanges (I.C.E.): This is a new initiative to reduce the need
to travel between campuses for meetings. TSS staff evaluated several
software solutions for desktop videoconferencing and then recommended a
software solution and a purchase. TSS is currently configuring this solution
server and testing the process. MCC has identified an initial group of
managers to receive desktop videocameras, as well as a room at each campus
for a compatible video setup. Cameras will be deployed over the next few
weeks to this group.
Governing Board Agenda
TSS Improvements: TSS has reorganized existing personnel in order to
maximize the benefit of each person’s strengths. These changes have
optimized our ability to support the college’s evolving technology
requirements, including better project management. Customer interactions
with TSS have not changed, and the initial point of contact continues to be
the 24/7 Help Desk.
The network services area of the TSS 103 building has been renovated to
convert an open workspace into offices. The renovation included the
addition of carpet and a new coat of paint on the walls. The most important
part of this process was an upgrade to the air-conditioning system that cools
more than 40 servers in that area. The access security of the server area has
also been improved. TSS staff rewired the server connections to enhance the
appearance of the room as well as improve the ability to troubleshoot any
connection problems.
2. Security Initiative
TSS continues to review MCC’s current information security practices, and
will make recommendations to enhance information security over the next
year. For example, this may include password changes, encryption of
computers and other issues as the college moves forward.
B. Arizona Student Loan Code of Conduct (Cundiff)
During the month of July the Office of the Attorney General of the state of Arizona
developed the “Arizona Student Loan Code of Conduct” for review and consideration
by all Arizona public colleges. The code of conduct sets expectations regarding how
higher education entities deal with third-party student loan providers, how they
disclose to students, and expectations about third-party relationships with the college,
its staff, and its students.
During the recent review of board policies and the accompanying procedure review,
Mohave Community College had already adjusted its policies to fit within the
Attorney General’s recommendations. Mohave Community College has notified the
Attorney General’s office that it supports the recommended code and has voluntarily
adopted the student code. MCC was one of the first colleges to adopt the code and
stand firmly behind the tenets of the “Arizona Student Loan Code of Conduct.”
C. Palo Verde Agreement (Cundiff) (Appendix 14)
Palo Verde Community College in California has several articulation agreements
with Arizona Community Colleges, including Arizona Western Community College.
The administrations of both schools (Palo Verde and Mohave CC) have negotiated an
articulation agreement that will benefit students in both regions. The Palo Verde
College board approved the agreement in July of 2008. Due to the Mohave Board
meeting schedule it is being brought to the MCC board at the September meeting.
Governing Board Agenda
The administration would recommend approval of this agreement with a separate
addendum that exempts and excludes all Allied Health Programs from the provisions
of this agreement.
Move to approve the agreement as presented with a separate addendum that
exempts and excludes all Allied Health Programs for the provisions outlined.
Move to approve the agreement as presented with a separate addendum that
exempts and excludes all Allied Health Programs for the provisions outlined
with the following modifications:
D. Financial Report (Cundiff) (Appendix 15)
The financial reports for June, July, and August 2008 are presented in the appendix.
E. Human Resources Report (Cundiff) (Appendix 16)
The Human Resources report for June 1 to August 31, 2008 is presented in the
appendix. It includes: 19 new hires, 3 internal hires, 5 changes in title, 2 position
reclassifications, 2 unsuccessful probations, 13 resignations, 1 retirement and 1
Move to approve the Human Resources Report as presented.
Move to approve the Human Resources Report with the following modification:
Next Meeting (Neal)
The next meeting of the Board of Governors will be Friday October 10, 2008 beginning at
10:00 a.m. on the Thomas C. Henry Campus – Bullhead in Room #502.
Adjournment (Neal)
Move to adjourn the meeting.
Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Mohave Community College endeavors to assure the
accessibility of all to its programs, facilities, and services to all persons with disabilities. If you need an
accommodation for this meeting, please contact the Disability Services Office at 928-757-0813.
Members of the Mohave County Community College District Governing Board will attend either in person or
by telephone conference call. The District Governing Board may consider any item on this agenda in any
order and at any time during the meeting.
The public is invited to view the final agenda, including the appendices noted, (excluding appendices covered
by the Executive Session exemptions noted in ARS 38-431.0) in the library on each campus within 24 hours
prior to the scheduled meeting. This information may also be obtained through the Office of the Chancellor,
1971 Jagerson Avenue, Kingman, Arizona 86409 (928-757-0801).
I, Amy M. Curley, hereby certify that this Notice of Public Meeting, prepared pursuant to ARS 38-431.02,
was posted by 10:00 a.m. on September 11, 2008.
Amy M. Curley