agenda - Mohave Community College

District Governing Board
Friday October 1, 2010 – 2:00 p.m.
Originating at:
Also Available via Interactive Television at:
North Mohave Campus Room #103
Neal Campus Kingman
Bullhead City Campus
Lake Havasu City Campus
Room #508
Room #508
Room #508
(Action Items are in bold print)
Call to Order (Jerry Ambrose, President)
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call (Amy Curley, Executive Assistant)
Presentation: Getting AHEAD (Dr. Karen Nicodemus)
Introduction of New Employees (Kearns)
Approval of Meeting Minutes (Ambrose)(Appendix 1)
The draft minutes from the August 5, 2010 Regular meeting appear in Appendix 1.
Motion to approve the minutes of the August 5, 2010 regular meeting as they are presented in
Appendix 1.
Motion to approve the minutes of the August 5, 2010 regular meeting as they are presented in
Appendix 1 with the following modification(s):
Audience of Any Citizen (Ambrose)
[NOTE: This is an opportunity for any citizen to address the Board on any matter of concern to the
citizen. The Board will listen to the remarks, but may not respond or answer questions. Unless the
matter is already on the agenda for action, no action can be taken other than to instruct staff to include the
matter on a future agenda. The President of the Board may limit the time for individual presentation and
may limit the total time for all presentations. Citizens wishing to comment will be limited to one
opportunity to speak. During Interactive Television (ITV) meetings, the chair will query each campus for
those who wish to speak.]
Board Reports (Ambrose)
A. AADGB Report (Selberg)(Appendix 2)
B. Legislative Summit Report (Selberg & Kearns)
C. Student Life and Leadership Policies, First Reading (Ambrose)(Appendix 3)
The college is recommending to the Mohave Community College Board of Trustees several updated
policies in the area of Student Life and Leadership. The policies were reviewed and approved by the
Policy and Procedures Committee and the President’s Council prior to being submitted to the Board.
Last June, the Board approved student fees to enhance student activities collegewide in accordance
with the approved strategic plan. In order to fully implement student governance and student
events, and facilitate them properly, a series of items with policy implications requires approval. The
approval of these policies will provide the support for the student constitution, and legally authorize
the expenditure of collected funds for student and college-wide events. Policy considerations require
two (2) meetings of the Board of Trustees. This meeting represents the first review and should that
review by the Board be favorable, the college would request approval of these policies at the next
President’s Report (Dr. Michael Kearns, President)
A. Master Facility Plan (Kearns)(Appendix 4)
B. Debt Obligation Refinancing (Kearns)(Appendix 5)
C. MCC Faculty Association (Kearns)(Appendix 6)
Objective D.3.b of the MCC Strategic Plan calls for the design and implementation of a plan to
improve the flow of information and the communication channels with the college faculty. The MCC
Faculty Association Constitution document is the product of a collaborative effort by the college
faculty and administration to achieve that objective. Faculty leaders and members of the college
administration convened several meetings since February 2010 taking the process from conceptual
design to the final document. Faculty elected officers and representatives on Sept. 7, college all-staff
day, in a faculty-only meeting.
Motion to recognize the MCC Faculty Association and Faculty Association Constitution as
Motion to recognize the MCC Faculty Association and Faculty Association Constitution as
presented with the following modifications:
D. MCC Leadership Academy (Kearns)(Appendix 7)
E. MCC Strategic Plan Alignment (Kearns)(Appendix 8)
Community College State-Level Council Reports (Kearns)
Joint President’s Council (Kearns)(Appendix 9)
Arizona Community College Presidents’ Council Report (Kearns)
G. Arizona Legislative Update (Appendix 10)
H. State Budget Update (Kearns)(Appendix 11)
Update of Current Events (Kearns)
Instruction and Student Services (Chuck Spotts, VP of Instruction and Student Services)
A. Inter-governmental Agreements (Spotts)(Appendix 12, 13, 14)
Mohave County High School Dual Enrollment Agreements (Spotts)(Appendix 12)
The college provides Dual Enrollment programs, in conjunction with the county’s high schools,
that give qualified high school students the opportunity to pursue higher education courses at
the same time they are completing their high school requirements. Such programs are subject to
the terms of the statewide intergovernmental agreement (IGA) completed between the College
and each high school. The recommendation is to approve intergovernmental agreements
between the college and Mohave County high schools for the academic year 2010-2011.
Move to approve the intergovernmental agreements between Mohave Community College
and county high schools as presented in Appendix 12.
Move to approve the intergovernmental agreements between Mohave Community College
and county high schools as presented in Appendix 12 with the following modifications:
Western Area Law Enforcement Agency Agreement (Spotts)(Appendix 13)
An initial intergovernmental agreement between the Western Arizona Law Enforcement
Association (WALEA) and Mohave Community College was signed on Aug. 21, 2008. That
agreement expired on June 30, 2010. The attached agreement is a three-year renewal of the
original agreement. The continuation of this agreement will make it easier for certified law
enforcement officers to further their professional education and their careers by earning college
Move to approve the renewal of an intergovernmental agreement between Mohave
Community College and the Western Arizona Law Enforcement Association as presented in
Appendix 13.
Move to approve the renewal of an intergovernmental agreement between Mohave
Community College and the Western Arizona Law Enforcement Association as presented in
Appendix 13 with the following modifications:
Arizona Post Articulation Agreement (Spotts)(Appendix 14)
In July of 2008, the college signed an articulation agreement with AZ Post to provide college
credits for students who complete police academy training through the WALEA program. This
initial agreement expired on June 30, 2010 in conjunction with the initial WALEA IGA. The
attached articulation agreement is a three-year renewal of the original agreement, making it
possible for academy graduates to continue receiving college credit for police academy training.
Move to approve an articulation agreement between Mohave Community College and AZ Post
as presented in Appendix 14.
Move to approve an articulation agreement between Mohave Community College and AZ Post
as presented in Appendix 14 with the following modifications:
B. Higher Learning Commission Report (Spotts)
The Self-Study coordinator, Ms. Tracy Gift, met with Criterion committee chairs (sub-committee
coordinators) to discuss their committee charge, their role, and what the criterion means. The group
discussed resources and examples of evidence for each criterion. The chairs are communicating
directly with each criterion group member and are scheduling initial meetings in October.
The MCC strategic plan was cross-walked with the HLC criteria to ensure alignment, and a meeting
was held with the focus group chair to start the discussions on group composition and target
questions. MCC is on target with its self-study plan.
C. Student Success Report (Spotts)(Appendix 15)
The intention of the attached report is to provide an overview of ongoing initiatives that lay the
foundation for future improvements in student retention, completion and transfer, at MCC. This
report includes information on strategic planning at MCC, the upcoming Higher Learning
Commission accreditation visit, MCC management training, Title III grant activities, Learning
Assistance Centers, financial aid and advising, the MCC Early Alert program, and articulation
agreements and partnerships. Each of these areas plays an integral part in student success at MCC,
and in the overall objective of marked improvement in student outcomes.
D. Enrollment Management Data Report (Spotts)(Appendix 16)
The attached report is a review of data pertaining to enrollment management, student demographics,
and student success which may be of relevance in developing strategies and assessing progress for
enabling student success.
Technical Support Services (Francisco Porras, Associate VP for IT)
Network and Server Systems: IT has established temporary connections for the Detroit Avenue Center
and the Mesquite Avenue Center. ITV, wireless, phones, access to our systems and Internet are
successfully working.
Wireless Platform: A new wireless platform has been implemented for MCC. This platform offers secured
access for guest and complete secured access for staff, faculty and students.
Wide Area Network (WAN): Wecom has completed four sites for the WAN (Detroit Avenue Center,
Mesquite Avenue Center, Lake Havasu City and Kingman campuses). The dishes and electronics are all in
place for the final WAN implementation. The next priority is the connection of the I/O Data Center in
order to start the migration of MCC’s system to the virtualized server.
Server Virtualization: The objective of this initiative is to move services off of the aging Data Center to the
Virtualized Server platform in order to reduce data center operating costs by consolidating server
hardware platforms, and to maintain a high level of security. This initiative has three phases: Server
installation, server consolidation and application migration. The server installation is under way and
expected to be completed the first week of October.
Instructional Technology: Instructional computing has continued with training staff in Angel, ITV (basic
and advance), and working with the Office of Instruction to create an 18-month technology training
schedule. IT continues to work with the Office of Instruction to create a multi-media project for the
Physical Therapist Assistant program, as well as the Office of Distance Education in creating multi-media
IT is currently working with the offices of Instruction and Facilities on each campus in the installation of
28 new classroom projectors. IT is currently working with Office of Instruction to create a faculty
technology training/technology expo day in December that will be a combination of instructional sessions
and faculty administrative sessions.
Administrative Services (H. Lynn Cundiff, Vice President for Administration)
A. Transfer of land from BLM to MCC (Cundiff)(Appendix 17)
Mohave Community College by board directive in 2001 examined the acquisition of 12.5 acres of land
in Golden Valley which is owned and managed by the Bureau of Land Management. The issue was
dormant for a number of years and two years ago the current college administration renewed the
request to BLM for transfer of this property. As of Sept. 30, 2010, BLM transferred the 12.5 acres of
land in Golden Valley to the college for its use as an education center.
There are several caveats with this transfer such as regulations about flora and fauna, easements on
the property, mineral rights, etc., which are standard fare when land is transferred from BLM. Other
items include: working with the Arizona Department of Transportation on the ingress and egress for
the property, a requirement to build within five years or explain why the land should not revert to
BLM, a stipulation that the college must request approval from BLM prior to construction if the
proposed building plans are significantly changed, and to pay $25 annually in rent for the property.
The college is happy to receive the land and appreciates the assistance of all BLM personnel in making
this happen. There are no immediate plans to begin construction at this location and any such plans
would need to be approved by the Board as a part of the strategic facilities master plan.
B. North Mohave Campus Paving Project (Cundiff)(Appendix 18)
Enrollment at the North Mohave Campus has continued to grow over the past several years.
Currently the campus does not have any paved parking for either students or faculty and staff. The
main parking area on the campus is covered with a gravel base and when the campus receives snow
the parking lot is scraped and much of the gravel is lost during this process. Each year the gravel is
replaced several times due to the constant snow and thawing during the winter months.
The college set aside a budgeted amount for paving of this parking lot during the 2010/2011 academic
year. Because there are two state-approved entities that can provide pricing on paving of this parking
area, the college was not required to take bids. Each of the three paving businesses reviewed the site
and provided pricing and amount of time to complete the work. The request was for a survey of the
existing main parking area and an alternate (separate) amount for additional parking as per the facility
plan for the North Campus. The low quote for the main parking lot was $108,458 submitted by
Sunland Asphalt, Phoenix Ariz. The low quote for the alternate area was also submitted by Sunland
in the amount of $26,382. It is the recommendation of the college to accept the quote to pave the main
parking lot and the alternate area at the North Mohave Campus. This amount falls within the original
budget as approved earlier by the Board of Trustees.
Motion to approve the expenditure of $134,840 to pave both the main parking lot and alternate area
on the North Mohave Campus.
Motion to approve the expenditure of $134,840 to pave both the main parking lot and alternate area
on the North Mohave Campus with the following modifications:
C. Citizens Rural Utilities Easement (Cundiff)(Appendix 19)
Citizens Utilities Rural Company, Inc., is requesting a utility easement for connecting fiber cable across
the southwest corner of the Neal Campus-Kingman property (see Attachment X). The requested
campus easement is at the corner of the Kingman campus bounded by Jagerson Avenue and Eastview
Road. The easement would allow Frontier Communications to make a fiber connection to complete a
loop adding redundancy for the college Metro "E" circuit. This fiber connection would also provide
upgraded service to residents in adjacent neighborhoods.
The length of the easement is 155 feet and the planned facilities are underground with ground-level
appurtenances (hand holes). The college has received communication from the county (see
Attachment Y) that this easement will not interfere with the proposed widening of Jagerson, the new
sidewalks along this avenue, and the drainage construction that is scheduled for next spring. Facilities
were placed by a licensed contractor under contract from Citizens Utilities Rural Company, Inc. A
temporary lease was granted by the college for this purpose on Aug. 17, 2010 under the auspices of the
president in order for this work to be completed. (see Attachment Z) That lease will expire Oct. 11,
2010. It is recommended that the Board grant a permanent easement to Citizens Utilities Rural
Company, Inc.
Motion to grant a permanent easement to Citizens Utilities Rural Company for connecting fiber
cable across the southwest corner of the Neal Campus-Kingman.
Motion to grant a permanent easement to Citizens Utilities Rural Company for connecting fiber
cable across the southwest corner of the Neal Campus-Kingman with the following modification(s):
D. Purchase of Sim Baby (Cundiff)(Appendix 20)
During the past year with the consent of the Board of Trustees the college was able to purchase
advanced simulators for the nursing program (Sim Man and Sim Woman) to be placed at the new
Allied Health facility in Kingman. These simulators were purchased with Perkins grant funds. At the
time of the purchase the Perkins funds did not contain enough capacity to expand the purchase to a
Sim Baby as well. Last month, the Legacy Foundation agreed to provide funds to the college to make
this purchase.
Laerdal Inc. is the provider of this equipment on a national basis. Because the college bid these items
last fall and Laerdal is the only provider of the Sim Baby which matches the existing simulators,
another bid was not necessary. Laerdal has agreed to honor their original bid from last fall for the Sim
Baby. The acquisition of this simulator gives the college full access to human simulation nursing
techniques for its nursing program. The price of the Sim Baby is $55,040.43 to be paid from grants
provided by the Legacy Foundation. The college is excited to receive this gift and to acquire this
simulation device.
Motion to approve the expenditure of $55,040.43 to purchase a Sim Baby from Laerdal, Inc.
Motion to approve the expenditure of $55,040.43 to purchase a Sim Baby from Laerdal, Inc. with the
following modification(s):
E. Financial Report (Cundiff)(Appendix 21)
The financial reports for months ending August 31 and September 30 (preliminary) are
presented in Appendix 21.
Human Resources Report (Cundiff) (Appendix 22)
The human resources reports for June (revised), July (revised), August and September 2010
are presented in Appendix 22.
Motion to approve the Human Resources reports for month ending September 30, August
31 and the revised reports for month ending July 31 and June 30, 2010 as presented in
Appendix 23.
Motion to approve the Human Resources reports for month ending September 30, August
31 and the revised reports for month ending July 31 and June 30, 2010 as presented in
Appendix 23 with the following modifications:
Executive Session
Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.03, upon a public majority vote of the members constituting a quorum, a public
body may hold an executive session for the following purpose:
“Discussions or consultations with designated representatives of the public body in order to consider its
position and instruct its representatives regarding negotiations for the purchase, sale or lease of real
Legal action involving a final vote or decision shall not be taken at an executive session. A public vote
shall be taken before any legal action binds the public body.
Motion to hold an executive session.
Next Meeting (Ambrose)
The next meeting of the Mohave County Community College District Governing Board will be at
10:00 a.m., Friday Nov. 10, 2010, originating from the Lake Havasu City Campus.
Adjournment (Ambrose)