Tracy High School US History Progressive Presidents Notes What was President Roosevelt’s Square Deal? • To use the federal government to protect the needs of the citizens by ensuring business leaders, laborers, farmers, and consumers were treated equally. How did President Roosevelt give business leaders a Square Deal? • By using the Sherman Anti-Trust Act to break up trusts like the Northern Securities Company (Railroad Company that had a monopoly over the Northwestern rail lines). How did President Roosevelt give laborers a Square Deal? • He forced the mine owners and unionized mine workers to arbitration after a 5 month strike. The mine owners only agreed to arbitration after President Roosevelt threatened to nationalize their coal mine. Miners secured a 9-hour work day and a 10% pay increase. Mine owners did not have to recognize the union and hire only union workers. President Roosevelt set a precedent for future presidents by taking federal action when the public welfare was threatened. • • • • How did President Roosevelt give farmers a Square Deal? • • • How did President Roosevelt give consumers a Square Deal? • • • What were some other reforms that President Roosevelt achieved? • He persuaded Congress to pass the Elkins Act and the Hepburn Act. The Elkins Act made it illegal for railroad official and shippers to give rebates for using particular railroad lines as well as requiring railroad companies to notify the public of rate increases. The Hepburn Act gave the ICC the right to set rates with court approval. He persuaded Congress to pass the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act. The Meat Inspection Act set cleanliness standards for meatpackers and created a federal meat inspection program. The Pure Food and Drug Act halted the sale of contaminated foods and medicines and called for truth in labeling. He set aside millions of acres of western land for forest preserves, water-power sites, wild life sanctuaries, and national parks. How was President Taft a progressive president? • • • • • • What was President Woodrow Wilson’s New Freedom? • • He sought to consolidate rather than expand President Roosevelt’s reforms. He busted over 90 trusts. He increased the number of federal employees under the civil service. He supported the 16th (income tax) and 17th Amendment (direct election of senators). He supported Congressional bid to increase the power of the ICC. He failed to lower the tariff or support conservation of western land. He wanted to harness the extremes of great wealth and radical agitation. He wanted to preserve and strengthen our democratic and capitalist society through lowering tariffs, improving the banking system, using the government to regulate business, and protecting unions and workers. How did President Wilson lower the tariff? • He supported the Underwood Tariff Act which reduced tariff rates. How did President Wilson improve our banking system? • He supported the Federal Reserve Act which created an effective banking system. How did President Wilson regulate big business? • • • He continued to bust trusts. He supported the income tax to He supported the Federal Trade Commission Act which helped prevent unfair business practices. How did President Wilson protect unions and workers? • He supported the Clayton Anti-Trust Act which exempted unions in anti-trust lawsuits. He supported the Adamson Act which established an 8 hour work day for railroad workers. •