World of Fashion I

World of Fashion I
Welcome to the World of Fashion! This class will offer students the opportunity to explore and
expand their knowledge of fashion, fabrics and construction. After introducing students to the
reasons for clothes and the influences on clothing choices, the class will explore different fashion topics;
Fashion Trends, Elements of Design, Fibers & Fabrics, Patterns & Pinning and beginning Construction and
Careers in the fashion industry will be explored. Basic sewing skills will be taught and students will complete
sewing projects. Students will be responsible for purchasing a starter sewing kit for $5.00 from
Mrs. Pyan, fabrics, patterns, thread and notions needed to complete their sewing projects.
Mrs. Pyan
Office Phone: (847) 659 - 6736
Lectures, demonstrations, individual and group projects, videos and guest speakers.
Your Clothes
a. Why People Wear Clothes
b. What Your Clothes Say About You
c. First Impressions
d. The Way You Look
Understanding Fashion
a. Fashion Terms
b. Fashion Cycles
c. Influences on Fashion
d. Fashion Trends Today
e. Fashion History
Elements of Design
a. The Color Wheel
b. Color Schemes
c. Line
d. Balance
e. Texture
a. Fibers & Fabrics
b. Hand Sewing Basics
c. Patterns & Pinning
d. Ironing basics
e. Sewing Machine basics
f. Serger / Embroidery Machine
40% - Rubrics
30% - Points
20% - Points
10% - Points
Each assignment will have a maximum point value. Quality work, completed and turned in on time,
is always expected. Appropriate behavior, especially using equipment during class, is a must.
Please see me about making up an assignment if you are absent. If you have questions or need
help at any time, see me for assistance. A progress report will be sent home for any grades below
a “C” (70%). You may also ask me for a grade update at any time.
Classroom Participation is defined as appropriate classroom behavior, staying on
task for all in class assignments, lectures and movies. Students can and will lose participation points for
any infraction of these rules.
Late assignments - will result in a reduction of points (50%) and are not accepted after one
week beyond the due date. The last two weeks of each grading period is exempt from this policy.
During the last two weeks prior to the end of each grading period, no late work will be accepted.
Grading Scale:
90% - 100% A
80% - 89% B
70% - 79% C
60% - 69% D
59% or lower F
*****All sewing projects are INDIVIDUAL, anyone who works on another students project, both students’
will receive an “F”. All sewing must be done in the classroom, do not take anything out
of the classroom or home.
*Attendance and participation during class time is the key to your success. Work hard while you are in
class, and have fun!
Students will be responsible for purchasing fabrics, patterns, thread and notions needed to complete
their sewing projects.
Please contact me with any concerns. I am available before or after school, or any time by e-mail
Or phone message. Phone extension # 6736 or email