ANNUAL REPORT 2010-11 2010-11 was a year of achievement and realisation of exciting new opportunities for the Hull College Group against a background of significant change. Dr Elaine McMahon CBE Chief Executive and Principal 2 Contents Chairperson’s Report 4 Mission & Value Statements 6 Chief Executive and Principal Statement 7 A message from the HCUK Student Union President 8 Corporation of Hull College 11 College Management Team 11 Student Success 12 Hull College Group Stats & Facts 13-14 Staff - Our Most Important Investment 16 College Estates 2010/11 18 Hull College Commercial Department 20-21 Successes of 2010/2011 22-25 The Student Voice 26 3 Chairperson’s Report As the Chair of the Hull College Group Board of Governors it is with a great sense of pride that I am able to reflect on our many successes in the past academic year. 2010/2011 has proved to be yet another very successful year in which HCUK Group has continued to provide ‘outstanding’ education to the diverse communities we serve. Our local communities have continued to face a number of challenges brought about in part by the economic downturn. The Group has developed additional partnerships with employers and supported individuals and businesses to access valuable training opportunities that have both increased the skills of the workforce to remain competitive, or offered new career opportunities to those facing redundancy. I am delighted to report that the Hull College Group has also received further national recognition. In November 2010, the Group was presented with the Department for Education Award for Successful Delivery of Level 2 and 3 Qualifications for Disadvantaged Learners at the annual AoC Beacon Awards. Hull College Group serves a diverse community and delivers high levels of attainment for young people, including the vulnerable and those from disadvantaged backgrounds. We have also continued to grow our range of Higher Education (HE) courses which now includes a large choice of degree programmes up to Masters level and provides a local alternative to students who may not otherwise have had this opportunity. The Group was also recognised for delivering the highest standards in training and development solutions for employers with the award of the Learning and Skills Council’s Training Quality Standard (TQS). TQS recognises those training providers that are highly focused on meeting the needs of employers. The commitment of staff, parents and partners are key to the success of our students and the Hull College Group. Thank you for all your commitment and congratulations to all our students who achieved in 2010/2011, I wish you every success in the future. I commend this annual report to you. Eric Twigger Chair of Governing Body Eric Twigger with the Senior Leadership Team and guests at Hull College's Higher Education Awards 4 5 Mission & Value Statements Hull College Group Mission Statement To inspire and enable outstanding, life-changing education and training. Value Statements Core principles and beliefs on which the college is based: Excellence Respect (Integrity) Innovation Celebration Corporate Social Responsibility Hull, Goole and Harrogate College deliver high quality vocational and academic education and training raising the aspirations and prosperity of the local and global community in collaboration with partners. The Corporate Social Responsibility of the Colleges is an important aspect of all that we do. Large general further education colleges such as our own, play pivotal roles in supporting communities and enabling individuals to prosper. Our approach is to deliver on our corporate and social responsibility as a central asset within our community. We strive to embed sustainability, enterprise, innovation and equality and diversity in all aspects of College life. We create partnerships which add value and enhance our role as a Civic Leader, responding positively to external drivers of change, such as Government policy. We consider our community role outside of curriculum activity and the impact this has on our partners, stakeholders and the general public. 6 Chief Executive and Principal Statement 2010-11 was a year of achievement and realisation of exciting new opportunities for the Hull College Group against a background of significant change. In the new environment the College reaffirmed its vision of a College of high performing, innovative and entrepreneurial people delivering world-class outcomes. The Group has continued to build on its reputation for outstanding success for students and for financial sustainability. During the year, strong business and community partnerships resulted in growth of education and training provision in priority areas in response to local, regional and national needs. Key advancements in our provision included the development of a wide range of new opportunities within the renewables, energy and climate sector and the digital and media sector working closely with regional businesses to develop their workforce to ensure that they are equipped to meet the demands of investors in these exciting new sectors. Our ambition for an innovation rich and enterprise strong College community led to students establishing their own businesses with some students competing in the European Young Enterprise Final in the summer of 2011. The College also continues to promote the needs of our local communities on a national level which involved contributing to the Commission of Inquiry into Colleges in their Communities and the dynamic role colleges play and presenting evidence to the Parliamentary Select Committee inquiry into participation by 16-19 year olds in education and training. further to higher education and into work. Overall student success rates for further education were in the top ten per cent nationally and student satisfaction rates for higher education recorded the College’s highest increase to date. A coherent campus development initiated investment in student services and facilities. Student facilities have been placed more centrally on main sites and new financial support models and bursaries for students have ensured enhanced opportunities to continue in education and training. Responding to stakeholder needs involved students, staff and partner organisations in discussions with a range of visitors to the College including: Lord Baker, Baroness Sharp, Rt Hon Michael Gove, MP for Surrey Heath and Secretary of State for Education, Helen Alexander, President of the CBI, Johnny Ball and Para Olympian, Tim Prendergast. Over the past year the College community has worked vigorously to position the College for future success. It is an honour to work with such innovative and enterprising students, staff, governors and friends of Hull College Group. More students were developed to succeed in life and work with a significant increase in progression rates from Dr Elaine McMahon CBE Chief Executive and Principal Dr Elaine McMahon, CBE, with Baroness Sharp and the Senior Leadership Team 7 A message from the HCUK Student Union President It's hard to put a year into words. It has been an honour and a privilege to serve as Hull College's Student Union President during the 2010-2011 year. In my time in office I have seen the Union progress in leaps and bounds and it gives me a great sense of satisfaction to know that I was part of something hugely significant and meaningful. All of our biggest achievements have been led by students, their ideas, their enthusiasm and their passion that has made it successful. The Unions' future is in the hands of the Hull College Group's greatest resource; its students. I'm extremely fortunate that I've had the opportunity to work with so many talented and passionate individuals and I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every staff member and student for making the 2010-2011 year one I will remember for the rest of my life. Tom Tomlinson Student Union President, 2010-2011 8 9 It is an honour to work with such innovative and enterprising students, staff, governors and friends of Hull College Group. Dr Elaine McMahon CBE, Chief Executive and Principal 10 Goole College Hair and Beauty Student Corporation of Hull College Membership from 1 August 2010 to 31 July 2011: Governors Mr Eric Twigger Chair Mr Chris Fleming Appointed November 2010 Mr Martin Shaw Appointed November 2010 Mr Len Gray Mr Nick Swash Appointed November 2010 Mr Paul Hollins Vice Chair Mr David Greenway Support Staff Mr Neil Porteus Vice Chair Mr Brian Hill Dr Elaine McMahon Chief Executive and Principal (ex officio) Ms Melissa Askew Mr Simon Austin Student Governor Mr Chris Fenwick Mr John Holmes Mr Martin Lauer Ms Helen McMullen Ms Debbie Meakin Academic Staff Councillor Carl Minns Ms Patricia Tomlinson Mr Tom Tomlinson Elected Student Governor May 2011 Individuals Co-Opted on Committees Mr Chris Fleming Mr Martin Shaw Mr Nick Swash Mr Tim Savage College Management Team Strategic Leadership Team as at July 2011 Dr Elaine McMahon CBE Chief Executive and Principal Gary Warke Deputy Chief Executive and Deputy Principal Ian Holborn Executive Director of Finance and Corporate Services Lee Probert Executive Director of Strategic Policy and Organisational Development Derek Wills Vice Principal Higher Education Directors as at July 2011 John Applegate Director of Planning and Information Systems Angela Ashcroft Director of Learning (Programmes) Teresa Chalmers Director of Marketing & Customer Service Stephen Allen Group Director of Quality Julia Davidson Director of Curriculum and Quality Mark Pearson Director of Funding and Data Services Anne-Marie Bostock Principal Harrogate Diane Rainsbury HE Registrar Gary Hughes Director of Learning (Skills) Lynne Richardson Director of 14-19 11 Student Success Hull College Group enrolled around 27,000 students from Hull, the East Riding, Harrogate, nationally and internationally during 2010/11 studying both on College premises and via work based learning and community programmes. Over 3,000 students received support for a range of difficulties including dyslexia, physical disabilities, and visual or hearing impairment. The long success rate for 2010/11 was 81%, representing the highest level ever for success rates in the College. Long Success Rate 63% 2003/04 66% 2004/05 69% 2005/06 2006/07 75% 2007/08 75% 79% 2008/09 2009/10 80% 2010/11 81% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Overall the College success for all qualifications was 84% against the national average of 81% 12 80 Hull College Group Stats & Facts Number of Full-time Students Number of Part-time Students 2% 5% 19% 38% 60% 76% Age Under 16 16 - 18 19+ Totals Part-time 1,120 3,848 15,524 20,492 Full-time 125 3,934 2,528 6,587 Gender 44% 56% Gender Male Female 15,191 11,888 Ethnicity Ethnic White Black and Minority Ethnic Unknown 25,265 1,733 81 Ethnicity of Students 0.3% 6.4% 93.3% 13 Hull College Group Stats & Facts Financial Statement The College achieved an operating surplus of £847,000 after pension provision. The general reserves figure on the balance sheet was £14.4m as at 31st July 2011. Hull College's total income was £61.0m (gross turnover) Income 5.9% 0.1% 15.6% 78.4% Income Funding Council Income Tuition Fees/Education Contracts Other Income Investment Income Total Income Gross Turnover £47.8m £9.5m £3.6m £0.1m £61.0m £69.1m Expenditure Staff Costs Other Operating Expenses Depreciation Interest Payable Total Expenditure £43.9m £14.6m £1.5m £0.2m £60.2m Expenditure 2.5% 0.3% 24.3% 72.9% Staffing Profile 11% Total full time equivalent employees for Hull, Goole and Harrogate Colleges 1133.79 >0.1% 12% 6% 44% 14% 13% 14 Staffing Profile Teaching Departments - teaching staff Teaching Departments - other staff Teaching support services Other support services Admin & Central Services Premises Other 498.82 151.42 156.04 62.25 136.64 128.01 0.61 The Group has continued to build on its reputation for outstanding success for students and for financial sustainability. Dr Elaine McMahon CBE Chief Executive and Principal 15 Staff - Our Most Important Investment Qualifications and updating for our people Working within our Organisational Development Strategy the development of Hull College Group people is seen as key to delivering our Mission. All Group teaching and learning staff are registered members of the Institute for Learning and comply with the new regulations for the FE sector (2007). All staff are supported to develop their skills and work towards relevant, valuable qualifications. Updated and new qualifications became available as part of the workforce changes. Award in Preparation to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS), Certificate in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (CTLLS) This year 64 staff achieved the PTLLS and 12 completed the CTLLS across the Group. More programmes continue to be undertaken in the new academic year, with a wider interest from a variety of staff, as well as those directly in teaching and learning. The College’s long-term policy has been to support all teaching staff in their teaching qualifications and this has assisted our most recent Ofsted and EFQM outcomes. “There is a culture of continuous improvement at the College and staff could give examples of development as a result of review.” Training Quality Standard Feedback Report. 16 Cert Ed/PGCE Over the course of the year a total of 75 staff have been studying Cert Ed/PGCE courses across the Group. BA in Education and Training This year, 8 staff followed the BA Education and Training Programme. This can be the primary route for staff following an Honours course of study. Higher Education Also as a result of our expanding HE provision 64 staff have been supported on a number of higher level awards, masters and doctoral programmes in 2010/11. Over 20 staff followed specialised disciplines, such as Foundation or Honours Degrees within the Group. Vocational assessor qualifications Many staff have undertaken these awards over the previous year, which facilitates our employer engagement and responsiveness with employers. A further 37 staff gained the assessor qualifications and 14 more staff achieved the verifier qualifications. Support Staff The College encourages staff development for all staff. Participation of support staff is almost as great as academic staff and a range of programmes were completed. Several days of staff development were held across the group this year with over 4900 attendances on these workshops. "A wide range of opportunities exist from conferences, development opportunities, participation in committees etc. These opportunities are helping to engender a ‘corporate’ identity and a real team spirit". EFQM Report (European Framework for Quality Management) 17 College Estates 2010/11 The college has undertaken several major improvement projects to the estate to support the on-going academic developments A new counselling suite was completed to provide improved services to students and staff with dedicated resource rooms. Upgrades were carried out to the seventh floor laboratory spaces at Queen’s Gardens. Upgraded facilities were also provided for HE courses including new resource rooms for Teacher Education and Business and Computing. Landscaping improvements were also carried out to the forecourt and car parking areas at Queen’s Gardens to improve access for Minibuses and drop off/collection points. The kitchens in the Horncastle building serving the popular Charlotte’s restaurant and Footlights cafeteria were completely refitted to cater for increasing student numbers. 18 As part of the ERDF funded college project focusing on Enterprise a new dedicated enterprise centre was completed to support the project. Harrogate benefited from a new HE common room, improvements to Joinery workshops and new brickwork bays. The HG2 cafeteria was also extended and improved. Environmental Performance Our energy and carbon use for 2010/11 are published below Energy Use (Mwh) – 16589 Carbon Emitted (tonnes) - 5180 19 Hull College Commercial Department In 2010/11 Hull College Group Commercial Department continued to deliver training to businesses throughout Hull and the UK through the Work Place Learning programme – the government-funded initiative for employees that helps them to succeed at work. Work Place Learning Workforce training through WPL has helped thousands of businesses to be more productive and their employees to achieve career aspirations, as well as being able to perform their current job more effectively. Businesses from a range of sectors have benefited from Train to Gain including retail, customer services, motor vehicle, manufacturing and many more. Funding was available to support employees with literacy and numeracy skills, vocational qualifications up to level 3 as well as leadership and management training. Apprenticeships The Hull College Group is committed to ensuring that young people entering the world of work possess the skills that employers need and that adults have the opportunity to up-skill in their existing role. The Group works in partnership with local employers to ensure that the courses offered meet their business needs now and in the future. Hull College Group offers an increasing range of Apprenticeships which continues to grow to meet the needs of existing and emerging industries and future skills requirements. New Apprenticeships introduced in 2010/11 included: • Production of Coatings Apprenticeship Level 2 and Level 3 • Coatings Operations - Production Operations Level 2 and Level 3 These new frameworks were developed in response to planned investments in the local economy and to equip young people and adults with the skills required to work in these new industries. The Group will continue to develop and introduce new frameworks to meet the needs of the local economy, including the current development of renewables based qualifications that will support local people and businesses to develop the skills needed to benefit from the opportunities available in this emerging sector. “Seeing our apprentices develop and progress is always incredibly rewarding and we couldn’t be happier” Jakki Lovewell Operations Manager at YHATA 20 Hull College Commercial Department Yorkshire and Humber Apprentice Training Agency (YHATA) Hull College continued as a partner organisation in the Yorkshire and Humber Apprentice Training Agency (YHATA), one of 11 ATAs introduced across the UK. YHATA offers an effective recruitment/matching service to employers looking to take on an apprentice and candidates who are searching for an apprenticeship work placement. Apprentices are employed by YHATA and ‘hired out’ as a flexible workforce to other employers, known as ‘host companies’, for the work-based element of their apprenticeship. This allows employers to increase organisational skills flexibly without increasing their head count and supports the apprentice to gain relevant work experience and complete their qualification. Three YHATA apprentices gain full-time employment at KC Three KC apprentices recruited through Hessle-based apprentice recruitment agency, YHATA, gained full-time employment following a successful start to their twoyear engineering apprenticeships. The three apprentices, Alex Hadfield, 20, Lee Stansfield, 24, and Jessica Paddison, 22, who were recruited through YHATA, will now continue to work on KC’s multimillion pound fibre deployment programme. The project will see the apprentices installing optical fibre in residents’ homes across the Hull and East Yorkshire region, replacing the existing copper network and enabling customers to access broadband at speeds of up to 100Mbps. Helen Roberts, HR Director at KC, said: programme is a major multi-million pound investment in the future of our business and the Hull and East Yorkshire region, so it is vital that we work hard to invest in young people, filling skills gaps and meeting the demands of the business. “Our partnership with YHATA has been extremely positive, and all of our apprentices have proved to be invaluable additions to KC. We’re very pleased to be giving three of our apprentices a permanent position, and we couldn’t be happier with the progress they’ve made.” Lee Stansfield, a KC NGA Engineer, said: “I’m really excited to be a part of the company, and so happy to have been given this full-time contract. I’m looking forward to continuing my development and becoming a vital member of the engineering team.” Alex Hadfield, a KC Engineer and Technician, said: “I’m really pleased about being given this position, as it really shows that the hard work I’ve put into my apprenticeship has proven to be useful. My apprenticeship has opened up so many new experiences and I’m really enjoying being part of such a big project.” Jakki Lovewell, Operations Manager at YHATA, said: “Seeing our apprentices develop and progress is always incredibly rewarding and we couldn’t be happier that Alex, Jessica and Lee have gained these positions. KC has provided its apprentices with valuable experience and skills and is wholly committed to training a skilled workforce for the future.” “A big issue that we have in the industry is that many engineers continue to work until quite late in life, often leading to a shortfall when many choose to retire at the same time. Our fibre deployment 21 Successes of 2010/2011 In 2010/2011 the Hull College Group, its staff and students have celebrated many awards and national recognition across the Group including: AoC Beacon Hull College won the Department for Education Award for Successful Delivery of Level 2 and 3 Qualifications for Disadvantaged Learners at the annual AoC Beacon Awards. The award recognised the College’s approach to delivering high quality teaching at Level 2 and/or Level 3, resulting in achievements for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. On entering a Level 2 course at Hull College, around 5% of students have GCSE English and Maths but this triples to more than 16% after one year at the College. Training Quality Standard In June 2011, Hull College was nationally recognised as achieving the highest standards in the delivery of training and development solutions for employers with the award of the Learning and Skills Council’s Training Quality Standard (TQS). TQS recognises, by certification, those training providers that are highly focused on meeting the needs of employers and can demonstrate vocational excellence. Impression 11 make it to Young Enterprise Final Impression 11, a company set up by students at Hull made it to the Young Enterprise Final which was held in Madrid in the summer of 2011. The company offers a web design and social media service, founded by six Hull College Business Information Technology Foundation Degree students, all the students have now progressed on to the BSc Honours degree programme. 22 Successes of 2010/2011 Bridal Buyers Success Hull College student Rose Redhead finished in the top six in the ‘Student Bridal Designer of the Year’ category at the 2011 Bridal Buyer Awards, organised by Bridal Buyer magazine. The event is a highlight in the fashion industry’s calendar and is regarded as Europe’s top bridal awards ceremony; this year there were many thousands of entries and nominations. Rose is a first year student on the BTEC Extended Diploma Fashion and Clothing. Renewables Day In May Hull College hosted a specialist renewables day, designed to inspire people of all ages and businesses and promote the opportunities available within the emerging renewables sector. The College opened the doors to its Energy and Climate Centre for primary and secondary school pupils to take part in hands-on activities designed to encourage the scientists and engineers of the future. Starpack Awards Five students were delighted to have scooped three Silver Awards and 2 Bronze at the Starpack Awards, a national packaging design competition. Ellie Henderson (Silver), Macaulie Pearce (Silver), Sebastian Needler (Silver), Adam (Bronze) and Emma Huntley (Bronze) collected their awards in May 2011 at the Boilerhouse, Grantham. The awards, now in their twelfth year, form part of the Annual Starpack Awards programme which also includes the Starpack Industry Awards and the Student Starpack Packaging Design Awards for Colleges and Universities. President of CBI visits Hull College Helen Alexander, President of the CBI (The Confederation of British Industry), visited Hull College in April 2011 to meet with College staff, students and local employers. As part of the visit Helen met with local employers to discuss the business benefits of the training and education support that they receive from the College. 23 Successes of 2010/2011 Goole College students win at army competition Goole College’s Public Services students triumphed at the Inter Army Competition, held at Strensall. The College took a team of eight students – two girls and six boys – and they underwent a series of challenges including an inflatable assault course, mountain biking, paintballing and a shooting task on a specialist range. College Students keep Yorkshire Air Ambulance in the skies Harrogate College Uniformed Public Services raised vital funds for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance (YAA). Students set up a stand at the Victoria Shopping Centre over a two week period to raise awareness and funds for the YAA, raising £410 through the sale of YAA merchandise including pens, key rings, tax disc holders and badges. Preston Road Voids Hull College Construction students revitalised a house on Hull's Preston Road Estate as part of the Void Project. 120 students from Hull College spent months refurbishing the property as part of a hands-on training scheme. The Preston Road Voids Project has seen four properties, which have been empty and neglected for at least five years, transformed into affordable properties on the open housing market. The project is a joint venture by Probe (Hull) Ltd, Hull College, the Preston Road Development Trust and Hull City Council. Sport success Evie Robinson was selected for the Under 16s England Football Talent Camp and five others made the Under 14s. The College only submitted five under 14s to the competition – one more than is officially allowed – and all five were selected. 24 Successes of 2010/2011 Goole College welcomed Secretary of State for Education In April, Goole College was delighted to welcome the Rt Hon Michael Gove, MP for Surrey Heath and Secretary of State for Education. The Rt Hon Michael Gove was able to meet with members of the College and students to discuss various issues, including the College’s contribution to key policy areas such as the role of the College in further education at post 14. Hull College welcomes Johnny Ball to Science Fair Science legend Johnny Ball attended and judged Hull College’s Science Fair in May 2011. Hull College’s Level 2 students worked hard to produce exhibition work which was displayed around the College, part of the College’s very successful STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) provision. St Stephens supports College Enterprise Centre St Stephen’s Shopping Centre pledged their support to the Net 315 Enterprise Project at Hull College which is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund. Jim Harris, St Stephen's Centre Manager kindly agreed to offer his time as a business mentor, available to advise businesses engaged with the Hull College Enterprise Gateway on matters relating to retail and street trading. The Net 315 Project at Hull College offers enterprising students the tools, facilities and support they need to start their own businesses. Other businesses supporting Net 315 include Rollits who are providing legal workshops and advice for students and Baker Tilly. 25 The Student Voice James Taylor Jade Fraser-Boynton Kaytee Husband James has previously won the coveted ‘Outstanding Student of the Year’ award at Harrogate College’s Further Education Awards. He came to the College originally to study for a qualification in Motor Vehicle but then decided that he was better suited to Catering. Jade came to Hull College as a mature student at the age of 24, she first completed her National Diploma in Sports Studies and has just started a Foundation Degree in Sports Studies. Jade also won the Sports Student of the Year Award in July 2011. “I am now on my Level 2 in Professional Cookery at Harrogate College and I love it! The staff and everyone else are so great and supportive. I also work at a local nursing home as a chef and it is so easy to combine the two at Harrogate. I have had the opportunity to take part in so many great things like the Ready Steady Cook Challenge and the World Skills Showcase in London. I would recommend Harrogate College to anybody!”. “I initially came to Hull College because I knew the sports facilities at the Learning Zone at the KC Stadium were great. I have really enjoyed meeting new people and making new friends, all my tutors are so lovely and helpful and I have had so much fun while gaining a qualification. I can’t wait to start my foundation degree!” Kaytee originally enrolled at Goole College on the E2E programme. Soon after starting she became pregnant; after having her son she returned to College to complete her course, using the nursery facilities on site and then progressed on to the Level 1 Fabrication and Welding course. She will start the Level 2 in September. “Goole College has given me so many great opportunities and has really built my confidence. When I found out I was going to have a baby I was a bit worried about what would happen at College but I was determined to work hard and keep going. I can’t wait for the future – I am going to keep working hard and getting my qualifications at Goole College!” “The commitment of staff, parents and partners are key to the success of our students and the Hull College Group”. Eric Twigger, Chair of Governing Body 26 Hull College Queen’s Gardens Centre Wilberforce Drive, Hull HU1 3DG. T: (01482) 329943 F: (01482) 598733 The Learning Zone Kingston Communications Stadium Walton Street, Hull HU3 6HU. T: (01482) 381948 Hull College Cannon Street Centre Cannon Street, Hull HU2 0AB. T: (01482) 329943 (Queen’s Gardens main switch board - please ask for the Cannon Street Centre) Hull College Park Street Centre Park Street, Hull HU2 8RR. T: (01482) 329943 (Queen’s Gardens main switch board - please ask for the Park Street Centre) Goole College Boothferry Road, Goole DN14 6SR. T: (01405) 762420 Harrogate College Hornbeam Park Harrogate N.Yorks HG2 8QT T: (01423) 879466