Assistant or Associate Professor of Marketing - GEORGIA REGENTS UNIVERSITY James M. Hull College of Business | Vitae 10/19/15, 1:25 PM Job Search Assistant or Associate Professor of Marketing - GEORGIA REGENTS UNIVERSITY James M. Hull College of Business Georgia Regents University Save Print Deadline Date Posted Type Salary December 01, 2015 October 19, 2015 Tenured, tenure track Competitive Employment Type Full-time The James M. Hull College of Business at Georgia Regents University invites applications for a tenure track position at the Assistant or Associate Professor level in Marketing or related field with primary teaching expertise in marketing research and/or analytics. Anticipated start is August 2016. GEORGIA REGENTS UNIVERSITY: Effective January 9, 2013, Georgia Health Sciences University consolidated with Augusta State University to become Georgia Regents University. The consolidated university consists of nine colleges on two campuses. The Health Sciences Campus consists of the Medical College of Georgia, College of Dental Medicine, College of Nursing, College of Allied Health Sciences, Page 1 of 3 Assistant or Associate Professor of Marketing - GEORGIA REGENTS UNIVERSITY James M. Hull College of Business | Vitae 10/19/15, 1:25 PM and the College of Graduate Studies. The Summerville Campus consists of the Pamplin College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences; Hull College of Business; College of Education; and College of Science and Mathematics. The GRU main campus is in Augusta, Georgia's second-largest city. The city was recently ranked the second most favorable place to live in the state. Augusta is within an easy three-hour drive of Atlanta, the University of Georgia, the Atlantic Ocean and the mountains. It is a growing and thriving city with a metropolitanarea population of around 400,000. Applicants must hold (or receive before start of employment) a Ph.D. in marketing or related field from an AACSB accredited program. Demonstrated capability or potential in developing discipline relevant peer reviewed intellectual contributions is required. Equally important is demonstrated capability or potential for teaching excellence within the discipline, primarily for undergraduate and MBA programs. Current departmental needs for teaching expertise in the areas of marketing research with applications relating to social media and analytics. Salary will depend upon qualifications and experience. Course load will be three courses per semester term or about 60% of workload. In addition to the online application, qualified applicants may also submit a current, detailed curriculum vita; at least three references familiar with your background who may be contacted, and a cover letter outlining your interest in the position which briefly but specifically addresses your suitability and interests based on the research and teaching requirements outlined above. Inquiries about the position should be directed to Mark Thompson, or 706 Page 2 of 3 Assistant or Associate Professor of Marketing - GEORGIA REGENTS UNIVERSITY James M. Hull College of Business | Vitae 10/19/15, 1:25 PM 737-1418. Applications received by December 1, 2015, are assured full consideration. However, we will accept applications until the position is filled. The position is subject to final approval by Georgia Regents University and the Board of Regents of the State of Georgia. Georgia Regents University is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution. How To Apply You can apply for this position online at Page 3 of 3