Science Laboratory Requirement There is a mandated lab requirement for all Regents Science Courses. Each teacher will set guidelines in accordance with State Education Department Regulations. They state: "All students in a Regents Science course must complete a State Education Department mandated Laboratory Requirement. The laboratory requirement consists of a minimum of 1200 minutes of hands-on laboratory experiences with satisfactorily completed laboratory reports prior to admission into a Regents examination in Science. Specific laboratory requirements are determined by the teacher and are based on laboratory inquiry skills that are an integral part of each science. These include, but are not limited to, lab report formats, due dates, what constitutes a satisfactorily completed lab experience, time requirement above the SED mandate, and safety procedures and regulations." I, the parent of _________________________, have read and understood the above laboratory requirements and will do everything in my power to assure that this requirement gets met. Signature of parent or guardian