CHAPTER IV ASPECTS OF PERLOCUTIONARY ACT AND THE EFFECTS IN THE LAST SONG FILM 4.1 The Aspects of Perlocutionary Act In The Last Song Film In film “ The Last Song “ there is some different characters. Some characters in novel are the last song by Ronnie Miler, she is a strong and hard girl. The first she stay with her mom and her brother. Because her dad was leaved them to go to Georgia. This matter is added to might Ronnie be angry to her dad. Now her dad is living in Georgia, his house is near of the beach. Now , Steve has the opportunity for coming relative with his daughter when her mom Kim (Kelly Preston) sent the hard girl and her brother Jonah ( Bobby Coleman), for enjoying the summer with their father. Steve is ex professor in Julliard school and a pianist. And now he lives quite in Tybee island , the small town in Georgia . during worked the window for the church . After arriving in Georgia, Ronnie still becomes a hard girl until she meets a boy friend Will Blakelee (Liam Hemsworth) and then both of them are falling in love. Then her father was ill, so that Ronnie was conscious and can might a good relative again with her father Steve. Beside that ronnie also will bw play again the last song for her father when her father was died. One of the speech acts which usually appear in this film is perlocutionary acts. Perlocutionary acts in film The Last Song appears by the effect. It is beginning by utterance between every characters. Based on the opinion from the expert chapter II, perlocutionary act is arguing or saying something will often produce certain consequential effect uppon the feelings, though or action of the speaker we shall call the performance of an act. Furtheremore, from the explanation on the chapter II this analysis based on five aspects of perlocutionary acts, namely: persuading, convincing, scaring, enlightening, and inspiring. In making the description clearly then analyzed all of the perlocutionary act in the film “The Last Song” one by one. In this research , I identify the data of five aspects of perlocutionary acts. After that, the data is classified that found in films based on the aspects of perlocutionary act and the last, it was analyzed the expression of the perlocutionary acts like on the hearer reaction of what is the speaker said. 4.2 Effect of Perlocutionary Act in Film “ The Last Song” In this part, after identifying and classifying the data, I analyzed the data found of the aspect of perlocutionary acts from the film “ The Last Song ”. 1.2.1 Persuading This makes somebody do something by giving them good reasons for doing it. Persuading in film “ The Last Song” can be found in this situation : 1. Will come to Ronnie house’s for persuades her, because Ronnie is very angry to Will about Ashley. Ronnie : You need to leave. You’re freaking out my little brother (act at 00:39:03) Will : Not until you tell me what happened was it Ashley ? I saw you talking to her, what did she say?(act at 00:39:05) Ronnie : Just leave, all right?(act at 00:39:10) Will : Tell me what she said to you?(act at 00:39:13) Ronnie: Will I did not come here for some stupid summer romance with some stupid local bring that has done this with a thousand other girls (act at 00:39:14) Will : What?(act at 00:39:23) Ronnie: Ashley told me about all the girls you’ve been with, so I don’t want to be just the next girl in your little parede of girl, Will going on the same date, doing the exact same thing . I think that’s why it would just be better if we just end it (act at 00:39:24) Will : End it? And what Ronnie, yes Ok I went out with other girls before I met you that the point it was before I met you! How can you be mad about that?(act at 00:39:42) Ronnie : Don’t you dare make this about me, you and I both know this is not my fault(act at 00:39:52) Will : You’re not like the other girls(act at 00:40:19) The addresser in this utterance is Will and addressee is Ronnie. The goal of an utterance is Will persuade to Ronnie can hear to him about her explained. Will explains to Ronnie about what does she listen from Ashley that all of that is not like as Ronnie think. The context of utterance is Will hope so Ronnie can forgive him. The utterance as a form of act is Ronnie is not angry again because when Ronnie while to explain, suddenly Will goes and give kiss up to Ronnie and Ronnie just quite, smile and enjoyed it. The utterance as a product verbal act is Will get forgive from Ronnie. We can look at the utterance as “you’re not like the other girls’’. 2. When Will and Ronnie eat together in Will home’s, will mom’s is doesn’t like to Ronnie. So Will mom’s tell something wrong be hurt to Ronnie heart’s. then Ronnie go out for leaved Will. And Will run away to Ronnie for persuades her. Will : No one has made me feel like you do, Ronnie I don’t want to lose you(act at 00:51:58) Ronnie : I love you, Will (act at 00:52:25) Will : I love you too(act at 00:52:28) The addresser in this utterance is Will and addressee is Ronnie. The goal of an utterance is Will persuades to Ronnie listen to him that he love very much. Will hope Ronnie can understand about his big feel just for Ronnie, so Will wants to get forgive from Ronnie. Because with that Will can be happy. The utterance as a form of act is Ronnie wanted forgive to Will after Ronnie hears the life story of Will. The utterance as a product verbal act is Will finally gets forgive from his sweet heart Ronnie, then both of them are kissing to each other. In this context, we can look the utterance of persuade like as “Ronnie I dont’t want to lose you”. 3. Will and Ronnie want to help Jonah for make Steve work’s about the build of church, Because Steve was sick. Ronnie : We’ll help you(act at 01:18:54) Jonah : You don’t know how!(act at 01:18:56) Will : Will you show us?(act at 01:18:58) Jonah : Yeah(act at 01:19:08) The addresser in this utterance is Will and Ronnie and addressee is Jonah. The goal of an utterance is Will and Ronnie persuade to Jonah for can received their helper. Will and Ronnie always to persuade Jonah when he work while cry, so they will be help Jonah to clear that. The context of utterance is Jonah want to might his father work’s until clear because Jonah know that the work is important for his father Steve. The first Jonnah doesn’t receive grating of Will and Ronnie but both of them try to persuade jonnah, so jonah can receive their grating. The utterance as a form of act is Jonah wanted to Will and Ronnie for help him to clearly the work. The utterance as a product verbal act is Will and Ronnie get time for help to Jonah for clearly the build of church. The utterance of persuade is “we’ll help you”. 4. Will come again to Scott place’s for get the fact from Scott about the real event in build of church. Will : Please! (act at 01:22:12) Scott : Ok. (act at 01:22:19) The addresser in this utterance is Will and addressee is Scott. The goal of an utterance is Will persuades to Scott so Scott can tell the right event to Steve about the build of church. Will usually come to Scott place just for get it. The context of utterance is Will wanted to look Steve never again to think about this event. The utterance as a form of act is Scott want to tell the right story about this event to Steve that Steve is not wrong and has not to relation with the event. The utterance as a product verbal act is Will finally can be persuade to Scott and get the right information about the event in the build of the church. The utterance in the context showed persuade like as Will says to Scoott “please” in the word explain that that Will try to persuade Scott 5. Steve wanted to Ronnie can played again with her piano, so Steve usually persuade to Ronnie because just it can make Steve be happy. Steve : Someday, you are gonna open your heart, and you’re gonna play again and it’s no gonna be to make your mother happy and it’s not gonna be to make me happy. It’ll be for you. Because … music and… love they’re gonna bring you joy.(act at 01: 30:42) Ronnie : Thank you.(act at 01:31:18) The addresser in this utterance is Steve and addressee is Ronnie. The goal of an utterance is Steve persuade to Ronnie so Ronnie can play again her piano. Steve always want to look up Ronnie for play the piano. The context of utterance is Steve and Kim hope Ronnie become the best pianist. The utterance as a form of act is Ronnie will play again the piano, because she think that Steve was sick and just with play back can look up smile from Steve. The utterance as a product verbal act is Steve finally gets the good reaction from Ronnie for play again the piano. The utterance of persuade is in context from Steve “Because music and love they’re gonna bring you joy” there explain that Steve want to persuade Ronnie. 6. Kim come to Steve house’s when Kim look up Ronnie is sad because Steve was died, so Kim wanted to persuade Ronnie for coming to church. Kim : We’re not perfect. Any of us we make mistake, we screw up. But then we forgive me and we move forward honey, at least you have the courage to feel. You feel every thing so depply you’re your father’s daughter. (act at 01:35:23) Ronnie : Ok. (act at 01:36:01) The addresser in this utterance is Kim and addressee is Ronnie. The goal of an utterance is Kim persuade to Ronnie to come in church for read a speech for her father Steve. Kim change her mind that she must persuade to Ronnie for come in church. The context of utterance is before die Steve always be look up Ronnie to play again. The utterance as a form of act is Ronnie wanted to following her mother to church for read a speech and play the piano for her father. The utterance as a product verbal act is Kim finally get the good respond from Ronnie for play the piano because it is the last song from her father for Ronnie. The utterance which show the persuade is in sentence from Kim “you feel every thing so depply you’re your father’s daughter” in this sentence explain that Kim persuade Ronnie. 4.2.2 Convincing This is makes somebody or the addressee believes that something is true. 1. Ronnie convince to her mom and Jonah that she didn’t do an effort when she live in Steve home’s. Kim : Ronnie, promise me, you’ll make an effort, Ok?(act at 00:01:34) Jonah : Does dad know she was arrested?(act at 00:01:37) Ronnie : Jonah! I didn’t do it, Ok? Stay out of it.(act at 00:01:39) The addresser in this utterance is Ronnie and addressee is Kim and Jonah. The goal of an utterance is Ronnie convince to Kim and Jonnah to believe that she still broke with Steve and she didn’t to do an effort. The context of utterance is Ronnie is still ungry to Steve so she not like try and do an effort for Steve. The utterance as a form of act is Kim and Jonah can be understand to what does Ronnie want to do. The utterance as a product verbal act is Ronnie finally can sopport of Jonah and Kim. The utterance of convincing in this context is in the sentence from Ronnie “Jonah! I didn’t do it, Ok”. This sentence convince that Ronnie really don’t do it. 2. Jonah and Steve are at home they look up the element of church. Then Jonah wanted to help Steve for made the mirror of church. So he hope Steve can conviced that Jonnah can do it. Steve : Unfortunately, I’m not really looking for an assistant right now, so…(act at 00:07:19) Jonah Steve Jonah Steve Jonah Steve Jonah Steve Jonah : Why not? No, dad I’d do it! (act at 00:07:24) : Yeah?(act at 00:07:26) : Yeah(act at 00:07:27) : You want it(act at 00:07:28) : I’d do it for free(act at 00:07:28) : Ok. You’re hired(act at 00:07:30) : Really?(act at 00:07:31) : Yeah(act at 00:07:32) : That’s so cool(act at 00:07:33) The addresser in this utterance is jonah and addressee is Steve. The goal of the utterance is Jonah convinced to his father that he can be an assistant for Steve to made the church. Jonah is very want to help his dad, he said that he can do it and can be an assistant for Steve. The utterance as a form of act is Steve can sure that Jonah can be an assistant for him to clearly his works in church. The utterance as a product verbal act is Jonah finally can make Steve to sure believe that he can be an assistant for his father. The utterance of convincing in this context can show in the sentence from Jonnah “Why not? No, dad I’d do it!”. The utterance show that Jonnah convince to Steve he can do it. 3. Ronnie went with Blaze to the market, they look some dress but Blaze said to Ronnie please take the dress without pay. But Ronnie want to convince that she didn’t do it. Blaze : I’m sorry today it’s free(act at 00:07:53) Ronnie : No, no stop.(act at 00:07:56) Blaze : It’s Ok. I do it all the time(act at 00:07:57) Ronnie : No I can’t. I already got busted once(act at 00:07:58) Blaze : a woman with a record(act at 00:08:04) Ronnie : Please(act at 00:08:05) Blaze : I like that(act at 00:08:06) The addresser in this utterance is Ronnie and addreessee is Blaze. The goal of the utterance is Ronnie convince to Blaze that she can not do what does Blaze want. Ronnie explain to Blaze that she stay can’t do the work like that. The context of utteranceis Ronnie hope Blaze can to sure about what does Ronnie said that she is not brave. The utterance as a form of act is Blaze was sure that Ronnie can not doing. The utterance as a product verbal act is Ronnie finnaly can conviced to her friend Blaze that she can not doing. The utterance of convincing in this context can show in the sentence from Ronnie “No I can’t. I already got busted once”. In this sentence show Ronnie convince to Blaze that ronnie can’t do it. 4. Steve and jonnah are dinner with bread, it’s very delicious. Beside eat bread Jonah also wanted to convince his father that Ronnie never open and read his letter. Jonah : Ronnie ever opens any of your letters(act at 00:09:54) Steve : Really?(act at 00:09:56) Jonah : Mom says it’s because she has PMS(act at 00:09:58) Steve : Do you know what that is?(act at 00:10:03) Jonnah : Dad, I’m not a little kid anymore means “pissed at men syndrome” (act at 00:10:05) Steve : Yeah.(act at 00:10:11) The addresser in this utterance is Jonah and addressee is Steve. The goal of an utterance is Jonah wanted to convinced his father Steve that Ronnie never open the letter send from Steve. Jonah told that his mom also said like that Ronnie is PM so she never open the letter from Steve. The context of utterance is Jonnah try to make his father can believe about what does Jonah said, because Jonah know that Ronnie still broke with Steve. The utterance as a form of act is Steve believe that Ronnie never open his letter was send to Ronnie. The utterance as a product verbal act is Jonnah can make his father to believe him that the letter is never open by Ronnie. 5. Ronnie sleep with her brother in the badroom, but before slept Ronnie want to convince her brother Jonnah that her brother never lost their dad. Because Ronnie know that Jonnah very love to Steve. Jonah : Hey Ron(act at 00:14:32) Ronnie : What?(act at 00:14:33) Jonah : Don’t get mad, Ok? Can you just be a little nicer to dad? I just really don’t want to lose him again(act at 00:14:35) Ronnie : did you see his face when he saw you here ? he was so excited. Jonah, you never lost him, and you never will i promise.(act at 00:14:52) The addresser in this utterance is Ronnie and eddressee is Jonnah. The goal of the utternace is Ronnie wanted convince to Jonnah for can believe her that Ronnie can make something so Jonnah never lost their father. Ronnie was promise to Jonah that Steve always together with them and all of that of course be good. The utterance as a form of act is Jonnah can believe what does Ronnie said to him and gave simple smile to her sister. The utterance as a product verbal act is Ronnie can might Jonnah to believe her that Ronnie always do something for Jonnah and Jonnah received it. The utterance of convincing in the context can show in the sentence of Ronnie “Jonah, you never lost him, and you never will I promise”. The sentece show that Ronnie really convince to Jonnah that he never lost his father. 6. Ronnie wanted steve can be believe her that Ronnie doesn’t take something in the shop. Ronnie : I did it in new York, I stole something and don’t need you to tell me that it’s wrong because I know that but I didn’t do it here(act at 00:27:19) Steve : The store owner is a friend of mine. I’ll talk to him. Ok ?(act at 00:27:46) The addresser in this utterance is Ronnie and addreesse is Steve. The goal of the utterance is Ronnie wanted to Steve so Steve was believe that Ronnie never took something in the shop. Ronnie explained to Steve that she ever do like that in New York but Ronnie didn’t do it here. Ronnie try to make her father can believe that. The utterance as a form of act is Steve was believe that Ronnie never wrong and never do it, then Steve will talk to the store owner because he is Steve friend’s. The utterance as a product verbal act is Ronnie finally gets believed from her father and her father will be help her to talk with the store owner for explaned it. The utterance of convincing in the context is in the sentence of ronnie “I did it in new York, I stole something and don’t need you to tell me that it’s wrong because I know that but I didn’t do it here”. 7. Ronnie try to tell something which can might Steve can be convince that ronnie really like to her darling Will. Steve : So you. You like this guy? You like him. You like him a lot?(act at 00:56:10) Ronnie : I like him more that a lot(act at 00:56:24) Steve : Really? (act at 00:56:29) Ronnie : Is that crazy?(act at 00:56:29) Steve : Well a little but love is Ronnie. Crazy … a little(act at 00:56:34) Ronnie : thank you(act at 00:56:49) The addresser in this utterance is Ronnie and addressee is Steve. The goal of the utterance is Ronnie try to convince her father that she really like to her boy friend. Ronnie come with smile face, so her father can to know that her daughter was falling in love, so Steve believe that Ronnie really like her boy friend. The context utterance as a form of act is Steve was believe to what does Ronnie told to him that she very like her boy friend because Steve can look up the smile from her face. The utterance as product verbal act is Ronnie finally gets the good reaction from her father and her father also was believe her with her action. The utterance of convincing in the context can show in the sentence of Ronnie “I like him more that a lot” the sentence show that Ronnie convince to her father that she really like Will. 8. Will wanted to explain and hope Ronnie can believe what does Will told about the burn down in church. Ronnie : My dad think he’s the one that burned down the church(act at 01:01:18) Will : I’m sure he didn’t do it, it just just people talking.(act at 01:01:25) The addresser in this utterance is Will and addressee is Ronnie. The goal of the utterance is will try to make Ronnie can believe that her father is not wrong on burned down in church. Will think that all about her father is just the people think but exactly her father is not wrong. The context is utterance is Will just want looking for the right of the event. Because Will know all of the event. The utterance as a form of act is Ronnie can believe to Will that her father is right and never wrong on the burned down in church. The utterance as a product verbal act is Will finally get good respond from Ronnie. The utterance of convincing in this context can show in the sentence from will “I’m sure he didn’t do it, it just just people talking”. The utterance show that Will tray to convince Ronnie. 9. When Steve was sick and their bring to the hospital, Ronnie met with a doctor who take her father become her patient. Both of them sat out the room and talking about her father, the the doctor wanted to told something make Ronnie can believe what does the doctor said. Doctor : I want to tell you something when you father realized how serious his condition was a couple months ago, he asked that we cut back on his medication(act at 01:14:16) Ronnie : Why?(act at 01:14:31) Doctor : Because he wanted to be here, really be here with you and your brother that’s what he said.(act at 01:14:34) The addresser in this utterance is Doctor and the addressee is Ronnie. The goal of the utterance is doctor wanted to made and told something to Ronnie, so she can beliave that because it is very important for Ronnie and her families. Because the Doctor think that Steve was sick for a long time, but Steve always smile and try to life just for Ronnie and her brother. The utterance as a form of act is Ronnie was understand what does she hear from the Doctor and she direct went to steve room’s for look him. The utterance as a product verbala act is doctor finally get respond from Ronnie with something she told to Ronnie about her father. The utterance of convincing in this context can show in the sentences from the Doctor “Because he wanted to be here, really be here with you and your brother that’s what he said”.the sentence explain that the Doctor convince Ronnie about her father. 10. Jonnah try to convince her father that he can be an best assistant for her father. So all of her father work’s is can do by jonnah. Jonah : We finished it. Of course, I had to train an assistant but we did it(act at 01:21:35) Steve : You did good, joe-boy. Really.(act at 01:21:42) The addresser in this utterance is Jonnah and addressee is Steve. The goal of the utterance is Jonnah try to make his father can convinced that he can be an assistant for Steve and can do all of the work for the church because it is a dream of his father. The context is Jonnah want to show the buld of church to Steve when steve out from hospital. The utterance as a form of act is steve can believe that Jonnah try to hard work just for him and Steve sure that his son is the best. The utterance as a product verbal act is Jonnah finnaly gets good pont from Steve, because Steve believe to Jonah that he can finished it when Steve look the church. The utterance of convincing in this context can show in the sentence from Jonnah “We finished it. Of course, I had to train an assistant but we did it”. The sentence explain that Jonnah convince his father that he can finish it. 4.2.3 Scaring This is frighten somebody to something be happen. The scaring in this film like as : 1. Jonah scared to Ronnie with told that Steve looking for Ronnie in the market when Ronnie is going with Blaze. Jonah : Dad’s looking for you(act at 00:08:12) Ronnie : Tell him you didn’t see me brat(act at 00:08:14) Jonah : Five bucks and two for “brat”(act at 00:08:15) Ronnie : No way(act at 00:08:17) Jonah : He is getting closer. Don’t make me raise it to ten(act at 00:08:19) Ronnie : Shut up(act at 00:08:21) Jonah : I promise to make him take me on the twister three times so you can get away. Nice doing business with you(act at 00:08:24) Ronnie : Yeah, yeah(act at 00:08:30) The addresser in this utterance is Jonah and addressee is Ronnie. The goal of the utterance is Jonah scared to Ronnie that steve looking for her, so if Ronnie not gave money to Jonah he will call his father for coming here. The context of utterance is Jonah want to make a good bussines with Ronnie so he scare his sister. The utterance as aform of act is Ronnie scared if Steve looking for her, because she still angry to Steve. So Ronnie gave money to her brother for closed his mounth. The utterance as a product verbal act is Jonnah can maked her sister be scare and gave money to Jonnah. The utterance of scaring in this context can show I the sentence from Jonah “I promise to make him take me on the twister three times so you can get away”. 2. Ronnie come in the beach with Will for looking will played volley ball. Suddenly Ashley come behind to Ronnie and told about Will, it makes Ronnie worried. Ashley : Wet hair. Let me guess. He took you to he aquarium and did his whole underwater fish –man show for you were you impessed(act at 00:35:25) Ronnie : Do I know you?(act at 00:35:34) Ashley : I’m a friend of will’s but you know, will has lots of friends he makes us all feel special for a little while(act at 00:35:35) The addresser in this utterance is ashley and addressee is Ronnie. The goal of the utterance is Ashley scares to Ronnie that will has a lots of girl friends. Ashley talk like that to ronnie because asley still like Will. The context of utterance is Ashley hope Ronnie be dislike to Will. The utterance as a form of act is Ronnie angry and went back to her home, she is scaring about it because she was like Will. The utterance as a product verbal act is Ashley finally can making Ronnie become angry to Will. The utterance of scaring in this context can show in the sentence from Ashley “I’m a friend of will’s but you know, will has lots of friends he makes us all feel special for a little while”. 3. When Ronnie back to house and loking for her dress, then Jonah ask about the money who dad was gives to her. Jonah : What happened to the money dad gave you?(act at 01:04:16) Ronnie : If you tell him, I kill you. Ok ? I was on my way to buy the dress and I gave the money away (act at 01:04:20) The addresser in this utterance is Ronnie and addressee is Jonah. The goal of the utterance is Ronnie scare to Jonah that she will killed him if he talks to their father about the money. Ronnie was gave the money to her friends on the way, because her friend is very need it. But her father didn’t about it. The context of utterance is Ronnie scare to her brother so he does not to tells her father. The utterance as a form of act is Jonah is scaring and didn’t told their father about the money was gave to Blaze. The utterance as a product verbal act is Ronnie finally can scaring her brother Jonah so he didn’t told that to their father. The utterance of scaring in this context can show in the sentence from Ronnie” If you tell him, I kill you. Ok ? I was on my way to buy the dress and I gave the money away”. 4.2.4 Enlightening This is give somebody more knowledge or understanding of something. 1. Will and Ronnie slept in the beach for keep the turtles, then they told about our lives. Will : So, what are you doing down here? Ronnie : My mom shipped me and my brother to my dad’s for the summer guess so I could baby-sist turtle eggs. While a volley ball player slash aquarium volunteer hits on we every five seconds(act at 00:29:44) Will : Now, who ‘s conceited?(act at 00:29:47) The addresser in this utterance is ronnie and addressee is Will. The goal of the utterance is Ronnie give axplained about why she here now. Ronnie told many things to will about her lives. The context of utterance is Ronnie hope Will can understanding about what did she tells right now. The utterance as a form of Will can be hearer and understand about Ronnie’s story. Because Will also has the same problem with Ronnie. The utterance as a product verbal act is Ronnie finally success to makes Will is understanding about the explains. The utterance of enlightening in this context can show in the sentence from Ronnie “My mom shipped me and my brother to my dad’s for the summer guess so I could baby-sist turtle eggs. While a volley ball player slash aquarium volunteer hits on we every five seconds”. 2. Will and Ronnie are going to the aquarium together and they are swimming in aquarium. Will : It’s kind of cool, huh ?(act at 00:34:34) Ronnie : It’s incredible. So big(act at 00:34: 35) Will : Tray cleaning to (act at 00:34:37) Ronnie : It must be pretty cool. Swimming with all the fish.(act at 00:34:39) Will : You should see it from in here(act at 00:34:41) Ronnie : May be I will someday.(act at 00:34:43) Will : Yeah. Give me a hand up!(act at 00:34:44) The addresser in this utterance is Ronnie and addressee is Will. The goal of the utteranceis Ronnie want to Will can be now that she is happy together with Will. Ronnie looking smile when swimming with Will. The context of utterance is Ronnie like the situation specially with the fish in the aquarium. The utterance as a form of act is Will is understanding about Ronnie that she is very near with the condition in the aquarium. The utterance as a product verbal act is is Ronnie finally can makes will to happy with her in the aquarium. The utterance of enlightening in the context can show in the sentence from Ronnie “May be I will someday”. 3. Will invite to Ronnie for coming together with him to his house. When they arrived, they are lunch with Will parent’s. Tom : Will, pass Ronnie some roast beef(act at 00:48:17) Ronnie : No, thank you(act at 00:48:20) Will : I told you, Ronnie’s a vegetarian(act at 00:48:21) Tom : Really(act at 00:48:24) Will : Yeah(act at 00:48:25) Tom : Why(act at 00:48:28) Ronnie : Just reasons(act at 00:48:31) The addresser in this utterance is Will and Ronnie and addressee is Tom. The goal of the utterance is Will gave enlightening to Tom that ronnie is vegetarian. Will told to Tom that he was said Ronnie is vegetarian but may be his father did not to understand, so he told again. The context of utterance is Ronnie jus hope that Tom can be understand about her because Will families is a new thing for Ronnie. The utterance as a form of act is Tom was received that Ronnie really vegetarian, because Tom was hear from will and direct from Ronnie. The utternce as a product verbal act is Will and Ronnie finally can makes tom to understanding about ronnie is vegetarian. The utterance of enlightening in this context can show in the sentence from Will “I told you, Ronnie’s a vegetarian”. 4. Ronnie comes in Will sister’s wedding and she meet again with Blaze. Both of them told about their problem for the last lime Ronnie : Hey, blaze(act at 01:08:11) Blaze : Hey, look I… I didn’t deserve it, what you did he other day , but thank you(act at 01:08:13) Ronnie : It’s Ok.(act at 01:08:22) Blaze : I broke up with him. Marcus you’re right he’s totally a jerk and I move out(act at 01:08:23) Ronnie : Good for you.(act at 01:08:31) Blaze : Yeah, Ok, well, I should get back to work(act at 01:08:32) Ronnie : I’ll see you around than, Ok?(act at 01:08:38) Blaze : Thank you(act at 01:08:41) The addresser in this utterance is Blaze and addressee is Ronnie. The goal of the uterrance is Blaze want to gave enlightening to Ronnie about the problem with Ronnie in the last time. Blaze was wrong feel, so she want to explained to Ronnie that now she was broke up with her darling. The context of utterance is Blaze want to apologize to Ronnie for her wrong. The utterance as a form of act is Ronnie receiving the apologize from Blaze and Ronnie never hate to Blaze Ronnie always good to her. The utterance as a product verbal act is Blaze finnaly make Ronnie does not angry and get apologize from Ronnie. The utterance of enlightening in this context can show in the sentence from Blaze “I broke up with him. Marcus you’re right he’s totally a jerk and I move out”. 5. Will come in the church when Steve was died and look up Ronnie in front of the peoples for read a speech for her father then she is playing the last song for her sweety father Will : It was beautiful, what you played.(act at 01:39:23) Ronnie : It was dad’s, I finished it for him(act at 01:39:25) Will : I know he liked it(act at 01:39:30) The addresser in this utterance is Ronnie and addressee is Will. The goal of the utterance is Ronnie gave enlightening that what does she do here just for her father. Ronnie loved her father so she played the last song who her father written for her. The context of utterance is Ronnie want to explained and listen to other people that her father is the best. The utterance as a form act is Will was knowing that steve is very like to look up Ronnie play the last song for him. The utterance as a product verbal act is Ronnie finally can makes Will to sure that all of the steve want was Ronnie do it. The utterance of enlightening in this context can show in the sentence from Ronnie “It was dad’s, I finished it for him”. 4.2.5 Inspiring This is fill somebody with the ability or desire to do something. 1. Jonah come for gives an invitation from will sister’s wedding to Ronnie. Jonah : Here you go. Come on open it!(act at 00:58:59) The addresser in this utterance is Jonnah and addressee is Ronnie. The goal of the utterance is Jonnah want to gives inspiring to Ronnie, so she can go to the Will sister’s wedding. Jonah come with the energy expression for showed to his sister that he is like Ronnie to go to the wedding.the context of utterance is Jonnah want to looking her sister be happy. The utterance as a form of act is Ronnie has a inspiring from Jonah and takes the invitation then run away to her father for showed that she get a invitation. The utterance as a product verbal act is Jonah finaly can give inspiring to his sister with the energy expression. The utterance of inspiring in this context can show in the sentence from jonnah “Come on open it!”. This utterance show that jonnah give inspiring to her sister. 2. Jonnah try give inspire to ronnie with gave the moneys to Ronnie because Ronnie has not money for buy a new dress. Ronnie : Ok, that’s enough. I get it I can’t take your life saving(act at 01:05:03) Jonah : Knowing you, there’s a lot more where that came from and besides, I like will, I don’t want him breaking up with you cause you look crappy at a wedding(act at 01:05:12) Ronnie : Thank you(act at 01:05:23) The addresser in this utterance is Jonnah and addressee is Ronnie. The goal of the utterance is Jonnah try to give inspire to Ronnie so she can cames to will sister’s wedding. Jonnah taked his money who saves for a long time for bought a new dress for Ronnie so she cen come in wedding.the context of uttersnce is Jonnah want to Ronnie can come in weding and he don’t want to look crappy at wedding. The utterance as a form of act is ronnie received the money which jonah gives then both of them went to buy a new dress. The utterance as a product verbal act is Jonnah finaly can gives the energy who makes Ronnie want to come at wedding. The utterance of inspiring in this context csn show in the sentence from jonnah” Knowing you, there’s a lot more where that came from and besides, I like will, I don’t want him breaking up with you cause you look crappy at a wedding”. The utterance show that jonnah give inspiring to her sister, so her sister can look up beauty in the wedding. 3. Ronnie was come in wedding by her father then Will looking for Roonie. They are meet and after that they are dancing together. Will : You’re a good dancer(act at 01:08:59) Ronnie : And you’re a lier(act at 01:09:00) Will : You’re also the prettiest one here(act at 00:09:02) Ronnie : And now I know you’re lying(act at 00:09:03) The addresser in this utterance is will and addressee is Ronnie. The goal of utterance is Will try to gives spirit to Ronnie that she is the best dancer in wedding. Will are loving with Ronnie so he alway give spirit and didn’t want to look up Ronnie sad. The context of utterance is Will hope he can made Ronnie be happy forever. The utterance as a form of act is Ronnie has big smile when Will says that she is beauty dancer, it a spirit for her because in wedding and Will families is one of the new thing for her, so just Will can give she spirit and didn’t down in front of the peoples. The utterance as a product verbal act is will finally gets the best reaction from ronnie when he says like that in wedding because he think Ronnie of course has happy to hear that. The utterance of inspiring in this context can show in the sentence from will “You’re also the prettiest one here”. The utterance show that will give inspiring to ronnie in the wedding. 4.3 Discussion Film as a series of moving pictures recorded with sound that tells a story, it is ussually shown on television or the cinema. In film can tell about many act like the character of the actors in film. Beside that in film also has a script written by producer. Because without a script, the film is not good. Then the has some elements that support in processing film production, they are : director, the actors, script writer, producer, director of photography, music director, editor, and genre. The action in film usually show by the characters when they are talking about their hopes and dreams, past and future plans, discuss their needs and desire fears and conflict. Like as in film, when Ronnie come and live with her father she stay show angry face to her father and she didn’t want to play piano gain. But after Ronnie meet with a boy friend in the beach, she start to falling in love and then she start to told with her father. At a time her father look Will is kissed to Ronnie and Steve persuade Ronnie for making a song about love. Day changes to day her father get a cancer and his die is nearly. So that Ronnie is sad and she will play the piano again, when her father is sit in a room Ronnie go an it in front of the piano then she playing her father’s song while look up her father suddenly her father is death. Ronnie is very sad. Because he remember her wrong to her dad, she always angry to her father, she also never follow what the father want. Now Ronnie back for live with her mom. Furthermore, perlocutionary act are applied in a literary works like as film “ the last song” is one of the film that have perlocutionary act. The perlocutionary act is one aspect of speech act that amount to persuading, convincing, scaring, enlightening and inspiring. It is an act what we bring about to saying something. Character of perlocutionary act that the response success, or the sequel, can be success additionally by non-locutionary means, thus intimidation may be success waving a stick or painting a gun. As the result based on the data analyzed above, I find and analyze five aspect of perlocutionary act in film “ The Last Song”. Those are : 1. Persuading, I find and analyze six utterances of persuading. These aspect is make somebody do something by giving them good reasons for doing it. According Austin (1962:109) says that "Perlocutionary act is what we bring about or achieve by saying something such as convincing, persuading, deterring, and event say, surprising or misleading". 2. Convincing, I find and analyze ten utterances of convincing. These aspects is make somebody or yourself believe that something is true. According to Searle, these notion she now wish to add Austin’s notion of the perlocutionary act. Correlated with the notion of illocutionary acts is the notion of the consequences or effects such acts have on the action, thoughts, or beliefs, etc. of hearer. For example, by arguing she may persuade or convince someone by warning him she may scare or alarm him, by making a request she may get him to do something, by informing him she may convince him ( enlighten, edify, inspire him, get him to realize). The italicized expressions above denote perlocutionary acts. 3. Scaring, I find and analyze three utterances of scaring. These aspects is frighten some body to something be happen. This is one of the effect of perlocutionary which making somebody be worried to something, for example a father say to his boy children that he will kill him then the boy children is afraid and cry that is happen a perlocutionary especially in scaring effect. 4. Enlightening, I find and analyze five utterance of enlightening. These aspects is give somebody more knowledge or understanding of something. Furthermore enlightening is a part of perlocutionary which given explain to someone about something. So they can received what does we want. That is have a perlocutionary between speaker and hearer on enlightening process. 5. Inspiring, I find ad analyze three utterance of inspiring. These aspects is fill somebody with the ability or desire to do something. The last in this research about inspiring of perlocutionary, this is a effect which given sprit to somebody for making something become good job. In film the last song is have some utterance relation with inspiring.