NAME: Erik Haag
Calgary, AB, Canada
Professional interests include the use of hydrological concepts in geology and climatology, glacier-atmosphere and glacio-fluvial dynamics, fluvial systems behaviour, sea level transgression/regression, and global paleoclimates.
UNIVERSITY University of Calgary, 2008-2013 | B.Sc. Earth Science (First Class Honours)
Background in GIS, Remote Sensing, Statistics, Climate, Hydrology, Structural Geology,
Sedimentology, Mineralogy, and Geophysics
2013 - Conferral of degree: Bachelor of Science in Earth Science (First Class Honours)
- Faculty of Arts Silver Medallion in Interdisciplinary Studies
2012 - University of Calgary Undergraduate Merit Award
- Program for Undergraduate Research Experience (PURE) Award
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Undergraduate
Student Research Award (USRA) - declined
- Northern Scientific Training Program Grant
- Louise McKinney Scholarship
- Dean's List - Faculty of Arts
2011 - Louise McKinney Scholarship (awarded to the top ~1.5-2% of students)
- Alberta Geomatics Group Scholarship
- University of Calgary Undergraduate Merit Award
- Dean’s List – Faculty of Arts
2010 - Jason Lang Scholarship
- University of Calgary Undergraduate Merit Award
- Dean's List - Faculty of Science
2009 - Jason Lang Scholarship
2008 - University of Calgary Admission Scholarship
- Dean's Merit Admission Awards - Faculty of Science
Project Geologist (GIT)
Canadian Natural Resources Limited September 2013 - Present
Investigation of both regional and small area tight oil prospects using multi-factor analysis in IHS
AccuMap and Petra software suites
Core logging for the 2014 Thermal oils sands Strat Program, focusing on a variety of Mannville
Group reservoirs and associated facies
Summer Student - Geology
Canadian Natural Resources Limited May 2013 - September 2013
Developed and conducted geological analysis workflows in IHS AccuMap software
Supported area team project in British Columbia
Well log analysis & interpretation
Regional geologic mapping
Project Manager
Springbrook Manufacturing Ltd., Calgary, Alberta September 2012 - May 2013
Connected e-commerce business needs with technical expertise to achieve business goals
E-commerce technical design and development
Brand development
Marketing strategies
Research Assistant
Cryosphere & Climate Research Group, Dept. of Geography, University of Calgary May 2012 - August 2012
Statistical analysis of hydrological and meteorological data
Water chemistry analysis
GIS and field based approaches to glacier hydrology modeling
Canadian High Arctic field work
Chief Web Developer/Photographer
Springbrook Manufacturing Ltd., Calgary, Alberta Spring 2010 - May 2013
Lead designer and developer of
Head photographer for all product and magazine images
Lead advertising/web marketing duties
Shipping & Receiving Manager, Customer Service Specialist
Springbrook Manufacturing Ltd., Calgary, Alberta
Summer 2008, 2009
Controlled product movement from order processing to shipping in a small business environment
Invoiced customers and processed payments
Handled order/shipping inquiries and warranty claims
Semi-Professional Nature/Action Sports Photographer Fall 2006 – Winter 2009
Cover for the photo annual of an international mountain biking magazine
Work is part of the private art collection of the Steamwhistle Art Gallery in Toronto, ON
Earned high rankings in several international photography competitions
Earth Science for Society - 2014
Educated children and the general public on the role that geologists play in the Oil & Gas industry
GeoConvention - 2013
Collaborated with others as a Technical Room Volunteer
Administered Technical Session surveys and ensured Technical Session Chairs had the necessary resources to conduct the sessions
Foothills Climate Array - 2012
Assisted with data collection and monitoring of a weather station array in the Alberta Foothills and
Rocky Mountains
Allen Bill Pond Bull Trout Rescue - 2009
Assisted provincial fisheries biologists in transferring trapped Bull Trout, Cutthroat Trout, and Rocky
Mountain Whitefish from Allen Bill Pond to the Elbow River in an effort to conserve threatened fish populations
Calgary Fly Fishing Exposition - 2008
Assisted with set-up and take down of the Ogilvie Outfitting/Nile Creek Fly Shop booth
Helped assemble fly rods and product displays
Photographer – 2007/2008
William Aberhart High School, Calgary, Alberta
Designated school Photographer for all extra-curricular activities
Responsible for all sports team portraits and staff group photos
M.Sc. Field Work - 2007
Assisted Jacson Laliberte of the University of Calgary with his M.Sc. thesis project
Assistance involved data collection related to fish populations in Jumpingpound Creek west of Calgary
Training in ArcGIS, PCI Geomatica, SPSS, TIBCO Spotfire S+, IHS AccuMap & Petra, CS LogSource,
Henderson & Associates Visual Logger software
Excellent skills in Web design (Joomla CMS), Photoshop, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel
Fluent in French and English
Available upon request.