The Genus Bacillus—Nonmedical - and Media Services

Prokaryotes (2006) 4:530–562
DOI: 10.1007/0-387-30744-3_16
CHAPTER 1.2.16
The Genus Bacillus—Nonmedical
One of the earliest bacteria to be described was
“Vibrio subtilis” by Ehrenberg in 1835. In 1872,
Cohn renamed the organism Bacillus subtilis
(Gordon, 1981). That organism was a charter
member of a large and diverse genus, initiated by
Cohn, that is part of the family Bacillaceae. This
family’s distinguishing feature is production of
endospores, which are round, oval, or cylindrical
highly refractile structures formed within bacterial cells. Spores were first described by Cohn in
subtilis and later by Koch in the pathogen, B.
anthracis (the only major pathogen of vertebrates in the genus). Cohn demonstrated the
heat resistance of spores of B. subtilis and Koch
first described in B. anthracis the developmental
cycle of sporeformers, vegetative cell to spore
and spore to vegetative cell (Keynan and Sandler, 1983). For the reasons of unusual spore
resistance to chemical and physical agents; the
developmental cycle; ubiquity of its members;
and B. anthracis pathogenicity, the genus Bacillus
attracted early interest which has continued
The endospore, either as the free spore or as
the structure within the vegetative cell, in which
case the whole entity is referred to as a sporangium, is readily detected using the phase contrast microscope (see Fig. 1). This is because the
spore at a point in the life cycle (to be detailed
later) becomes highly refractile. Early workers
used stains and special conditions (such as prolonged heating) to colorize the chemically impermeable spore (Doetsch, 1981). However, a
Gram-stain is sufficient to determine the presence of spores because the spore remains unstainable while the vegetative cells or the
vegetative part of the sporangia will stain.
Because of this ease of microscopic detection of
the spore and its heat resistance, many different
endosporeformers can be easily found. Using
any habitat—soil, water, food, etc.—as the
source, sporeformers can be readily isolated by
This chapter was taken unchanged from the second edition.
suspending a sample in water and heating at
80°C for 10 to 30 min. Vegetative cells and other
resting forms such as cysts and exospores are
usually killed at that temperature. The heatresistant endospore can then be plated on appropiate media and isolates recovered in 24 to 48 h.
An idea of the kinds of habitats from which Bacillus species have been isolated can be obtained
from Table 1. Heating the inoculum, when used
in conjunction with cultivation at different temperatures, hydrogen ion concentrations, degrees
of aeration, and substrates, has resulted in isolating many different species of endosporeformers.
The media used for the isolation and cultivation
of Bacillus species are listed in Table 2.
More often than not since the discovery of
bacteria (and in every case since 1913), the possession of an endospore has been used as a premier characteristic in keys for the classification
of bacteria. The family Bacillaceae was first formulated by Fisher in 1895 (Gordon, 1981). The
features of the members of the genus Bacillus
that distinguish it from other Bacillaceae (all
endosporeformers) are their aerobic nature,
which may be strict or facultative, rod shape, and
catalase production. The other genera of sporeformers include Sporolactobacillus, which is
microaerophilic and catalase-negative; Clostridium, anaerobic but does not reduce sulfate;
Desulfotomaculum, anaerobic but does reduce
sulfate; Sporosarcina, a coccus; and Thermoactinomycetes, which while forming endospores displays typical actinomycete characteristics.
General Taxonomic Considerations
Like the sirens of Greek mythology enticing the
unsuspecting sailors, Bacillus species have captured the curiosity of many microbiologists. The
first 107 years of the efforts to classify and identify members of the genus Bacillus is chronicled
by R.E. Gordon (1981) who with her colleagues
(Gordon et al., 1973; Smith et al., 1946, 1952)
made many significant contributions on which
the current classification (Claus and Berkeley,
1986) was built. The early attempts were “on
l ac i demnoN- - su l l i caB
CHAPTER 1.2.16
The Genus Bacillus—Nonmedical
Fig. 1. B. megaterium sporeforming
cells as seen in the phase contrast (A)
or in the interference contrast (B)
microscope. The refractile bodies in
the center are the spores. Bar = 5 µm.
Table 1. Origins of isolates of Bacillus species.
Name of Bacillus species
Habitats from which isolated
B. subtilis
B. acidocaldarius
B. alcalophilus
B. alvei
B. amylolyticus
B. anthracis
B. azotoformans
B. badius
B. brevis
B. cereus
B. circulans
B. coagulans
B. fastidiosus
B. firmus
B. globisporus
B. insolitus
B. larvae
B. laterosporus
B. lautus
B. lentimorbus
B. lentus
B. licheniformis
B. macerans
B. macquariensis
B. marinus
B. megaterium
B. mycoides
B. pabuli
B. pantothenicus
B. pasteurii
B. popilliae
B. psychrophilus
B. pumilus
B. schlegelii
B. sphaericus
B. stearothermophilus
B. thermoglucosidasius
B. thuringiensis
B. validus
Soil, water
Thermal acid water and soil
pH 10 enrichment from soil
Soil, diseased bee larvae
Anthrax-diseased animals
Feces, foods, marine sources
Soil, foods
Soil, foods
Acid foods
Soil, poultry litter
Soil, salt marshes
Soil, water
Diseased bee larvae
Soil, water
Soil, feces
Diseased honeybee larvae
Soil, foods
Plant materials, food
Subantarctic soil
Marine sediment
Soil, fodder
Soil, water, sewage
Diseased scarabid beetles
Soil, water
Lake sediment
Soil, water sediments, foods
Soil, hot spring, foods
Soil, foods
Based on Claus and Berkeley (1986).
rocky shoals” because a classification based on
only the two characteristics of aerobic growth
and endospore formation resulted in grouping
together many bacteria possessing different
kinds of physiology and occupying a variety of
habitats. This heterogeneity in physiology, ecology, and genetics makes it difficult to categorize
the genus or to make generalizations about it.
The range of physiological life styles is impressive: degraders of most all substrates derived
from plant and animal sources including cellulose, starch, proteins, agar, hydrocarbons, and
others; antibiotic producers; heterotrophic nitrifiers; denitrifiers; nitrogen fixers; iron precipitators; selenium oxidizers; oxidizers and reducers
of manganese; facultative chemolithotrophs;
acidophiles; alkalophiles; psychrophiles, thermophiles and others (Slepecky, 1972; Norris et al.,
1981; Claus and Berkeley, 1986) (see Table 2).
Because of this vast diversity of physiological
types, our knowledge of sporeformer ecology
is slight (Slepecky, 1972; Norris et al., 1981;
Slepecky and Leadbetter, 1977, 1984). In the
main, sporeformers as part of the zymogenous
flora of the soil are viewed as opportunists. Upon
access to the proper germinants and substrates
for subsequent outgrowth, they will actively contribute to and participate in the various microhabitats which make up the soil’s heterogeneous
environment. Aerial distribution of the dormant
spores may explain the occurrence of Bacillus
species in most habitats examined. This diversity
was apparent even with classical phenotypic
characterizations based primarily on morphology (particularly size and position of the
endospore within the vegetative cell), nutrition;
growth characteristics; and various substrate utilization and physiological assessments.
At one time, 145 species made up the genus
(Gordon, 1981). The understanding of the genus
has been improved by augmenting the phenotypic characterizations with measurements of the
DNA base composition and DNA-DNA hybridigation. Currently, there are listed in Bergey’s
R.A. Slepecky and H.E. Hemphill
CHAPTER 1.2.16
Table 2. Media used for the isolation and cultivation of Bacillus species.
B. acidocaldarius
B. alcalophilus
B. azotoformans
B. brevis
B. fastidiosus
B. lentus
B. licheniformis
B. marinus
B. pantothenicus
B. pasteurii
B. schlegelii
B. stearothermophilus
Part A: (NH4)2SO4, 0.4; MgSO4, 1.0; CaCl2 ·2H2O, 0.5; KH2PO4, 6.0; distilled H2O, 1 liter; pH adj.
to 4.0
Part B: glucose, 2.0; yeast ext., 2.0 distilled H2O, 1 liter
Combine A and B after sterilization
Part A: glucose, 1.0; peptone, 5.0; yeast ext., 5.0; KH2PO4, 10.0 MgSO4 ·7H2O, 0.2, distilled H2O,
Part B: Na2CO3 ·10H2O, 20; distilled H2O, 100ml.
Combine A and B after sterilization (final pH = 10.5)
Peptone, 10.0; Na2HPO4 ·12H2O, 3.6; MgSO4 ·7H2O, 0.03; MnSO4 ·H2O, 0.05; KH2PO4, 1.0; NH4Cl,
0.5; CaCl2 ·2H2O, 0.1; distilled H2O, 1 liter.
K2HPO4, 0.2; MgSO4 ·7H2O, 0.02; NaCl, 0.02; FeSO4 ·7H2O, 0.01; MnSO4 ·H2O, 0.01; betaine,
betaine·HCl or valine, 0.05M; agar, 16.0; distilled H2O, 1 liter.
K2HPO4, 0.8; KH2PO4, 0.2; MgSO4 ·7H2O, 0.05; CaCl2 ·2H2O, 0.05; FeSO4 ·7H2O, 0.015;
MnSO4 ·H2O, 0.01; uric acid, 10.0; distilled H2O, 1 liter.
Peptone, 10.0; meat ext., 10.0; agar, 15.0; distilled H2O, 1 liter. adj. pH to 7.0–7.5; after sterilization,
add 100g urea, steam for 10min.
Peptone, 5.0; meat ext., 3.0; KNO3, 80.0; distilled H2O, 1 liter; adj. pH to 7.0; fill glass-stoppered
bottle to top for anacrobic conditions.
Peptone, 5.0; yeast ext., 1.0; FePO4 ·4H2O, 0.01; agar, 15.0; aged sea water, 750ml; distilled H2O,
250ml; adj. pH to 7.6.
Nutrient broth + 4% (w/v) NaCl
Nutrient broth + 2% (w/v) urea
Na2HPO4 ·2H2O, 4.5; KH2PO4, 1.5; NH4Cl, 1.0; MgSO4 ·7H2O, 0.2; CaCl2 ·2H2O, 0.01; ferric
ammonium citrate, 0.005; NaHCO3, 0.5; trace element soln, 5ml (ZnSO4 ·7H2O, 0.1;
MnCl2 ·4H2O, 0.03; H3BO3, 0.3; CoCl2 ·6H2O, 0.02; CuCl2 ·2H2O, 0.001; NiCl2 ·6H2O, 0.02;
Na2MoO4 ·2H2O, 0.03; distilled H2O, 1 liter) Other: 65C, atmosphere of 0.05atm. O2 + 0.01atm.
CO2 + 0.45atm. H2
Nutrient agar; incubate cultures at 55°C
Numerical amounts are grams unless specified.
Most other Bacillus cultures will grow on nutrient broth and nutrient agar.
Based on Claus and Berkeley (1986).
Table 3. Major distinguishing characteristics of some Bacillus species.
Thermophilic acidophiles
B. stearothermophilus
B. thermodenitrificans
B. caldotenax
B. coagulans
B. acidocaldarius
B. psychrophilus
B. macquariensis
B. globisporus
B. insolitus
Facultative chemolithotroph
Nitrogen fixers
Alginate degraders
Aromatic acid and phenol
See Chapter 77.
B. psychrosaccharolyticus
B. alcalophilus
B. schlegelii
B. polymyxa
B. macerans
B. azotofixans
B. alginolyticus
B. chrondrotinus
B. benzoevorans
Hydroxy aromatic
compounds degrader
Nitrate reduction to N2
Growth restricted to uric
acid, allantoin or allantoic
Growth at high pH and
Requires pantothenic acid
Requires biotin
Produces heat stable
Insect pathogensa
Human and animal
B. gordonae
B. azotoformans
B. licheniformis
B. fastidiosus
B. pasteurii
B. pantothenicus
B. pumilus
B. thermoglucosidasius
B. thuringiensis
B. larvae
B. popilliae
B. sphaericus
B. lentimorbus
B. anthracis
B. cereus
CHAPTER 1.2.16
The Genus Bacillus—Nonmedical
Table 4. DNA-base composition and sources of the type strains of Bacillus species.
GC content (mol%)
Bacillus species
Culture collection number
Tm, GC content by thermal melting.
BD, GC content by buoyant density.
ND, not determined.
ATCC, American Type Culture Collection; DSM, Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen; NCIB, National Collection
of Industrial Bacteria; NCTC, National Collection of Type Cultures; NRRL, Northern Regional Research Laboratory.
Manual of Systematic Bacteriology (BMSB) 40
recognized species (Claus and Berkeley, 1986),
Table 4 lists these with their GC content. There
are several validly published new species shown
to be genetically and phenotypically distinct
from other Bacillus species that have not been
described in Bergey’s Manual. These include B.
pulvifaciens (Nakamura, 1984); B. alginolyticus
and B. chrondrotinus, two alginate-degrading
species, (Nakamura, 1987); B. smithii (Nakamura
et al., 1988); B. thermoleovorans. an obligately
thermophilic hydrocarbon-utilizing organism
(Zarilla and Perry, 1987); B. benzoevorans, an
aromatic acid and phenol degrader (Pichinoty et
al., 1984); and B. gordonae, degrader of hydroxy
aromatic compounds (Pichinoty et al., 1986).
There are more than 200 species of Bacillus in
the category “Species Incertae Sedis” (Claus and
Berkeley, 1986). These have been inadequately
described or the orginal isolates have been lost.
Presumably, these can be revived for listing in
Bergey’s Manual after reisolation and more
detailed studies. For example, after extensive
reconsideration of phenetic and molecular data
it has been proposed that B. flexus, B. fusiformis,
B. kaustophilus, B. psychrosaccharolyticus, B.
R.A. Slepecky and H.E. Hemphill
simplex (Priest et al., 1988), and B. thiaminolyticus (Nakumura, 1989) be recognized.
The literature contains many important experiments done with Bacillus isolates that have not
yet been properly identified to species such as:
Bacillus sp. strain SGI, a manganese-oxidizing
and reducing organism (Johannes et al., 1986;
Rosson and Nealson, 1982); Bacillus sp. strain C59 and Bacillus sp. strain N-6, both alkalophilic
organisms with unusual bioenergetic properties
(Kitada and Horikoshi, 1987; Kitada et al., 1989);
Bacillus sp. strain Gx6638, a novel alkaline
and heat stable serine protease-secreting strain
(Durham et al., 1987); and Bacillus sp. strain
MGA3, a thermophilic methanol-utilizing species, mutants of which are capable of producing
large amounts of lysine (Guettler and Hanson,
1988; Schendel et al., 1989).
CHAPTER 1.2.16
An extensive list of phenetic characters of
most members of the genus have been complied
and procedures for the isolation and identification of individual species have been presented
(Gordon et al., 1973; Berkeley and Goodfellow,
1981; Norris et al., 1981; Claus and Berkeley,
1986). Summaries of one such rendition are
shown in Tables 5 and 6 (Norris et al., 1981).
The GC content (32–69 mol%) of the known
Bacillus species as well as DNA hybridization
experiments have revealed the heterogeneity of
the genus (Priest, 1981; Fahmy et al., 1985) (see
Table 4). Not only is there variation from species
to species but there are differences in GC content within strains of a species identified on other
bases. For example, the GC content of the B.
megaterium group ranges from 36 to 45% (Hunger and Claus, 1981). It is thus understandable
Table 5. Simplified key for the tentative identification of typical strains of Bacillus
1. Catalase: positive ..................... 2
negative.................... 17
2. Voges-Proskauer: positive ................ 3
negative ............... 10
3. Growth in anaerobic agar: positive............................ 4
negative ........................... 9
4. Growth at 50°C: positive ............. 5
negative ............ 6
5. Growth in 7% NaCl: positive ............................................. B. licheniformis
negative ............................................ B. coagulans
6. Acid and gas from glucose (inorganic N): positive.......... B. polymyxa
negative......... 7
7. Reduction of NO3 to NO2: positive............................ 8
negative .......................... B. alvei
8. Parasporal body in sporangium: positive .................. B. thuringiensis
negative ................. B. cereus
9. Hydrolysis of starch: positive ...................................... B. subtilis
negative..................................... B. pumilus
10. Growth at 65°C: positive ............................................. B. stearothermophilus
negative ............................................ 11
11. Hydrolysis of starch: positive ...................................... 12
negative..................................... 15
12. Acid and gas from glucose (inorganic N): positive............... B. macerans
negative ............. 13
13. Width of rod 1.0µm or greater: positive ................... B. megaterium
negative................... 14
14. pH in V-P broth <6.0: positive .................................... B. circulans
negative ................................... B. firmus
15. Growth in anaerobic agar: positive............................ B. laterosporus
negative ........................... 16
16. Acid from glucose (inorganic N): positive ................ B. brevis
negative ............... B. sphaericus
17. Growth at 65°C: positive ............................................. B. stearothermophilus
negative ............................................ 18
18. Decomposition of casein: positive.............................. B. larvae
negative............................. 19
19. Parasporal body in sporangium: positive .................. B. popilliae
negative ................. B. lentimorbus
Numbers on the right indicate the number (on the left) of the next test to be applied
until the right-hand number is replaced by a species name.
From Norris et al. (1981).
CHAPTER 1.2.16
The Genus Bacillus—Nonmedical
Parasporal bodies
Rods 1.0µm wide or wider
Hydrolysis of casein
Acid from glucose
pH in V-P medium <6.0
Growth at 65°C
Starch hydrolyzed
NO3 reduced to NO2
Acid and gas in glucose
Growth in 7% NaCl
Growth at 50°C
Growth in anaerobic agar
V-P reaction
B. megaterium
B. cereus
B. thuringiensis
B. licheniformis
B. subtilis
B. pumilus
B. firmus
B. coagulans
B. polymyxa
B. macerans
B. circulans
B. stearothermophilus
B. alvei
B. laterosporus
B. brevis
B. larvae
B. popilliae
B. lentimorbus
B. sphaericus
Table 6. Summary of the characters used in the simplified key for Bacillus species.
+, Greater than 85% of strains examined by Gordon, Haynes, and Pang (1973) positive; −, greater than 85% of strains
negative; V, variable character.
Growth in 2% NaCl agar.
that Priest et al. (1981, 1988), who have conducted extensive numerical analysis of many unit
characters in addition to the DNA studies, have
proposed that the genus Bacillus be split into
multiple genera, since the intrageneric heterogeneity is as great as exists in most bacterial families. Priest et al. (1988) assigned 80 organisms of
species rank to five or more cluster groups. Their
studies reemphasized the heterogeneity of the
B. brevis, B circulans, B. coagulans, B. sphaericus, and B. stearothermophilus groups.
A variety of techniques have been employed
to find either a simple approach to Bacillus
taxonomy or a quick and painless identification
methodology. Assessment of lipid analyses
(reviewed by Minnikin and Goodfellow, 1981)
indicated that Bacillus could not be separated
into discrete groups. On the other hand, some
species could be delineated from others. For
example, B. acidocaldarius could be characterized by its menaquinone (nine isoprenoid units,
MK-9), cyclohexyl fatty acids, triterpenes, and
complex lipids.
Using the API System (Analytab Products
Incorporated) (a rapid identification system
wherein many standardized biochemical assessments can be made on test strips) and some
supplementary classical determinants, Logan
and Berkeley (1981, 1984) have examined 1,075
Bacillus strains. They were able to show that the
API System tests were more reproducible than
the classical tests.
Pyrolysis gas-liquid chromatography has been
applied to the problems of Bacillus taxonomy
(O’Donnell and Norris, 1981; O’Donnell et al.,
1988). Although there are still some problems
with the technique, some promise for its use in
classification and identification has been shown.
For example, as with DNA-DNA hybridization
studies, a separation has been made between B.
subtilis and B. amyloliquefaciens. When gasliquid chromatography was applied to examine
the subgroups of B. megaterium, data were
obtained that confirmed the heterogeneity of the
group even though there was some difficulty in
resolving relationships within the group.
Shute et al. 1984 have used Curie-point pyrolysis mass spectrometry as a taxonomic tool. B.
subtilis, B. pumilus, B. licheniformis, and B. amyloliquefaciens could be separated using data
obtained from nonsporulating cultures (those
grown on nutrient agar); however, such was not
the case with cultures sporulating on nutrient
agar plus manganese.
R.A. Slepecky and H.E. Hemphill
Ribosomal RNA Sequencing
The most effective approach to Bacillus taxonomy may be analysis of 16S rRNA molecules by
oligonucleotide sequencing (Fox et al., 1977;
Stackebrandt and Woese, 1979). That technique
holds much promise for leading microbial taxonomy into natural phylogenetic relationships.
However, traditional taxonomists may be dismayed to find that Bacillus species show kinship
with nonsporeforming species. Early studies with
this powerful tool showed a close relationship
among Bacillus, Planococcus, Sporosarcina, Staphylococcus, and Thermoactinomycetes (Stackebrandt et al., 1987; Stackebrandt and Woese,
1981). In a recent study 16S rRNA cataloging
showed that B. subtilis and other ellipsoidalsporeforming species, B. cereus, B. megaterium,
and B. pumilus, formed a coherent cluster, while
the round-sporeforming species, B. sphaericus,
B. globisporus, and “B. aminovorans” did not
cluster. Furthermore, the latter group were
closer phylogenetically to nonsporeforming
organisms as follows: B. sphaericus to Caryophanon latum; B. globisporus to Filibacter limicola;
B. pasteuri to Sporosarcina urea and “B.
aminovorans” to Planococcus citreus. Cell wall
composition agreed except with the last case. B.
stearothermophilus fell outside the main Bacillus
cluster and showed some relationship to Thermoactinomycete vulgaris (Stackebrandt et al.,
In a more recent 16S rRNA sequencing survey,
three major Bacillus taxonomic cluster groups
were defined (Jurtshuk et al., 1989). This was
accomplished by determining complete or partial
sequences of 16S RNA on 35 recognized neotype
reference strains or type species by the technique
of Lane et al. 1985. The partial sequences analyzed typically exceeded 1,100 nucleotides. Phylogenetic analyses were performed using three
CHAPTER 1.2.16
different approaches (Sneath and Sokal, 1973;
Fitch and Margoliash, 1967; Saitou and Nei,
1987) which showed three major groupings of
Bacillus spp., hereinafter referred to as clusters
I, II, and III (see Table 7). The 16S rRNA Bacillus cluster groups were quite different from
those previously noted by Stackebrandt et al.
(1987). This is revealed by direct comparison to
the commonly used morphological groupings
(see Table 7). Except for morphological group II
and the Unassigned Subgroup 2E, all strains
sequenced fell into the B. subtilis cluster I grouping. Bacillus strains of morphological group II
fell into all three 16S rRNA cluster groups and
B. macquariensis, unlike other psychrophiles, fell
into the B. alvei cluster II group.
Comparative 16S rRNA analyses on thermophilic and psychrophilic Bacillus strains (Wisotzkey et al., 1989) showed that the thermophiles,
B. stearothermophilus, B. thermodenitrificans
and B. caldotenax formed a subgroup within the
B. subtilis cluster but separate from both the
“thermotolerant” mesophilic, B. subtilis and B.
licheniformis strains, and the moderate thermophile, B. coagulans. The psychrophilic strains, B.
psychrophilus and B. insolitus, fell into cluster I
while B. macquariensis fell into cluster II.
Because several species were included in the
current study that had previously been examined
by 16S rRNA oligonucleotide cataloging, it is
possible to compare the two data sets directly.
As a result, it is possible to augment the membership of cluster I to include B. fastidiosus, B.
firmus, B. badius and B. pasteurii (C. B. Woese,
personal communication). In addition, it is
extremely likely that at least two nonsporeforming strains, Planococcus citreus (Stackebrandt and Woese, 1979) and Filibacter limicola
(Clausen et al., 1985), as well as Sporosarcina
ureae (Pechman et al., 1976), are properly
regarded as members of cluster I.
Table 7. Bacillus 16S rRNA cluster groups.
Morphological group
Subgroup A
Subgroup B
Subgroup C
Subgroup D
Subgroup E1
Subgroup E2
B. subtilis cluster I
B. subtilis, B. cereus, B. licheniformis,
B. pumilus, B. megaterium strain
Mohb, B. coagulans, B. smithil
B. circulans, B. larvae, B. stearothermophilus
B. alvci cluster II
B. alvei, B. polymyxa,
B. macerans, B. azotofixans,
B. pulvifaciens
B. sphaericus
“B. thiaminolyticus,” B. alcalophilus
B. lentus
B. freundenreichii, “B. aneurinolyticus”
B. pantothenticus
“B. psychrophilus,” B. insolitus
Table provided by Peter Jurtshuk.
B. macquariensis
B. brevis cluster III
B. brevis, B.
CHAPTER 1.2.16
The Genus Bacillus—Nonmedical
Life Cycle; Sporulation and
Germination as Models
for Differentiation
Germination and Outgrowth
The processes of resting cell formation and the
change back to the vegetative cell in a variety of
prokaryotes (Losick and Shapiro, 1984) present
excellent models for studying differentiation,
with the added attendant advantages of microbial systems: ease of handling, use of large
numbers of cells, fast growth, synchrony, and
availability of mutants. The endospore models
were recognized early and, therefore, more
knowledge has been accumulated using them
than with other prokaryotic systems. As the
attempt to categorize the many species of Bacillus has had a long history, so have the efforts to
unravel the many aspects of the life cycle of
Bacillus (for a historical treatment see Keynan
and Sandler, 1983). Because of the enormous
literature in this area, the present treatment of
the life cycle relies mainly on reviews of the subject and covers mainly highlights of germination
and sporulation.
The cycle of germination, outgrowth,
growth, and sporulation (shown schematically
in Fig. 2) has been studied from many different aspects with many different species of
spore-formers but because of the genetic versatility of B. subtilis, most work has focused on
this species.
Free spores usually must be activated for germination. Activation is a reversible process which
conditions the spore for germination and
increases the number of spores undergoing germination as well as the rate of germination.
Spores can be activated by a variety of treatments, notably exposure to heat. During activation there is a loss of some coat protein,
dipicolinic acid (DPA), and Zn2+ along with an
increase in membrane fluidity. Germination, the
breaking of the spore’s highly dormant state,
follows (recent reviews on germination include
Setlow, 1983, and Foster and Johnstone, 1989). A
series of degradative reactions is triggered in an
unknown manner by simple compounds such as
certain amino acids and ribosides or mixtures
(no universal germinant has been described) or
certain nonnutrient conditions, and can be monitored by the loss of spore refractility as seen in
the phase-contrast microscope and by decrease
in optical density. No metabolic activity can be
detected during the first 2 min of germination of
spores that require alaine or glucose for germination. Generation of ATP or production of
known metabolic products of these initiators has
not been found. Mutants deficient in key glycolytic pathway enzymes can germinate, thus ruling
out glycolysis in the case of spores requiring
glucose for germination. The same spores can
be germinated by nonmetabolizable glucose
analogs as well. However, metabolism may play
a role in the germination of B. fastidiosus, whose
Fig. 2. Cycle of germination, outgrowth, and sporulation of a typical
sporeforming bacterium. Also shown
are some biochemical and physical
events associated with various stages.
(modification of a figure in Slepecky,
R.A. (1978)).
(Stage II - Free Spore)
Heat Resistance
Chemical & UV
Alanine Dehydrogenase
Adenosine Deaminase
Dipicolinic acid
Alkaline Phosphatase
Glucose Dehydrogenase
Heat-restant Catalase
R.A. Slepecky and H.E. Hemphill
spores can only be germinated with uric acid,
which is the main carbon source for these unique
organisms (Aoki and Slepecky, 1973). One
hypothesis suggests that germinants act on
receptor proteins, possibly in the inner membrane, which then undergo conformational
changes that alter permeability (Foster and
Johnstone, 1989). This leads to an autocatalytic
loss of heat resistance and to changes that
initiate metabolism, leading to vegetative
growth. Another view, based on the observation
that inhibition of the electron transport system
affects germination, postulates that respiration
and ATP create a proton motive force, lending
to the establishment of a proton gradient. The
proton motive force is used for transport of ions
from core to cortex to neutralize other ions
(Gould, 1983).
Upon germination, the spores not only lose
their resistance to heat but also resistance to
radiation and injurious chemicals; their stainability also increases. Concomitantly with “phase”
darkening, the spores swell, break out of their
coats, and exude up to 30% of their dry weight;
about one-half of the exudate consists of a calcium chelate of the spore-specific substance,
DPA, and the remainder consists of peptidoglycan fragments (from the action of cortex lytic
enzymes) and amino acids. The earliest measurable events are the loss of calcium, DPA, and
heat resistance. This is followed by metabolic
events using high-energy compounds produced
early in germination from energy reserves stored
in the dormant spore.
RNA synthesis begins rapidly within 2 min of
germination. The dormant spore lacks the ability to produce amino acids and amino acid biosynthesis is absent early in germination. During
the first minutes of germination, 20% of the
spore’s protein is degraded, providing the
source of amino acids for biosynthesis of new
protein and small molecules (such as nucleotides) during outgrowth (reviewed by Setlow,
1988). The spore’s enzymes are not degraded.
Rather, a group of small acid-soluble proteins
(SASP) are the source of the amino acids. These
unique proteins, located in the core and sensitive to proteolysis, conprise 8 to 20% of the protein in the spore. Their molecular weight is low
(5–11 kDa) and although they are not histones,
they bind to the spore DNA. The proteins are
degraded by a unique protease that has an absolute specificity for these proteins. They are synthesized late in sporulation. Several of the five
known SASP genes (referred to as ssp) have
been cloned and in addition to coding proteins
supplying amino acids in germination their
products may have other roles. One has been
shown to be involved in ultraviolet (UV)
CHAPTER 1.2.16
Many germination mutants (abnormal germination phenotypes) have been described
(reviewed by Moir et al., 1986; Foster and
Johnstone, 1989). The ger (germination) genes
are considered a subclass of spo (sporulation)
loci, and are made up of several classes: I,
structural genes for germination mechanism
components; II, regulatory genes for class I; III,
post-translation processing and assembly genes;
and IV, genes for synthesizing spore structure
(e.g., cortex) required for germination.
Outgrowth is the period during which the
spore gradually becomes a vegetative cell and
initiates new macromolecular synthesis. Genes
associated with this period are out genes. DNA
is replicated relatively late in outgrowth, just
before division. The vegetative cell is then capable of undergoing various morphological and
biochemical changes which lead either to a series
of symmetric cell divisions if sufficient nutrients
are present, whereas in stressful times (particularly nutrient limitation), subsequent spore formation or the production of a spore without
intermittent cell division can occur. The latter is
known as microcycle sporulation (Vinter and
Slepecky, 1965).
Electron microscopical analyses of cells during
sporulation has revealed seven stages (reviewed
by Fitz-James and Young, 1969). The various
stages are shown in Fig. 2. Vegetative cells are
considered to be Stage 0. Upon induction input
prior to actual sporulation, the nuclear material
is in an axially disposed filament. This is stage I.
However, since such a pattern does not appear
to be unique to sporulating cells, current practice
refers to cells in stages prior to stage II as preseptation cells. Segregation of the chromatin
material to the poles of the cell occurs concomitantly with the invagination of the plasma membrane in an asymmetrical position on the cell
which fuses to complete the spore septum. This
is stage II. The mode of formation of this septum
is similar to the formation of the transverse
septum of symmetric vegetative cell division.
Indeed, it has been proposed that sporulation
because of this and some other similarities is a
modified prokaryotic division (Hitchins and
Slepecky, 1969) and models for that view have
been presented (Freese and Heinze, 1983). In
sporulation, the division of the cell is not equal
and subsequent proliferation of the larger cell’s
plasma membrane leads to complete engulfment
of the “forespore” and liberation of the immature spore, surrounded now by a double unit
membrane, into the cytoplasm of the larger cell.
This completes stage III. This is a key step since
this double membrane now has different trans-
CHAPTER 1.2.16
port properties owing to the opposing polarity of
the two membranes.
During sporulation the vegetative cell is
divided into two compartments each having a
different fate and each displaying different patterns of gene expression (reviewed by Setlow,
1989). At this time, the cell is “committed” to
complete the process of sporulation. The small
cell eventually becomes the core of the spore
while the large cell, the mother cell, goes on to
produce the outer protective layers of the spore
and then lyses to release the spore. Cortex material similar to vegetative cell peptidoglycan (but
differing in the degree of cross-linking and other
aspects) is laid down between the unit membranes, and its deposition corresponds in time to
the accumulation in the core of DPA and calcium. Stage IV is now completed. Studies with
cortex-less mutants show that the cortex is
needed for refractility of the spore (when the
spores become refractile, they can be seen in the
phase-contrast microscope) and for accumulation of DPA. The cortex plays a fundamental role
in the dehydration of the spore (reviewed by
Gould, 1983).
During Stage V, protein coats are synthesized
by the mother cell. There are about 10 major coat
proteins in B. subtilis and they are encoded by
cot genes, seven of which are known (Losick et
al., 1986). The coat proteins are placed around
the outside of the forespore. In some species, an
additional protein layer called an exosporium is
synthesized. Since the coat may play important
roles in protection of the spore and its subsequent germination, it has been the subject of
many investigations (reviewed by Aronson and
Fitz-James, 1976; Losick et al., 1986). Electron
microscopy reveals that B. cereus contains an
outer coat showing a cross-patched pattern, an
inner pitted layer, and a thin layer, the undercoat, while other species show distinct differences. B. subtilis possesses a very thick
multilayered coat with an outer striped layer and
B. thuringiensis has a coat deficient in the outer
cross-patched layer. Differences show up as well
within the major structural polypeptides and
coat-associated proteases. These differences may
be responsible for the variation found in germination and certain resistant properties (other
than heat and UV resistance) of various species.
During vegetative growth and subsequent
sporulation, a variety of proteases are produced
(reviewed by Priest, 1977). There are six extracellular proteases and at least three major intracellular proteases—ISP, esterase A, and esterase
B. They may be involved with turnover of intracellular proteins, the processing of protein precursors for spore coats, or inactivation of later
sporulation enzymes, as well as other functions.
As with other aspects of B. subtilis physiology,
The Genus Bacillus—Nonmedical
Fig. 3. Cross-section of Bacillus megaterium containing a
spore and showing the sporangium (cell), cell protoplast
(CP) and wall (CW), spore coat (SC), spore cortex (SCor),
spore membrane (SM), and spore protoplast (SP). ×120,000.
(Norris et al., 1981.)
there are other considerations. Even though the
genes apr, npr, epr, and isp, which code for the
proteases alkaline (subtilisin), neutral (metallo-)
“new” serine, and major intracellular serine,
respectively, can be deleted, there still is some
protease activity (Sloma et al., 1988). This finding
suggests that there are other unindentified
As the spore matures (stage VI), it becomes
resistant to heat and to a variety of organic solvents. Final lytic enzymes lyse the sporangial or
mother cell liberating the free spore (stage VII).
Figure 3 shows a cross section of a mature and
heat-resistant spore. If the free spore is placed
among the proper nutrients it will germinate,
completing the cycle. The sporulation process
takes 6 to 8 h at 37°C in B. subtilis.
Many other biochemical and physiological
events occur during sporulation in addition to
those indicated in Fig. 2 and those that can be
surmised to be linked with the morphologically
identified stages. Some vegetative enzyme activities disappear, some remain, others are modified, and new sporulation specific enzymes are
synthesized. The number of sporulationassociated events is uncertain, but the genetic
evidence suggests as many as 200 genes in 40 to
50 operons are involved (Losick et al., 1986;
Mandelstam and Errington, 1987; Piggot, 1989;
Youngman et al., 1989). Currently the genetic
map, which includes sporulation and germination genes as well as all-known vegetative cell
genes, contains 700 loci, more than 300 of which
have been cloned and 180 of those sequenced
(reviewed by Piggott, 1989). The ordered appearance of cytological and biochemical changes
R.A. Slepecky and H.E. Hemphill
implies a sequential reading of the genome. The
genetic data are consistent with there being a
single linear dependent sequence to stage III
with a more complex pattern of gene expression
beyond that stage.
The genotype of mutants blocked at the various morphological stages in sporulation (as
determined by electron microscopy) are designates spoO, spoII, spoIII, etc. For example, a
spoII mutant would be arrested in stage II.
Within each genotype, the designation A, B, C,
etc. identifies different genetic locations; for
example, spoIIA, spoIIB identify two separate
mutations that cause arrest of developmental
stage II. Eight loci have been shown to be concerned with stage 0, the five principal spoO
genes being spo0A, B, E, F, and H. These spo0
mutants have pleiotropic effects on the phenotype, suggesting that their gene products regulate the expression of several genes. They do not
make polar septa (the asymmetric division) or
Stage 0 associated products—proteases, antibiotics and transformation competent cells. There
are suppressors of spo0 mutations, i.e., suppressor mutations can restore sporulation in some
spo0 mutants to the wild type level. For example,
sof-I can suppress defects in spo0F, B, and E
(Hoch et al., 1985). Others include arbA and
arbB suppressors of spo0A mutations; rvtA, a
spo0 repressor; ssa, a reliever of suppression of
alcohols; crs, an alleviator of glucose repression
of sporulation; and sapA and sapB. suppressors
involved with alkaline phosphate induction
(Losick et al., 1986). Studies on these extragenic
suppressors have given insights into the role of
spo0 mutants.
Sporulation, normally repressed at high
growth rates in the presence of excess nutrients,
will ensue at the beginning of stationary phase
(arbritrarily defined as t0) in batch culture upon
limitation of carbon, nitrogen, or phosphate
(reviewed by Smith, 1989, and Sonenshein,
1989). The initiating signal for sporulation is not
known. However, sporulation initiation is associated with a decrease in the intracellular GTP
pool (reviewed by Freese and Heinze, 1983).
Decoynine, a drug that artificially reduces GTP
level, induces sporulation even in the presence
of excess nutrients. There may be a connection
between GTP levels and a proposed sensing
mechanism as follows: spo0A, B, and F share
significant homology and A and F products show
partial homology with proteins such as OmpR,
NtrC, and SfrA which are “sensing proteins”
involved in the transduction of various environmental signals (Trach et al., 1985; Nixon et al.,
1986). Thus, spo0A and spo0F may play a role in
sensing starvation and transferring a signal to
other genes (see review by Smith, 1989, on the
initiation of sporulation). A gene for a protein
CHAPTER 1.2.16
kinase that phosphorylates sporulation regulatory proteins Spo0A and Spo0F has been characterized (Pergo et al., 1989). The gene, kinA,
previously known as spo11J, has been shown to
code for a protein that is homologous to the
transmitter class of proteins (Stragier, 1989).
Defects in the methylation of a membraneassociated 40-kDa protein in some B. subtilis
spo0 mutants suggests that protein methylation
also may be a part of the nutrient-sensing system
(Golden and Bernlohr, 1989).
Multiple forms of RNA polymerase are
of considerable importance in sporulation
(reviewed by Doi and Wang, 1986; Losick et al.,
1986; Losick and Kroos, 1989; Moran, 1989;
Setlow, 1989; Stragier, 1989). The holoenzyme is
made up of an enzyme core comprised of
subunits beta, beta′ and alpha (the products of
genes rpoB, rpoC, and rpoA, respectively) and
attached sigma factors (the products of genes to
be designated), regulatory proteins that determine the promoter specificity. Currently, there
are nine known sigma factors, four associated
with vegetative cells and five involved in sporulation (see Table 8). Losick and Pero (1981) suggested there is a succession of different sigma
factors governing the transcription of the various
temporal classes of sporulation genes.
The first acting sporulation sigma is ;gs;xH
which is required for the initiation of sporulation
and it is involved with the transcription of a later
gene, spoVG.
A key point in sporulation is stage II, which is
the result of the asymmetric division event. stage
II mutants and the associated gene products or
functions are as follows: spoIIAA σE processing);
IIAC (σE factor); IIE (pro σE); IIGAσE processing protease); IIGB (p31; σE); IIN (Fts homology)
and IIJ (ntrB protein kinase) (Leighton cited in
Stragier (1989), and Stragier (1989)). That the
spoIIN product has homology with E. coli Fts, a
protein involved in symmetrical cell division,
may suggest that the level of Fts controls the
asymmetric division. In turn, the functions of the
other spoII mutations listed above implies a
rather complicated mechanism for the synthesis
of σE. The sporulation septum (stage II), dependent on spoIIAC (σF) and spoIIE products, is
required for spoIIGA processing activity, i.e.,
conversion of pro-σE by proteolytic cleavage to
σE. The important finding by Stragier (1989) of
the coupling of gene expression to morphogenesis may be a recurrent theme throughout other
aspects of sporulation.
After Stage II, compartmentalization of sigma
factors occurs. σE is active both in the mother cell
and forespore compartment. σG acts only in the
forespore compartment (Setlow, 1989) while
σK, the product of sig K, a composite gene
from IVCB plus IIC (due to a chromosome
sig D
sig E spoIIGB
sig F spoIIAC
sig G spoIIIG
sig H spoOH
spoIVCB + spoIIIC
Physiological role
Mother cell gene expression
Entry into stationary phase
Forespore gene expression
Asymmetric division (?)
Engulfment; provides
Flagellar synthesis
Unknown ctc transcription
Modified from Helmann and Chamberlain (1988); Moran (1989); and Stragier (1989).
sig C
sig B
σ55, σ43
sig A (rpoD)
Table 8. Bacillus subtilis sigma factors.
About t0
About t1−t2
Time of
cotA, cotD
Flagellar genes
Unknown but
similar to σG
Promoter sequence −10
CHAPTER 1.2.16
The Genus Bacillus—Nonmedical
R.A. Slepecky and H.E. Hemphill
rearrangement requiring SpoIIID and a recombinase) acts only in the mother cell (Losick and
Kroos, 1989). σK directs the transcription of cotA
and cotD, spore coat genes.
This brief overview of some of the emerging
information on regulation of gene expression
during sporulation reflects the current view of a
network of dependent pathways in which activation of developmental genes depends on the
products of other developmental genes (Losick
and Kroos, 1989).
Surface Structures of Bacillus
Crystalline surface layers of protein or glycoprotein subunits, called S-layers, are found in members of the genus Bacillus (reviewed by Sleytr
and Messner, 1988). S-layers of individual
strains of Bacillus have been shown to differ in
molecular weight (40–200 kDa), the degree of
glycosylation of the subunits, and the geometry
of the S-layer lattice. For example, B. stearothermophilus contains one S-layer consisting of two
types of glycan chains, one being a unique type
of protein-carbohydrate linkage. On the other
hand, B. brevis contains two S-layers, termed
the outer wall protein (OWP) and the middle
wall protein (MWP), external to the peptidoglycan layer. These form a hexagonal array in the
cell wall. The nucleotide sequence of the entire
MWP-OWP gene operon is known (Tsuboi et
al., 1988). The gene encoding an S-layer protein
of B. sphaericus has been cloned and sequenced
(Bowditch et al., 1989). Not all Bacillus species
contain S-layers and some strains within a species may lack such a layer. Furthermore, the
type of lattice may vary from species to species
and within strains of a species. B. alvei, B.
anthracis, and B. brevis show a hexagonal array;
B. cereus, B. fastidiosus, “B. macroides,” B.
megaterium, B. psychrophilus, and B. schlegelii
present a square lattice, while strains of B.
stearothermophilus can be obtained that individually have one of the three types (Claus and
Berkeley, 1986).
As with S-layers of other bacteria, their function in Bacillus is unknown. However, since it
has been demonstrated that the S-layer can physically mask the negatively charged peptidoglycan
sacculus in B. stearothermophilus and prevent
autoagglutination, it has been postulated that the
layer may play a key role in bacteria-metal interactions (Sleytr and Messner, 1988).
The capsule (a homopolypeptide of D-glutamic
acid) of B. anthracis as a virulence factor has been
CHAPTER 1.2.16
studied extensively (see The Genus Bacillus—
Medical in this Volume). Other bacilli, such as B.
subtilis, B. megaterium, and B. licheniformis, possess capsules containing the homopolypeptide of
D- or L-glutamic acid as well (Makino et al.,
1989). Some Bacillus species, e.g., B. circulans, B.
mycoides, and B. pumilus, produce carbohydrate
capsules. For example, B. circulans forms an
extracellular polymer consisting of glucose and
glucuronic acid (Claus and Berkeley, 1986). In
the case of B. megaterium a heteropolysaccharide
composed of D-glucose, D-xylose, D-galactose,
and L-arabinose has been found in one strain
(Cassity and Kolodziej, 1984).
Most Bacillus species possess peritrichous flagella. Although some use has been made of Hantigens in setting up serotyping schemes, they
have not been widely adopted (Claus and Berkeley, 1986). Chemotaxis has been studied extensively in B. subtilis (Ordal and Nettleton, 1985).
Cell Walls
Almost all Bacillus species tested have vegetative cell walls made up of peptidoglycan containing meso-diaminopimelic acid (m-DAP). The
exceptions (B. sphaericus and the related species,
B. pasteurii and B. globisporus) contain lysine
instead (Bartlett and White, 1985). But even
those species, as all others, contain m-DAP in the
peptidoglycan of their spore cortex. Cell wall
turnover in Gram-positive bacteria, particularly
Bacillus species which have been useful models,
has been reviewed by Doyle et al. (1988). In
addition to peptidoglycan in the cell wall, all
Bacillus species contain large amounts of an
anionic polymer, such as teichoic acid (a glycerol
or ribitol-based polymer joined together by
phosphodiester linkages to form a flexible linear
strand) or teichuronic acid (uronic acid-based
polymer) which are bonded to muramic acid residues. The type of this anionic polymer present
depends on the levels of phosphate and magnesium in the growth medium. The glycerol teichoic
acids vary a great deal between Bacillus species
and within species. For example, B. subtilis can
contain either glucosyl α or β (1→2) glycerol
or glucosyl α (1→6) galactosyl α (1→1 or 3)
glycerol), while B. licheniformis contains galactosyl α (1→2) glycerol. However, they are joined
to the peptidoglycan through a common linkage disaccharide, acetylmannosaminyl(1→4)Nacetylglucosamine (Kaya et al., 1984).
As in other Gram-positive bacteria, lipoteichoic acids are found associated with most of the
cell membranes of Bacillus species. These compounds are involved in the synthesis of wall
CHAPTER 1.2.16
teichoic acids as regulators of autholytic activity
and as scavengers of bivalent ions. Those so
tested in Bacillus fall into three groups based on
the presence or absence of N-acetylglucosamine
branches in the backbone chains of their
lipoteichoic acids—hydrophilic poly (glycerolphosphate) chains and hydrophobic gentiobiosyldiacylglycerol anchors (Iwasaki et al., 1989).
Group A is made up of strains of B. subtilis, B.
licheniformis, and B. pumilus; group B, other
B. subtilis strains and B. cereus, and group C, B.
polymyxa and B. circulans.
Macrofibers are multicellular and multistranded
structures, hundreds of micrometers in length,
produced by autocatalytic mutants of B. subtilis
(Mendelson, 1978). These left- or right-handed
helical structures have been used to study cell
wall structure and growth. They are thought to
reveal cell-surface molecular organization and
force interactions in the cell wall not readily elucidated in the wild type, single-celled organism.
The establishment and maintenance of macrofiber structure is influenced by both genetic and
physiological factors (Briehl and Mendelson,
1987; Surana et al., 1988).
The membranes of Bacillus species have been
studied extensively because of their intrinsic
interest; as a model of membrane structure in
Gram-positive cells; with regard to their role in
sporulation and germination; with respect to
explanations for thermophily; and other reasons.
For example, one explanation for the ability of
thermophilic microorganisms such as B. stearothermophilus to grow at high temperatures is
that the physical properties of the membrane are
changed due to changes in the lipid composition
in response to growth temperature (Gould,
There is great diversity in the range and type
of lipids in Bacillus membranes (see review
by Minnikin and Goodfellow, 1981) and wide
variation in the fatty acids are found. The main
phospholipids present are phosphatidylglycerol,
diphosphatidylglycerol, and phosphatidylethanolamine; however, others are found as well. The
major isoprenoid quinones are menaquinone,
and most species contain menaquinones with
seven isoprenoid units (MK-7). B. acidocaldarius
is the exception and possesses MK-9 (Minniken
and Goodfellow, 1981).
Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) has been used to attempt to
resolve all B. subtilis membrane polypeptides
(see Shohayer and Chapra [1985] for one such
The Genus Bacillus—Nonmedical
study). Several membrane enzymes have been
isolated and characterized, such as the lactate,
malate, glycerate-3-phosphate, NADH, and succinate dehydrogenases.
Because of interest in synthesis and modification of the peptidoglycan layer, much attention
has been paid to penicillin-binding proteins. Six
have been found in B. subtilis, but one of the
most penicillin-sensitive binding proteins, number 4, has been found to be absent from B. subtilis 168 (Buchanan, 1987).
Genetic Studies
The discovery of transformation in B. subtilis
strain 168 by Spizizen (1958) was largely responsible for focusing attention on the genetics of the
genus Bacillus. Strain 168 is thought to be a
derivative of the type strain B. subtilis Marburg
(see Hemphill and Whiteley, 1975), and is one of
a relatively few bacilli in which competence for
DNA uptake has been found to occur as a natural part of the life cycle. As a consequence of
Spizizen’s discovery and the later isolation of
generalized transducing phages, our knowledge
of the chromosomal organization of B. subtilis
is second only to that of the enteric bacteria.
(About one-half as many genetic markers are
known in B. subtilis as in Escherichia coli.) Furthermore, the identification of numerous genes
affecting sporulation in B. subtilis is providing a
means for analyzing this complex developmental
program, which is largely unique to the
The establishment of a competent state in
broth culture is most efficiently brought about
in a minimal salts medium (Anagnostopoulos
and Spizizen, 1961; Bott and Wilson, 1967). As
the bacteria enter stationary phase in this
medium, a maximum of 20% become competent, with a 1 to 2% transformation frequency
for a given marker. The development of competence is associated with a reduction in macromolecular synthesis that is initiated well
before cells are transformable. Competent
bacilli are relatively metabolically latent, and
have a lower buoyant density compared to noncompetent bacteria (Dooley et al., 1971; Hadden and Nester, 1968). Although the period of
competence overlaps the time in which sporulation is initiated, the two forms of physiological
differentiation are thought not to be connected.
Different media are preferred for the two processes and commitment to competence is
reversible. Several lines of research suggest that
R.A. Slepecky and H.E. Hemphill
the establishment of competence is coincidental
with, and perhaps induces, a DNA-repair system analogous to the SOS regulon in E. coli
(Love et al., 1985).
The development of the capacity of B. subtilis
to take up DNA is associated with the appearance of several novel cellular proteins. Among
these is a 75-kDa protein complex which has
been isolated from the membrane of competent
cells (Smith et al., 1985). The complex consists of
two subunits of 18 kDa (polypeptide A) and
17 kDa (polypeptide B). Mutants lacking subunit
A do not bind DNA to the cell surface whereas
those deficient in B are defective in DNA entry.
The 75-kDa protein complex also has nuclease
activity that is probably associated with polypeptide B. A nuclease is expected, because it is
known that one strand of transforming DNA is
hydrolyzed in the process of entering the cell,
resulting in a single-stranded product on the
cytoplasmic side of the membrane (DavidoffAbelson and Dubnau, 1973a, 1973b). Competence factors that interact with the membrane
have also been reported in B. stearothermophilus
(Streips and Welker, 1971). B. subtilis cells show
little specificity with regard to DNA uptake and
may be transformed with homologous chromosomal DNA, plasmid DNA, or transfected with
bacteriophage DNA.
There is evidence that strands of transforming DNA enter the cell at sites on the membrane where the chromosomal DNA is
attached (teRiele et al., 1984). The penetrating
DNA, now reduced to a single-strand form, is
then brought in contact with the homologous
region of the recipient chromosome. This step
is probably mediated by the 45-kDa protein
product of the B. subtilis recE gene and results
in a complex in which the transforming DNA
begins to displace one strand of the chromosomal DNA while hydrogen-bonding to the
complementary strand. A continuation of the
displacement reaction allows pairing and integration of several thousand bases of transforming DNA into the chromosome, while an
equivalent amount of the homologous strand is
removed and degraded.
Considerable thought has been given to the
question of whether transformation is associated with genetic exchange in natural populations of bacilli (see Stewart and Carlson, 1986,
for a review). The complexity of the transformation process with its requirement for unique
competence factors appearing only at stationary phase suggests that the capacity to take-up
exogenous DNA offers some selective advantage in the evolution of these bacteria. The fact
that competence occurs only late in the growth
cycle probably means the system is not
designed to obtain DNA as a nutrient. EphratiElizur 1968 found that B. subtilis cells excrete
CHAPTER 1.2.16
high-molecular-weight DNA into liquid culture
as they grow. Under natural conditions this
could be the source of donor DNA. Graham
and Istock (1978) demonstrated that genetic
exchange, thought to be mediated by transformation, occurs at high frequency between
genetically labeled strains of B. subtilis in soil.
Also, transformation frequencies in cultures in
which the bacteria are allowed to attach to
sand grains are much higher than in the standard liquid culture procedure (Lorenz et al.,
Generalized Transduction
Bacteriophage capable of mediating generalized
transduction have been reported in many
species of Bacillus including B. subtilis, B. cereus,
B. megaterium, B. thuringiensis, B. anthracis, and
B. stearothermophilus. Thus, transduction offers
an immediate advantage for genetic analysis
over transformation in that it is applicable to
more strains of these bacteria. In addition, some
phages transduce fragments of DNA much
larger than can be transferred via transformation, and this facilitates linking distant markers.
PBS1, a bacteriophage that infects B. subtilis
168, can incorporate 5 to 10% of the bacterial
chromosome in a single virion particle, and was
instrumental in constructing the complete circular chromosomal map of B. subtilis (LepesantKejzlarova et al., 1975). On the other hand,
small DNA molecules such as those of some
plasmids are not efficiently packaged in large
phages, but can be transduced by a variety of
small bacteriophages (Canosi et al., 1982). Some
generalized transducing phages have relatively
broad host ranges and can transfer plasmids
between different species of bacilli (Ruhfel et
al., 1984).
Little is known about the mechanism by which
transducing particles are formed. PBS1 appears
to package bacterial DNA randomly. There is
little evidence for packaging sites as are indicated in Salmonella phage P22 (Jackson et al.,
1978; Schmieger, 1982, 1984). A pac site has been
located in the genome of the small generalized
transducing phage SPP1. However, its relevance,
if any, to packaging transducing DNA is not clear
(Deichelbohrer et al., 1982, 1985).
The process by which transducing DNA
becomes incorporated into the recipient bacterial chromosome differs from that discussed earlier for transformation. In transduction, the
donor DNA is thought to enter the infected cell
as double-stranded DNA which then synapses
with the homologous region of the recipient
chromosome. Incorporation of the transducing
fragment presumably results from a double
CHAPTER 1.2.16
crossover between the two DNA molecules. In
support of this model, mutants of B. subtilis deficient in recombination functions have a reduced
capacity to be transduced, while they can be
transformed (Dodson and Hadden, 1980).
Other important Bacillus generalized transducing phages include CP15, a phage originally
shown to transduce B. cereus (Thorne, 1968) but
which can transfer plasmids between B. cereus,
B. thuringiensis, and B. anthracis (Ruhfel et al.,
1984). Bacteriophage MP13 has been important
in mapping the chromosome of B. megaterium
(Vary et al., 1982), and TP-13 and TP18 have
been similarly used in genetic studies of B. thuringiensis (Barsomian et al., 1984).
Specialized Transduction
Specialized transduction has been reported in
several B. subtilis phages including π105 (Shapiro et al., 1974), SPβ (Zahler et al., 1977), and
π3T (Odebralski and Zahler, 1982) and B.
amyloliquefaciens phage H2 (Zahler et al.,
1987). The most carefully examined of these is
SPβ, a temperate bacteriophage that is normally
carried as a prophage in B. subtilis 168 (Warner
et al., 1977). SPβ can transduce markers proximal to its normal attachment site attB SPβ
between the markers ilvA (threonine dehydratase) and kauA (ketoacid uptake) located
near the terminus of chromosomal replication.
In addition, SPβ prophage will insert at a variety
of aberrant positions when it lysogenizes
mutants of B. subtilis lacking attB SPβ. Induction of these lysogens gives rise to specialized
transducing phages carrying genetic markers
near the novel sites of integration (see Zahler,
1982, for a review). The gene order of SPβ
prophage is a circular permutation of that
present in the phage DNA (Spancake et al.,
1984). Specialized transducing particles are
thought to originate from errors in excision
when the prophage is induced. The crossingover event that leads to reformation of a circular phage DNA during induction may be displaced, resulting in removal of a portion of the
bacterial DNA contiguous to the right or left
boundaries of the prophage. Encapsidation of
such hybrid DNA produces a specialized transducing particle.
Two types of transductants are recognized in
the SPβ system (Zahler, 1982). The bacterial
portion of the transducing phage DNA may
undergo recombination with and replace the
homologous region of the genome of the recipient. This so-called “replacement transduction” is
similar to generalized transduction, except that
only a limited number of genetic markers are
involved. On the other hand, the infecting
phage-bacterial DNA may incorporate as a
prophage to produce a bacterium diploid for the
The Genus Bacillus—Nonmedical
B. subtilis genes associated with the prophage.
Such “addition transductions” are most likely to
occur if the recipient bacterium is already
lysogenic for SPβ. The resulting merozygote
may be used in complementation studies if different alleles are present on the prophage and
bacterial chromosomes.
Conjugative Plasmids
Fertility plasmids capable of bringing about
their own transfer from one bacterium to
another have been described in several species
of Bacillus. The capacity to produce the insecticidal delta toxin crystal protein in B. thuringiensis is encoded in large plasmids. Gonzalez et
al. (1982) found that three strains of this bacterium transmitted the crystal-protein phenotype
to B. thuringiensis variants which had lost the
plasmid. Moreover, these plasmids could also
be transferred to B. cereus and yielded transcipients that produce crystal protein. Battisti
et al. (1985) reported the transfer of plasmids
pXO11 and pXO12 from B. thuringiensis to B.
anthracis and B. cereus. The transcipients, in
turn, became effective donors, and in the case
of those inheriting pXO12, also acquired the
ability to produce parasporal crystals. Strains of
B. anthracis that acquire plasmid pXO12 can
subsequently mobilize and transfer nonconjugative plasmids present in the same cell. Using
this system, the tetracycline resistance plasmid
pBC16, the B. anthracis toxin plasmid pXO1,
and the capsule plasmid pXO2 have been
transmitted to B. anthracis and B. cereus recipients lacking these plasmids (Green et al., 1989).
The small plasmid pBC16 is transferred at high
frequency without direct interaction with
pXO12; such transfer of a nonconjunctive plasmid is called donation. The large B. anthracis
plasmids are apparently transferred by conduction. The latter involves formation of cointegrative molecules in the donor, and resolution of
the cointegrates into pXO12 and the respective
B. anthracis plasmid in the recipient. Cell-tocell contact is necessary for plasmid transfer
and is resistant to DNase, but little is known
about the mechanisms or conjugative structures
that may be involved.
A strain of B. subtilis (natto) has been found
which carries a 55-kb self-transmissible plasmid
(pLS20), which can be transferred to closely
related strains and to restriction-deficient strains
of B. subtilis (Koehler and Thorne, 1987). This
plasmid also promotes the transfer of the tetracycline-resistance plasmid pBC16 from B. subtilis (natto) to a wide variety of Bacillus species
including B. anthracis, B. megaterium, and B.
subtilis. This is a much broader range of conjugative transmission than has been observed with
the B. thuringiensis plamid. However, none of
R.A. Slepecky and H.E. Hemphill
the conjugative plasmids have been found to
mobilize and transfer chromosomal markers as
is observed with the F plasmid of E. coli.
In addition to the naturally occurring transmissible plasmids of Bacillus, Christie et al.
(1987) have identified a conjugative transposon
(Tn925) which transfers from Streptococcus
faecalis to B. subtilis.
Bacteriophages that infect Bacillus are common
in soil. In addition, many strains of this genus are
naturally lysogenic for one or more prophages.
The most extensively studied Bacillus phages are
those associated with B. subtilis, and these have
been reviewed by Hemphill and Whiteley (1975),
Rutberg (1982), and Zahler (1988).
With some exceptions, Bacillus phages have
relatively narrow host ranges, probably at least
in part because of restriction systems that make
phage grown in one host incompatible with
another strain (Ando et al., 1982). With the
exception of the phages of B. subtilis, no scheme
of classification has been adopted to organize the
phages of this genus. Therefore, the bacteriophages described here will be grouped according to
life cycle.
Temperate Bacteriophages
Most strains of bacilli that have been carefully
examined have been found to release phage particles. These are of two types: defective phages
that can kill but do not productively infect other
strains (see “Defective Bacteriophages,” this
chapter), and those that grow on and lysogenize
new host bacteria. B. subtilis 168 is lysogenic for
phage SPβ and also releases defective phage
PBSX. As an extreme, B. thuringiensis subsp.
aizawai is polylysogenic for five unique temperate phages (Reynolds et al., 1988). Temperate
phages are easily obtained from nature. If samples of soil are placed in broth and the mixture
heated 10 min at 80°C, most free phage and nonsporeforming bacteria are destroyed. When the
culture is allowed to incubate several hours and
CHAPTER 1.2.16
subsequently treated with mitomycin C, temperate phages are induced and released into the
medium. (Some investigators inoculate the broth
with the Bacillus strain of interest to enrich for
phage, and then add mitomycin C.) The phages
may then be recovered by filtering the solution
and plating on an appropriate indicator.
Dean et al. 1978 have divided the temperate
phages of B. subtilis and closely related species
into four groups based upon serology, immunity,
and physical characteristics (Table 9); the defective phages may be considered a fifth class. Several group III phages including B. subtilis phages
SPβ and π3T and B. amyloliquefaciens phage H2
can mediate specialized transduction. Group I
phage π105 also transduces genes close to its
prophage attachment site (Shapiro et al., 1974).
In addition, π105, SPβ, ρ11, and others have been
used as cloning vehicles, mostly for B. subtilis
genes (see Zahler, 1988, for a review).
Temperate bacteriophages often alter the biochemistry or phenotype of lysogenic bacteria and
several examples of such prophage conversion
have been observed in B. subtilis. Strains of this
bacterium lysogenic for SPβ release a bacteriocin-like substance called betacin (Hemphill et al.,
1980) which kills some Bacillus strains that do
not harbor the SPβ prophage. Most group III
bacteriophages including π3T, ρ11 and Z (but not
SPβ) contain the structural gene for thymidylate
synthetase, and express this gene continuously in
lysogens. Stains of B. subtilis lysogenic for SP02
cannot be productively infected with virulent
phage π1 (Rettenmier and Hemphill, 1974), and
bacilli lysogenic for SPβ are protected by a
similar interference system active against π1m
(Rettenmeir et al., 1979).
Defective Bacteriophages
Many species of Bacillus including B. subtilis,
B. amyloliquefaciens, B. pumilis, and B. laterosporus release defective phages whose presence is revealed by their bactericidal activity
against other strains or species of this genus
(Hemphill and Whiteley, 1975; Steensma et al.,
1978; Zahler, 1988.) For example, B. subtilis
strain 168 releases a defective phage called
Table 9. Major groups of temperate B. subtilis phages.
Virion dimensions (nm)
DNA size (kb)
Modified from Dean et al. (1978) and Zahler (1988).
Other members of group
φ3T, ρ11, Z, SPR
CHAPTER 1.2.16
PBSX, which kills the cells of B. subtilis strain
W23. Electron microscopic examination of the
culture supernatant of strain 168 reveals typical
phage particles. However, the PBSX virions cannot replicate and produce plaques; rather, they
act much like a bacteriocin. B. subtilis strain
W23, in turn, releases defective phage PBSZ,
which has a bacteriocin activity against strain
Despite being defective, these phages act
much like other temperature viruses. Although
small numbers are typically present in the culture supernatant, lysogens may be induced with
UV light or mitomycin C and lyse and release
large numbers of particles. (The situation is often
confusing, however, because many bacilli including B. subtilis 168 are simultaneously lysogenic
for one or more nondefective temperate phages.)
Virions of PBSX are unmistakably phage-like in
structure. They have a rather small head (45 nm
in diameter) and a cylindrical, contractile tail 18
by 200 nm. The genes for structural proteins of
PBSX have been mapped to a chromosomal
position between the markers metA and metC
(Thurm and Garro, 1975). PBSX and presumably other phages of this group are defective for
more than one reason. First, the particles do not
contain an identifiable phage DNA. Instead,
PBSX packages randomly selected 13-kb fragments of bacterial chromosomal DNA (Anderson and Bott, 1985). Second, although PBSX
virions attach efficiently to susceptible strains
and the tail appears to contract, the DNA in the
phage heads is not injected (Okamoto et al.,
Lytic Bacteriophages
Lytic bacteriophages that infect Bacillus are also
common in soil and water. Again, the most
detailed studies are of phages that infect B. subtilis or closely related species (see Hemphill and
Whiteley, 1975, for a review.) Although many of
these viruses are intrinsically interesting, two
groups of subtilis phages have been the focus of
studies on the regulation of viral transcription
(see Geiduschek and Ito, 1982). The first class,
which includes SP01 and SP82, is distinguished
by the replacement of thymine by hydroxymethyluracil (hmU) in the viral DNA. The second
class includes π29 and relatives, which are very
small, linear double-stranded DNA phages.
SP01 and SP82 have very complex temporal
programs of transcription involving at least three
phases of gene expression designated early, middle, and late. Early gene expression starts within
1 min of infection, and is thought to use the host
RNA polymerase. Middle genes are activated
about 4 min after infection, and the expression
of late genes (which are turned on asynchro-
The Genus Bacillus—Nonmedical
nously) is first detected 10 min into the latent
period. Initiation of transcription of the middle
and late genes involves structural modifications
of the B. subtilis RNA polymerase, such that the
enzyme can recognize unique middle and late
phage promoters that are not used by the
unmodified polymerase (Tarkington and Pero,
1979). The product of at least one SP01/SP82
gene is thought to associate with the enzyme to
activate middle genes (Hyde et al., 1986), and at
least two other phage-encoded polypeptides
appear to modify the polymerase to synthesize
late mRNAs (Fox, 1976; Tjian and Pero, 1976).
Other viral genes associated with late transcription have been identified, but these may be
required to initiate DNA replication, which is
also involved in transcriptional control. Even as
new mRNAs are made, transcription of at least
some early and middle genes is repressed at characteristic times in the latent period of SP82 and
SP01. Proteins that bind to phage DNA and
block RNA synthesis have been isolated from
infected cells, but the actual mechanism of
repression is not clear. Although not directly
related, the study of gene expression in these
subtilis phages has influenced the investigation
of somewhat analogous changes in RNA polymerase structure associated with sporulation.
Transcription of the π29 genome also involves
early and late mRNAs, which in this case are
transcribed from different strands of the viral
DNA. Early RNA is transcribed from the light
(L) and late RNA from the heavy (H) strand. In
vitro, B. subtilis RNA polymerase synthesizes
early mRNA from as many as eight promoters
(Mellado et al., 1988). At least a portion of the
host RNA polymerase is also used for synthesis
of late RNA, which is apparently initiated from
a single promoter called A3. The latter has a −35
region that differs somewhat from the consensus
−35 region of B. subtilis promoters (Vlcek and
Paces, 1986). Transcription from A3 requires
protein P4 encoded by π29 gene 4 (Mellado et
al., 1988).
Pseudotemperate Phages
Pseudotemperate bacteriophages are lytic
phages that establish a relatively long-term association with bacteria that mimics true lysogeny
(see Hemphill and Whiteley, 1975). Following
adsorption and penetration, further advancement of the viral development cycle is often
delayed; some infected cells continue to grow,
divide, and even sporulate. A portion of the
daughter cells may even be cured, and about
one-half the spores produced from such cultures
do not contain viral DNA. Pseudotemperate
bacteriophages characteristically produce turbid
plaques, and “pseudolysogens” obtained from
R.A. Slepecky and H.E. Hemphill
CHAPTER 1.2.16
these plaques may be subcultured. The pseudolysogens apparently consist of a balance
between infected cells in a delayed latent period,
bacteria containing maturing phage, and uninfected bacilli.
Included among the pseudotemperate phages
are several of the best-known transducing
phages of Bacillus such as B. subtilis phages
PBS1, SP10, and SP15 and B. thuringiensis phage
TP-13. The genomes of these viruses often
contain modified DNA. For instance, the
chromosome of PBS1 has a complete replacement of thymine by uracil (Takahashi and
Marmur, 1963) and SP15 DNA substitutes 5-(4′5′-dihydroxylpentyl)-uracil for thymine (Brandon et al., 1972).
Phage PBS1 (also referred to as PBS2, a
clear-plaque mutant) and phage PMB12 carry
out their entire development cycle in the presence of rifampin, an antibiotic that inhibits
RNA synthesis by interacting with the bacterial
RNA polymerase (Rima and Takahashi, 1974;
Bramucci et al., 1977). In the case of PBS1
(PBS2), the resistance to rifampin is explained
in part by the synthesis of a new phage-induced
RNA polymerase that transcribes the viral late
functions (Clark et al., 1974). Genetic evidence
suggests that early RNA synthesis in PBS1 may
be resistant to the drug because the virus, perhaps using a virion protein, induces a modification in the bacterial RNA polymerase that
converts the latter to a resistant form (Osburne
and Sonenshein, 1980).
One of the most intriguing phenomena
associated with bacteriophage PMB12 is its
capacity to convert pseudolysogens of certain
sporulation-negative (spo) mutants of B. subtilis to a Spo+ phenotype (Kinney and Bramucci,
1981). Conversion has been observed in several stage O mutants, as well as in B. subtilis
variants deficient in sporulation due to changes
in bacterial RNA polymerase or 30S ribosomes. At least three PMB12 genes are
involved in spore conversion. The products of
these genes apparently interact with host-cell
pathways at the earliest stages of sporulation.
Conversion of spore-negative mutants has also
been observed with B. pumilis phage PMB1
(Bramucci et al., 1977) and numerous other
phages which infect this species (Keggins et
al., 1978). Bacteriophage TP-13 similarly converts oligosporogenic, acrystalliferous mutants
of B. thuringiensis to spore-positive, crystalpositive phenotype (Perlak et al., 1979). This
phage also mediates generalized transduction
of large DNA fragments.
Plasmids are of widespread occurrence in the
genus Bacillus and have been found in most species that have been screened. The vast majority
are cryptic plasmids, that is, their presence has
not been correlated with any unique property of
the bacterial host. Although efforts have been
made to analyze the relationship between different plasmids in a few species by comparing
DNA-restriction fragment profiles, there is no
accepted scheme for systematically classifying
plasmids within the bacilli. Further confusing the
study of plasmids in Bacillus is the fact that some
of those used as vectors for gene cloning, such as
pUB110, were actually derived from Staphylococcus aureus (Gryczan et al., 1978).
As shown in Table 10, some of the Bacillus
plasmids do confer a recognizable phenotype to
cells which carry them, such as antibiotic resistance, synthesis of toxins, unique metabolic
activities, and transconjugation. Because of the
medical and economic importance of their hosts,
the plasmids conferring virulence in B. anthracis
Table 10. Bacillus plasmids.
B. anthracis
size (kb)
B. thuringiensis
Bacillus species
B. cereus
B. pumilus
B. subtilis
B. subtilis (natto)
Phenotype associated with plasmid
Exotoxin (lethal factor, edema factor,
protective antigen)
Tetracycline resistance
Erythromycin resistance
Polyglutamate production
Self-transmissible plasmid, which also
promotes transfer of other plasmids
Production of insecticidal crystal protein, and
is a self-transmissible plasmid, which can
co-transfer unrelated plasmids
Kanomycin and tetracycline resistance
Tetracycline resistance
Mikesell et al., 1983
Tippetts and Robertson, 1988
Green et al., 1985
Bernhand et al., 1978
Bernhand et al., 1978
Lovett et al., 1976
Mahler and Halvorson, 1980
Hara et al., 1982
Koehler and Thorne, 1987
Green et al., 1989
Imanaka et al., 1981
Imanaka et al., 1981
CHAPTER 1.2.16
and B. thuringiensis have been of increasing
interest. Virulence in B. anthracis requires the
production of a capsule composed of poly-Dglutamic acid and an exotoxin consisting of three
components: protective antigen, lethal factor,
and edema factor. The capacity to produce the
capsule is associated with plasmid pXO2 (Green
et al., 1985), and the constituents of the toxin are
encoded in plasmid pXO1 (Mikesell et al., 1983).
Strains losing either plasmid are rendered avirulent. With the help of fertility plasmid pXO12
derived from B. thuringiensis, both pXO1 and
pXO2 have been transferred to bacilli lacking
these plasmids (Green et al., 1989). In the case
of pXO1, cured strains of B. anthracis have been
restored to toxin production (Thorne, 1985). The
association of the toxin with plasmids is of historical interest. The original Pasteur vaccine
strains of B. anthracis were produced by subculturing this bacterium at high temperatures which
are now known to inhibit replication of pXO1.
Indeed, two existing Pasteur strains lack this
plasmid (Mikesell and Vodkin, 1985).
The genes for delta-exotoxin crystal proteins
of B. thuringiensis strains are carried in large
plasmids (see The Genus Bacillus—Insect
Pathogens in this Volume). These plasmids are
somewhat divergent in size and the crystal proteins produced by B. thuringiensis strains differ
in serology and toxicity to various insects (Höfte
and Whiteley, 1989). Moreover, several of these
plasmids, such as pXO12 of B. thuringiensis
subsp. thuringiensis 4042, (Reddy et al., 1987;
Green et al., 1989) have been shown to mediate
conjugal transfer of themselves and other plasmids (see “Genetic Studies” this chapter).
The production of the parasporal body containing the crystal protein toxin is coordinated
with sporulation; crystal protein gene expression
begins about stage II (see Whiteley and Schnepf,
1986, for a review). Changes in transcription during sporulation are associated with modifications
of RNA polymerase which enable the enzyme
to recognize sporulation-specific promoters (see
“Sporulation”, this chapter). It has been suggested the activation of the crystal protein genes
is also regulated by polymerase changes. DNA
sequence analysis of the 133-kDa crystal protein
gene from B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki HD-1Dipel revealed two overlapping promoters, one
used early in sporulation (BtI) and the other
(BtII) activated midway through development
(Wong et al., 1983). Comparison of these promoters with those of the carefully studied B.
subtilis system show little sequence consensus
with promoters that bind vegetative RNA polymerase. Brown and Whiteley (1988) have
isolated an RNA polymerase from strain HD-1Dipel that directs transcription in vitro from the
BtI promoter and also transcribes crystal protein
The Genus Bacillus—Nonmedical
genes from two other strains of B. thuringiensis.
This polymerase contains a unique 35-kDa sigma
subunit that is different from the major sigma
subunit present in vegetative cells of B. thuringiensis. In addition, the presence of two regions
of hyphenated dyad symmetry near the BtI and
BtII promoters suggests that binding of other
regulatory proteins in this region could be associated with gene expression.
Transcriptional Regulation
in Biosynthetic and
Catabolic Pathways
Bacillus species demonstrate great catabolic and
biosynthetic versatility. It is only recently, however, that significant progress has been made in
understanding how synthesis of enzymes is regulated. Again, most studies have concentrated on
B. subtilis and closely related species.
Control of Biosynthetic Gene Expression
B. subtilis can be grown in minimal salts media
with glucose as carbon source. Thus, this bacterium must have the capacity to synthesize de
novo all amino acids, nucleotides, etc. As in the
enteric bacteria, the structural genes for enzymes
of common biosynthetic pathways are clustered
on the B. subtilis chromosome (see Zalkin and
Ebbole, 1988, for a review.) Such operon-like
organization has been observed for the genes of
the tryptophan, arginine, and isoleucine-valineleucine synthesis. In addition, the sequences
encoding the enzymes for purine (pur genes) and
pyrimidine (pyr genes) occur in multicistron
clusters in B. subtilis (Ebbole and Zalkin, 1987;
Lerner et al., 1987), which is not the case in E.
coli. Gene clustering is associated with coordinate control of gene expression at the level of
transcription by the products of the pathways.
The trp, arg, and ilv operons are repressed,
respectively, by tryptophan, arginine, and leucine. The pur genes are repressed by adenine and
guanine nucleotides and pyr by pyrimidines.
It does not appear that regulation of the biosynthetic operons is mediated primarily through
repressors, although the arg pathway may be
an exception (Smith et al., 1986). Rather, the
favored means of control appears to be termination/antitermination (attenuation) mechanisms
which affect the elongation of nascent mRNA
molecules. In several operons studied, the 5′-end
of the mRNA contains a leader of 100 to 300
nucleotides which does not encode part of the
first structural gene. Within this leader is a region
that can fold into two mutually exclusive secondary structures, one of which is a procaryote
transcription termination signal. The other con-
R.A. Slepecky and H.E. Hemphill
figuration is an antiterminator stem-and-loop
(hairpin) which allows full-length message to be
made. Control then resides in changing the ratio
of termination vs. antitermination secondary
In enteric bacteria, the leader sequence of
amino acid biosynthetic gene clusters includes an
open reading frame (ORF) for a short peptide,
which is generally enriched in codons for the
amino acid synthesized by that pathway. The formation of termination vs. antitermination hairpins is modulated by the rate at which the leader
polypeptide is synthesized. In the E. coli trp
operon, for example, the peptide is made slowly
if intracellular levels of tryptophan are low, and
the antitermination structure is generated. The
converse is true if tryptophan levels are high. In
B. subtilis those leader sequences that have been
analyzed do not contain an ORF. Moreover,
transcription of pur and pyr gene clusters is also
thought to be controlled by termination/antitermination, and it is unlikely these operons
could be regulated by a mechanism precisely
analogous to the E. coli system.
In the B. subtilis trp operon, attenuation is
regulated in part by a trans-acting factor thought
to be the product of the methyltryptophan resistance locus mtr (Shimotsu et al., 1986). Mutations in this gene result in constitutive expression
of the trp genes. It is likely that the mtr product,
when activated by tryptophan, binds to the
leader region of the nascent mRNA in such a
manner as to prevent formation of the antiterminator structure, thus favoring termination. In
addition, binding of tryptophan-activated mtr
gene product to already completed mRNA molecules is thought to inhibit the initiation of translation, thereby further reducing the production
of trp enzymes (Kuroda et al., 1988).
Transcriptional regulation of the pur operon of
B. subtilis shows some similarities to that of the
trp system, but may be even more complicated.
Synthesis of inosine monophosphate (IMP) is
repressed by both adenine and guanine nucleotides, but apparently by different mechanisms.
The latter are thought to promote premature
cessation of transcription at a rho-independent
termination site in the leader sequence, while
adenine nucleotides appear to repress transcription initiation (Zalkin and Ebbole, 1988). It is
thought likely that when purine levels are high,
a guanine nucleotide activates a regulatory molecule, which in turn binds to the leader region of
the nascent mRNA and blocks formation of the
antiterminator secondary structure.
The products of polycistronic mRNAs are
sometimes subunits in a common enzyme complex. In these instances, the polypeptides are
required in 1 : 1 stoichiometry. Sequence analysis
of the trp and pur operons shows that both are
CHAPTER 1.2.16
characterized by many gene overlaps; that is,
the 3′-end of one coding sequence overlaps with
the 5′-end of a contiguous downstream coding
sequence (Henner et al., 1984; Ebbole and
Zalkin, 1987). The overlaps are thought to result
in “translational coupling” in which synthesis of
one polypeptide from a polycistronic mRNA is
at least partially dependent on the translation of
the contiguous upstream gene. In some instances,
this coupled translation is thought to result in
1 : 1 stoichiometric synthesis of the products of
the overlapping genes.
Control of Catabolic Gene Expression
Members of the family Bacillaceae catabolize a
wide variety of simple and complex organic compounds, including mono-and disaccharides, and
polysaccharides such as starch which are partially digested by extracellular enzymes. As in the
enteric bacteria, the structural genes for enzymes
involved in degradation of these substrates are
often clustered on the Bacillus chromosome. All
operons so far studied are transcribed from
σxA promoters, and control of gene expression
involves repressors and termination/antitermination systems (see Klier and Rapport, 1988, for a
The pathway involved in gluconate catabolism
in B. subtilis is apparently regulated by negative
control mediated by a repressor. Two inducible
enzymes are required: the transport protein gluconate permease and gluconate kinase which
phosphorylates gluconate. The genes for these
functions, gntP and gntK, respectively, are part
of a four cistron operon gntR-gntK-gntP-gntZ.
Mutations that inactivate gntR are constitutive.
This gene encodes a 243 amino acid protein
thought to inhibit transcription by binding near
the promoter located 40 bp upstream from gntR
(Fujita and Fujita, 1987). Curiously, there is a five
base overlap between the coding sequence of
gntR and gntK suggesting there may be a translational coupling between these two proteins
(Fujita et al., 1986). The genes required for the
growth of B. subtilis on xylose polymers are also
organized in a five cistron regulon, in which one
of the genes, xylR, codes for a repressor that
regulates expression of the entire gene cluster
(Hastrup, 1988). Synthesis of the enzymes is
induced by the presence of xylose in the medium.
A repressor system has also been found to regulate the induction of penicillinase in B. licheniformis (Wittman and Wong, 1988).
Perhaps the most extensively studied catabolic
system in the bacilli is that involved in sucrose
catabolism. B. subtilis produces two β,Dfructofuranosidases, sucrase and levansucrase,
after induction by sucrose. The former is an intracellular enzyme while the latter (which also cat-
CHAPTER 1.2.16
alyzes the formation of the fructose polymer
levan) is secreted (see Klier and Rapoport,
1988). The structural genes for sucrase, sacA, and
that for levansucrase, sacB, are widely separated
on the B. subtilis chromosome. The sacA gene is
tightly linked to sacP, which is thought to be a
membrane-associated protein that transports
and phosphorylates sucrose. The sacB gene and
the sacA-sacP cistrons are linked to regulatory
loci, sacR and sacT, respectively. Mutations in
either of the regulatory loci results in constitutive synthesis of the corresponding enzyme. The
most extensive studies of the mechanisms of control have been made in sacR.
The sacR locus contains the sacB promoter.
Between the transcription start site and the sacB
coding sequence is a 199-bp region that is the
target of several regulatory effectors of expression of the levansucrase gene (Aymerich et al.,
1986). Part of this control is thought to involve
a region of dyad symmetry that could form a
transcription termination signal in the nascent
mRNA. Deletion of this perspective terminator
results in constitutive synthesis of levansucrase,
and previously isolated constitutive sacR
mutants map to this putative stem-and-loop
structure (Shimotsu and Henner, 1986; Steinmetz and Aymerich, 1986). Messenger RNA synthesis is thought to stop at this terminator unless
an antiterminator protein, presumably regulated
by sucrose, interacts with the nascent RNA to
prevent formation or to allow bypass of the loop.
One candidate for the antiterminator maps to
sacS, a genetic locus that affects both the synthesis of levansucrase and sucrase. The sacS locus
consists of two cistrons, sacY and sacX (Aymerich and Steinmetz, 1987; Steinmetz et al., 1988;
Zukowski et al., 1988). The sacY gene is thought
to encode a sucrose-dependent antiterminator
protein whose target probably is the region of
secondary structure in sacR, where it presumably
acts to prevent formation of the stem-and-loop.
Deletion of sacY abolishes levansucrase synthesis. Current data suggest the sacX gene directs
the production of a negative regulator of sacY;
mutants in this cistron produce levansucrase
The products of two other regulatory genes,
sacU and sacQ, have been implicated in regulation of levansucrase synthesis. The target of the
products of these genes also appears to be the
sacR region, and they may serve to modulate
the levels of gene expression (Shimotsu and
Henner, 1986; Zukowski and Miller, 1986). sacQ
encodes a 46 amino acid polypeptide which
appears to stimulate the transcription of several
secreted enzymes. Some mutations in sacQ lead
to higher levels of expression of target loci, and
genes thought to be similar to sacQ have been
cloned from B. licheniformis and B. amylolique-
The Genus Bacillus—Nonmedical
faciens. It now appears that the sacQ polypeptide
is one of many small polypeptides which somehow regulate the transcription of degradative
enzymes in the family Bacillaceae. Others may
include the products of the sacV, sin, and ptrR
genes (see Klier and Rapoport, 1988).
The enzymes for the histidase pathway responsible for the degradation of histidine are encoded
in a cluster of four genes hutH-hutU-hutI-hutG
in B. subtilis. Expression of this hut operon is
induced by histidine and is also subject to catabolite repression. Between the σA promoter and
the first gene, hutH, is a regulatory locus, hutR.
The latter has been cloned and sequenced and
found to contain two regions of possible regulatory significance (Oda et al., 1988). One is an
ORF (ORF1) for a 151 amino acid protein that
acts trans in heterozygotes to regulate the hut
operon. A mutant having an amino-acid substitution in this protein has been isolated and
found to be uninducible for the histidase pathway enzymes. This suggests that the ORF1 protein is a positive regulator in expression of the
hut operon, although the possibility that the
mutant is a superrepressor cannot be entirely
excluded. The second regulatory region located
between ORF1 and the first structural gene hutH
(ORF2) is a region of dyad symmetry which
could form a rho-independent terminator. It is
possible that the product of ORF1, presumably
activated by histidine, acts as an antiterminator
to allow complete transcription of the hut
The picture emerging from these and other
studies suggests that regulation of catabolic pathways in B. subtilis involves a combination of
repressors and positive controls through antitermination. It should be noted that in the attenuation systems observed in the biosynthetic
pathways the leader sequences appear to be able
to form two mutually exclusive secondary structures, one of which is the terminator. In the
several leader sequences studied in catabolic
pathways, only the terminator stem-and-loop is
indicated. Thus, the putative antiterminator proteins in catabolic systems probably act by blocking formation of or allowing bypass of the
terminator, rather than acting to favor one secondary structure over the other.
Catabolite Repression
Catabolic pathways in Bacillus are subject to
catabolite repression by high levels of glucose
and a variety of other rapidly metabolized substrates (Nihashi and Fujita, 1984). This phenomenon is of special interest in bacteria of this
genus because sporulation is also repressed by
glucose. In the enteric bacteria, catabolite
R.A. Slepecky and H.E. Hemphill
repression is mediated in part by the levels of
cAMP and the interaction of this nucleotide with
catabolite activator protein (CAP). However,
cAMP apparently is not present in Bacillus, and
thus could not be involved in catabolite repression in these organisms.
The promoters and associated control regions
of many catabolic operons from Bacillus have
been cloned and sequenced (Laoide et al., 1989;
Melin et al., 1987; Oda et al., 1988). In some
instances, these cloned regulatory systems, which
for experimental purposes are sometimes fused
to an indicator gene such as E. coli lacZ, continue to be subject to glucose suppression of
transcription. Among the most thoroughly studied is the complex amyR1-amyE, the regulatory
and structural genes for alpha-amylase of B.
subtilis, and amyR1-amyL, the corresponding
regulatory region and structural gene for alphaamylase of B. licheniformis. Amylase synthesis is
actually under two forms of regulation. One is a
temporal control manifested by the fact that
amylase genes are not fully induced until the
onset of stationary phase. Temporal control may
not occur in all Bacillus strains (Rothstein et al.,
1986). In addition, in both B. subtilis and B.
licheniformis FDO2 production of alphaamylase is repressed about 10-fold in glucosecontaining cultures in early stationary phase,
even when multiple copies of the complex are
present on a plasmid (Laoide et al., 1989). Both
forms of regulation are associated with the amyR
regions. A plasmid-borne construct of amyL
missing the promoter but including all transcribed sequences immediately adjacent and
downstream from the promoter has been produced. When this fragment is attached at various
distances from heterologous promoters, transcription continues to be subject to catabolite
repression. This suggests the target of repression
is not in the promoter itself or in regions
upstream from it. One possibility is that a regulatory protein involved in mediating catabolite
repression binds to a cis-acting site very close to
the transcription start site, which in the case of
amyL is only 29 to 31 nucleotides from the translation initiation codon (121 nucleotides for
amyE). A search for consensus sequences downstream from several promoters of B. subtilis
genes subject to catabolite repression has yielded
a candidate sequence: 5′-ATTGTNA-3′ (Laoide
et al., 1989). In the regulatory loci for amyL and
amyE, this sequence is contained within an
inverted repeat sequence that overlaps the transcription start site, and in the case of amyL, the
translation initiation codon. A point mutation
(gra-10) in this region of dyad symmetry relieves
catabolite repression of amyE (Nicholson et al.,
1987). In addition, Weickert and Chambliss
(1989) have reported that deletion of DNA 3′ to
CHAPTER 1.2.16
the amyR1 promoter does not impair temporal
activation of chloramphenicol acetyltransferase
in amyR1-cat86 transcriptional fusions, but abolishes catabolite repression.
Mutants of B. subtilis that are resistant to at
least some manifestations of catabolite repression have been isolated. Among mutants originally selected for resistance to glucose-mediated
repression of sporulation (Takahashi, 1979) is
crysA43, which maps to rpoD, the structural gene
for σA (Price and Doi, 1985). The alteration in σA
in this variant also relieves catabolite repression
in an amyRi=lacZ fusion cloned in B. subtilis
(Laoide and McConnell, 1989). This may suggest
a connection between the mechanism of glucose
repression affecting sporulation and catabolite
repression of at least those genes activated in
stationary phase. In addition, Sun and Takahashi
(1984) localized another catabolite-resistant
mutation, crysE1, to the rpo operon. This locus
encodes the β and β′ subunits of RNA polymerase. Taken together the two types of mutations occurring in subunits of RNA polymerase
may suggest this enzyme is directly involved in
catabolite repression or interacts with a protein,
perhaps bound to the regulatory region, which
mediates this phenomenon.
Resistance of Spores
The resting forms of bacteria are usually more
resistant to various environmental stresses than
their counterpart vegetative forms. The structure
and composition of the resting (and dormant)
form of endosporeforming bacteria, however,
are quite different from other bacterial-resting
forms (see Fig. 3). The core or protoplast containing the heat labile DNA, RNA, ribosomes,
enzymes, and other proteins is surrounded by a
primitive “germ cell wall.” Moving toward the
surface, there is a layer called the cortex which
consists of peptidoglycan of a similar nature to
that of the vegetative cell wall but with less cross
linking in the peptides among other differences
(Warth, 1978). A second cell membrane surrounds the cortex. The protoplast and cortex and
their membranes are enclosed by layers of protein coat. A loose-fitting exosporium, appendages, and internal protein crystals may be found
in some species.
Compared with vegetative cells, spores are
more resistant to heat by a factor of 105 or more,
to UV and ionizing radiation by 100-fold or
more, and to desiccation, antibiotics, disinfectants, and other chemicals (reviewed by Roberts
and Hitchins, 1969; Russell, 1982; Gould and
Dring, 1974; Gould, 1983). Since spore resistance
has been recognized for a long time and is important in food processing and sterilization
CHAPTER 1.2.16
considerations, it has been extensively studied
particularly with the genus Bacillus. Spore resistance to physical and chemical agents other than
heat and irradiation indicated above is also noteworthy. Vegetative cells are killed at 88,000 p.s.i.
for 14 h hydrostatic pressure while their spores
have been shown to require 176,000 p.s.i. for
the same time period (Gould and Dring, 1974).
Spores are about 10,000 times more resistant
to hyperchlorites than are vegetative cells.
Two hundred roentgens (r) × 103 of x-rays were
required to kill 50% of treated B. megaterium
spores, while 50% of treated E. coli cells were
killed at 5.6 × 103 r. In every process designed for
killing microorganisms, the spores are more resistant than vegetative cells and with few exceptions are the most resistant biological entities
known. One exception is the nonsporeformer
Deinococcus radiodurans, the most radiationresistant organism yet discovered. Its resistance
is presumably due to the possession of efficient
repair mechanisms for radiation-induced
changes in DNA.
The degree of heat resistance has been shown
to depend not only on the species but also on the
physiological environment in which the spores
were formed. B. stearothermophilus spores are
more heat resistant than B. subtilis spores which
are more resistant than spores of B. megaterium
(Roberts and Hitchins, 1969; Khoury et al.,
1987). In addition, the spore resistance of each
species depends on the temperature at which it
was grown. For example, B. subtilis grown and
sporulated at 20, 30, and 45°C produced spores
having D90 values (the time required to kill 90%
of the spores at 90°C) of 37, 78, and 99 min,
respectively (Khoury et al., 1987). The spores
were more temperature sensitive when formed
in ethanol-supplemented media. Since temperature and ethanol are known to perturb the
degree of order within membranes, this suggests
that alteration of membrane function is an additional factor in the multifactorial nature of heat
resistance. Other factors to consider in explaining heat resistance include protection of essential
spore macromolecules (Murrell, 1981; Lindsay et
al., 1985; Gerhardt and Marquis, 1989); specific
effects of calcium dipicolinate (Lindsay and
Murrell, 1986); mineralization (Marquis, 1989),
and possibly foremost, dehydration (Gerhardt
and Marquis, 1989). Current hypotheses on the
heat resistance of endospores center on the
dehydration of the protoplast (core) and
the expandable cortex with its counterions
(Gould, 1983). In the heat-resistant form, the
spore coat is relatively impermeable to multivalent cations. The cortex (of high water content)
contains an expanded electronegative peptidoglycan and mobile counterions exerting high
osmotic pressure. The protoplast, of low water
The Genus Bacillus—Nonmedical
content, is osmotically dehydrated by the surrounding cortex and is, therefore, heat resistant.
In the heat-sensitive form, there is a modified
coat leaky to multivalent cations. The neutralized
cortex, collapsed and free of counterions, exerts
low osmotic pressure. The protoplast becomes
partly hydrated and, therefore, heat sensitive.
The theory of heat resistance, called the osmoregulatory expanded cortex theory, fits all the
known facts but has yet to be proven or disproven. Germinated spores lose their heat resistance and yet, under special conditions, can be
dehydrated to become both heat resistant and
dormant once again (Gould, 1983). It is noteworthy that the heat resistance of some nonsporeformers can be increased in dehydrated cells. The
expansion or contraction of the cortex is thought
to account for the dehydrated state of the spore
This reduced water content may also play a
role in radiation resistance. It is thought that conformational differences between DNA in spore
and vegetative cells may be associated with differences in hydration levels. The greater resistance of spores to UV radiation is also related to
repair processes. The photoproduct formed during sporulation, 5-thyminyl-5,6-dehydrothymine
(TDHT), is different from the thymine dimers
formed in vegetative cells, both types of photoproducts being deemed as the cause of death.
Dark repair mechanisms in germinating spores
convert TDHT to thymine. The greater spore
resistance to UV radiation is attributed to the
more efficient removal of the unusual photoproduct (reviewed by Russell, 1982). However,
as with the mechanism of spore heat resistance,
the picture is complex and many factors are
involved. For example, dipicolinic acid has been
suggested as a protectant of spore DNA
(Lindsay and Murrell, 1986) and it has been
shown that the SASP may be involved (Setlow,
Likewise, explanations for ionizing radiation
resistance of spores are not yet complete (Russell, 1982). Different spore DNA conformation
(possibly due to dehydration), possession of coat
layer radioprotectant substances, dipicolinic acid
protection, and more efficient repair systems
have all been implicated.
Spore coat layers, both coat protein and cortex, act as permeability barriers to toxic agents.
At the present, this is the accepted explanation
for the greater spore chemical resistance and
resistance to lytic agents (Russell, 1982).
Spores as Biological Indicators
Endospores are often used as biological indicators. Known numbers of spores of various Bacil-
R.A. Slepecky and H.E. Hemphill
lus species of predictable death rate can be
placed on various solid substrates (usually strips
of filter paper) and placed with the items to be
sterilized. The strips are then checked for retention of viable organisms by immersion into culture medium (various strategies are employed)
after the sterilization process is completed if
growth occurs then survival of the spores has
occurred and hence the procedure for processing
was inadequate. A D-value (decimal reduction
time or time to kill 90% of the population at a
particular temperature or treatment) of 3.0 min
for B. subtilis spores is required for ethylene
oxide sterilization (600 mg ethylene oxide per
liter at 50% relative humidity and 54°C). For
moist heat (121°C) B. stearothermophilus spores
with a D-value of 1.5 min and for dry heat
(170°C) spores of B. subtilis with a D-value of
0.8 min are preferred. B. pumilus spores (Dvalue of 0.17 Mrad) are used when ionizing radiation is used for sterilization (Korczynski, 1981).
Production of Antibiotics
Members of the genus Bacillus are capable of
producing antibiotics as secondary metabolites
in the late logarithmic or early stationary phase
CHAPTER 1.2.16
of growth of batch cultures. As many as 169 of
these secondary metabolites have been recorded; for example, various strains of B. subtilis
have been shown to produce 68 antibiotics while
B. brevis can produce 23 (Katz and Demain,
1977). A partial updated listing modified from
that of Katz and Demain (1977) is presented
(Table 11) to illustrate that there are other
Bacillus antibiotic producers. Most of the antibiotics are active against Gram-positive organisms,
although there are exceptions. The majority are
peptide antibiotics but some belong to other
chemical classes (e.g., butirosin is an aminoglycoside and protocin is a phosphorus-containing
triene). Also indicated in Table 11 are those
antibiotics whose structural genes have been
mapped and the few whose genes have been
cloned. The latter types of studies are important
in their own right and serve as models for the
study of expression of the genes of other
A controversy has existed for some time
concerning the function of these antibiotics.
Since they usually appear upon the onset of
sporulation, it has been proposed that they may
be important factors in the transition of vegetative cells to spores (reviewed by Katz and
Demain, 1977). Support for this hypothesis that
Table 11. Some Bacillus antibiotics.
B. subtilis
B. brevis
B. licheniformis
B. pumilus
B. mesentericus
B. polymyxa
B. thiaminolyticus
B. circulans
B. laterosporus
B. cereus
Anti-Gram-positive bacteria.
Inhibitor of fibrin clotting.
Broad spectrum antibiotic.
Anti-fungal antibiotic.
Anti-Gram-negative bacteria.
Bacillomycin Fd
Gramicidin Sa
Lincar Gramicidina
Genes mapped
Genes cloned
Remaining antibiotics have neither
been mapped nor cloned.
CHAPTER 1.2.16
antibiotic production and sporulation may be
regulated by the same or similar control mechanisms is now available. Transcription of the B.
subtilis tycA gene (coding for tyrocidin synthesis) is dependent on the products of certain
Stage 0 sporulation regulatory genes (Marahiel
et al., 1987). Thus it does appear that the two
physiological events are partially coupled to
regulatory events occurring at the onset of
In addition, it has recently been demonstrated
that gramicidin S functions as an inhibitor of
outgrowth after germination (Daher et al., 1985).
Protein Secretion
Members of the genus Bacillus are able to
secrete a wide variety of enzymes into the culture
medium (reviewed by Priest, 1977; Mezes and
Lampen, 1985). Every Bacillus species which has
been checked produces at least one extracellular
enzyme. These include many different carbohydrates, several kinds of proteases, penicillinases,
nucleases, phosphatases, lipase, phospholipase C,
thiaminase, and bacteriolytic enzymes. A vast
literature exists on the use of Bacillus enzyme
models for studying secretion mechanisms, cellular location, and regulation. For some time, there
has been considerable interest in producing large
quantities of enzymes for industrial purposes—
proteases for detergent supplementation, the
brewing industry, various uses in the food industry and in leather manufacturing; and different
amylases for brewery use, in bread making, and
in the paper industry (see review by Debabov,
1982). Since many prokaryotic and eukaryotic
genes can be fused to B. subtilis-derived regulatory regions and signal peptide sequences, such
genetically manipulated organisms can be used
for expressing and secreting many different heterologous proteins (for molecular cloning in B.
subtilis, see Gryczan, 1982; Ganeson et al., 1982;
Mezes and Lampen, 1985; Ganeson and Hoch,
1988). Interferon (Palva et al., 1983; Schien et
al., 1986); human growth hormone (Honjo et al.,
1986); and human interleukin-1 (Motley and
Graham, 1988) are three such examples. However, yields of such proteins can be low, because
extracellular neutral protease, subtilisin,
esterases, and other proteases may degrade the
secreted proteins. One strategy to overcome the
problem and stabilize proteins has been to use
strong glucose-insensitive promoters, protease
deficient mutants, and catabolite repression of
sporulation (Wong et al., 1986).
The widespread interest in protein secretion
by B. subtilis has stimulated many studies on
the genetics of secretion. There appears to be a
general mechanism for regulating the synthesis
The Genus Bacillus—Nonmedical
of extracellular proteins. The activity of degradative enzymes can be increased by mutations
at a number of loci that are unlinked to the
structural genes for the affected enzymes. One
family of genes, senN, sacU, prtR and hpr,
codes for small regulatory proteins. For example, mutations at the sacU and sacQ loci can
increase the expression of levan sucrase, alkaline protease, neutral protease, xylanase, betagluconase, alpha-amylase, and intracellular
serine protease (Henner et al., 1988a). This
type of stimulation of degradative enzymes is
thought to be a global regulatory system turned
on by a requirement for other carbon or
nitrogen sources. The SacU product shares
homology with other two-component sensorregulator systems (Ronson et al., 1987; Henner
et al., 1988; Kunst et al., 1988).
Other Considerations
Just as Bacillus species have been important as
models for studying differentiation or secretion,
they have been employed extensively to study
other important biological problems. These
include DNA replication (Winston and Sueoka,
1982) and repair (Yasbin, 1985); chemotaxis
(Ordal and Nettleton, 1985); genetic transformation (Dubnau, 1982); and translation apparatus (Smith, 1982; Hager and Rabinowitz,
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